Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Nobody is imposing gay marriage

They are merely allowing two people who love each other to marry
LOL! No, federal judges didnt strike down laws and constitutional amendments in states. That was some kind of conservative lie.
Nobody has forced you to marry anyone you don't approve of

They are demanding that we pay benefits to people who have no business being married.

I am required to 'pay benefits' to all sorts of people who have no business being married- most of them straight. What we are demanding is that gay couples be treated under the law the same as my wife and I are treated.

You object to that because you hate gays.

Your view on whether someone has any business being married is obviously not credible. Gay couples are not entitled to be treated the same as heterosexual couples because they can't reproduce.

Every rational person learns to hate queers after they learn how dishonest, irrational, unreasonable, and vicious they are.
Beyond stupid. :cuckoo: Even for you.

But thanks for exposing how the rightard brain functions.
You said I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars

And you can't deny it, there is no way around that

I haven't argued it. Its simply not a debate I've been a part of.

Which makes your claim that I called the British PM and British Intelligence 'liars' all the more fallacious. You made that quote up for me. And even now, don't have the integrity to admit you lied.

Shrugging......you merely prove me right again: you lie.

So you believe British intelligence, which means W was truthful and the Democrats lied? Simple question on that which you are the renowned world expert, your opinion
Typical Skylar Bull Shit - Quoting people out of context

- AT least that's what I think you're doing - you couldn't possibly be stupid enough to think that's what she really said ... well --- yeah okay - maybe

That's one possibility. Another is that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about and are babbling incoherently. Lets check the record to see which:

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?

Post 588
Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating Page 59 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You were saying, Greenbean?

I was saying you twisted and quoted out of context. While the eloquence of Kaz leaves a tad to be desired - The sum and substance of her post was that HIV is [predominantly] a Gay Disease.

And that Gays are Diseased - which sadly they are, in the respect that they are mentally psychologically diseased as well as being more prone to physical maladies largely arising from their perverted lifestyles. omosessuale panda capice ?

Just pointing out that you are of course wrong.

HIV doesn't care whether you are gay or not. The majority of HIV cases are not with homosexuals and Lesbians are statistically less likely to contract HIV than straights.

According to the CDC who study gays, who they are saying are a disease, and HIV,

2.2% of the population is gay

The CDC never said that gays are a disease. That would be you. Citing you. Which is pure blithering batshit.

In 2013, 72% of HIV infections were for gay males.

HIV is clearly a gay disease, Sparky. Sorry. It's a disease of the diseased

Then explain why half of those infected with HIV are women, with another 10% being children.

People living with HIV/AIDS in 2011: 34 million
Proportion of adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2011 who were women (%): 50%
Children living with HIV/AIDS: 3.3 million

Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistics AVERT

Your math seems a bit off

Your statistics are bullshit. The percentage of HIV cases that are female is far below 50%. Here are the CDC figures:

Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS CDC

Male-to-male sexual contact 30,689
Injection drug use 1,942
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,270
Heterosexual contact 3,887

Note: heterosexual contact includes female to male transmission. Although the odds of such a thing occurring are lower than your chances of being hit by a meteorite, people lie about it, and the CDC does nothing to check the accuracy of what people claim. So at best the ration of male to female HIV cases looks like this:

(3,997 + 1,942) / (3,997 + 1,942) + (30,689 + 1270) = 5939 / (5939 + 31,959) =
5939/37898 = = 15.7%

Note: all the injection drug use cases were attributed to females when exactly the opposite is more likely to be the case.

In other words, you're full of shit and making things up.
I don't research things because you tell me to no matter how massive your ego is. If you want me to research what I said about your opinion, you have to deny it.

I'm asking you to do nothing more than back up your claim that I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

And you've failed perfectly to back up your claim every time. You lied. Claiming I said things that I never did. Again, Kaz....we've all seen your schtick. We know you lie.

You're elegantly proving it for us one more time.
Even worse for that nutjob ... now he thinks he won that argument. :cuckoo:

Yes, Skylar consistently can't deny that I'm right. Since my point is about his opinion, he would know. Game, set and match
While you may be a legend in your own mind, you made a claim you failed to prove. i.e., you lied. Sorry to inform you, but you don't win arguments by making shit up and lying.

Skylar can't deny it, of course he can't. It's a trap, he's correct. Either he shows he's a hypocrite (by calling British Intelligence liars in the exact same role as Miriam who he believes is Sainted), or he splits from the Democratic party and calls them liars defending W.

The irony is the latter reason is why I said he said that, and his refusal to deny it does prove that
He doesn't have to confirm or deny it. The only one you snared in your "trap" is you. You [once again] affirmed yourself as the pathological liar the forum has learned you to be. :thup:
I don't research things because you tell me to no matter how massive your ego is. If you want me to research what I said about your opinion, you have to deny it.

I'm asking you to do nothing more than back up your claim that I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

And you've failed perfectly to back up your claim every time. You lied. Claiming I said things that I never did. Again, Kaz....we've all seen your schtick. We know you lie.

You're elegantly proving it for us one more time.
Even worse for that nutjob ... now he thinks he won that argument. :cuckoo:

Yes, Skylar consistently can't deny that I'm right. Since my point is about his opinion, he would know. Game, set and match
While you may be a legend in your own mind, you made a claim you failed to prove. i.e., you lied. Sorry to inform you, but you don't win arguments by making shit up and lying.

Skylar can't deny it, of course he can't. It's a trap, he's correct. Either he shows he's a hypocrite (by calling British Intelligence liars in the exact same role as Miriam who he believes is Sainted), or he splits from the Democratic party and calls them liars defending W.

The irony is the latter reason is why I said he said that, and his refusal to deny it does prove that

I haven't debated it. Yet despite me never having even discussed the topic, you lied, claiming that I'd called the Brtish PM and British Intelligence liars.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to make up imaginary quotes. Or lie about them. But you can't stop yourself from doing both. Which is why we know you lie.

You've painted yourself into another corner, Kaz. You only prove yourself a liar by trying to perpetuate this lie. And you can't stop yourself from proving me right. I can make you destroy our own credibility at will by merely pointing out your lie.

And there's nothing you can do to stop me. See how this works?
That's one possibility. Another is that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about and are babbling incoherently. Lets check the record to see which:

You were saying, Greenbean?

I was saying you twisted and quoted out of context. While the eloquence of Kaz leaves a tad to be desired - The sum and substance of her post was that HIV is [predominantly] a Gay Disease.

And that Gays are Diseased - which sadly they are, in the respect that they are mentally psychologically diseased as well as being more prone to physical maladies largely arising from their perverted lifestyles. omosessuale panda capice ?

Just pointing out that you are of course wrong.

HIV doesn't care whether you are gay or not. The majority of HIV cases are not with homosexuals and Lesbians are statistically less likely to contract HIV than straights.

According to the CDC who study gays, who they are saying are a disease, and HIV,

2.2% of the population is gay

The CDC never said that gays are a disease. That would be you. Citing you. Which is pure blithering batshit.

In 2013, 72% of HIV infections were for gay males.

HIV is clearly a gay disease, Sparky. Sorry. It's a disease of the diseased

Then explain why half of those infected with HIV are women, with another 10% being children.

People living with HIV/AIDS in 2011: 34 million
Proportion of adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2011 who were women (%): 50%
Children living with HIV/AIDS: 3.3 million

Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistics AVERT

Your math seems a bit off

Your statistics are bullshit. The percentage of HIV cases that are female is far below 50%. Here are the CDC figures:

Male-to-male sexual contact 30,689
Injection drug use 1,942
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,270
Heterosexual contact 3,887

Note: heterosexual contact includes female to male transmission. Although the odds of such a thing occurring are lower than your chances of being hit by a meteorite, people lie about it, and the CDC does nothing to check the accuracy of what people claim. So at best the ration of male to female HIV cases looks like this:

(3,997 + 1,942) / (3,997 + 1,942) + (30,689 + 1270) = 5939 / (5939 + 31,959) =
5939/37898 = = 15.7%

Note: all the injection drug use cases were attributed to females when exactly the opposite is more likely to be the case.

In other words, you're full of shit and making things up.

He is full of shit since I specifically sited the CDC, which studies US not Global stats. But in fairness to his stats, he was referring to Global stats so they could be correct
That's one possibility. Another is that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about and are babbling incoherently. Lets check the record to see which:

You were saying, Greenbean?

I was saying you twisted and quoted out of context. While the eloquence of Kaz leaves a tad to be desired - The sum and substance of her post was that HIV is [predominantly] a Gay Disease.

And that Gays are Diseased - which sadly they are, in the respect that they are mentally psychologically diseased as well as being more prone to physical maladies largely arising from their perverted lifestyles. omosessuale panda capice ?

Just pointing out that you are of course wrong.

HIV doesn't care whether you are gay or not. The majority of HIV cases are not with homosexuals and Lesbians are statistically less likely to contract HIV than straights.

According to the CDC who study gays, who they are saying are a disease, and HIV,

2.2% of the population is gay

The CDC never said that gays are a disease. That would be you. Citing you. Which is pure blithering batshit.

In 2013, 72% of HIV infections were for gay males.

HIV is clearly a gay disease, Sparky. Sorry. It's a disease of the diseased

Then explain why half of those infected with HIV are women, with another 10% being children.

People living with HIV/AIDS in 2011: 34 million
Proportion of adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2011 who were women (%): 50%
Children living with HIV/AIDS: 3.3 million

Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistics AVERT

Your math seems a bit off

Your statistics are bullshit. The percentage of HIV cases that are female is far below 50%. Here are the CDC figures:

My stats are dead on. As surely you realize that HIV exists outside the US.

Surely you do. You can't be so stupid as to not have followed the link when it was titled 'World Wide HIV/AIDS statstics.....and then show us only US numbers.

I refuse to believe you're that dumb.

Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS CDC

Male-to-male sexual contact 30,689
Injection drug use 1,942
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,270
Heterosexual contact 3,887

Note: heterosexual contact includes female to male transmission. Although the odds of such a thing occurring are lower than your chances of being hit by a meteorite, people lie about it, and the CDC does nothing to check the accuracy of what people claim. So at best the ration of male to female HIV cases looks like this:

(3,997 + 1,942) / (3,997 + 1,942) + (30,689 + 1270) = 5939 / (5939 + 31,959) =
5939/37898 = = 15.7%

Note: all the injection drug use cases were attributed to females when exactly the opposite is more likely to be the case.

In other words, you're full of shit and making things up.

Those are US only numbers. You seemed to have missed the 'Worldwide' in 'Worldwide HIV and AIDS statistics.

Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistics AVERT

Try again. This time actually reading what you are responding to before you reply. Not after.
I'm asking you to do nothing more than back up your claim that I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

And you've failed perfectly to back up your claim every time. You lied. Claiming I said things that I never did. Again, Kaz....we've all seen your schtick. We know you lie.

You're elegantly proving it for us one more time.
Even worse for that nutjob ... now he thinks he won that argument. :cuckoo:

Yes, Skylar consistently can't deny that I'm right. Since my point is about his opinion, he would know. Game, set and match
While you may be a legend in your own mind, you made a claim you failed to prove. i.e., you lied. Sorry to inform you, but you don't win arguments by making shit up and lying.

Skylar can't deny it, of course he can't. It's a trap, he's correct. Either he shows he's a hypocrite (by calling British Intelligence liars in the exact same role as Miriam who he believes is Sainted), or he splits from the Democratic party and calls them liars defending W.

The irony is the latter reason is why I said he said that, and his refusal to deny it does prove that
He doesn't have to confirm or deny it. The only one you snared in your "trap" is you. You [once again] affirmed yourself as the pathological liar the forum has learned you to be. :thup:

So when you put words in my mouth all the time I didn't say, don't think and didn't mean, that's OK, you don't need to prove anything. Here's one I keep asking you all the time. You keep calling me "right." I keep asking you for views I have that are "right" and not "libertarian." You ignore it completely. So does Skylar, Syriously, Bodedica, NYCarbineer and the rest of you leftist who's who of moon bats.

When I say he thinks the left wing view like he does on every other issue and he won't deny it, I should go research it anyway.

Got it. Here's a Twinkie, you can go play now
Even worse for that nutjob ... now he thinks he won that argument. :cuckoo:

Yes, Skylar consistently can't deny that I'm right. Since my point is about his opinion, he would know. Game, set and match
While you may be a legend in your own mind, you made a claim you failed to prove. i.e., you lied. Sorry to inform you, but you don't win arguments by making shit up and lying.

Skylar can't deny it, of course he can't. It's a trap, he's correct. Either he shows he's a hypocrite (by calling British Intelligence liars in the exact same role as Miriam who he believes is Sainted), or he splits from the Democratic party and calls them liars defending W.

The irony is the latter reason is why I said he said that, and his refusal to deny it does prove that
He doesn't have to confirm or deny it. The only one you snared in your "trap" is you. You [once again] affirmed yourself as the pathological liar the forum has learned you to be. :thup:

So when you put words in my mouth all the time I didn't say, don't think and didn't mean, that's OK, you don't need to prove anything. Here's one I keep asking you all the time. You keep calling me "right." I keep asking you for views I have that are "right" and not "libertarian." You ignore it completely. So does Skylar, Syriously, Bodedica, NYCarbineer and the rest of you leftist who's who of moon bats.

When I say he thinks the left wing view like he does on every other issue and he won't deny it, I should go research it anyway.

Got it. Here's a Twinkie, you can go play now
What words have I falsely ascribed to you?
I was saying you twisted and quoted out of context. While the eloquence of Kaz leaves a tad to be desired - The sum and substance of her post was that HIV is [predominantly] a Gay Disease.

And that Gays are Diseased - which sadly they are, in the respect that they are mentally psychologically diseased as well as being more prone to physical maladies largely arising from their perverted lifestyles. omosessuale panda capice ?

Just pointing out that you are of course wrong.

HIV doesn't care whether you are gay or not. The majority of HIV cases are not with homosexuals and Lesbians are statistically less likely to contract HIV than straights.

According to the CDC who study gays, who they are saying are a disease, and HIV,

2.2% of the population is gay

The CDC never said that gays are a disease. That would be you. Citing you. Which is pure blithering batshit.

In 2013, 72% of HIV infections were for gay males.

HIV is clearly a gay disease, Sparky. Sorry. It's a disease of the diseased

Then explain why half of those infected with HIV are women, with another 10% being children.

People living with HIV/AIDS in 2011: 34 million
Proportion of adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2011 who were women (%): 50%
Children living with HIV/AIDS: 3.3 million

Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistics AVERT

Your math seems a bit off

Your statistics are bullshit. The percentage of HIV cases that are female is far below 50%. Here are the CDC figures:

Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS CDC

Male-to-male sexual contact 30,689
Injection drug use 1,942
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,270
Heterosexual contact 3,887

Note: heterosexual contact includes female to male transmission. Although the odds of such a thing occurring are lower than your chances of being hit by a meteorite, people lie about it, and the CDC does nothing to check the accuracy of what people claim. So at best the ration of male to female HIV cases looks like this:

(3,997 + 1,942) / (3,997 + 1,942) + (30,689 + 1270) = 5939 / (5939 + 31,959) =
5939/37898 = = 15.7%

Note: all the injection drug use cases were attributed to females when exactly the opposite is more likely to be the case.

In other words, you're full of shit and making things up.

My states are dead on. As surely you realize that HIV exists outside the US.

Surely you do.

Of what relevance are cases outside the united states? Queers always like to include cases in Africa, but conditions there are nothing like the conditions in Western countries. For one thing, how can anyone even trust the statistics coming out of places like that? For another, doctors in Africa often reuse syringes without sterilizing them. There are a host of reasons that African statistics are totally irrelevant.

Counting African cases is just another way that queers lie.
I'm asking you to do nothing more than back up your claim that I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

And you've failed perfectly to back up your claim every time. You lied. Claiming I said things that I never did. Again, Kaz....we've all seen your schtick. We know you lie.

You're elegantly proving it for us one more time.
Even worse for that nutjob ... now he thinks he won that argument. :cuckoo:

Yes, Skylar consistently can't deny that I'm right. Since my point is about his opinion, he would know. Game, set and match
While you may be a legend in your own mind, you made a claim you failed to prove. i.e., you lied. Sorry to inform you, but you don't win arguments by making shit up and lying.

Skylar can't deny it, of course he can't. It's a trap, he's correct. Either he shows he's a hypocrite (by calling British Intelligence liars in the exact same role as Miriam who he believes is Sainted), or he splits from the Democratic party and calls them liars defending W.

The irony is the latter reason is why I said he said that, and his refusal to deny it does prove that

I haven't debated it. Yet despite me never having even discussed the topic, you lied, claiming that I'd called the Brtish PM and British Intelligence liars.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to make up imaginary quotes. Or lie about them. But you can't stop yourself from doing both. Which is why we know you lie.

You've painted yourself into another corner, Kaz. You only prove yourself a liar by trying to perpetuate this lie. And you can't stop yourself from proving me right. I can make you destroy our own credibility at will by merely pointing out your lie.

And there's nothing you can do to stop me. See how this works?

Prove I'm "right" not "libertarian" as you keep saying. You don't get to send people on tasks you don't do yourself. See how this works?
Yes, Skylar consistently can't deny that I'm right. Since my point is about his opinion, he would know. Game, set and match
While you may be a legend in your own mind, you made a claim you failed to prove. i.e., you lied. Sorry to inform you, but you don't win arguments by making shit up and lying.

Skylar can't deny it, of course he can't. It's a trap, he's correct. Either he shows he's a hypocrite (by calling British Intelligence liars in the exact same role as Miriam who he believes is Sainted), or he splits from the Democratic party and calls them liars defending W.

The irony is the latter reason is why I said he said that, and his refusal to deny it does prove that
He doesn't have to confirm or deny it. The only one you snared in your "trap" is you. You [once again] affirmed yourself as the pathological liar the forum has learned you to be. :thup:

So when you put words in my mouth all the time I didn't say, don't think and didn't mean, that's OK, you don't need to prove anything. Here's one I keep asking you all the time. You keep calling me "right." I keep asking you for views I have that are "right" and not "libertarian." You ignore it completely. So does Skylar, Syriously, Bodedica, NYCarbineer and the rest of you leftist who's who of moon bats.

When I say he thinks the left wing view like he does on every other issue and he won't deny it, I should go research it anyway.

Got it. Here's a Twinkie, you can go play now
What words have I falsely ascribed to you?

I answered that in the post you responded to, dumb ass
Just pointing out that you are of course wrong.

HIV doesn't care whether you are gay or not. The majority of HIV cases are not with homosexuals and Lesbians are statistically less likely to contract HIV than straights.

According to the CDC who study gays, who they are saying are a disease, and HIV,

2.2% of the population is gay

The CDC never said that gays are a disease. That would be you. Citing you. Which is pure blithering batshit.

In 2013, 72% of HIV infections were for gay males.

HIV is clearly a gay disease, Sparky. Sorry. It's a disease of the diseased

Then explain why half of those infected with HIV are women, with another 10% being children.

People living with HIV/AIDS in 2011: 34 million
Proportion of adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2011 who were women (%): 50%
Children living with HIV/AIDS: 3.3 million

Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistics AVERT

Your math seems a bit off

Your statistics are bullshit. The percentage of HIV cases that are female is far below 50%. Here are the CDC figures:

Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS CDC

Male-to-male sexual contact 30,689
Injection drug use 1,942
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,270
Heterosexual contact 3,887

Note: heterosexual contact includes female to male transmission. Although the odds of such a thing occurring are lower than your chances of being hit by a meteorite, people lie about it, and the CDC does nothing to check the accuracy of what people claim. So at best the ration of male to female HIV cases looks like this:

(3,997 + 1,942) / (3,997 + 1,942) + (30,689 + 1270) = 5939 / (5939 + 31,959) =
5939/37898 = = 15.7%

Note: all the injection drug use cases were attributed to females when exactly the opposite is more likely to be the case.

In other words, you're full of shit and making things up.

My states are dead on. As surely you realize that HIV exists outside the US.

Surely you do.

Of what relevance are cases outside the united states?

In a discussion of if HIV is a 'gay disease', the fact that most of its victims are women and children would tend to be immediately relevant.

If not, why not?
LOL! No, federal judges didnt strike down laws and constitutional amendments in states. That was some kind of conservative lie.
Nobody has forced you to marry anyone you don't approve of

They are demanding that we pay benefits to people who have no business being married.

I am required to 'pay benefits' to all sorts of people who have no business being married- most of them straight. What we are demanding is that gay couples be treated under the law the same as my wife and I are treated.

You object to that because you hate gays.

Your view on whether someone has any business being married is obviously not credible. Gay couples are not entitled to be treated the same as heterosexual couples because they can't reproduce.

Every rational person learns to hate queers after they learn how dishonest, irrational, unreasonable, and vicious they are.
Beyond stupid. :cuckoo: Even for you.

But thanks for exposing how the rightard brain functions.

Only a lying queer would claim the simple truth is stupid.
According to the CDC who study gays, who they are saying are a disease, and HIV,

2.2% of the population is gay

The CDC never said that gays are a disease. That would be you. Citing you. Which is pure blithering batshit.

In 2013, 72% of HIV infections were for gay males.

HIV is clearly a gay disease, Sparky. Sorry. It's a disease of the diseased

Then explain why half of those infected with HIV are women, with another 10% being children.

People living with HIV/AIDS in 2011: 34 million
Proportion of adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2011 who were women (%): 50%
Children living with HIV/AIDS: 3.3 million

Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistics AVERT

Your math seems a bit off

Your statistics are bullshit. The percentage of HIV cases that are female is far below 50%. Here are the CDC figures:

Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS CDC

Male-to-male sexual contact 30,689
Injection drug use 1,942
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,270
Heterosexual contact 3,887

Note: heterosexual contact includes female to male transmission. Although the odds of such a thing occurring are lower than your chances of being hit by a meteorite, people lie about it, and the CDC does nothing to check the accuracy of what people claim. So at best the ration of male to female HIV cases looks like this:

(3,997 + 1,942) / (3,997 + 1,942) + (30,689 + 1270) = 5939 / (5939 + 31,959) =
5939/37898 = = 15.7%

Note: all the injection drug use cases were attributed to females when exactly the opposite is more likely to be the case.

In other words, you're full of shit and making things up.

My states are dead on. As surely you realize that HIV exists outside the US.

Surely you do.

Of what relevance are cases outside the united states?

In a discussion of if HIV is a 'gay disease', the fact that most of its victims are women and children would tend to be immediately relevant.

If not, why not?

In this country, that would be a lie. We aren't discussing Africa. You're attempt to include it is just a way of lying.

In the USA, HIV is a gay disease. All the claims queers make about it are lies.
Exactly. Kaz lied his ass off

Yet you keep confirming I am correct...
Nope, he keeps confirming you lied as you attributed a statement to him which he apparently didn't make. :ack-1:

Well, that would be a lie as I never said he made the "statement," I said it's what he thinks

You said I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

You lied. As I said no such thing. Yet you're still trying to attribute the statement you made up to me. Demonstrating yet again.....you're a hopeless liar.

Which is exactly my point. A point you keep proving for me again and again.

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