Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Gays can't "mate". We are just subsidizing a evolutionary dead end and anti-social behavior.

Most gays are born from heterosexual matings.


Name one that wasn't.

Amazing isn't it?
Well golly gee - for starters they are the product of heterosexual mating - ya think ?

It's funny that the bigots cling to this reproduction thing, but it's understandable. It's the last thing they can find that's in some way different between a gay couple and an opposite sex couple,

even if it's irrelevant.

It's a desperate attempt to find anything that could thwart the principle of equal protection under the law.

Somewhat different?


No living being has ever walked the face of this planet frome same sex coupling and that's only SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT?

You can't be thinking clearly.

What you pointed out doesn't make the two groups somewhat different, it makes them INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT.

Why is post menopausal opposite sex marriage legal?

Your argument is that gays can procreate the same way elderly straights can?

Name a single same sex coupling that didn't create a child BASED ONLY ON AGE.

you do realize that the oldest birth recorded was a woman in her 70s, right?

What is the oldest birth recorded as a result of same sex coupling?

I want you to cite one child requirement in any current marriage law in this country.


Arizona, to be able to Civilly Marry 1st cousins cannot be able to have children.

Yet that standard is a lie. You don't support polygamists marrying "who they want" and you don't support narcissists like Skylar marrying "who they want."

Yet another wonderful example of how kaz lies. Here he claims I don't support polygamy. Where do I actually stand on polygamy? I told him that just yesterday...

"Polygamy? Personally, I believe people should be allowed to marry more than one spouse." ~ Faun

Are you capable of posting without lying?

Are your positions really that weak?

You cut the rest of the quote. It isn't that you support polygamy, but your legal standard was you are to marry "who you want," though you can't find that in the Constitution anywhere. But for polygamists you said that legal standard you didn't grant to them. It's not about what you would grant, it's your Constitutional argument you fell flat on your face on. Again.
Dumbfuck ... the pursuit of happiness is an inalienable right. Marrying "who you want" is fundamental towards that.

Yet that standard is a lie. You don't support polygamists marrying "who they want" and you don't support narcissists like Skylar marrying "who they want." Skylar's view of a perfect romantic evening is a bottle of wine and a tape of his own voice.

Actual standards are things that don't shift. You introduce that standard to get gays over the line, then you turn it off. You are completely shallow and obvious.

And speaking of shallow, the pursuit of happiness is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. The Constitution protects life, liberty and property. The pursuit of happiness is a justification for our laws, not a power of government. Which again is how fucked your brain is, you think the pursuit of happiness is a government power. Frankly that's sick, Lenin
The Constitution protects our rights, Zippy.

Right, and part of that is the courts ruling on the law, not creating it as you espouse, Romney clown
It's cute how you think you tripped me up when you didn't even know there was a benefit to society in adopting children --


which, by the way, isn't even mentioned in your OP that you now think tripped me up. :lmao:

Because it wasn't ... about ... that ... You realize my OP defines the thread. That you think it should have been about what you want is ... so you. The class Romney clown. But then who am I telling that to? You already know that, it's on your avatar
Most gays are born from heterosexual matings.


Name one that wasn't.

Amazing isn't it?

Gays have children. Lots of people have children without having heterosexual sex. You cannot be that ignorant about science. Even straights use this science. Some gays even have gay children. All it takes is an egg and a sperm (for now). Sex is not required.

SOME hetros do, ALL same sex couples MUST.

Pointing out the obvious.
So what, Captain Obvious?

LOL it's funny how you liberals all copy each other. You have the clown avatar, you jump on the Captain Obvious and repeat it. And you don't have an entire brain between you
And yet, I copied no one. I called him, "Captain Obvious," because he said he was pointing out the "obvious" over something inane.
Dumbfuck ... the pursuit of happiness is an inalienable right. Marrying "who you want" is fundamental towards that.

Yet that standard is a lie. You don't support polygamists marrying "who they want" and you don't support narcissists like Skylar marrying "who they want." Skylar's view of a perfect romantic evening is a bottle of wine and a tape of his own voice.

Actual standards are things that don't shift. You introduce that standard to get gays over the line, then you turn it off. You are completely shallow and obvious.

And speaking of shallow, the pursuit of happiness is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. The Constitution protects life, liberty and property. The pursuit of happiness is a justification for our laws, not a power of government. Which again is how fucked your brain is, you think the pursuit of happiness is a government power. Frankly that's sick, Lenin
The Constitution protects our rights, Zippy.

Including the right to due process and equal protection of the law, prohibiting the states from denying same-sex couples access to marriage.

Who did being black change who they could marry? Every black

Who did being gay change who they could marry? Zero, no one

The job of the courts is done, off to the legislature

Name one that wasn't.

Amazing isn't it?

Gays have children. Lots of people have children without having heterosexual sex. You cannot be that ignorant about science. Even straights use this science. Some gays even have gay children. All it takes is an egg and a sperm (for now). Sex is not required.

SOME hetros do, ALL same sex couples MUST.

Pointing out the obvious.
So what, Captain Obvious?

LOL it's funny how you liberals all copy each other. You have the clown avatar, you jump on the Captain Obvious and repeat it. And you don't have an entire brain between you
And yet, I copied no one. I called him, "Captain Obvious," because he said he was pointing out the "obvious" over something inane.

Didn't notice Seawytch using that exact term. Suuurrreeeee you didn't, clown
Gays can't "mate". We are just subsidizing a evolutionary dead end and anti-social behavior.

Most gays are born from heterosexual matings.


Name one that wasn't.

Amazing isn't it?
It's funny that the bigots cling to this reproduction thing, but it's understandable. It's the last thing they can find that's in some way different between a gay couple and an opposite sex couple,

even if it's irrelevant.

It's a desperate attempt to find anything that could thwart the principle of equal protection under the law.

Somewhat different?


No living being has ever walked the face of this planet frome same sex coupling and that's only SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT?

You can't be thinking clearly.

What you pointed out doesn't make the two groups somewhat different, it makes them INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT.

Why is post menopausal opposite sex marriage legal?

Your argument is that gays can procreate the same way elderly straights can?

Name a single same sex coupling that didn't create a child BASED ONLY ON AGE.

you do realize that the oldest birth recorded was a woman in her 70s, right?

What is the oldest birth recorded as a result of same sex coupling?

I want you to cite one child requirement in any current marriage law in this country.


Arizona, to be able to Civilly Marry 1st cousins cannot be able to have children.


I guess we should then talk about that slippery slope question of incest?
Gays can't "mate". We are just subsidizing a evolutionary dead end and anti-social behavior.

Most gays are born from heterosexual matings.


Name one that wasn't.

Amazing isn't it?
It's funny that the bigots cling to this reproduction thing, but it's understandable. It's the last thing they can find that's in some way different between a gay couple and an opposite sex couple,

even if it's irrelevant.

It's a desperate attempt to find anything that could thwart the principle of equal protection under the law.

Somewhat different?


No living being has ever walked the face of this planet frome same sex coupling and that's only SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT?

You can't be thinking clearly.

What you pointed out doesn't make the two groups somewhat different, it makes them INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT.

Why is post menopausal opposite sex marriage legal?

Your argument is that gays can procreate the same way elderly straights can?

Name a single same sex coupling that didn't create a child BASED ONLY ON AGE.

you do realize that the oldest birth recorded was a woman in her 70s, right?

What is the oldest birth recorded as a result of same sex coupling?

I want you to cite one child requirement in any current marriage law in this country.


Arizona, to be able to Civilly Marry 1st cousins cannot be able to have children.


The family thing is gross. They are freaking family. I can't fathom it
Gays have children. Lots of people have children without having heterosexual sex. You cannot be that ignorant about science. Even straights use this science. Some gays even have gay children. All it takes is an egg and a sperm (for now). Sex is not required.

SOME hetros do, ALL same sex couples MUST.

Pointing out the obvious.
So what, Captain Obvious?

LOL it's funny how you liberals all copy each other. You have the clown avatar, you jump on the Captain Obvious and repeat it. And you don't have an entire brain between you
And yet, I copied no one. I called him, "Captain Obvious," because he said he was pointing out the "obvious" over something inane.

Didn't notice Seawytch using that exact term. Suuurrreeeee you didn't, clown

Inane? Children and how they're made is now inane?

I wonder how creating future taxpayers, soldiers, teachers, doctors are somehow inane?
It's cute how you think you tripped me up when you didn't even know there was a benefit to society in adopting children --


Nope, not a strawman. You demonstrated you're under the delusion that your OP is even capable of trapping me over a subject it's not even about. I understand why you wish to dismiss that as a strawman since you look like an idiot claiming a victory over it, but this would just be yet another "kaz" moment in a long string of them.

which, by the way, isn't even mentioned in your OP that you now think tripped me up. :lmao:

Because it wasn't ... about ... that ... You realize my OP defines the thread. That you think it should have been about what you want is ... so you. The class Romney clown. But then who am I telling that to? You already know that, it's on your avatar
Your OP has long been destroyed. And get this, neither your recognition of that nor your acknowledgement are a requirement for that to be so. Everything since that has been the mere entertainment of watching you kazzing the thread.

And now I get the additional benefit from my avatar of watching you calling the rightwinger you voted for for president, a clown.

Gays can't "mate". We are just subsidizing a evolutionary dead end and anti-social behavior.

Most gays are born from heterosexual matings.


Name one that wasn't.

Amazing isn't it?
Somewhat different?


No living being has ever walked the face of this planet frome same sex coupling and that's only SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT?

You can't be thinking clearly.

What you pointed out doesn't make the two groups somewhat different, it makes them INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT.

Why is post menopausal opposite sex marriage legal?

Your argument is that gays can procreate the same way elderly straights can?

Name a single same sex coupling that didn't create a child BASED ONLY ON AGE.

you do realize that the oldest birth recorded was a woman in her 70s, right?

What is the oldest birth recorded as a result of same sex coupling?

I want you to cite one child requirement in any current marriage law in this country.


Arizona, to be able to Civilly Marry 1st cousins cannot be able to have children.


The family thing is gross. They are freaking family. I can't fathom it

True, but what compelling state interest is there in denying same sex heterosexual siblings from the rights and benefits of marriage? They are straight afterall, so sexual coupling CAN'T be very compelling, can it?

But then you're discriminating against same sex homosexual siblings.

It's a paradox
Gays can't "mate". We are just subsidizing a evolutionary dead end and anti-social behavior.

Most gays are born from heterosexual matings.


Name one that wasn't.

Amazing isn't it?
It's funny that the bigots cling to this reproduction thing, but it's understandable. It's the last thing they can find that's in some way different between a gay couple and an opposite sex couple,

even if it's irrelevant.

It's a desperate attempt to find anything that could thwart the principle of equal protection under the law.

Somewhat different?


No living being has ever walked the face of this planet frome same sex coupling and that's only SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT?

You can't be thinking clearly.

What you pointed out doesn't make the two groups somewhat different, it makes them INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT.

Why is post menopausal opposite sex marriage legal?

Your argument is that gays can procreate the same way elderly straights can?

Name a single same sex coupling that didn't create a child BASED ONLY ON AGE.

you do realize that the oldest birth recorded was a woman in her 70s, right?

What is the oldest birth recorded as a result of same sex coupling?

I want you to cite one child requirement in any current marriage law in this country.


Arizona, to be able to Civilly Marry 1st cousins cannot be able to have children.


That will have to change. There would be no reason to have that qualification with same sex cousins. We must treat all equally, right?
Fucking retarded kazed as usual. You must think the GOP doesn't nominate rightwingers for president. :cuckoo:

No, they don't.
Great, yet more evidence that you're complete batshit insane. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

W proposed budgets that were above GDP, inflation and any other standard measure ... before ... negotiating with the Democrats. He supported No Child Gets ahead with Ted the Murderer. He pushed through a massive prescription drug welfare program for Medicare. I would cut the Federal budget by half. W is virtually you. Romney is known for ... Romneycare. You really think Romney is closer to me than you? You're the fucking retard.

Despite your hallucinations, Romney scores a C5.0 on the crowdpac scale. That makes him more Conservative than Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, and Rick Santorum.

Wow, he's more conservative than the list of who's who liberal Republicans. And you think that's a point for you? The difference between you and Romney is a crack in the wall, the difference between Romney and me is the grand canyon.

Romney is also just like the neocon Obama, who you'd have a baby for.

You are a Romney policy loving retard, it's just the "R" that bothers you, which is why you are a Romney clown. You should keep the avatar, it pegs you
We've been over this already, fucktard .... candidates don't have to score a perfect C10 on the crowdpac scale to be a rightwinger. You are fucking brain-dead to think that if a candidate supports anything but 100% of Conservative values, they're not rightwing. :cuckcoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
SOME hetros do, ALL same sex couples MUST.

Pointing out the obvious.
So what, Captain Obvious?

LOL it's funny how you liberals all copy each other. You have the clown avatar, you jump on the Captain Obvious and repeat it. And you don't have an entire brain between you
And yet, I copied no one. I called him, "Captain Obvious," because he said he was pointing out the "obvious" over something inane.

Didn't notice Seawytch using that exact term. Suuurrreeeee you didn't, clown

Inane? Children and how they're made is now inane?

I wonder how creating future taxpayers, soldiers, teachers, doctors are somehow inane?

You realize you were responding to Faun's post, not mine, right?
You are a Romney policy loving retard, it's just the "R" that bothers you, which is why you are a Romney clown. You should keep the avatar, it pegs you
And yet, you voted for that clown to hold the highest office in the land, didn't ya? :ack-1:

Yet that standard is a lie. You don't support polygamists marrying "who they want" and you don't support narcissists like Skylar marrying "who they want."

Yet another wonderful example of how kaz lies. Here he claims I don't support polygamy. Where do I actually stand on polygamy? I told him that just yesterday...

"Polygamy? Personally, I believe people should be allowed to marry more than one spouse." ~ Faun

Are you capable of posting without lying?

Are your positions really that weak?

You cut the rest of the quote. It isn't that you support polygamy, but your legal standard was you are to marry "who you want," though you can't find that in the Constitution anywhere. But for polygamists you said that legal standard you didn't grant to them. It's not about what you would grant, it's your Constitutional argument you fell flat on your face on. Again.
I quoted the relevant part to show the forum how you lie, You did this when you claimed I blamed Reagan for the recession even after I told you I didn't blame him; now you're claiming I don't support polygamy even after I told you I do.

This was to show how you're kazzing.

I succeeded quite well, don'tcha think?
So what, Captain Obvious?

LOL it's funny how you liberals all copy each other. You have the clown avatar, you jump on the Captain Obvious and repeat it. And you don't have an entire brain between you
And yet, I copied no one. I called him, "Captain Obvious," because he said he was pointing out the "obvious" over something inane.

Didn't notice Seawytch using that exact term. Suuurrreeeee you didn't, clown

Inane? Children and how they're made is now inane?

I wonder how creating future taxpayers, soldiers, teachers, doctors are somehow inane?

You realize you were responding to Faun's post, not mine, right?

Yes, faun was noting the inane argument, just commenting to you about his absurdity
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
It's cute how you think you tripped me up when you didn't even know there was a benefit to society in adopting children --


Nope, not a strawman. You demonstrated you're under the delusion that your OP is even capable of trapping me over a subject it's not even about. I understand why you wish to dismiss that as a strawman since you look like an idiot claiming a victory over it, but this would just be yet another "kaz" moment in a long string of them.

That isn't what the thread is about, the thread is about the concept of marriage. What you said is a strawman. If only you had a brain, scarecrow, but you are a clown, as you know. And you are virtually indistinguishable from Romney. You have some, tiny measure of self awareness on that one

which, by the way, isn't even mentioned in your OP that you now think tripped me up. :lmao:

Because it wasn't ... about ... that ... You realize my OP defines the thread. That you think it should have been about what you want is ... so you. The class Romney clown. But then who am I telling that to? You already know that, it's on your avatar
Your OP has long been destroyed. And get this, neither your recognition of that nor your acknowledgement are a requirement for that to be so. Everything since that has been the mere entertainment of watching you kazzing the thread.

And now I get the additional benefit from my avatar of watching you calling the rightwinger you voted for for president, a clown.


Yes, I was obliterated by Democratic talking points. I am dead and I don't even know it. I blasted you kaz! You weren't able to disprove one talking point while not violating the inherent truth of liberalism. What a schmo. You are just dancing and pretending that you you have an answer.

OK, here are ways I disagree with Romney.

Fiscal: Romney would continue to grow government faster than any standard measure of growth, inflation, GDP, etc. So would you. So does Obama. I would slash the government by half for starters.

Military: Romney would continue our current policy. So did Obama, so would you. I would leave the middle east entirely.

Social: Romney would do nothing about government involvement in social issues. Neither would you. Neither does Obama. I would end the war on drugs and legalize all drugs, gambling, prostitution and repeal all other morality laws.

And you get out of that I'm more like the clown Romney than you. You ARE the clown Romney. As your avatar says. For once in your life, you nailed it. Ironically without getting it while you did
Gays have children. Lots of people have children without having heterosexual sex. You cannot be that ignorant about science. Even straights use this science. Some gays even have gay children. All it takes is an egg and a sperm (for now). Sex is not required.

SOME hetros do, ALL same sex couples MUST.

Pointing out the obvious.
So what, Captain Obvious?

LOL it's funny how you liberals all copy each other. You have the clown avatar, you jump on the Captain Obvious and repeat it. And you don't have an entire brain between you
And yet, I copied no one. I called him, "Captain Obvious," because he said he was pointing out the "obvious" over something inane.

Didn't notice Seawytch using that exact term. Suuurrreeeee you didn't, clown
Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

The dumbfuck OP thinks seawytch invented the term, "Captain Obvious!"


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