Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

WTF are you smoking now? Of course straights can marry the same sex once same-sex marriage is determined to be Constitutional.


You are an idiot. Learn to read

It's the exact same thing as blacks not being able to marry whites.

Damn, you are stupid. :ack-1:

Is it? let's see:

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

Yeah, that's the "exact same thing." Basic logic does not come to you easily, grasshopper
It's your flawed logic. Making interracial marriages applied to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of race. In the same manner, making same-sex marriage also applies to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of gender.

I'll donate $100 to the ACLU if you can show the standard you changed in making that fallacious argument
How does the arbitrary and capricious morality of the Right modify the Terms, Citizens and Persons in the several States, to male and female? Our federal Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Intelligent Design and Inception.

It's interesting how much more intelligent wild turkeys are than domestic ones. I read that they have to keep turkeys in round pens because in a square one they can walk into a corner and panic because they think they are trapped. Interestingly when I became vegetarian, even though I didn't eat a lot of turkey other than holidays, it was one of the few meats I missed
Vegetarian eh? Ignoring nature again, as usual. And domesticated turkeys are stupid as hell, like most people here.
Right, which meant for blacks, being black changed who you could marry because whites could marry whites and blacks couldn't. Meanwhile, being gay didn't change who you could marry because straights couldn't marry the same sex either
WTF are you smoking now? Of course straights can marry the same sex once same-sex marriage is determined to be Constitutional.


You are an idiot. Learn to read

It's the exact same thing as blacks not being able to marry whites.

Damn, you are stupid. :ack-1:

Is it? let's see:

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

Yeah, that's the "exact same thing." Basic logic does not come to you easily, grasshopper
It's your flawed logic. Making interracial marriages applied to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of race. In the same manner, making same-sex marriage also applies to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of gender.

I'll donate $100 to the ACLU if you can show the standard you changed in making that fallacious argument
You think it's my job to prove me wrong when you can't? :cuckoo:

I was just curious if you did that fallacy intentionally or not. I marvel that you can read your argument and not immediately see how you changed the 14th from being a requirement of the legislature to be enforced by the courts to being an authority to legislate from the bench. I guess I shouldn't marvel at it. While it's hard to believe you don't follow simple logic, you consistently don't

You are an idiot. Learn to read

Is it? let's see:

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

Yeah, that's the "exact same thing." Basic logic does not come to you easily, grasshopper
It's your flawed logic. Making interracial marriages applied to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of race. In the same manner, making same-sex marriage also applies to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of gender.

I'll donate $100 to the ACLU if you can show the standard you changed in making that fallacious argument
How does the arbitrary and capricious morality of the Right modify the Terms, Citizens and Persons in the several States, to male and female? Our federal Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Intelligent Design and Inception.

It's interesting how much more intelligent wild turkeys are than domestic ones. I read that they have to keep turkeys in round pens because in a square one they can walk into a corner and panic because they think they are trapped. Interestingly when I became vegetarian, even though I didn't eat a lot of turkey other than holidays, it was one of the few meats I missed
Vegetarian eh? Ignoring nature again, as usual. And domesticated turkeys are stupid as hell, like most people here.

I do eat fish and seafood, so I'm not completely vegetarian
You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane

No bigot, they have an equality agenda. That's the only "gay agenda" there is.

Your thread isn't about taxes or civil marriage law, it's about you needing validation from other bigots for your anti gay agenda.

Well Jane, you ignorant slut. That gays are already treated equally is what shows what an "agenda" the left has on this

Well Kaz, you ignorant slut- you are the one who started a thread with an inane argument on why gay couples should not be treated equally.

Like they are not in a few remaining states right now.
Yet he defends the courts ruling states cannot prevent whites and blacks from marrying. To show how retarded he is, he argues gays are not treated unequally since they can marry someone of the opposite gender -- applying that logic to blacks is like saying blacks were not treated unequally ... they could have married any other black of the opposite gender.

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

What part of that don't you understand?
You're a moron. Banning interracial marriage was the same type of bigoted vile authoritarian bull shit that bigots like you are doing to gays today.
If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane
Equality before the law isn't gay, and you are the one with the agenda, that's losing...

Gays have equality, you want more. And yes, liberty is a losing agenda, you leftist parasites are winning. I can realize that and yet continue to advocate liberty. Boggles your mind, doesn't it?
How many gays have you killed in your life? Or do you just like beating the crap out of them with a baseball bat? Or are you just some weirdo that likes putting your jack boots on their necks?
WTF are you smoking now? Of course straights can marry the same sex once same-sex marriage is determined to be Constitutional.


You are an idiot. Learn to read

It's the exact same thing as blacks not being able to marry whites.

Damn, you are stupid. :ack-1:

Is it? let's see:

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

Yeah, that's the "exact same thing." Basic logic does not come to you easily, grasshopper
It's your flawed logic. Making interracial marriages applied to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of race. In the same manner, making same-sex marriage also applies to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of gender.

I'll donate $100 to the ACLU if you can show the standard you changed in making that fallacious argument
You think it's my job to prove me wrong when you can't? :cuckoo:

I was just curious if you did that fallacy intentionally or not. I marvel that you can read your argument and not immediately see how you changed the 14th from being a requirement of the legislature to be enforced by the courts to being an authority to legislate from the bench. I guess I shouldn't marvel at it. While it's hard to believe you don't follow simple logic, you consistently don't
I've said it before and I'll no doubt have to say it again, you don't get to determine how the Supreme Court is tasked with determining which laws are Constitutional or not. :eusa_naughty:

You are an idiot. Learn to read

Is it? let's see:

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

Yeah, that's the "exact same thing." Basic logic does not come to you easily, grasshopper
It's your flawed logic. Making interracial marriages applied to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of race. In the same manner, making same-sex marriage also applies to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of gender.

I'll donate $100 to the ACLU if you can show the standard you changed in making that fallacious argument
You think it's my job to prove me wrong when you can't? :cuckoo:

I was just curious if you did that fallacy intentionally or not. I marvel that you can read your argument and not immediately see how you changed the 14th from being a requirement of the legislature to be enforced by the courts to being an authority to legislate from the bench. I guess I shouldn't marvel at it. While it's hard to believe you don't follow simple logic, you consistently don't
I've said it before and I'll no doubt have to say it again, you don't get to determine how the Supreme Court is tasked with determining which laws are Constitutional or not. :eusa_naughty:

Who "tasked" the Supreme Court with that?
Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane
Equality before the law isn't gay, and you are the one with the agenda, that's losing...

Gays have equality, you want more. And yes, liberty is a losing agenda, you leftist parasites are winning. I can realize that and yet continue to advocate liberty. Boggles your mind, doesn't it?
How many gays have you killed in your life? Or do you just like beating the crap out of them with a baseball bat? Or are you just some weirdo that likes putting your jack boots on their necks?

Not wanting to give gays validation and tax breaks is the same as killing them and beating them with a baseball bat. Got it. And I said you have a stick up your ass. Called that one, didn't I?

And even then I have repeatedly said I don't really give a shit over other government marriage as long as it's done Constitutionally through the legislature.

And beyond that I've said it will happen eventually as the old geezers die off, the young overwhelmingly support gay marriage in both parties
It's your flawed logic. Making interracial marriages applied to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of race. In the same manner, making same-sex marriage also applies to everyone. Anyone can marry someone regardless of gender.

I'll donate $100 to the ACLU if you can show the standard you changed in making that fallacious argument
How does the arbitrary and capricious morality of the Right modify the Terms, Citizens and Persons in the several States, to male and female? Our federal Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Intelligent Design and Inception.

It's interesting how much more intelligent wild turkeys are than domestic ones. I read that they have to keep turkeys in round pens because in a square one they can walk into a corner and panic because they think they are trapped. Interestingly when I became vegetarian, even though I didn't eat a lot of turkey other than holidays, it was one of the few meats I missed
Vegetarian eh? Ignoring nature again, as usual. And domesticated turkeys are stupid as hell, like most people here.

I do eat fish and seafood, so I'm not completely vegetarian
Doesn't matter, you're still rejecting nature. What a surprise...
No bigot, they have an equality agenda. That's the only "gay agenda" there is.

Your thread isn't about taxes or civil marriage law, it's about you needing validation from other bigots for your anti gay agenda.

Well Jane, you ignorant slut. That gays are already treated equally is what shows what an "agenda" the left has on this

Well Kaz, you ignorant slut- you are the one who started a thread with an inane argument on why gay couples should not be treated equally.

Like they are not in a few remaining states right now.
Yet he defends the courts ruling states cannot prevent whites and blacks from marrying. To show how retarded he is, he argues gays are not treated unequally since they can marry someone of the opposite gender -- applying that logic to blacks is like saying blacks were not treated unequally ... they could have married any other black of the opposite gender.

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

What part of that don't you understand?
You're a moron. Banning interracial marriage was the same type of bigoted vile authoritarian bull shit that bigots like you are doing to gays today.

Whether on a personal level it is the same bigoted bull shit or not, the law isn't about fairness, it's about the law and a literal reading of it. And literally, gays are treated the same as everyone else.

But you like to compare that there weren't gay specific laws to actual laws to dictate to blacks where they can sit, drink and go to the bath room. You are full of shit that they are the same, not at all
Who "tasked" the Supreme Court with that?
The Constitution, and American history.

Show where in the Constitution it says that. Hint, it doesn't. Someone did though, do you know who "tasked" the supreme court with judicial review?

And how can "American history" task anyone with anything? That's s stupid. If anything, American history would say marriage is a man and a woman, you just shot yourself in the ass
Well Jane, you ignorant slut. That gays are already treated equally is what shows what an "agenda" the left has on this

Well Kaz, you ignorant slut- you are the one who started a thread with an inane argument on why gay couples should not be treated equally.

Like they are not in a few remaining states right now.
Yet he defends the courts ruling states cannot prevent whites and blacks from marrying. To show how retarded he is, he argues gays are not treated unequally since they can marry someone of the opposite gender -- applying that logic to blacks is like saying blacks were not treated unequally ... they could have married any other black of the opposite gender.

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

What part of that don't you understand?
You're a moron. Banning interracial marriage was the same type of bigoted vile authoritarian bull shit that bigots like you are doing to gays today.

Whether on a personal level it is the same bigoted bull shit or not, the law isn't about fairness, it's about the law and a literal reading of it. And literally, gays are treated the same as everyone else.

But you like to compare that there weren't gay specific laws to actual laws to dictate to blacks where they can sit, drink and go to the bath room. You are full of shit that they are the same, not at all
The new law will be only homosexuals can marry. Don't worry though, you'll be equal, you can marry any person of the same sex you wish to...
I'll donate $100 to the ACLU if you can show the standard you changed in making that fallacious argument
How does the arbitrary and capricious morality of the Right modify the Terms, Citizens and Persons in the several States, to male and female? Our federal Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Intelligent Design and Inception.

It's interesting how much more intelligent wild turkeys are than domestic ones. I read that they have to keep turkeys in round pens because in a square one they can walk into a corner and panic because they think they are trapped. Interestingly when I became vegetarian, even though I didn't eat a lot of turkey other than holidays, it was one of the few meats I missed
Vegetarian eh? Ignoring nature again, as usual. And domesticated turkeys are stupid as hell, like most people here.

I do eat fish and seafood, so I'm not completely vegetarian
Doesn't matter, you're still rejecting nature. What a surprise...

You mean like sex being between men and women? No wait, that was you rejecting nature...
Well Kaz, you ignorant slut- you are the one who started a thread with an inane argument on why gay couples should not be treated equally.

Like they are not in a few remaining states right now.
Yet he defends the courts ruling states cannot prevent whites and blacks from marrying. To show how retarded he is, he argues gays are not treated unequally since they can marry someone of the opposite gender -- applying that logic to blacks is like saying blacks were not treated unequally ... they could have married any other black of the opposite gender.

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

What part of that don't you understand?
You're a moron. Banning interracial marriage was the same type of bigoted vile authoritarian bull shit that bigots like you are doing to gays today.

Whether on a personal level it is the same bigoted bull shit or not, the law isn't about fairness, it's about the law and a literal reading of it. And literally, gays are treated the same as everyone else.

But you like to compare that there weren't gay specific laws to actual laws to dictate to blacks where they can sit, drink and go to the bath room. You are full of shit that they are the same, not at all
The new law will be only homosexuals can marry. Don't worry though, you'll be equal, you can marry any person of the same sex you wish to...

If my choice is that or heterosexual government marriage, I'll pick that. At least most government marriage would be gone.

Not sure what your point is, but you probably don't either
Who "tasked" the Supreme Court with that?
The Constitution, and American history.

Show where in the Constitution it says that. Hint, it doesn't. Someone did though, do you know who "tasked" the supreme court with judicial review?

And how can "American history" task anyone with anything? That's s stupid. If anything, American history would say marriage is a man and a woman, you just shot yourself in the ass
Help yourself. Start here: Judicial review in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How does the arbitrary and capricious morality of the Right modify the Terms, Citizens and Persons in the several States, to male and female? Our federal Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Intelligent Design and Inception.

It's interesting how much more intelligent wild turkeys are than domestic ones. I read that they have to keep turkeys in round pens because in a square one they can walk into a corner and panic because they think they are trapped. Interestingly when I became vegetarian, even though I didn't eat a lot of turkey other than holidays, it was one of the few meats I missed
Vegetarian eh? Ignoring nature again, as usual. And domesticated turkeys are stupid as hell, like most people here.

I do eat fish and seafood, so I'm not completely vegetarian
Doesn't matter, you're still rejecting nature. What a surprise...

You mean like sex being between men and women? No wait, that was you rejecting nature...
Heterosexuality is natural. So is homosexuality, and bi, and pan, and asexuality. Nature, unlike you, doesn't think in black and white. That's why there are many sexes, many genders, and many sexual orientations.
Yet he defends the courts ruling states cannot prevent whites and blacks from marrying. To show how retarded he is, he argues gays are not treated unequally since they can marry someone of the opposite gender -- applying that logic to blacks is like saying blacks were not treated unequally ... they could have married any other black of the opposite gender.

Being black changed who you could marry for ... every ... black
Being gay changed who you could marry for ... zero ... gays

What part of that don't you understand?
You're a moron. Banning interracial marriage was the same type of bigoted vile authoritarian bull shit that bigots like you are doing to gays today.

Whether on a personal level it is the same bigoted bull shit or not, the law isn't about fairness, it's about the law and a literal reading of it. And literally, gays are treated the same as everyone else.

But you like to compare that there weren't gay specific laws to actual laws to dictate to blacks where they can sit, drink and go to the bath room. You are full of shit that they are the same, not at all
The new law will be only homosexuals can marry. Don't worry though, you'll be equal, you can marry any person of the same sex you wish to...

If my choice is that or heterosexual government marriage, I'll pick that. At least most government marriage would be gone.

Not sure what your point is, but you probably don't either
The point is in the future you'll be equal, to marry anyone of the same sex you like.
Who "tasked" the Supreme Court with that?
The Constitution, and American history.

Show where in the Constitution it says that. Hint, it doesn't. Someone did though, do you know who "tasked" the supreme court with judicial review?

And how can "American history" task anyone with anything? That's s stupid. If anything, American history would say marriage is a man and a woman, you just shot yourself in the ass
Help yourself. Start here: Judicial review in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I already know the answer, I wanted you to admit it.

Who "tasked" the Supreme Court with judicial review?

Faun keeps running away from that question too.

When danger reared it's ugly head, Paint&Faun turned their tails and fled...
It's interesting how much more intelligent wild turkeys are than domestic ones. I read that they have to keep turkeys in round pens because in a square one they can walk into a corner and panic because they think they are trapped. Interestingly when I became vegetarian, even though I didn't eat a lot of turkey other than holidays, it was one of the few meats I missed
Vegetarian eh? Ignoring nature again, as usual. And domesticated turkeys are stupid as hell, like most people here.

I do eat fish and seafood, so I'm not completely vegetarian
Doesn't matter, you're still rejecting nature. What a surprise...

You mean like sex being between men and women? No wait, that was you rejecting nature...
Heterosexuality is natural. So is homosexuality, and bi, and pan, and asexuality. Nature, unlike you, doesn't think in black and white. That's why there are many sexes, many genders, and many sexual orientations.

There are "many" sexual orientations? Let's count. One, two. Wow, that's not "many"

And no, gay is not the norm, if the norm is your standard, then gay marriage is out. Only 2.2% of the population are gay according to the CDC who studies the gay disease

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