Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Non familial consenting adult couple.s. Same rules gay and straight. Simple.
Nope, if you are straight, you still can't marry the same sex. Nice try, but it wasn't. Here's a home version of our game
You're as stupid as ever. First of all, even if you're straight, you can marry someone of the same gender, though I can't imagine why anyone would. But even more relevant, it changed for gays, who can now marry the person they love; so of course it changed for people.

Back to the kindergarten for you, ay? Though one could ask if you ever actually left...
Above is what kaz looks like when he runs away as fast as his walker will allow after his idiotic post gets destroyed.


LOL, you think going to kindergarten insults is destroying anyone's arguments.

I'd say you probably actually believe that except you turned around and made a desperate plea for people to believe you, so obviously you don't
No, I think pointing out how gay marriage has changed who gays can marry utterly destroys your idiocy that gay marriage didn't change who you can marry for anyone.

Keep on kazzin'. :thup:

I will, thanks! The Democratic party you are a bitch to will never tell me what to think.

And I owe you a thanks as well, you are greatly improving my site experience, thank you for helping me identify and rid the most children of dickless bitches. you're doing me a solid
You're as stupid as ever. First of all, even if you're straight, you can marry someone of the same gender, though I can't imagine why anyone would. But even more relevant, it changed for gays, who can now marry the person they love; so of course it changed for people.

Back to the kindergarten for you, ay? Though one could ask if you ever actually left...
Above is what kaz looks like when he runs away as fast as his walker will allow after his idiotic post gets destroyed.


LOL, you think going to kindergarten insults is destroying anyone's arguments.

I'd say you probably actually believe that except you turned around and made a desperate plea for people to believe you, so obviously you don't
No, I think pointing out how gay marriage has changed who gays can marry utterly destroys your idiocy that gay marriage didn't change who you can marry for anyone.

Keep on kazzin'. :thup:

I will, thanks! The Democratic party you are a bitch to will never tell me what to think.

And I owe you a thanks as well, you are greatly improving my site experience, thank you for helping me identify and rid the most children of dickless bitches. you're doing me a solid
Glad I could help by getting under your skin. :thup:
Back to the kindergarten for you, ay? Though one could ask if you ever actually left...
Above is what kaz looks like when he runs away as fast as his walker will allow after his idiotic post gets destroyed.


LOL, you think going to kindergarten insults is destroying anyone's arguments.

I'd say you probably actually believe that except you turned around and made a desperate plea for people to believe you, so obviously you don't
No, I think pointing out how gay marriage has changed who gays can marry utterly destroys your idiocy that gay marriage didn't change who you can marry for anyone.

Keep on kazzin'. :thup:

I will, thanks! The Democratic party you are a bitch to will never tell me what to think.

And I owe you a thanks as well, you are greatly improving my site experience, thank you for helping me identify and rid the most children of dickless bitches. you're doing me a solid
Glad I could help by getting under your skin. :thup:

Yes, gay boy, obviously you know how I feel. Well, you think you do. Your self portrayal way overestimates your actual abilities
Above is what kaz looks like when he runs away as fast as his walker will allow after his idiotic post gets destroyed.


LOL, you think going to kindergarten insults is destroying anyone's arguments.

I'd say you probably actually believe that except you turned around and made a desperate plea for people to believe you, so obviously you don't
No, I think pointing out how gay marriage has changed who gays can marry utterly destroys your idiocy that gay marriage didn't change who you can marry for anyone.

Keep on kazzin'. :thup:

I will, thanks! The Democratic party you are a bitch to will never tell me what to think.

And I owe you a thanks as well, you are greatly improving my site experience, thank you for helping me identify and rid the most children of dickless bitches. you're doing me a solid
Glad I could help by getting under your skin. :thup:

Yes, gay boy, obviously you know how I feel. Well, you think you do. Your self portrayal way overestimates your actual abilities
You don't even seem to realize just how much of yourself you reveal. Ignoring all those folks because they call you out for kazzing reveals how much I get under your skin. Expressing your fantasies of straight men having gay sex reveals your own curious desires. I can only go by the words you express.
LOL, you think going to kindergarten insults is destroying anyone's arguments.

I'd say you probably actually believe that except you turned around and made a desperate plea for people to believe you, so obviously you don't
No, I think pointing out how gay marriage has changed who gays can marry utterly destroys your idiocy that gay marriage didn't change who you can marry for anyone.

Keep on kazzin'. :thup:

I will, thanks! The Democratic party you are a bitch to will never tell me what to think.

And I owe you a thanks as well, you are greatly improving my site experience, thank you for helping me identify and rid the most children of dickless bitches. you're doing me a solid
Glad I could help by getting under your skin. :thup:

Yes, gay boy, obviously you know how I feel. Well, you think you do. Your self portrayal way overestimates your actual abilities
You don't even seem to realize just how much of yourself you reveal. Ignoring all those folks because they call you out for kazzing reveals how much I get under your skin. Expressing your fantasies of straight men having gay sex reveals your own curious desires. I can only go by the words you express.

You got teased a lot in school, didn't you?

Your school yard schtick is boring as shit. You started the "kazzing" thing, now you have fantasies about all the other intellectual grade schoolers chanting kazzing to me over and over. Why would I want to participate in that? I'm not mentally eight like you, Syriusly, Dot Com, Mertex and Skyar are. What interest do I have when you just keep chanting "kazzing" between you over and over? Not interested, tyky poo. And at this point you are putting all your effort into roping more of your fellow childen in. It's playground. I realize that's your speed, but while I like to banter, it's not mine. I don't give a shit other than that at this point, you and the other children are just tired
Last edited:
Why should taxpayers have to subsidize this kind of bigoted bovine excrement ?? ..........Breaking Bobby Jindal Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Tax Dollars To Fight Gay Marriage Exclusive - The New Civil Rights Movement

Breaking: Bobby Jindal Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Tax Dollars To Fight Gay Marriage (Exclusive)

As we are well aware, many attorneys general across the United States spent copious amounts of taxpayer money to defend state marriage bans. John Boehner spent millions at the federal level to defend DOMA. Louisiana AG Buddy Caldwell and Governor Bobby Jindal are no different.

In a time when Louisiana is fiscally broke, having to slash some higher education and hospital services, the amount of taxpayer money Bobby Jindal paid to the attorney fighting same-sex marriage rights could have been much better spent.

My husband and I were some of those taxpayers that Jindal disenfranchised. Having filed the federal lawsuit, Robicheaux et. al., challenging Louisiana’s marriage ban in July 2013, we’ve been fighting the governor and his officers for the last 24 months. We’ve been forced to file our taxes separately due to the ban that was in place and have those tax dollars used against us.

The dust has settled in Louisiana on this matter, but the taxpayers will continue to suffer for the fiscal crisis that Jindal will leave behind. Even those of us that had our tax money spent in the fight against us.

No, I think pointing out how gay marriage has changed who gays can marry utterly destroys your idiocy that gay marriage didn't change who you can marry for anyone.

Keep on kazzin'. :thup:

I will, thanks! The Democratic party you are a bitch to will never tell me what to think.

And I owe you a thanks as well, you are greatly improving my site experience, thank you for helping me identify and rid the most children of dickless bitches. you're doing me a solid
Glad I could help by getting under your skin. :thup:

Yes, gay boy, obviously you know how I feel. Well, you think you do. Your self portrayal way overestimates your actual abilities
You don't even seem to realize just how much of yourself you reveal. Ignoring all those folks because they call you out for kazzing reveals how much I get under your skin. Expressing your fantasies of straight men having gay sex reveals your own curious desires. I can only go by the words you express.

You got teased a lot in school, didn't you?

Your school yard schtick is boring as shit. You started the "kazzing" thing, now you have fantasies about all the other intellectual grade schoolers chanting kazzing to me over and over. Why would I want to participate in that? I'm not mentally eight like you, Syriusly, Dot Com, Mertex and Skyar are. What interest do I have when you just keep chanting "kazzing" between you over and over? Not interested, tyky poo. And at this point you are putting all your effort into roping more of your fellow childen in. It's playground. I realize that's your speed, but while I like to banter, it's not mine. I don't give a shit other than that at this point, you and the other children are just tired
Says the bully with the nazi boots.
I will, thanks! The Democratic party you are a bitch to will never tell me what to think.

And I owe you a thanks as well, you are greatly improving my site experience, thank you for helping me identify and rid the most children of dickless bitches. you're doing me a solid
Glad I could help by getting under your skin. :thup:

Yes, gay boy, obviously you know how I feel. Well, you think you do. Your self portrayal way overestimates your actual abilities
You don't even seem to realize just how much of yourself you reveal. Ignoring all those folks because they call you out for kazzing reveals how much I get under your skin. Expressing your fantasies of straight men having gay sex reveals your own curious desires. I can only go by the words you express.

You got teased a lot in school, didn't you?

Your school yard schtick is boring as shit. You started the "kazzing" thing, now you have fantasies about all the other intellectual grade schoolers chanting kazzing to me over and over. Why would I want to participate in that? I'm not mentally eight like you, Syriusly, Dot Com, Mertex and Skyar are. What interest do I have when you just keep chanting "kazzing" between you over and over? Not interested, tyky poo. And at this point you are putting all your effort into roping more of your fellow childen in. It's playground. I realize that's your speed, but while I like to banter, it's not mine. I don't give a shit other than that at this point, you and the other children are just tired
Says the bully with the nazi boots.

LOL, that still cracks me up. You're so far gone in leftist kool aid you think that for government to not give people things is Nazi. I'm thinking the European Jews wouldn't have seen it that way, Karl
Non familial consenting adult couple.s. Same rules gay and straight. Simple.

Non familial consenting man/woman adult couple.s. Same rules, gay and straight. Simple

No Kazzy, that would be gays playing by straight rules. Now we all play by the same rules. (and get the same tax breaks :lol: )


God, love provided by government. that's sick.

And you still can't name a way gays and straights were treated differently without redefining words and using variables. Variables you offer then swipe away.

gays can't marry who they want

polygamists can't marry who they want, oops, that's OK. Narcissists like Skylar can't marry who they love, himself. That's OK too. You're a hypocrite
Glad I could help by getting under your skin. :thup:

Yes, gay boy, obviously you know how I feel. Well, you think you do. Your self portrayal way overestimates your actual abilities
You don't even seem to realize just how much of yourself you reveal. Ignoring all those folks because they call you out for kazzing reveals how much I get under your skin. Expressing your fantasies of straight men having gay sex reveals your own curious desires. I can only go by the words you express.

You got teased a lot in school, didn't you?

Your school yard schtick is boring as shit. You started the "kazzing" thing, now you have fantasies about all the other intellectual grade schoolers chanting kazzing to me over and over. Why would I want to participate in that? I'm not mentally eight like you, Syriusly, Dot Com, Mertex and Skyar are. What interest do I have when you just keep chanting "kazzing" between you over and over? Not interested, tyky poo. And at this point you are putting all your effort into roping more of your fellow childen in. It's playground. I realize that's your speed, but while I like to banter, it's not mine. I don't give a shit other than that at this point, you and the other children are just tired
Says the bully with the nazi boots.

LOL, that still cracks me up. You're so far gone in leftist kool aid you think that for government to not give people things is Nazi. I'm thinking the European Jews wouldn't have seen it that way, Karl
^ dumb ass that "claims" to be a libertarian... wants the liberty to tax the shit out of gays without them getting the same benefits as everyone else. Yes, he's not libertarian... he's AUTHORITARIAN.
Non familial consenting adult couple.s. Same rules gay and straight. Simple.

Non familial consenting man/woman adult couple.s. Same rules, gay and straight. Simple

No Kazzy, that would be gays playing by straight rules. Now we all play by the same rules. (and get the same tax breaks :lol: )


God, love provided by government. that's sick.

And you still can't name a way gays and straights were treated differently without redefining words and using variables. Variables you offer then swipe away.

gays can't marry who they want

polygamists can't marry who they want, oops, that's OK. Narcissists like Skylar can't marry who they love, himself. That's OK too. You're a hypocrite
Make up your mind first you say it's about tax breaks then the next post you say it's about love. You're one screwed up nazi aren't you.
Yes, gay boy, obviously you know how I feel. Well, you think you do. Your self portrayal way overestimates your actual abilities
You don't even seem to realize just how much of yourself you reveal. Ignoring all those folks because they call you out for kazzing reveals how much I get under your skin. Expressing your fantasies of straight men having gay sex reveals your own curious desires. I can only go by the words you express.

You got teased a lot in school, didn't you?

Your school yard schtick is boring as shit. You started the "kazzing" thing, now you have fantasies about all the other intellectual grade schoolers chanting kazzing to me over and over. Why would I want to participate in that? I'm not mentally eight like you, Syriusly, Dot Com, Mertex and Skyar are. What interest do I have when you just keep chanting "kazzing" between you over and over? Not interested, tyky poo. And at this point you are putting all your effort into roping more of your fellow childen in. It's playground. I realize that's your speed, but while I like to banter, it's not mine. I don't give a shit other than that at this point, you and the other children are just tired
Says the bully with the nazi boots.

LOL, that still cracks me up. You're so far gone in leftist kool aid you think that for government to not give people things is Nazi. I'm thinking the European Jews wouldn't have seen it that way, Karl
^ dumb ass that "claims" to be a libertarian... wants the liberty to tax the shit out of gays without them getting the same benefits as everyone else. Yes, he's not libertarian... he's AUTHORITARIAN.

OK, I'll bite. What do I think that isn't libertarian?
Non familial consenting adult couple.s. Same rules gay and straight. Simple.

Non familial consenting man/woman adult couple.s. Same rules, gay and straight. Simple

No Kazzy, that would be gays playing by straight rules. Now we all play by the same rules. (and get the same tax breaks :lol: )


God, love provided by government. that's sick.

And you still can't name a way gays and straights were treated differently without redefining words and using variables. Variables you offer then swipe away.

gays can't marry who they want

polygamists can't marry who they want, oops, that's OK. Narcissists like Skylar can't marry who they love, himself. That's OK too. You're a hypocrite
Make up your mind first you say it's about tax breaks then the next post you say it's about love. You're one screwed up nazi aren't you.

Nope, if you are straight, you still can't marry the same sex. Nice try, but it wasn't. Here's a home version of our game

Sure you can. No one will ask about your sexual orientation. However, would you want to if you're not gay? Of course not although I did here of a case where two straight guys- much to the chagrin of gays did get married as a stunt.

So now, as we know anyone can marry someone of either gender. And both gays, like straights can marry the one who they desire. That is, after all, what marriage is about, at least in part.

Great argument to make to the legislature, irrelevant to courts following the law

And...your legal theory behind that assertion is what, exactly? From Obergefell.....OBERGEFELL v. HODGES US Law LII Legal Information Institute

1) The fundamental liberties protected by the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause extend to certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices defining personal identity and beliefs. See, e.g., Eisenstadt v. Baird, 405 U. S. 438; Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U. S. 479–486. Courts must exercise reasoned judgment in identifying interests of the person so fundamental that the State must accord them its respect. History and tradition guide and discipline the inquiry but do not set its outer boundaries. When new insight reveals discord between the Constitution’s central protections and a received legal stricture, a claim to liberty must be addressed

A second principle in this Court’s jurisprudence is that the right to marry is fundamental because it supports a two-person union unlike any other in its importance to the committed individuals. The intimate association protected by this right was central to Griswold v. Connecticut, which held the Constitution protects the right of married couples to use contraception, 381 U. S., at 485, and was acknowledged in Turner, supra, at 95. Same-sex couples have the same right as opposite-sex couples to enjoy intimate association, a right extending beyond mere freedom from laws making same-sex intimacy a criminal offense. See Lawrence, supra, at 567.

4) The right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person, and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that right and that liberty. Same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry. Baker v. Nelson is overruled. The State laws challenged by the petitioners in these cases are held invalid to the extent they exclude same-sex couples from civil marriage on the same terms and conditions as opposite-sex couples. Pp. 22–23.

Have you even bothered to read the opinion or have you just brushed it aside as though you know more about the constitution that Kennedy?

The theory behind it is the Constitution which is clear, you must apply the law to all citizens equally. All citizens can enter a man/woman marriage. No citizen can enter a single sex marriage. The job of the courts is done.y

Yeah- the court rejected your theory.

Because they understand the Constitution and you don't.

Their decision on gay marriage was one of the most irrational poorly argued decisions the court ever made, and that's a very low bar to get under. Kennedy didn't even refer to the actual text of the Constitution.

Notice that when the Court rules in the left's favor, their word is gospel, but when it rules against them, the members of the court are self-serving political hacks.
Non familial consenting adult couple.s. Same rules gay and straight. Simple.

The rules were that only opposite sex couples could marry. When did the "couple" requirement enter the picture? Was that before or after you threw out the opposite sex requirement? The same thing goes for the "non familial" requirement? Why should that be a requirement if marriage has nothing to do with procreation?

You queers just can't keep your arguments consistent, can you?
Non familial consenting adult couple.s. Same rules gay and straight. Simple.

Non familial consenting man/woman adult couple.s. Same rules, gay and straight. Simple

No Kazzy, that would be gays playing by straight rules. Now we all play by the same rules. (and get the same tax breaks :lol: )


You through out the straight rules, so what are the new rules? Why can't a man marry his sister? What's the logic justifying that which doesn't contradict one of the other bogus arguments you used to defend gay marriage?

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