Why should Hilary even bother to debate Trump?

Hazelnut, the reason Crooked Hillary doesn't need to debate is because the MSM is campaigning for her 24/7. :p That is actually why Crooked Hillary is in hiding lately. The democrats are so fucking stupid and hateful, they will vote for any crook who has a D by the name. Crooked Hillary staying out of sight reduces the number of times video appears with her handlers helping her stand up, helping her remember to talk, etc.

As you can see by the above post, it doesn't matter how stupid and unprepared Trump looks, his base will still show up and vote for him. Glad they are now a smaller minority.

Says the Trump hater with a photo shopped Trump photo in their sig line. Hillary is a lying creep with no qualifications for being POTUS, none. Her so called career has been one of failure and lies. Trump on the other hand, a self made multi-billionaire with thousands of employees. Yes the choice is clear.
Oh dear. You sound upset.

You now shit lib, why don't you go work on your hey hey ho ho chants.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

He's a natural born citizen, is over 35 and resided here for 14 years, that meets the simple qualifications required. The real question is what has she accomplished in her life that makes her so qualified...

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

Yeah her knowledge on policy created the mess we have today in the ME, brilliant!

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

And she is a lawyer?

What's the point?

Why is she not under indictment?
Hazelnut, the reason Crooked Hillary doesn't need to debate is because the MSM is campaigning for her 24/7. :p That is actually why Crooked Hillary is in hiding lately. The democrats are so fucking stupid and hateful, they will vote for any crook who has a D by the name. Crooked Hillary staying out of sight reduces the number of times video appears with her handlers helping her stand up, helping her remember to talk, etc.

As you can see by the above post, it doesn't matter how stupid and unprepared Trump looks, his base will still show up and vote for him. Glad they are now a smaller minority.

As long as Hillary has a vagina, people will vote for her because that's all that matters to them.
Oh look....the RW Excuse Part II. First it was "people vote for him because he's black." Now it's "people vote for her because she's a woman". Aren't you afraid of running out of excuses for being so sucky?

Since one is black and the other has a vagina, it's not an excuse. It's the reason. Why are you afraid to be honest about it.

The only reason Conservative65 votes for Trump is because Trump has a tiny dick.

You sure seem to know a lot about Trump. Want to tell us something, faggot?
Except that's a lie...Comey testified the FBI found thousands of e-mails she had not turned over...and the State Dept confirmed it.

This BS about nothing found was rewarded with 1 X 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check sites.
Oh so they found them. And they looked at them and had them for months. Thank you for confirming what I said.
In your dreams...Hillary declared she turned all documents over as per the law. Comey proved she lied, that she broke the law. If the FBI investigation had not found them they would still be hidden. Some of these are just being released to the public.

No one gives a damn about Hillary's 'personal' e-mails.
In my dreams? You just confirmed what I said. Btw the private ones will never be released to your peeping eyes.

#Julian Assange.

You scared bro?

WikiLeaks, a Ticking Time-Bomb for Democrats

John Fund: WikiLeaks, a Ticking Time-Bomb for Democrats - Breitbart

As you can see by the above post, it doesn't matter how stupid and unprepared Trump looks, his base will still show up and vote for him. Glad they are now a smaller minority.

As long as Hillary has a vagina, people will vote for her because that's all that matters to them.
Oh look....the RW Excuse Part II. First it was "people vote for him because he's black." Now it's "people vote for her because she's a woman". Aren't you afraid of running out of excuses for being so sucky?

Since one is black and the other has a vagina, it's not an excuse. It's the reason. Why are you afraid to be honest about it.

The only reason Conservative65 votes for Trump is because Trump has a tiny dick.

You sure seem to know a lot about Trump. Want to tell us something, faggot?

You saw Trump's small hands and just are compelled to vote for him.....
That's probably why the Clinton syndicate tried to 'smoke' Assange...but failed. :p

Right Wing Nut jobs- still believing both that Hillary is a ninja assassin- and that she is too infirm to climb stairs.

"Old white woman uses black man as scape goat for illegal behavior. https://t.co/uJW1rrvEGQ"

"Hillary lied to the FBI about Colin Powell’s email advice"
Hillary lied to the FBI about Colin Powell’s email advice - Hot Air

As more and MORE skeletons, racist acts, lies, and crimes come pouring out of the over-stuffed Clinton Closet, I can't think of one reason why Hillary should debate anyone. The only way she should is if she has a 'Candy Crowley' who would not bring up ANY of the things coming out and who would step in to try to silence Trump if he brings them up.

Like the latest e-mail exposing how a Saudi Prince was denied an audience with Sect of State Clinton until a $32 million Clinton Foundation was made...

Yeah, stuff like this just seals the deal - no way in hell she should ever hold another press conference or participate in a debate.
As long as Hillary has a vagina, people will vote for her because that's all that matters to them.
Oh look....the RW Excuse Part II. First it was "people vote for him because he's black." Now it's "people vote for her because she's a woman". Aren't you afraid of running out of excuses for being so sucky?

Since one is black and the other has a vagina, it's not an excuse. It's the reason. Why are you afraid to be honest about it.

The only reason Conservative65 votes for Trump is because Trump has a tiny dick.

You sure seem to know a lot about Trump. Want to tell us something, faggot?

You saw Trump's small hands and just are compelled to vote for him.....
View attachment 86597

You smelled Hillary's vagina and automatically ran to the stink.
Hazelnut, the reason Crooked Hillary doesn't need to debate is because the MSM is campaigning for her 24/7. :p That is actually why Crooked Hillary is in hiding lately. The democrats are so fucking stupid and hateful, they will vote for any crook who has a D by the name. Crooked Hillary staying out of sight reduces the number of times video appears with her handlers helping her stand up, helping her remember to talk, etc.

As you can see by the above post, it doesn't matter how stupid and unprepared Trump looks, his base will still show up and vote for him. Glad they are now a smaller minority.

Says the Trump hater with a photo shopped Trump photo in their sig line. Hillary is a lying creep with no qualifications for being POTUS, none. Her so called career has been one of failure and lies. Trump on the other hand, a self made multi-billionaire with thousands of employees. Yes the choice is clear.
Oh dear. You sound upset.

You now shit lib, why don't you go work on your hey hey ho ho chants.
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that I was addressing someone with limited English skills. I should have kept my words to you all one-syllable.
Oh look....the RW Excuse Part II. First it was "people vote for him because he's black." Now it's "people vote for her because she's a woman". Aren't you afraid of running out of excuses for being so sucky?

Since one is black and the other has a vagina, it's not an excuse. It's the reason. Why are you afraid to be honest about it.

The only reason Conservative65 votes for Trump is because Trump has a tiny dick.

You sure seem to know a lot about Trump. Want to tell us something, faggot?

You saw Trump's small hands and just are compelled to vote for him.....
View attachment 86597

You smelled Hillary's vagina and automatically ran to the stink.
The things you think up and bring to the table........fascinating.
Well let that old hag stay home.

Trump would have the debate floor to himself and national television to say whatever he wants and point out Hitlery's stupidity, carelessness and incompetence. Go Trump.

Either that or they would cancel the debate and tell everyone why. I'm sure that would really sway people to Hitlery's camp. LOL
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that I was addressing someone with limited English skills. I should have kept my words to you all one-syllable.

I seem to have picked up some sort of troll. It's a rather stupid little creature that amuses itself by eating it's own feces.

What a waste of oxygen you are, shortbus...
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The more we prop Trump up as a serious candidate, the more we enable his supporters to remain deluded, filled with fear and impotent rage.

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