Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Gay couples pay higher taxes than kaz in most cases, if the incomes are comparable. That's the funniest part here. They're subsidizing him.
Nah, I'm the man in my house. Always and under any circumstances. You? You just admitted you can be the wife.

I'm a man by action, you claim manhood because you have a penis. And you think that's you looking good in this?
You look like a little girl in this. I too pay the bills in my house. So what? But should some series unfortunate events occur and my wife starts covering the bills, the difference between you and I is that I am still the husband. You said that makes you the wife. :ack-1: You should get on your knees and beg your wife for your cock back. Maybe she'll give it to you.

I said I'm the husband because I do my job as a husband, you said you are a man because you have a penis. And you call me looking like a little girl? LOL, yeah
For the benefit of those here not paying attention, here is yet another example of kaz lying. He was the one to falsely ascribe to me the claim that a cock alone makes me the man of the house. You'll note, I never said that. What I did say was that no matter what happens in my house, I remain the man of the house. Whereas kaz said all it takes for him to lose his manhood is to lose his job and have his wife pay the bills.

You're the liar. I said I'm the husband because I do what a husband does, it's my actions.

You said you are the husband because you pay the bills. Which of course means if your wife starts paying the bills, you would start calling her 'husband'.

Clearly you are different from the rest of us- who became husbands as soon as we (as males) said "I do"- and are still husbands regardless of who pays the bills.
Why shouldn't they get those?

Begging the question. Read my OP post

Married couples without children get to file joint returns.

And soon same sex hetro couples can too!

Employers offering spousal benefits are gonna love that!

So people can't do this now? Men can't marry women out of convenience now? This is a totally new thing that will ONLY come about if gays can civilly marry exactly like straight people? Is this one of the "special rights" y'all blather about?

Dumbest thing we ever did as a country is to tie healthcare to employment.
we, as in our govt, didn't tie health care to employment as their idea...
BUSINESSES begged our gvt to allow them to be able to add health care as a benefit and be tax deductible for them, so that they could give employees a "raise" so to speak, and without having to pay the employer portion of the SS taxes...

What most do not realize, is that what a company pays for your health care, is a substitute for a raise...for earned income....for your salary.... that business can save on, by not having to pay the employer SS taxes mentioned earlier.

When I worked and got my annual compensation record done by the corporation on all of their management employees...

Included in this compensation statement, was my salary, my bonus, what they paid in to SS security for me, what they paid for my insurances, etc...came to a final number of what my total compensation was...

It was still a dumb idea, tying health care to employment.
How are they exempt from the Estate tax?

Seriously? OK, government marriage exempts you from the estate tax, there is no limit to how much money you can get from your partner and not pay tax on it. You didn't know that?

And, I am certain this has been mentioned...but....

Are you actually saying, those who are married and getting this subsidy (as you call it) are part of the "47"% sucking off the gvt teat?

The 47% are taxpayers who don't pay any taxes. Gays would be at all income levels. Some would be in the 47% anyway some not either way, some would go from the 53% to the 47%. I'm not clear how you get that gays as a whole would or wouldn't be tax payers from anything I said

I thought you all believed that tax breaks are not truly tax breaks because the money is really the person's who earned the money...?

It's not that simple. I'll answer it two ways.

In the spirit of the thread

1) This thread isn't about my view, it's about holding liberals accountable to your own standard. The "hypocrisy" you claim ironically is on you, that's the point of the thread, your leftists standards are endless hypocrisies.
2) Leftists, the ones who want gay government marriage, are the same ones who want the death tax and high progressive taxes, then OMG, not for gays though. So again, you struck hypocrisy. And it is you. LOL

My actual view

I support evading and avoiding taxes in any possible way. I only don't cheat on my taxes because I keep my eye on the sparrow. However, that doesn't mean I can't point out your hypocrisy. Ironically, you noticed your hypocrisy as well...

You all need to make up your minds on this crud and stop being so hypocritical....imho.

Leftists make up an endlessly convoluted and contractory bull shit system and to counter anything you want we are supposed to take your ball of yarn and untangle it perfectly or we are "so hypocritical." What a load of bull
Gay couples pay higher taxes than kaz in most cases, if the incomes are comparable. That's the funniest part here. They're subsidizing him.

Well that is just part of the basic dishonesty of Kaz- his argument is completely self serving- he has his, he is comfortable with homosexuals being required to subsidize his marriage- but is arguing that we must prevent homosexuals from getting the bennies he happily collects.
How are they exempt from the Estate tax?

Seriously? OK, government marriage exempts you from the estate tax, there is no limit to how much money you can get from your partner and not pay tax on it. You didn't know that?

And, I am certain this has been mentioned...but....

Are you actually saying, those who are married and getting this subsidy (as you call it) are part of the "47"% sucking off the gvt teat?

The 47% are taxpayers who don't pay any taxes. Gays would be at all income levels. Some would be in the 47% anyway some not either way, some would go from the 53% to the 47%. I'm not clear how you get that gays as a whole would or wouldn't be tax payers from anything I said

I thought you all believed that tax breaks are not truly tax breaks because the money is really the person's who earned the money...?

It's not that simple. I'll answer it two ways.

In the spirit of the thread

1) This thread isn't about my view, it's about holding liberals accountable to your own standard. The "hypocrisy" you claim ironically is on you, that's the point of the thread, your leftists standards are endless hypocrisies.
2) Leftists, the ones who want gay government marriage, are the same ones who want the death tax and high progressive taxes, then OMG, not for gays though. So again, you struck hypocrisy. And it is you. LOL

My actual view

I support evading and avoiding taxes in any possible way. I only don't cheat on my taxes because I keep my eye on the sparrow. However, that doesn't mean I can't point out your hypocrisy. Ironically, you noticed your hypocrisy as well...

You all need to make up your minds on this crud and stop being so hypocritical....imho.

Leftists make up an endlessly convoluted and contractory bull shit system and to counter anything you want we are supposed to take your ball of yarn and untangle it perfectly or we are "so hypocritical." What a load of bull

Are you exempt from the estate tax?
Gay couples pay higher taxes than kaz in most cases, if the incomes are comparable. That's the funniest part here. They're subsidizing him.

Well that is just part of the basic dishonesty of Kaz- his argument is completely self serving- he has his, he is comfortable with homosexuals being required to subsidize his marriage- but is arguing that we must prevent homosexuals from getting the bennies he happily collects.

He makes this idiotic argument about gays getting a tax break without reproducing, aka 'perpetuating the species',

totally ignoring that fact that billions of dollars in tax breaks are given to people with children, at the expense of others, including childless gay Americans.
Again, you try to create an imaginary argument by making up what other posters have said

I made up nothing, you and Seawytch both made the point that I'm a hypocrite for having a government marriage when I oppose government marriage. I have repeatedly and clearly informed you both how important that is to my wife. You both reject it. Your message is clear.

My values are that my partner's feelings are more important than my political views to me. Period. They are. There is zero hypocrisy in that unless you reject my partner's feelings, which you both do.

You don't get to say it and not own it. Neither of you are ready for a true marriage until you realize real marriage is not just about you and what you get out of it
You're a sell out of your principles. And yet you still try to parade that you are against government marriage when you have one. That makes you not only a hypocrite of the first order, but a coward to your principles too. That added to your constant lying about other people say gives you the Loser Trifecta.
Again, you try to create an imaginary argument by making up what other posters have said

I made up nothing, you and Seawytch both made the point that I'm a hypocrite for having a government marriage when I oppose government marriage. I have repeatedly and clearly informed you both how important that is to my wife. You both reject it. Your message is clear.

My values are that my partner's feelings are more important than my political views to me. Period. They are. There is zero hypocrisy in that unless you reject my partner's feelings, which you both do.

You don't get to say it and not own it. Neither of you are ready for a true marriage until you realize real marriage is not just about you and what you get out of it
Irony alert from the pussy-whipped guy who "only got a legal marriage" because his spouse told him to.
Gay couples pay higher taxes than kaz in most cases, if the incomes are comparable. That's the funniest part here. They're subsidizing him.

Well that is just part of the basic dishonesty of Kaz- his argument is completely self serving- he has his, he is comfortable with homosexuals being required to subsidize his marriage- but is arguing that we must prevent homosexuals from getting the bennies he happily collects.

He makes this idiotic argument about gays getting a tax break without reproducing, aka 'perpetuating the species',

totally ignoring that fact that billions of dollars in tax breaks are given to people with children, at the expense of others, including childless gay Americans.
Yeah...even though it may have been tough to do, Kaz DID out-stupid himself with that one.
Again, you try to create an imaginary argument by making up what other posters have said

I made up nothing, you and Seawytch both made the point that I'm a hypocrite for having a government marriage when I oppose government marriage. I have repeatedly and clearly informed you both how important that is to my wife. You both reject it. Your message is clear.

My values are that my partner's feelings are more important than my political views to me. Period. They are. There is zero hypocrisy in that unless you reject my partner's feelings, which you both do.

You don't get to say it and not own it. Neither of you are ready for a true marriage until you realize real marriage is not just about you and what you get out of it

I wouldn't even bother responding to this swill. They are just trying to bait you. That's Bodecea's favorite tactic.
Are you a fish?
Umm, your pathetic argument falls flat on its face since I didn't blame Reagan for the economy his first year. :lmao:

Now what, loser? Now what lie do you invent to try and save face after falsely accusing me of blaming Reagan for that recession? :ack-1:

I'll type slower this time since you're stupid. Probably won't help, but I'lll give it a go.

If ... Reagan wasn't responsible for the first year economy

That means ... he was "handed the economy" starting the second year

Therefore ... he was handed an economy in recession.

You are too stupid to breathe
He was?

The early 1980s recession in the United States began in July 1981 and ended in November 1982.[2][3][4] One cause was the Federal Reserve's contractionary monetary policy that sought to rein in the high inflation.[5] In the wake of the 1973 oil crisis and the 1979 energy crisis, stagflation began to afflict the U.S. economy.

From: Early 1980s recession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Carter was still President in July 1981?
Two big ones are they pay lower filing jointly tax rates and they are exempt from the death tax. Note it's liberals who demand we have a death tax.

You didn't know married people get those? Seriously?

Why shouldn't they get those?

Begging the question. Read my OP post

Married couples without children get to file joint returns.

And soon same sex hetro couples can too!

Employers offering spousal benefits are gonna love that!
Sure...just like there's been opposite sex hetero (and homo) couples with marriages of conveniences.........like forever.

(Isn't it cute how Pop23 doesn't know about those?)

Then you've not been reading my postings. I've pointed that out many times.

But now the perfect storm. Forced health insurance coverage (and its expense) AND a way to knock that cost down through same sex hetro marriage!

Equality for all bro!
Two big ones are they pay lower filing jointly tax rates and they are exempt from the death tax. Note it's liberals who demand we have a death tax.

You didn't know married people get those? Seriously?

Why shouldn't they get those?

Begging the question. Read my OP post

Married couples without children get to file joint returns.

And soon same sex hetro couples can too!

Employers offering spousal benefits are gonna love that!

So people can't do this now? Men can't marry women out of convenience now? This is a totally new thing that will ONLY come about if gays can civilly marry exactly like straight people? Is this one of the "special rights" y'all blather about?

Dumbest thing we ever did as a country is to tie healthcare to employment.

Why are you arguing?

Same sex hetro's will marry, cut their own health care and tax expense and WE WILL ALL BE EQUAL!

Can I get an amen brothers and sisters?
Two big ones are they pay lower filing jointly tax rates and they are exempt from the death tax. Note it's liberals who demand we have a death tax.

You didn't know married people get those? Seriously?

Why shouldn't they get those?

Begging the question. Read my OP post

You don't know what begging the question means.

Why shouldn't same sex couples be allowed to marry and file jointly?

Begging the question. Read my OP post

Your OP says this .

How financially do the rest of us benefit that government should be charging us higher taxes to make up for lower taxes for people to have gay sex who do not perpetuate the species? Why do we gain for that we should pay for it? That is the question

Childless opposite sex married couples get the benefit of filing jointly. They aren't 'perpetuating' the species. Why should they get the benefit and not same sex married couples?

Childless, maybe because of a reproductive disability? Some for sure

How many same sex couplings don't result in children because of a disability? None for sure.
You remain the class clown

Um ... haven't checked your avatar out lately, have you, Bozo?

Of Course Skylar agreed the justice system is an appropriate avenue to fight for ones rights...

Faun: "If your rights are denied by the government, you sue the government."

Skylar: "Exactly."
Word parsing, that wasn't the point

I'm still waiting to you to quote Skylar saying he can't deny calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars..

Yet you don't ask Skylar to quote me showing I'm right not libertarian, you are a hypocrite, you show that again
Proving you're a liar is 'word parsing?


I showed the forum he did not say what you claimed he said. You do that a lot, in case you haven't noticed. And why would I put him to task to prove something I believe? That doesn't make me a hypocrite. Don't forget, you're the one pretending a libertarian can't also be a rightwinger.
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Then gays were born with the right to marry in 37 of 50 states.

Nope. The legislature doesn't have the power to create rights. It can only defend them or violate them.

The courts recognize the right to marry. And in 37 of 50 States, the courts recognize that gays have the right to same sex marriage.

You disagree. Um, so?

You're nobody. And define no rights for anyone.

The courts are full of shit. No one has a "right" to demand anything from others, including government. You only have the "right" to be left alone when you aren't infringing on other people's right to the same
You are so fucking stupid, it's scary. Is this what Libertarianism is about? An ideology for the stupid to aggregate?

A primary role of the government is to protect our rights. If someone's rights are being denied, the court system you so disdain is a proper avenue for redress. You learned absolutely nothing from the founding of this nation. What a pity.

You failed to get the point of his post, but you area calling Kaz stupid? You're approaching Rdean and Lakhota levels of stupid.
The point of his post is that he's a moron. I read that loud and clear.
Again, you try to create an imaginary argument by making up what other posters have said

I made up nothing, you and Seawytch both made the point that I'm a hypocrite for having a government marriage when I oppose government marriage. I have repeatedly and clearly informed you both how important that is to my wife. You both reject it. Your message is clear.

My values are that my partner's feelings are more important than my political views to me. Period. They are. There is zero hypocrisy in that unless you reject my partner's feelings, which you both do.

You don't get to say it and not own it. Neither of you are ready for a true marriage until you realize real marriage is not just about you and what you get out of it

You asked her to marry you, didn't you? That's what "the husband/man" does, right? You used to want and "need the validation" that "government" marriage "concept" brought you, right?

Our values are important to us. My wife and I come from married parents. Marriage is important and society views civil marriage as important.

Take away your tax breaks and mine...gays will still want the "concept" of civil marriage.
Rightly so.

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