Why should government be kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks?

Didn't the oil industry bring the US to it's knees with the fake gasoline shortage in the late 70's?

Actually, it was the collapse of the Keynesian economic system that brought the US to it's knees. Namely stagflation. Carter was responsible for that.

Profiteering is the correct term. My Uncle was a suit at Standard oil dba Chevron at the time. Stocks of gasoline were falsified by hiding stock in pipelines.

Actually not. There is no evidence to prove what you're saying is true.
Didn't the oil industry bring the US to it's knees with the fake gasoline shortage in the late 70's?

No, the government did.

Your Alzheimer's is effecting your posts. Again.

Why are you insulting him when he told the truth?
You have proof that he has Alzheimer's?
How old were you when Carter was President?
Were you even born yet?

The fake gasoline shortage was due to Carter and his polices.
I do not have Alzheimer's.
We the people have determined what size government we need and what functions we want them to perform
Simply put, the government was never meant to do everything for you. It was meant to protect you, not run your life.

The government protects us as well as thousands of other services that we the people determine function better as a government service than an individual one

If there are to be government services, why can't it perform those services efficiently? Because it can't. Hence why it should remain as a protector, not something akin to piglets sucking off a sow. There will always be a runt of the litter. When people want the government to serve them, they don't mean for it to coddle them and hold them by the hand, they mean for it to do their bidding and not its own.
A smaller government is less competition for the rich. Look at who backs the Kochbaggers.

Rich people got that way because, by and large, they built businesses that produce goods and services that people WANT. Whereas government becomes rich by taxing the people who actually produce value in society. Which one sounds more "compassionate" to you?
We the people have determined what size government we need and what functions we want them to perform

You the person do not speak for we the people. You are you. An individual, not a dictator.

Yes I do....

As an American, I stand behind the actions of a Government of We The People

It is you who is trying to undermine our decisions
Simply put, the government was never meant to do everything for you. It was meant to protect you, not run your life.

The government protects us as well as thousands of other services that we the people determine function better as a government service than an individual one

If there are to be government services, why can't it perform those services efficiently? Because it can't. Hence why it should remain as a protector, not something akin to piglets sucking off a sow. There will always be a runt of the litter. When people want the government to serve them, they don't mean for it to coddle them and hold them by the hand, they mean for it to do their bidding and not its own.

Government provides services with low overhead and on a not for profit basis

The people get as much or as little government as they want. Your problem is that most of We The People do not agree with your concepts of limited government
We the people have determined what size government we need and what functions we want them to perform

You the person do not speak for we the people. You are you. An individual, not a dictator.

Yes I do....

As an American, I stand behind the actions of a Government of We The People

It is you who is trying to undermine our decisions
As Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." Opposing the actions of a government doesn't mean you're opposing "We the people". Our politicians are so far removed from the everyday lives of normal Americans in their Washington DC bubble. Questioning the government is questioning an easily-corruptible institution that has failed many times. That's why I stand for the freedom of individuals, because government so often represses them (ever heard of tyranny by the majority)?
We the people have determined what size government we need and what functions we want them to perform

You the person do not speak for we the people. You are you. An individual, not a dictator.

Yes I do....

As an American, I stand behind the actions of a Government of We The People

It is you who is trying to undermine our decisions

You're a riot. I'm not the one kicking millions of people off their insurance. Nor am I the one who likes to spy on people and intimidate them during elections! :lmao:
The government protects us as well as thousands of other services that we the people determine function better as a government service than an individual one

If there are to be government services, why can't it perform those services efficiently? Because it can't. Hence why it should remain as a protector, not something akin to piglets sucking off a sow. There will always be a runt of the litter. When people want the government to serve them, they don't mean for it to coddle them and hold them by the hand, they mean for it to do their bidding and not its own.

Government provides services with low overhead and on a not for profit basis

The people get as much or as little government as they want. Your problem is that most of We The People do not agree with your concepts of limited government

Really? Government nowadays does things purely for it's own benefit.

I'd say that the 61% of people who disapprove of the job approval of the President disagree with your concept of big government.
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Didn't the oil industry bring the US to it's knees with the fake gasoline shortage in the late 70's?

No, the government did.

Your Alzheimer's is effecting your posts. Again.

Let me explain to you what happened.

In 1973 a coalition of Arab nations launched a preemptive strike on Israel. Despite being outnumbered, and outgunned, Israel managed to beat back the invasion, and expand its territory. The US stepped in and provided Israel with direct support in the form of rearming them after the war. OAPEC, the Arab members OPEC, announced an oil embargo in order to retaliate against US policy.

That leaves you with two choices on who to blame for the fake oil crisis, the US government, which responded to a threat against a sovereign country with ties to the US, or the governments of Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, and the other countries of OAPEC. Given your tendency to believe idiotic conspiracies, I assume you wanted to blame the "Zionist controlled US government."

What was that abut Alzheimer's?
If there are to be government services, why can't it perform those services efficiently? Because it can't. Hence why it should remain as a protector, not something akin to piglets sucking off a sow. There will always be a runt of the litter. When people want the government to serve them, they don't mean for it to coddle them and hold them by the hand, they mean for it to do their bidding and not its own.

Government provides services with low overhead and on a not for profit basis

The people get as much or as little government as they want. Your problem is that most of We The People do not agree with your concepts of limited government

Really? Government nowadays does things purely for it's own benefit.

I'd say that the 61% of people who disapprove of the job approval of the President disagree with your concept of big government.

In that case they are free to elect someone who more closely meets their expectations.......hate to break it to ya...but it ain't republicans
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The government protects us as well as thousands of other services that we the people determine function better as a government service than an individual one

If there are to be government services, why can't it perform those services efficiently? Because it can't. Hence why it should remain as a protector, not something akin to piglets sucking off a sow. There will always be a runt of the litter. When people want the government to serve them, they don't mean for it to coddle them and hold them by the hand, they mean for it to do their bidding and not its own.

Government provides services with low overhead and on a not for profit basis

The people get as much or as little government as they want. Your problem is that most of We The People do not agree with your concepts of limited government

Government is almost always LESS efficient than the private sector. "Low overhead"? You've got to be kidding me. Chicago Metro train conductors get paid 6 figure salaries with benefits, more than 3 times the market value for those wages in the private sector.
News and Investigations Metra's Overtime Express

Privatization means higher quality and lower overhead, because competition and the profit motive promote growth.
Reason Foundation - Annual Privatization Report 2013
You the person do not speak for we the people. You are you. An individual, not a dictator.

Yes I do....

As an American, I stand behind the actions of a Government of We The People

It is you who is trying to undermine our decisions
As Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." Opposing the actions of a government doesn't mean you're opposing "We the people". Our politicians are so far removed from the everyday lives of normal Americans in their Washington DC bubble. Questioning the government is questioning an easily-corruptible institution that has failed many times. That's why I stand for the freedom of individuals, because government so often represses them (ever heard of tyranny by the majority)?

As Thomas Jefferson said:

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and constitutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
If there are to be government services, why can't it perform those services efficiently? Because it can't. Hence why it should remain as a protector, not something akin to piglets sucking off a sow. There will always be a runt of the litter. When people want the government to serve them, they don't mean for it to coddle them and hold them by the hand, they mean for it to do their bidding and not its own.

Government provides services with low overhead and on a not for profit basis

The people get as much or as little government as they want. Your problem is that most of We The People do not agree with your concepts of limited government

Government is almost always LESS efficient than the private sector. "Low overhead"? You've got to be kidding me. Chicago Metro train conductors get paid 6 figure salaries with benefits, more than 3 times the market value for those wages in the private sector.
News and Investigations Metra's Overtime Express

Privatization means higher quality and lower overhead, because competition and the profit motive promote growth.
Reason Foundation - Annual Privatization Report 2013

CEOs make salaries of tens of millions of dollars. Government executives are capped at $200K
The government protects us as well as thousands of other services that we the people determine function better as a government service than an individual one

If there are to be government services, why can't it perform those services efficiently? Because it can't. Hence why it should remain as a protector, not something akin to piglets sucking off a sow. There will always be a runt of the litter. When people want the government to serve them, they don't mean for it to coddle them and hold them by the hand, they mean for it to do their bidding and not its own.

Government provides services with low overhead and on a not for profit basis

The people get as much or as little government as they want. Your problem is that most of We The People do not agree with your concepts of limited government


Most Americans reject extremism, left or right.

And most Americans correctly understand the vital services government provides that can’t be addressed by the private sector – particularly with regard to such issues as workplace safety, environmental protection, consumer and product safety, and other similar regulatory policies; where the private sector is not only incapable of administering such policy, but hostile to it.
Government provides services with low overhead and on a not for profit basis

The people get as much or as little government as they want. Your problem is that most of We The People do not agree with your concepts of limited government

Government is almost always LESS efficient than the private sector. "Low overhead"? You've got to be kidding me. Chicago Metro train conductors get paid 6 figure salaries with benefits, more than 3 times the market value for those wages in the private sector.
News and Investigations Metra's Overtime Express

Privatization means higher quality and lower overhead, because competition and the profit motive promote growth.
Reason Foundation - Annual Privatization Report 2013

CEOs make salaries of tens of millions of dollars. Government executives are capped at $200K

What fucking planet do you live on? Obama makes $400,000, free rent, a personal staff to wait on him 24 hours a day, and armed guards that surround him for miles every time he moves.

Then we have Bell, CA, where the mayor had a salary over $400,000 and a $13 million pension fund.

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