Why should government be kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks?

The life expectancy in this country has doubled in the last 150 years

It is because "big government" insisted on sanitation, clean water supplies, vaccinations, uncontaminated foods and safety standards

No actually it is because companies had financial incentives to develop cheaper, safer, and better ways of doing things.

Damn Rabbi.......you couldn't be further from the truth

It was those companies that were fouling the water, selling unsafe food, making their workers work in unsafe conditions. When big government stepped in and forced them to meet standards of operations, conservatives whimpered about lost profit, jobs and intrusive government
The life expectancy in this country has doubled in the last 150 years

It is because "big government" insisted on sanitation, clean water supplies, vaccinations, uncontaminated foods and safety standards

No actually it is because companies had financial incentives to develop cheaper, safer, and better ways of doing things.

Damn Rabbi.......you couldn't be further from the truth

It was those companies that were fouling the water, selling unsafe food, making their workers work in unsafe conditions. When big government stepped in and forced them to meet standards of operations, conservatives whimpered about lost profit, jobs and intrusive government

You realize that you are describing a phenomon that happened over maybe 100 years and so conditions before and after are not comparable, right?
Oh sorry. You dont do complex.
Government needs to do what needs doing. Some things government does more efficiently and effectively than individuals can. That is why we formed governments.

Why try to arbitrarily restrict the size of government?

Let the voters decide what size government they want

Because the American voter really knows what needs to be done, they are so in touch with reality...

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Modern Democracies do not function at the levels that 18th century aristocrats envisioned

Get used to it

Yep, Graft, corruption, fraud and demagoguery are at levels the Founding Fathers never conceived of in their wildest nightmares.
The life expectancy in this country has doubled in the last 150 years

It is because "big government" insisted on sanitation, clean water supplies, vaccinations, uncontaminated foods and safety standards

And you are convinced that the people at the local levels would not have wanted all of that and would not have required it if big government, in its infinite benevolence, had not provided it for them?

Yes it is necessary that the federal government protect us from contaminated food coming into the country, bound for other than the coastal and border states, as much as possible.

Yes it is necessary that the federal government regulate the water, air, coastal seas, and other resources that must be shared by the states. If Colorado keeps all the water from the Rio Grande, New Mexico and Texas people suffer, so it is necessary that somebody mandate that they must share.

Such functions ARE the constitutional responsibility of the federal government.

But it does not require an enormous, bloated, ever growing, ever more intrusive, ever more expensive federal government to accomplish that. The one we have now exists primarily to perpetuate and feed and enrich itself and only throws us mere mortals an occasional bone in hopes it will keep us happy enough to keep the government in power.

Those of us who favor small, efficient, effective, and constitutionally restricted government understand that.

The statists/progressives/leftists/liberals of modern day America somehow just switch all that off in their heads and accuse the rest of us because we do not.

I think it must be something in the water they drink.
A smaller government is less competition for the rich. Look at who backs the Kochbaggers.

Rich people got that way because, by and large, they built businesses that produce goods and services that people WANT. Whereas government becomes rich by taxing the people who actually produce value in society. Which one sounds more "compassionate" to you?

All of which wouldn't have been possible without the government.
A smaller government is less competition for the rich. Look at who backs the Kochbaggers.

Rich people got that way because, by and large, they built businesses that produce goods and services that people WANT. Whereas government becomes rich by taxing the people who actually produce value in society. Which one sounds more "compassionate" to you?

All of which wouldn't have been possible without the government.

How do you figure?
A smaller government is less competition for the rich. Look at who backs the Kochbaggers.

Rich people got that way because, by and large, they built businesses that produce goods and services that people WANT. Whereas government becomes rich by taxing the people who actually produce value in society. Which one sounds more "compassionate" to you?

All of which wouldn't have been possible without the government.

Baloney. Good government has always FOLLOWED commerce and industry, not the other way around. You start out with a few farms or ranches and eventually somebody sees the market and puts in a small local grocery or hardware or farm implement store so folks don't have to drive so far for a few nails or a loaf of bread. And then another store moves in to offer blacksmith or repair services. Another will fix shoes or dry clean clothes or offer plumbing and electrical services. Eventually it makes sense to hire a law enforcement person to help protect the various properties from the very occasional thief or vandal. Then the people band together to form a volunteer fire department to lower everybody's fire insurance premiums. And to protect the ground water, they elect to have s shared water system and eventually a sewer system. And eventually it makes sense to incorporate the village and hire somebody to oversee and regulate all the shared services. Sooner or later roads will be paved and extended and linked to larger transportation routes and other amenities will be added, all authorized by bonds voted by the citizens.

But the roads, the infrastructure, the shared services are all determined to be necessary by the people who will be payng for them and it all is created because the need already exists. The Founders did not build a post road to nowhere on the theory somebody might need that at some time. They built them to serve the people where they already were.

That is what 'promote the general welfare' meant to the Founding Fathers whether at the local, country, state, or federal level--government services that meet an existing need and cannot be accomplished as efficiently and effectively by the private sector. Otherwise it is the duty of government to free up the private sector to thrive and flourish as it chooses to do.
Rich people got that way because, by and large, they built businesses that produce goods and services that people WANT. Whereas government becomes rich by taxing the people who actually produce value in society. Which one sounds more "compassionate" to you?

All of which wouldn't have been possible without the government.

Baloney. Good government has always FOLLOWED commerce and industry, not the other way around. You start out with a few farms or ranches and eventually somebody sees the market and puts in a small local grocery or hardware or farm implement store so folks don't have to drive so far for a few nails or a loaf of bread. And then another store moves in to offer blacksmith or repair services. Another will fix shoes or dry clean clothes or offer plumbing and electrical services. Eventually it makes sense to hire a law enforcement person to help protect the various properties from the very occasional thief or vandal. Then the people band together to form a volunteer fire department to lower everybody's fire insurance premiums. And to protect the ground water, they elect to have s shared water system and eventually a sewer system. And eventually it makes sense to incorporate the village and hire somebody to oversee and regulate all the shared services. Sooner or later roads will be paved and extended and linked to larger transportation routes and other amenities will be added, all authorized by bonds voted by the citizens.

But the roads, the infrastructure, the shared services are all determined to be necessary by the people who will be payng for them and it all is created because the need already exists. The Founders did not build a post road to nowhere on the theory somebody might need that at some time. They built them to serve the people where they already were.

That is what 'promote the general welfare' meant to the Founding Fathers whether at the local, country, state, or federal level--government services that meet an existing need and cannot be accomplished as efficiently and effectively by the private sector. Otherwise it is the duty of government to free up the private sector to thrive and flourish as it chooses to do.

That's totally bullshit.

No government. No security.

All of which wouldn't have been possible without the government.

Baloney. Good government has always FOLLOWED commerce and industry, not the other way around. You start out with a few farms or ranches and eventually somebody sees the market and puts in a small local grocery or hardware or farm implement store so folks don't have to drive so far for a few nails or a loaf of bread. And then another store moves in to offer blacksmith or repair services. Another will fix shoes or dry clean clothes or offer plumbing and electrical services. Eventually it makes sense to hire a law enforcement person to help protect the various properties from the very occasional thief or vandal. Then the people band together to form a volunteer fire department to lower everybody's fire insurance premiums. And to protect the ground water, they elect to have s shared water system and eventually a sewer system. And eventually it makes sense to incorporate the village and hire somebody to oversee and regulate all the shared services. Sooner or later roads will be paved and extended and linked to larger transportation routes and other amenities will be added, all authorized by bonds voted by the citizens.

But the roads, the infrastructure, the shared services are all determined to be necessary by the people who will be payng for them and it all is created because the need already exists. The Founders did not build a post road to nowhere on the theory somebody might need that at some time. They built them to serve the people where they already were.

That is what 'promote the general welfare' meant to the Founding Fathers whether at the local, country, state, or federal level--government services that meet an existing need and cannot be accomplished as efficiently and effectively by the private sector. Otherwise it is the duty of government to free up the private sector to thrive and flourish as it chooses to do.

That's totally bullshit.

No government. No security.


My comments were meant for those able to read and comprehend a point made Sallow. Others are welcome to ignore them.

In no place did I hint that there should be no government. I was pretty clear, however, that good government is created via social contract by the people who find it mutually beneficial to cooperate and share certain things. All other government is the kind the Founders intended the Constitution to free us from.
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How do you figure?

Name a country started totally as a result of big business.

You aren't answering the question, you are just asking another.

Come on, I know you can give a better answer than that.

You kinda of just answered your question by not answering mine.

Government is necessary to provide stability so that all other functions of society can take place. Like commerce.

Generally commerce doesn't happen without stability and security.
Baloney. Good government has always FOLLOWED commerce and industry, not the other way around. You start out with a few farms or ranches and eventually somebody sees the market and puts in a small local grocery or hardware or farm implement store so folks don't have to drive so far for a few nails or a loaf of bread. And then another store moves in to offer blacksmith or repair services. Another will fix shoes or dry clean clothes or offer plumbing and electrical services. Eventually it makes sense to hire a law enforcement person to help protect the various properties from the very occasional thief or vandal. Then the people band together to form a volunteer fire department to lower everybody's fire insurance premiums. And to protect the ground water, they elect to have s shared water system and eventually a sewer system. And eventually it makes sense to incorporate the village and hire somebody to oversee and regulate all the shared services. Sooner or later roads will be paved and extended and linked to larger transportation routes and other amenities will be added, all authorized by bonds voted by the citizens.

But the roads, the infrastructure, the shared services are all determined to be necessary by the people who will be payng for them and it all is created because the need already exists. The Founders did not build a post road to nowhere on the theory somebody might need that at some time. They built them to serve the people where they already were.

That is what 'promote the general welfare' meant to the Founding Fathers whether at the local, country, state, or federal level--government services that meet an existing need and cannot be accomplished as efficiently and effectively by the private sector. Otherwise it is the duty of government to free up the private sector to thrive and flourish as it chooses to do.

That's totally bullshit.

No government. No security.


My comments were meant for those able to read and comprehend a point made Sallow. Others are welcome to ignore them.

They were wrong.

So I made a correction.

No big society lasts without a functional government.
Name a country started totally as a result of big business.

You aren't answering the question, you are just asking another.

Come on, I know you can give a better answer than that.

You kinda of just answered your question by not answering mine.

Government is necessary to provide stability so that all other functions of society can take place. Like commerce.

Generally commerce doesn't happen without stability and security.

Who funds the government?

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