Why Should God Let You Into Heaven?

One thing that advanced age has taught me...our perceptions when we are young are most generally wrong on all levels, and one should never just assume that whatever you felt strongly about as a child has any validity whatever.

I was a very strong Christian through early adulthood. Spent high school involved with Campus Life, smoked pot with the leaders on a regular basis while we did Bible study. I went to church 4 days a week, only banged church girls. Got my first blowjob at Christian camp up at Angeles Crest from the pastors daughter. I was a church boy in every way.

But as I became more educated, I was faced with the reality that surrounds us. Baptists don't believe in Evolution, at least Conservative Baptists don't. I know some of the sects now try and rectify evolution with Christianity, but that was not the case with Baptists. So there I was in college, with mountains of irrefutable facts before me, which completely contradict what religion had claimed.

It was a slow process, I probably didn't really give up on Christianity until I was 30 - but the path was inevitable.
And people who renounce God, who reject the gift of salvation, who spit in the face of their creator...they have no right to expect eternal life with the rest of us who embrace God, worship God, and asked for forgiveness. They have rejected grace, they are condemned to a graceless and miserable existence. It's what they want. And they will get it.

That's not what your god says.

But, you know better, huh?

Your posts always exude venom and hate and misery and a bitter need to hurt people.

No wonder people are turning away from these hate groups who call themselves christians.

I love getting them to admit that all non christians are going to hell. Some try and soften it up and say we aren't going to heaven but same thing huh?

Actually it depends on who you ask. Some will tell you their story about how Jews will get one last chance to convert after being PROVEN that Christianity is real. How convienent for the Jews they get a last second reprieve. This cult is well thought out. It took them 80 plus years to write it. Hard to write on stone tablets.

You're going to hell Sealybobo. So am I.

After a couple minutes, hours, days, months or years wouldn't I get use to the pain?

The idea of eternal burning is soooo obviously something invented in the minds of our ancient ancestors.
Good lord, tmi! Lol. We don't believe in evolution as an explanation for different species or the creation of life.

I was raised an atheist, by parents who took your view. And there are no *irrefutable* facts to disprove the existence of God, which is one of the reasons that many (if not most) of the greatest scientific, mathematical and learned minds the world has ever known since the beginning of time, believe in Him.
Here's a good little read on why Sodom will be cut some slack in the judgment to come:

more tolerable for Sodom

Being gay doesn't exclude you from heaven. I read it in the bible. And here is another example of how Christians have edited what Jesus said.

In my bible it says Two women will be grinding; one will be taken and the other left.

In other words, you can be a gay christian and still go to heaven.

But then I tried to look up the quote and now it reads Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

They put in the "with a hand mill" because otherwise it does against what they believe about gays.

Why do all other sinners get to go to heaven but not gays?
No argument there. I have posted those very scriptures on here though, right from the King James version. I am totally aware that some Bible versions have changed the wordings to many scriptures.
God's word wasn't good enough, they had men edit it!!! :lol:

Well they wrote it, they had their agenda and they have repeatedly edited it to further that agenda.

Who might you expect to write it? Fairies? Unicorns?

Some believe it is literally god's word, that a god wrote it.

Well, I use the King James version. King James commissioned eighty men to translate my version into English.

And they didn't have an agenda?

There is no such thing as a lack of bias.

Your source says what it wants you to believe and you choose to believe it. That's okay but don't try to say its something its not.
Here's a good little read on why Sodom will be cut some slack in the judgment to come:

more tolerable for Sodom

Being gay doesn't exclude you from heaven. I read it in the bible. And here is another example of how Christians have edited what Jesus said.

In my bible it says Two women will be grinding; one will be taken and the other left.

In other words, you can be a gay christian and still go to heaven.

But then I tried to look up the quote and now it reads Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

They put in the "with a hand mill" because otherwise it does against what they believe about gays.

Why do all other sinners get to go to heaven but not gays?

Maybe you'd best take that up with the housing commission?
God's word wasn't good enough, they had men edit it!!! :lol:

Well they wrote it, they had their agenda and they have repeatedly edited it to further that agenda.

Who might you expect to write it? Fairies? Unicorns?

Some believe it is literally god's word, that a god wrote it.

Well, I use the King James version. King James commissioned eighty men to translate my version into English.

And they didn't have an agenda?

There is no such thing as a lack of bias.

Your source says what it wants you to believe and you choose to believe it. That's okay but don't try to say its something its not.

I don't know if they had an agenda or not. Since you claim they did, please tell me what that agenda was? What source? I didn't say anything about a source. What are you talking about?
Good lord, tmi! Lol. We don't believe in evolution as an explanation for different species or the creation of life.

I was raised an atheist, by parents who took your view. And there are no *irrefutable* facts to disprove the existence of God, which is one of the reasons that many (if not most) of the greatest scientific, mathematical and learned minds the world has ever known since the beginning of time, believe in Him.

Key word = "tmi".

I don't care that you choose to close your eyes because its "tmi" but quit hassling those who believe there is never and can never be too much information.
Here's a good little read on why Sodom will be cut some slack in the judgment to come:

more tolerable for Sodom

Being gay doesn't exclude you from heaven. I read it in the bible. And here is another example of how Christians have edited what Jesus said.

In my bible it says Two women will be grinding; one will be taken and the other left.

In other words, you can be a gay christian and still go to heaven.

But then I tried to look up the quote and now it reads Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

They put in the "with a hand mill" because otherwise it does against what they believe about gays.

Why do all other sinners get to go to heaven but not gays?

Maybe you'd best take that up with the housing commission?

Heaven has houses?

cuz here on earth, that's nobody's business.

What YOU do and what I do, in the privacy of our homes, between consenting adults that harms no one - that's nobody's business.
That's OK. I believe in Universal Reconciliation (UR). It is the belief that God will have all mankind to be saved as the Bible so states.

That must be a different Bible than the one I read cover to cover several times....

No argument there. I have posted those very scriptures on here though, right from the King James version. I am totally aware that some Bible versions have changed the wordings to many scriptures.
God's word wasn't good enough, they had men edit it!!! :lol:

Well they wrote it, they had their agenda and they have repeatedly edited it to further that agenda.

Who might you expect to write it? Fairies? Unicorns?
If it was the actual word of god, it wouldn't have been necessary to edit it, don't you think?
Good lord, tmi! Lol. We don't believe in evolution as an explanation for different species or the creation of life.

I was raised an atheist, by parents who took your view. And there are no *irrefutable* facts to disprove the existence of God, which is one of the reasons that many (if not most) of the greatest scientific, mathematical and learned minds the world has ever known since the beginning of time, believe in Him.

Key word = "tmi".

I don't care that you choose to close your eyes because its "tmi" but quit hassling those who believe there is never and can never be too much information.

Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).

I may not believe in god but I do want to go to heaven. So, why shouldn't god let me in? What did I do that was so bad?

Please don't say because I didn't believe in him. That was made up by the cult of Christianity. That's how they convince people who don't believe. They scare them into joining or saying they believe. I don't believe man's word, no offense to a god if there is one.

So besides not believing what men tell me, what else have I done that makes me any less worthy than you to get in to heaven?
and yet there are millions of Christians in China......apparently they made different choices than you did.....

Not my point. In China, Christianity is viewed and presented in the same way we view Greek Mythology, as absurdity. IF a child is raised this way, he will naturally adopt this view - ergo reject this mythology. So if the goat god were real, would he place the child in such a position just because he has a desire to torture him?

You see, the foundation of your religion makes no sense, it is based on an evil god who sets 2/3rds of people up to go to hell - deliberately.

Oh, I don't reject Christianity - rejection would be to give it credence. I view Christianity with amusement, absurd tales of antiquity.
And in China Christianity is spreading like wildfire, btw...even though it's illegal.
Good lord, tmi! Lol. We don't believe in evolution as an explanation for different species or the creation of life.

I was raised an atheist, by parents who took your view. And there are no *irrefutable* facts to disprove the existence of God, which is one of the reasons that many (if not most) of the greatest scientific, mathematical and learned minds the world has ever known since the beginning of time, believe in Him.

I don't need to disprove god. There may well be a "god" of the 8th dimension that is manipulating the universe like a giant video game - I have no idea.

BUT the Bible is false, a collection of fables compiled by goat herders. The Earth is 4.6 billion years old, or there about. That is a fact. Simpler life forms evolved and adapted to more complex ones, that is a fact. Mammals evolved out of amphibians, that is a fact - we even have the (really a) missing link - the platypus - a transitional creature between mammal and amphibian.

The point is, there is overwhelming proof that the claims of the Bible simply are not true.
And there is no proof that the claims of the Bible aren't true. Zero.

Meanwhile, regarding Christianity in China, that lovely enlightened atheist state:

"According to researchers, the numbers are rising quickly. Professor Fenggang Yang, director of the Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University, has predicted that China will be home to the largest Christian population by 2030.

"The rapidly growing popularity of religion may be seen as a threat to the Communist Party's authority."

The future of Christianity in China - CNN.com
and yet there are millions of Christians in China......apparently they made different choices than you did.....

Not my point. In China, Christianity is viewed and presented in the same way we view Greek Mythology, as absurdity. IF a child is raised this way, he will naturally adopt this view - ergo reject this mythology. So if the goat god were real, would he place the child in such a position just because he has a desire to torture him?

You see, the foundation of your religion makes no sense, it is based on an evil god who sets 2/3rds of people up to go to hell - deliberately.

Oh, I don't reject Christianity - rejection would be to give it credence. I view Christianity with amusement, absurd tales of antiquity.
And in China Christianity is spreading like wildfire, btw...even though it's illegal.

Do you blame them? Look at the way Christians act in China.

China tries cult members for murder at McDonald s

Believe in Jesus or I'll stab you?
And there is no proof that the claims of the Bible aren't true. Zero.

Meanwhile, regarding Christianity in China, that lovely enlightened atheist state:

"According to researchers, the numbers are rising quickly. Professor Fenggang Yang, director of the Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University, has predicted that China will be home to the largest Christian population by 2030.

"The rapidly growing popularity of religion may be seen as a threat to the Communist Party's authority."

The future of Christianity in China - CNN.com

So you need proof that a man can't live to be 350 years old, a man can't live in the belly of a whale for 3 days, a virgin can't get pregnant or that a man can't come back from the dead after being dead for 3 days?
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).

Many reasons people are allowed into heaven. Yes, Jesus is the judge of all of mankind so none come to the Father but through Christ.

The real scary part for me though is that so many believer presume it is all guaranteed for them. Not so.

The way I understand it, being sinners won't stop them from going to heaven. From what Christians have told me, you just have to believe that Jesus is lord and savior and you have to be born again/baptized as a Christian.
if sinning stopped you from going to heaven there would be no one in heaven.......

So what does your god say it takes? How many people on planet earth do you think will get into your heaven? If there are 10 trillion people, assuming 1/3 being Jew, 1/3 Christian and 1/3 Muslim.
all those who believe what he told them to believe.....(John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.)
those who choose not to go to heaven will not.....
and yet there are millions of Christians in China......apparently they made different choices than you did.....

Not my point. In China, Christianity is viewed and presented in the same way we view Greek Mythology, as absurdity. IF a child is raised this way, he will naturally adopt this view - ergo reject this mythology. So if the goat god were real, would he place the child in such a position just because he has a desire to torture him?

You see, the foundation of your religion makes no sense, it is based on an evil god who sets 2/3rds of people up to go to hell - deliberately.

Oh, I don't reject Christianity - rejection would be to give it credence. I view Christianity with amusement, absurd tales of antiquity.
And in China Christianity is spreading like wildfire, btw...even though it's illegal.

Do you blame them? Look at the way Christians act in China.

China tries cult members for murder at McDonald s

Believe in Jesus or I'll stab you?
/shrugs....that isn't the way Christians act in China......or anywhere else.....as the article states, its some cult that has shot off from Christianity......

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