Why Should God Let You Into Heaven?

and yet there are millions of Christians in China......apparently they made different choices than you did.....

Not my point. In China, Christianity is viewed and presented in the same way we view Greek Mythology, as absurdity. IF a child is raised this way, he will naturally adopt this view - ergo reject this mythology. So if the goat god were real, would he place the child in such a position just because he has a desire to torture him?

You see, the foundation of your religion makes no sense, it is based on an evil god who sets 2/3rds of people up to go to hell - deliberately.

Oh, I don't reject Christianity - rejection would be to give it credence. I view Christianity with amusement, absurd tales of antiquity.
and yet there are millions of Christians in China......apparently they made different choices than you did.....

Not my point. In China, Christianity is viewed and presented in the same way we view Greek Mythology, as absurdity. IF a child is raised this way, he will naturally adopt this view - ergo reject this mythology. So if the goat god were real, would he place the child in such a position just because he has a desire to torture him?

You see, the foundation of your religion makes no sense, it is based on an evil god who sets 2/3rds of people up to go to hell - deliberately.

Oh, I don't reject Christianity - rejection would be to give it credence. I view Christianity with amusement, absurd tales of antiquity.

And we're stupid or angry if we don't believing them.
yet, as demonstrated, this conclusion is not based upon anything he's done, but only upon your own assumptions in ignorance.....

God can't actually do anything at all - since he doesn't exist.

What my conclusion is based on is the Bible itself. I was raised Baptist by very religious German immigrants. I've read the Bible meticulously. I don't approach this from ignorance. The god of the Bible is a capricious and cruel being, one who delights in the suffering of man.
That's OK. I believe in Universal Reconciliation (UR). It is the belief that God will have all mankind to be saved as the Bible so states.

That must be a different Bible than the one I read cover to cover several times....

No argument there. I have posted those very scriptures on here though, right from the King James version. I am totally aware that some Bible versions have changed the wordings to many scriptures.
God's word wasn't good enough, they had men edit it!!! :lol:

Well they wrote it, they had their agenda and they have repeatedly edited it to further that agenda.
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And people who renounce God, who reject the gift of salvation, who spit in the face of their creator...they have no right to expect eternal life with the rest of us who embrace God, worship God, and asked for forgiveness. They have rejected grace, they are condemned to a graceless and miserable existence. It's what they want. And they will get it.

That's not what your god says.

But, you know better, huh?

Your posts always exude venom and hate and misery and a bitter need to hurt people.

No wonder people are turning away from these hate groups who call themselves christians.
yet, as demonstrated, this conclusion is not based upon anything he's done, but only upon your own assumptions in ignorance.....

God can't actually do anything at all - since he doesn't exist.

What my conclusion is based on is the Bible itself. I was raised Baptist by very religious German immigrants. I've read the Bible meticulously. I don't approach this from ignorance. The god of the Bible is a capricious and cruel being, one who delights in the suffering of man.

“Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” – Isaac Asimov

People always told me "read the bible then we'll talk". Then I read it and nothing had changed. I guess it either brainwashes you or it doesn't whn you read it. Me it did not work.
And people who renounce God, who reject the gift of salvation, who spit in the face of their creator...they have no right to expect eternal life with the rest of us who embrace God, worship God, and asked for forgiveness. They have rejected grace, they are condemned to a graceless and miserable existence. It's what they want. And they will get it.

That's not what your god says.

But, you know better, huh?

Your posts always exude venom and hate and misery and a bitter need to hurt people.

No wonder people are turning away from these hate groups who call themselves christians.

I love getting them to admit that all non christians are going to hell. Some try and soften it up and say we aren't going to heaven but same thing huh?

Actually it depends on who you ask. Some will tell you their story about how Jews will get one last chance to convert after being PROVEN that Christianity is real. How convienent for the Jews they get a last second reprieve. This cult is well thought out. It took them 80 plus years to write it. Hard to write on stone tablets.
and yet there are millions of Christians in China......apparently they made different choices than you did.....

Not my point. In China, Christianity is viewed and presented in the same way we view Greek Mythology, as absurdity. IF a child is raised this way, he will naturally adopt this view - ergo reject this mythology. So if the goat god were real, would he place the child in such a position just because he has a desire to torture him?

You see, the foundation of your religion makes no sense, it is based on an evil god who sets 2/3rds of people up to go to hell - deliberately.

Oh, I don't reject Christianity - rejection would be to give it credence. I view Christianity with amusement, absurd tales of antiquity.

You are a real wonder to me. I have yet to meet an atheist who doesn't tout his/her own intelligence. You go so far as to speak about how much you have read the Bible. I am just a simple Christian lacking your genius yet I have discovered for myself that hell is only the grave or a hole in the ground, often called "the pit". Yet, with all your intelligence you have not figured that out yet. Amazing.

All of us, Christians and atheists alike are bound for hell. All of us. We are all destined for the grave.

Here's a little read for you from a man whom I respect very much for his writings. It will inform you of the state of the dead:

Are the Dead Conscious or Asleep - Here a little there a little - Commentary
That's OK. I believe in Universal Reconciliation (UR). It is the belief that God will have all mankind to be saved as the Bible so states.

That must be a different Bible than the one I read cover to cover several times....

No argument there. I have posted those very scriptures on here though, right from the King James version. I am totally aware that some Bible versions have changed the wordings to many scriptures.
God's word wasn't good enough, they had men edit it!!! :lol:

Well they wrote it, they had their agenda and they have repeatedly edited it to further that agenda.

Who might you expect to write it? Fairies? Unicorns?
yet, as demonstrated, this conclusion is not based upon anything he's done, but only upon your own assumptions in ignorance.....

God can't actually do anything at all - since he doesn't exist.

What my conclusion is based on is the Bible itself. I was raised Baptist by very religious German immigrants. I've read the Bible meticulously. I don't approach this from ignorance. The god of the Bible is a capricious and cruel being, one who delights in the suffering of man.

“Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” – Isaac Asimov

People always told me "read the bible then we'll talk". Then I read it and nothing had changed. I guess it either brainwashes you or it doesn't whn you read it. Me it did not work.

So somehow that is the fault of Christians? How old are you? Are you not an adult?
And people who renounce God, who reject the gift of salvation, who spit in the face of their creator...they have no right to expect eternal life with the rest of us who embrace God, worship God, and asked for forgiveness. They have rejected grace, they are condemned to a graceless and miserable existence. It's what they want. And they will get it.

That's not what your god says.

But, you know better, huh?

Your posts always exude venom and hate and misery and a bitter need to hurt people.

No wonder people are turning away from these hate groups who call themselves christians.

I love getting them to admit that all non christians are going to hell. Some try and soften it up and say we aren't going to heaven but same thing huh?

Actually it depends on who you ask. Some will tell you their story about how Jews will get one last chance to convert after being PROVEN that Christianity is real. How convienent for the Jews they get a last second reprieve. This cult is well thought out. It took them 80 plus years to write it. Hard to write on stone tablets.

You're going to hell Sealybobo. So am I.
yet, as demonstrated, this conclusion is not based upon anything he's done, but only upon your own assumptions in ignorance.....

God can't actually do anything at all - since he doesn't exist.

What my conclusion is based on is the Bible itself. I was raised Baptist by very religious German immigrants. I've read the Bible meticulously. I don't approach this from ignorance. The god of the Bible is a capricious and cruel being, one who delights in the suffering of man.

Apparently you wasted your time by reading it. You learned nothing.
And people who renounce God, who reject the gift of salvation, who spit in the face of their creator...they have no right to expect eternal life with the rest of us who embrace God, worship God, and asked for forgiveness. They have rejected grace, they are condemned to a graceless and miserable existence. It's what they want. And they will get it.

That's not what your god says.

But, you know better, huh?

Your posts always exude venom and hate and misery and a bitter need to hurt people.

No wonder people are turning away from these hate groups who call themselves christians.

Do you always pay attention to someone else? I'm a Christian and I simply ignore the hell-fire and damnation group. Their mad ramblings don't affect my own faith though. I'm old enough to make my own choices.
And people who renounce God, who reject the gift of salvation, who spit in the face of their creator...they have no right to expect eternal life with the rest of us who embrace God, worship God, and asked for forgiveness. They have rejected grace, they are condemned to a graceless and miserable existence. It's what they want. And they will get it.

That's not what your god says.

But, you know better, huh?

Your posts always exude venom and hate and misery and a bitter need to hurt people.

No wonder people are turning away from these hate groups who call themselves christians.

I love getting them to admit that all non christians are going to hell. Some try and soften it up and say we aren't going to heaven but same thing huh?

Actually it depends on who you ask. Some will tell you their story about how Jews will get one last chance to convert after being PROVEN that Christianity is real. How convienent for the Jews they get a last second reprieve. This cult is well thought out. It took them 80 plus years to write it. Hard to write on stone tablets.

@koshergrl is one of the more bitter and frightened phony christians on the board. She just loves threatening people with fire and brimstone while proving she's not a christian at all - just another hater.

And, Jewish or not, the morms just make the decision for you. You kick off and they baptise you.

Even Anne Frank is now languishing on planet Kolob!

SMH ...
yet, as demonstrated, this conclusion is not based upon anything he's done, but only upon your own assumptions in ignorance.....

God can't actually do anything at all - since he doesn't exist.

What my conclusion is based on is the Bible itself. I was raised Baptist by very religious German immigrants. I've read the Bible meticulously. I don't approach this from ignorance. The god of the Bible is a capricious and cruel being, one who delights in the suffering of man.

“Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” – Isaac Asimov

People always told me "read the bible then we'll talk". Then I read it and nothing had changed. I guess it either brainwashes you or it doesn't whn you read it. Me it did not work.

Me neither. Church tried to brainwash me too. Grew up with it and then took a comparative religion course in college.

If it helps other face their lives, if it gets them out from under their bed in the morning, I don't really care. But, to me, its just a lot of gibberish trying way too hard to be relevant.

And then, when some of these haters screech and preech - turns me off. If I ever had any desire to know more, they kill it.

Which, if they told the truth, is exactly what they want.
yet, as demonstrated, this conclusion is not based upon anything he's done, but only upon your own assumptions in ignorance.....

God can't actually do anything at all - since he doesn't exist.

What my conclusion is based on is the Bible itself. I was raised Baptist by very religious German immigrants. I've read the Bible meticulously. I don't approach this from ignorance. The god of the Bible is a capricious and cruel being, one who delights in the suffering of man.

One thing that advanced age has taught me...our perceptions when we are young are most generally wrong on all levels, and one should never just assume that whatever you felt strongly about as a child has any validity whatever.
That's OK. I believe in Universal Reconciliation (UR). It is the belief that God will have all mankind to be saved as the Bible so states.

That must be a different Bible than the one I read cover to cover several times....

No argument there. I have posted those very scriptures on here though, right from the King James version. I am totally aware that some Bible versions have changed the wordings to many scriptures.
God's word wasn't good enough, they had men edit it!!! :lol:

Well they wrote it, they had their agenda and they have repeatedly edited it to further that agenda.

Who might you expect to write it? Fairies? Unicorns?

Some believe it is literally god's word, that a god wrote it.
yet, as demonstrated, this conclusion is not based upon anything he's done, but only upon your own assumptions in ignorance.....

God can't actually do anything at all - since he doesn't exist.

What my conclusion is based on is the Bible itself. I was raised Baptist by very religious German immigrants. I've read the Bible meticulously. I don't approach this from ignorance. The god of the Bible is a capricious and cruel being, one who delights in the suffering of man.

One thing that advanced age has taught me...our perceptions when we are young are most generally wrong on all levels, and one should never just assume that whatever you felt strongly about as a child has any validity whatever.

In your case, what you believe as an angry, bitter old hag has no validity.

This is something we can all be grateful for.
That must be a different Bible than the one I read cover to cover several times....

No argument there. I have posted those very scriptures on here though, right from the King James version. I am totally aware that some Bible versions have changed the wordings to many scriptures.
God's word wasn't good enough, they had men edit it!!! :lol:

Well they wrote it, they had their agenda and they have repeatedly edited it to further that agenda.

Who might you expect to write it? Fairies? Unicorns?

Some believe it is literally god's word, that a god wrote it.

Well, I use the King James version. King James commissioned eighty men to translate my version into English.

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