Why should government be kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks?

Government is necessary for some things, but should do as little as possible, and should confine itself to important functions that private persons or groups CANNOT DO AT ALL. Examples include National Defense, smoothing the course of interstate commerce with minimal interference in that commerce, conducting foreign relations, setting national standards for money, weights, and measures, dispassionately pursuing and prosecuting criminal behavior, etc.

Occasional events like wars might cause govt departments designed to deal with them, to grow to a size appropriate to do so. But afterward govt must reduce back to its smaller size.

If you feel that government can do something better than private people or groups can do it, that's insufficient reason to grant govt authority to do it. If private people can do it at all, it must be denied to govt unequivocally.

The reason for these restrictions, is that:
(a) Government cannot do anything well, due in part to the fact that no one can compete with it, and will always be rife with sloth and inefficiency;
(b) Government's only ability is to restrict and punish its citizens. This is activity extremely vulnerable to abuse, and capable of damaging and destroying lives by the millions if not carefully watched and restrained.
(c) History grimly shows that when government is allowed more authority than necessary, the imperfect humans it's made of begin to abuse that power, virtually every time. And with time, that abuse only increases, often rising to disastrous levels.

For these reasons, the powers given to government must be carefull spelled out and restricted, with those it restricts retaining full power to change or abolish it.

If the private sector can defend the country better than the government, why have a government run defense department and all else that relates to our national security?

If you have a brain, why do you say such stupid things? Is it because you actually know that you are wrong about government being the answer to everything, but refuse to admit it because you don't want people to think you are a racist?
A smaller government is less competition for the rich. Look at who backs the Kochbaggers.

I just love the way you equate organized plunder with "competition." Apparently you believe a mugging is a "competition" between the perp and his victim.

So the Republicans weren't going to pass ACA as written if Obama OK'd the Koch pipeline and reduced environmental regulations?

Whatever does your incoherent blabber have to do with my post?
Government needs to do what needs doing. Some things government does more efficiently and effectively than individuals can. That is why we formed governments.

Why try to arbitrarily restrict the size of government?

Let the voters decide what size government they want

The last thing government should be involved in is what needs to be done because we need to do so many things that the government should never be involved in. I know that went right over your single brain cell, so let me give you an example that might make sense to you.

There is an undeniable need for the world to deal with the socio-political philosophy that leads to terrorism. The reason the government should not be involved in that is that it involves dealing with a religious and political philosophy that you dismiss as extremist Islam, even though mainstream Islam is quite comfortable with the idea of laws that make it a crime to insult, or to even tell the truth about, the pedophile that founded Islam.

The reason government should not do this, even though it needs to be done, should be obvious, even to you. Nonetheless, it needs to be done, and the only way to do it is restrict government from having a say in religion and/or politics at all.

I can provide many other examples of things that need to be done that the government should not do. Want to try to argue them on a case by case basis, or do you prefer to pretend that government is supposed to control every aspect of people's lives? That, by the way, ended with the Magna Carta, and government has been fighting to return to the days of serfdom ever since.
I just love the way you equate organized plunder with "competition." Apparently you believe a mugging is a "competition" between the perp and his victim.

So the Republicans weren't going to pass ACA as written if Obama OK'd the Koch pipeline and reduced environmental regulations?

Whatever does your incoherent blabber have to do with my post?

My post was less competition for the rich. An OK for the Koch pipeline and reduced environmental regulations would be less competition for the Koch income.

You really don't have to tell us you aren't going to make sense, everyone already knows it.

History has demonstrated that a pragmatic blend of public and private sectors is best, with such examples as addressing the Great Depression, World War II, and the manned space/moon program. [/quote]

History has demonstrated no such thing. You cannot provide a single example of a blend of public and private sector anything that benefited anyone but the rich people who had access to the channels of power.

Indeed, during the last 20 years, with regard to the fad to ‘privatize’ certain public sector activities, taxpayers have seen little if any in the way savings with no improvement in the quality of public service, as indeed there are some things just best left to government to address.

The government wants people to spend, and has restructured the tax code to discourage savings. Want to tell me how the private sector is to blame for that?

But to adhere blindly to dogma – left or right – that only government or only the private sector is best-suited to address a given issue, as the OP advocates, is both naïve and counter-productive.

There are some things that, despite the evils that government brings, should only be done by the government. That does not mean that government does them better, just that the alternatives are actually worse.

Last, if a citizen believes his government has acted in a manner that compromises his civil liberties, or that exceeds the bounds afford it by the Constitution, he is always at liberty to file suit in Federal court to seek relief.

That is, without a question, the most dogmatic argument in defense of the existence of a government that exist, yet you repeat it right after you blather about dogma. Do you even see how stupid that makes you look? Do you honestly think that the ability to sue is going to make someone who has been tortured and raped feel better about it?

Please, tell me no one is ever tortured and raped by the government.
A smaller government is less competition for the rich. Look at who backs the Kochbaggers.

The smallest and least powerful government on the planet has more power than the richest corporation.

Didn't the oil industry bring the US to it's knees with the fake gasoline shortage in the late 70's?

It was fake, but the government caused it, not the oil companies. That's why it was so easy for Reagan to end it. All he had to do was get rid of the price controls on domestic production and all the government quotas on who got how much gas. Presto-chango, no more energy crisis.
So the Republicans weren't going to pass ACA as written if Obama OK'd the Koch pipeline and reduced environmental regulations?

Whatever does your incoherent blabber have to do with my post?

My post was less competition for the rich. An OK for the Koch pipeline and reduced environmental regulations would be less competition for the Koch income.

I never realized the Kochs were the ones building the pipeline. I thought it was some Canadian companies.

When did the government ever reduce environmental regulations?
So the Republicans weren't going to pass ACA as written if Obama OK'd the Koch pipeline and reduced environmental regulations?

Whatever does your incoherent blabber have to do with my post?

My post was less competition for the rich. An OK for the Koch pipeline and reduced environmental regulations would be less competition for the Koch income.

You prefer to let Buffet profit off the lack of the pipeline? I wonder why, could it be because you are a driveling idiot?
A smaller government is less competition for the rich. Look at who backs the Kochbaggers.

The smallest and least powerful government on the planet has more power than the richest corporation.

Didn't the oil industry bring the US to it's knees with the fake gasoline shortage in the late 70's?

Actually, it was the collapse of the Keynesian economic system that brought the US to it's knees. Namely stagflation. Carter was responsible for that.
Government is necessary for some things, but should do as little as possible, and should confine itself to important functions that private persons or groups CANNOT DO AT ALL. Examples include National Defense, smoothing the course of interstate commerce with minimal interference in that commerce, conducting foreign relations, setting national standards for money, weights, and measures, dispassionately pursuing and prosecuting criminal behavior, etc.

Occasional events like wars might cause govt departments designed to deal with them, to grow to a size appropriate to do so. But afterward govt must reduce back to its smaller size.

If you feel that government can do something better than private people or groups can do it, that's insufficient reason to grant govt authority to do it. If private people can do it at all, it must be denied to govt unequivocally.

The reason for these restrictions, is that:
(a) Government cannot do anything well, due in part to the fact that no one can compete with it, and will always be rife with sloth and inefficiency;
(b) Government's only ability is to restrict and punish its citizens. This is activity extremely vulnerable to abuse, and capable of damaging and destroying lives by the millions if not carefully watched and restrained.
(c) History grimly shows that when government is allowed more authority than necessary, the imperfect humans it's made of begin to abuse that power, virtually every time. And with time, that abuse only increases, often rising to disastrous levels.

For these reasons, the powers given to government must be carefull spelled out and restricted, with those it restricts retaining full power to change or abolish it.

If the private sector can defend the country better than the government, why have a government run defense department and all else that relates to our national security?

I think you read that wrong.
Little Acorn never said that the private sector was better for defense.
The Government is suppose to be for our defense.
Little Acorn said that Government should confine itself to important functions that include National Defense.
Little-Acorn said:
Government is necessary for some things, but should do as little as possible, and should confine itself to important functions that private persons or groups CANNOT DO AT ALL. Examples include National Defense, smoothing the course of interstate commerce with minimal interference in that commerce, conducting foreign relations, setting national standards for money, weights, and measures, dispassionately pursuing and prosecuting criminal behavior, etc.

Occasional events like wars might cause govt departments designed to deal with them, to grow to a size appropriate to do so. But afterward govt must reduce back to its smaller size.

If you feel that government can do something better than private people or groups can do it, that's insufficient reason to grant govt authority to do it. If private people can do it at all, it must be denied to govt unequivocally.

The reason for these restrictions, is that:
(a) Government cannot do anything well, due in part to the fact that no one can compete with it, and will always be rife with sloth and inefficiency;
(b) Government's only ability is to restrict and punish its citizens. This is activity extremely vulnerable to abuse, and capable of damaging and destroying lives by the millions if not carefully watched and restrained.
(c) History grimly shows that when government is allowed more authority than necessary, the imperfect humans it's made of begin to abuse that power, virtually every time. And with time, that abuse only increases, often rising to disastrous levels.

For these reasons, the powers given to government must be carefull spelled out and restricted, with those it restricts retaining full power to change or abolish it.
Government needs to do what needs doing.
No, the people need to do what needs doing.

See the difference?

Government's only ability, is to punish and restrict its people.

Some things government does more efficiently and effectively than individuals can.
Didn't even read the OP, did we?

That is why we formed governments.
Not even close.

"Men are endowed ... with certain unalienable rights... to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men"
-Declaration of Independence

Get it? The reason we formed governments, is to protect our basic rights. Not to "give" us health care to make sure our toilets are the right size.

We are a civilization. We do things better and more efficiently as a civilization than we do as a bunch of individuals. We found out a long time ago that we need a government to execute that civilization

We as citizens vote on what we want that government to do

Easy isnt it?
The smallest and least powerful government on the planet has more power than the richest corporation.

Didn't the oil industry bring the US to it's knees with the fake gasoline shortage in the late 70's?

Actually, it was the collapse of the Keynesian economic system that brought the US to it's knees. Namely stagflation. Carter was responsible for that.

Profiteering is the correct term. My Uncle was a suit at Standard oil dba Chevron at the time. Stocks of gasoline were falsified by hiding stock in pipelines.
Simply put, the government was never meant to do everything for you. It was meant to protect you, not run your life.

The government protects us as well as thousands of other services that we the people determine function better as a government service than an individual one

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