Why should Hilary even bother to debate Trump?

Trump's primary weapon will be Trump. He will be Trump all the way so that he wont have to study all that government junk. He will evade scholarly topics and do his facial expressions as a substitute. Trump's biggie, however, will be telling the audience about Trump. Should be a great show.

AND he will nail her on her lies and her endless corruption. :thup: He'll leave her in a bleeding heap after it's all done.

It will be GLORIOUS to watch, if she actually shows up.

I hope he makes her cry. Maybe she'll speak in the negro dialect she used previously.

She's the frontrunner. If Trump starts to look like he's catching up, maybe she'll grab a mic.
She's the frontwaddler if anything. How can Trump not catch up even without those 15000 new emails which are no doubt about yoga lessons and stuff?
In order for them to be new, the FBI would have to have just discovered them, instead of having them for months.
Whatever, these emails have not yet been vetted or investigated and were not part of the 30,000 she initially turned over.

I'm sure there's tons of neat stuff in there,
They were found by the FBI, vetted, and investigated. You are wrong, as usual.
"State has not yet had the opportunity to complete a review of the documents to determine whether they are agency records or if they are duplicative of documents State has already produced through the Freedom of Information Act" said Toner, declining further comment.

At his July news conference announcing his recommendation that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton, Comey disclosed that investigators found "several thousand work-related emails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014."

Three of those several thousand emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.
FBI Found 15,000 More Clinton Emails
The FBI has already "vetted and investigated" them as you put it. What your rube group wants is for Hillary's private e-mails, that had nothing to do with work, to be released to the public. The State Department is reviewing the e-mails to release the ones that are work related.
You know, some people have complained that I'm too hard on Hillary, that I never have anything nice to say about her. So in an effort to be a good person, I'll say nice things about her. Hillary helps others have a better self-image.

For instance, compared to Hillary, Bernie Madoff is ethical. Compared to Hillary, Al Capone was an honest businessman. Compared to Hillary, Hannibal Lecter is warm and caring. Compared to Hillary, Benedict Arnold was a patriot. So see, she lifts others up. :thup:
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Hazelnut, the reason Crooked Hillary doesn't need to debate is because the MSM is campaigning for her 24/7. :p That is actually why Crooked Hillary is in hiding lately. The democrats are so fucking stupid and hateful, they will vote for any crook who has a D by the name. Crooked Hillary staying out of sight reduces the number of times video appears with her handlers helping her stand up, helping her remember to talk, etc.

As you can see by the above post, it doesn't matter how stupid and unprepared Trump looks, his base will still show up and vote for him. Glad they are now a smaller minority.

As long as Hillary has a vagina, people will vote for her because that's all that matters to them.
Oh look....the RW Excuse Part II. First it was "people vote for him because he's black." Now it's "people vote for her because she's a woman". Aren't you afraid of running out of excuses for being so sucky?

Since one is black and the other has a vagina, it's not an excuse. It's the reason. Why are you afraid to be honest about it.

The only reason Conservative65 votes for Trump is because Trump has a tiny dick.
You know, some people have complained that I'm too hard on Hillary, that I never have anything nice to say about her. So in an effort to be a good person, I'll say nice things about her. Hillary helps other have a better self-image.

For instance, compared to Hillary, Bernie Madoff is ethical. Compared to Hillary, Al Capone was an honest businessman. Compared to Hillary, Hannibal Lecter is warm and caring. Compared to Hillary, Benedict Arnold was a patriot. So see, she lifts others up. :thup:

Thank you- you do a great job of showing what a right wing nut job you are.
Well, at least it is mine. :lol:

That you sucked straight out of George Soros' cock.... :eusa_whistle:

Why do you keep sharing your sexual fantasies here- please stop!

A good psychiatrist could probably work up an interesting report on some of these people. Their lack of composure in general coupled with the lack of restraint in verbalizing their most bizarre deeply ingrained sexual fantasies would make for some textbook cases of sociopathic personalities with serious mother/father issues. The need for a daddy figure they can defend without regard for the self imposed injuries is stunning. Good daddy?/bad daddy? It makes no difference.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

What does this have to do with Trump supporters being harassed and spat on and media not covering it.
She's the frontwaddler if anything. How can Trump not catch up even without those 15000 new emails which are no doubt about yoga lessons and stuff?
In order for them to be new, the FBI would have to have just discovered them, instead of having them for months.
Whatever, these emails have not yet been vetted or investigated and were not part of the 30,000 she initially turned over.

I'm sure there's tons of neat stuff in there,
They were found by the FBI, vetted, and investigated. You are wrong, as usual.
"State has not yet had the opportunity to complete a review of the documents to determine whether they are agency records or if they are duplicative of documents State has already produced through the Freedom of Information Act" said Toner, declining further comment.

At his July news conference announcing his recommendation that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton, Comey disclosed that investigators found "several thousand work-related emails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014."

Three of those several thousand emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.
FBI Found 15,000 More Clinton Emails
The FBI has already "vetted and investigated" them as you put it. What your rube group wants is for Hillary's private e-mails, that had nothing to do with work, to be released to the public. The State Department is reviewing the e-mails to release the ones that are work related.
Except that's a lie...Comey testified the FBI found thousands of e-mails she had not turned over...and the State Dept confirmed it.

This BS about nothing found was rewarded with 1 X 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check sites.
In order for them to be new, the FBI would have to have just discovered them, instead of having them for months.
Whatever, these emails have not yet been vetted or investigated and were not part of the 30,000 she initially turned over.

I'm sure there's tons of neat stuff in there,
They were found by the FBI, vetted, and investigated. You are wrong, as usual.
"State has not yet had the opportunity to complete a review of the documents to determine whether they are agency records or if they are duplicative of documents State has already produced through the Freedom of Information Act" said Toner, declining further comment.

At his July news conference announcing his recommendation that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton, Comey disclosed that investigators found "several thousand work-related emails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014."

Three of those several thousand emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.
FBI Found 15,000 More Clinton Emails
The FBI has already "vetted and investigated" them as you put it. What your rube group wants is for Hillary's private e-mails, that had nothing to do with work, to be released to the public. The State Department is reviewing the e-mails to release the ones that are work related.
Except that's a lie...Comey testified the FBI found thousands of e-mails she had not turned over...and the State Dept confirmed it.

This BS about nothing found was rewarded with 1 X 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check sites.
Oh so they found them. And they looked at them and had them for months. Thank you for confirming what I said.
Whatever, these emails have not yet been vetted or investigated and were not part of the 30,000 she initially turned over.

I'm sure there's tons of neat stuff in there,
They were found by the FBI, vetted, and investigated. You are wrong, as usual.
"State has not yet had the opportunity to complete a review of the documents to determine whether they are agency records or if they are duplicative of documents State has already produced through the Freedom of Information Act" said Toner, declining further comment.

At his July news conference announcing his recommendation that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton, Comey disclosed that investigators found "several thousand work-related emails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014."

Three of those several thousand emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.
FBI Found 15,000 More Clinton Emails
The FBI has already "vetted and investigated" them as you put it. What your rube group wants is for Hillary's private e-mails, that had nothing to do with work, to be released to the public. The State Department is reviewing the e-mails to release the ones that are work related.
Except that's a lie...Comey testified the FBI found thousands of e-mails she had not turned over...and the State Dept confirmed it.

This BS about nothing found was rewarded with 1 X 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check sites.
Oh so they found them. And they looked at them and had them for months. Thank you for confirming what I said.
In your dreams...Hillary declared she turned all documents over as per the law. Comey proved she lied, that she broke the law. If the FBI investigation had not found them they would still be hidden. Some of these are just being released to the public.

No one gives a damn about Hillary's 'personal' e-mails.
They were found by the FBI, vetted, and investigated. You are wrong, as usual.
"State has not yet had the opportunity to complete a review of the documents to determine whether they are agency records or if they are duplicative of documents State has already produced through the Freedom of Information Act" said Toner, declining further comment.

At his July news conference announcing his recommendation that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton, Comey disclosed that investigators found "several thousand work-related emails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014."

Three of those several thousand emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.
FBI Found 15,000 More Clinton Emails
The FBI has already "vetted and investigated" them as you put it. What your rube group wants is for Hillary's private e-mails, that had nothing to do with work, to be released to the public. The State Department is reviewing the e-mails to release the ones that are work related.
Except that's a lie...Comey testified the FBI found thousands of e-mails she had not turned over...and the State Dept confirmed it.

This BS about nothing found was rewarded with 1 X 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check sites.
Oh so they found them. And they looked at them and had them for months. Thank you for confirming what I said.
In your dreams...Hillary declared she turned all documents over as per the law. Comey proved she lied, that she broke the law. If the FBI investigation had not found them they would still be hidden. Some of these are just being released to the public.

No one gives a damn about Hillary's 'personal' e-mails.
In my dreams? You just confirmed what I said. Btw the private ones will never be released to your peeping eyes.
Part of the problem, as we have seen, is that Hillary was combining 'personal' Foundation business with the people's State Department business...a conflict of massive interests.

Some of those Hillary considered 'personal' that showed this HAVE been released.

And you have obviously forgotten about Assange. Who knows WHAT will be exposed for 'peeping eyes' to see.
"State has not yet had the opportunity to complete a review of the documents to determine whether they are agency records or if they are duplicative of documents State has already produced through the Freedom of Information Act" said Toner, declining further comment.

At his July news conference announcing his recommendation that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton, Comey disclosed that investigators found "several thousand work-related emails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014."

Three of those several thousand emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.
FBI Found 15,000 More Clinton Emails
The FBI has already "vetted and investigated" them as you put it. What your rube group wants is for Hillary's private e-mails, that had nothing to do with work, to be released to the public. The State Department is reviewing the e-mails to release the ones that are work related.
Except that's a lie...Comey testified the FBI found thousands of e-mails she had not turned over...and the State Dept confirmed it.

This BS about nothing found was rewarded with 1 X 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check sites.
Oh so they found them. And they looked at them and had them for months. Thank you for confirming what I said.
In your dreams...Hillary declared she turned all documents over as per the law. Comey proved she lied, that she broke the law. If the FBI investigation had not found them they would still be hidden. Some of these are just being released to the public.

No one gives a damn about Hillary's 'personal' e-mails.
In my dreams? You just confirmed what I said. Btw the private ones will never be released to your peeping eyes.

#Julian Assange.

You scared bro?

WikiLeaks, a Ticking Time-Bomb for Democrats

John Fund: WikiLeaks, a Ticking Time-Bomb for Democrats - Breitbart

The FBI has already "vetted and investigated" them as you put it. What your rube group wants is for Hillary's private e-mails, that had nothing to do with work, to be released to the public. The State Department is reviewing the e-mails to release the ones that are work related.
Except that's a lie...Comey testified the FBI found thousands of e-mails she had not turned over...and the State Dept confirmed it.

This BS about nothing found was rewarded with 1 X 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check sites.
Oh so they found them. And they looked at them and had them for months. Thank you for confirming what I said.
In your dreams...Hillary declared she turned all documents over as per the law. Comey proved she lied, that she broke the law. If the FBI investigation had not found them they would still be hidden. Some of these are just being released to the public.

No one gives a damn about Hillary's 'personal' e-mails.
In my dreams? You just confirmed what I said. Btw the private ones will never be released to your peeping eyes.

#Julian Assange.

You scared bro?

WikiLeaks, a Ticking Time-Bomb for Democrats

John Fund: WikiLeaks, a Ticking Time-Bomb for Democrats - Breitbart
That's probably why the Clinton syndicate tried to 'smoke' Assange...but failed. :p

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