Why Should Republicans Save obama's Butt?


You turds are so delusional it's actually comical. Yeah, Im sure all those people out there are gonna jump to the liar's Corner again. :lmao:

Good grief, Shallow.

LOL. And we were all told about the Romney landslide in October of 2012. What happened then?

We were? Your memory (what little you were blessed wih) might be failing you, but I clearly remember telling republicans on this very board that Romney was a losing bet. Only diehard hopefuls actually believed he'd win.

Thankfully, the democrats true MO has been exposed. Their ideas are failures and they have to LIE about it to make them laws. Now they are stuck in a perpetual backpeddle on those lies as millions experience Democrat ideas first hand.

You're FUCKED, son.

Do we really need to dig through you posts on the topic?
Republicans offered the president an extension over the shutdown. Which would have given the administration more time to "fix" their hunk of shit. Republicans were ultimately blamed for shutting down the government due to these offerings.

The republicans shoud do absolutely nothing about Obama Tax and instead, simply tell constituents "look, we tried to get extensions. We tried to repeal the law and we were met with being called terrorists. We're not going to move in a direction that attempts to undermine, or remove the presidentws signature, historical domestic law again. If the President and senate would like ot negotiate a way to fix the problems, we'll work with them. But as of now, our attempts to save, or mitigate the damage of the law are exhausted."

And walk away from it.

Democrats are in BIG trouble for 2014. Whether or not they fix the website. Too many people are losing their plans or forced into higher cost plans and they were lied to over it.

dimocraps are more than "In big trouble"

We're talking the possible collapse of the entire party. And I am NOT joking.

People, remember Scott Walker? From the bluest blue State in the Country? They don't call it "The People's Republic of Massachusetts" for nothing.

He got elected to try to stop obamacare, but dimocrap scum pulled a fast one in Congress and got it by.

Then, the scumbag-in-chief went around the Country lying about it.

And this is BIG, people. Big-big.

He allayed people's fears but he did it by lying.

Now, not ONLY did the scumbag-in-chief lie, but every fucking dimocrap on the Hill lied, every talking head in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM lied (some still are, like the New Yawk Slimes).....

And the electorate isn't going to forget.

I'm talking the complete and utter collapse of the entire dimocrap party. It is more than possible.... At this point, it looks likely.

Unless Republicans bail them -- Again.

God, what a wonderful place this would be without dimocrap scum :eusa_pray:

You guys are delusional. While Dems may have a temporary setback due to the website problems, the long term trends all show the Republican Party being in all kinds of trouble. That will not change over the ACA. Once the website is working, which it already is for the most part, people will start signing up. Many have been waiting just figuring out what plan works best for them. Yes, some people are getting hit with much higher premiums, but many are also going to be paying less with the subsidies. Some will hate it and some will love it. For the vast majority of the self-insured, they will come out better with the ACA.
Yessirreeeee....... Bob boys, that is surely the way to make go. Make sure that you are seen simply as obstructionists, with zero ideas of your own. People whose only goal is to be a road block, and who are happy only when fellow Americans are suffering for the implementation of their idiotic ideologies.

The ACA is fixable, and the website will fixed as well. And you people will still be out in right field.

The best way to fix ACA is to burn it to the ground, chase down the architects, pour tar on them, dump feathers on top, strap them to a rail, march them out of town, then keel hull them.

What kind of health insurance do you have? Obviously an affordable policy in which you have not had problems with the carrier, no catastrophic illness or perhaps you are on Medicare.

I pose the same challenge to you as I did EdgeBlow: Write up a health care plan that will work for Americans of all socioeconomic levels. And if you can't, then please just shut the fuck up. You are all hat and no cattle.
Republicans offered the president an extension over the shutdown. Which would have given the administration more time to "fix" their hunk of shit. Republicans were ultimately blamed for shutting down the government due to these offerings.

The republicans shoud do absolutely nothing about Obama Tax and instead, simply tell constituents "look, we tried to get extensions. We tried to repeal the law and we were met with being called terrorists. We're not going to move in a direction that attempts to undermine, or remove the presidentws signature, historical domestic law again. If the President and senate would like ot negotiate a way to fix the problems, we'll work with them. But as of now, our attempts to save, or mitigate the damage of the law are exhausted."

And walk away from it.

Democrats are in BIG trouble for 2014. Whether or not they fix the website. Too many people are losing their plans or forced into higher cost plans and they were lied to over it.

dimocraps are more than "In big trouble"

We're talking the possible collapse of the entire party. And I am NOT joking.

People, remember Scott Walker? From the bluest blue State in the Country? They don't call it "The People's Republic of Massachusetts" for nothing.

He got elected to try to stop obamacare, but dimocrap scum pulled a fast one in Congress and got it by.

Then, the scumbag-in-chief went around the Country lying about it.

And this is BIG, people. Big-big.

He allayed people's fears but he did it by lying.

Now, not ONLY did the scumbag-in-chief lie, but every fucking dimocrap on the Hill lied, every talking head in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM lied (some still are, like the New Yawk Slimes).....

And the electorate isn't going to forget.

I'm talking the complete and utter collapse of the entire dimocrap party. It is more than possible.... At this point, it looks likely.

Unless Republicans bail them -- Again.

God, what a wonderful place this would be without dimocrap scum :eusa_pray:

You guys are delusional. While Dems may have a temporary setback due to the website problems, the long term trends all show the Republican Party being in all kinds of trouble. That will not change over the ACA. Once the website is working, which it already is for the most part, people will start signing up. Many have been waiting just figuring out what plan works best for them. Yes, some people are getting hit with much higher premiums, but many are also going to be paying less with the subsidies. Some will hate it and some will love it. For the vast majority of the self-insured, they will come out better with the ACA.

Come January 15 the GOP will get a second kick in the stomach when they try to shut the gov't down again.

You turds are so delusional it's actually comical. Yeah, Im sure all those people out there are gonna jump to the liar's Corner again. :lmao:

Good grief, Shallow.

LOL. And we were all told about the Romney landslide in October of 2012. What happened then?

We were? Your memory (what little you were blessed wih) might be failing you, but I clearly remember telling republicans on this very board that Romney was a losing bet. Only diehard hopefuls actually believed he'd win.

Thankfully, the democrats true MO has been exposed. Their ideas are failures and they have to LIE about it to make them laws. Now they are stuck in a perpetual backpeddle on those lies as millions experience Democrat ideas first hand.

You're FUCKED, son.

Romney WOULD have won but the Stuttering Clusterfuck lied about obamacare to win.

That's just a fact.

The 2010 Midterms are proof-positive of that. Right after the shellacking dimocrap scum took in 2010, the scumbag, lying, piece of shit obama started lying to The People about how, "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it. Period"

And people, thought, "Cool. That will give be even more choice. If I like the ACA better, I'll go there. If not, I'll still have my current plan that ain't too bad."

But he lied. How many times have I said it in here?

Seriously. How many times have I ended my posts with, "dimocraps lie, it's what they do"...?

Not only did the scumbag in chief lie, but so did EVERY FUCKING dimocrap in Congress and the ENTIRE DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

And they're in full panic.

Keep up with the bravado libturds. Keep it up.

It's just going to be that much funnier when Republicans take 60 Senate Seats and pick up 30 more in the House.
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After 2014, it won't matter.

Republicans can look forward to being marginalized for a few years after that as well.


You turds are so delusional it's actually comical. Yeah, Im sure all those people out there are gonna jump to the liar's Corner again. :lmao:

Good grief, Shallow.

Willing to bet.


Or am I still "delusional".

My prediction? Dems retain the Senate, get a small majority in the house.

Republicans only need to pick up 6 seats (senate) to get a majority out of 33, and more than half are vulnerable.

I'll take that bet. If you're correct, i'll leave this board forever. If you aren't correct and democrats do not gain a majority in the house or lose the 6 seats in the senate, you leave. Never to be seen again.

LOL. And we were all told about the Romney landslide in October of 2012. What happened then?

We were? Your memory (what little you were blessed wih) might be failing you, but I clearly remember telling republicans on this very board that Romney was a losing bet. Only diehard hopefuls actually believed he'd win.

Thankfully, the democrats true MO has been exposed. Their ideas are failures and they have to LIE about it to make them laws. Now they are stuck in a perpetual backpeddle on those lies as millions experience Democrat ideas first hand.

You're FUCKED, son.

Romney WOULD have won but the Stuttering Clusterfuck lied about obamacare to win.

That's just a fact.

The 2010 Midterms are proof-positive of that. Right after the shellacking dimocrap scum took in 2010, the scumbag, lying, piece of shit obama started lying to The People about how, "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it. Period"

And people, thought, "Cool. That will give be even more choice. If I like the ACA better, I'll go there. If not, I'll still have my current plan that ain't too bad."

But he lied. How many times have I said it in here?

Seriously. How many times have I ended my posts with, "dimocraps lie, it's what they do"...?

Not only did the scumbag in chief lie, but so did EVERY FUCKING dimocrap in Congress and the ENTIRE DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

And they're in full panic.

Keep up with the bravado libturds. Keep it up.

It's just going to be that much funnier when Republicans take 60 Senate Seats and pick up 30 more in the House.

There was plenty of lying going around during the election cycle on both sides. I was right here on this board warning republicans that Romney was a bad choice. He didn't just lose, he got fuckin' squashed. He wasn't offering anyting different and the in-fighting among the republican party also hurt him. He was a default party nominee. He was bound to lose adn you wwere all told so.
After 2014, it won't matter.

Republicans can look forward to being marginalized for a few years after that as well.


You turds are so delusional it's actually comical. Yeah, Im sure all those people out there are gonna jump to the liar's Corner again. :lmao:

Good grief, Shallow.

Willing to bet.


Or am I still "delusional".

My prediction? Dems retain the Senate, get a small majority in the house.

I predict Republicans will retain majority in the House and will take the majority in the Senate.
Those higher premiums are in red states where Pubs are not cooperating, along with their cronies in Big Insurance, and only in comparison to crappe insurance...Maybe you should follow the law and the Constitution instead of mindless obstruction. When the site works all the Pub bs will be revealed to all...
Those higher premiums are in red states where Pubs are not cooperating, along with their cronies in Big Insurance, and only in comparison to crappe insurance...Maybe you should follow the law and the Constitution instead of mindless obstruction. When the site works all the Pub bs will be revealed to all...

Is that so, Corky? Did NY turn red? Because my GF insurance premium is going up, along with out of pocket copay.

This will happen to me next year when i have to have prenatal care on my plan as a single male over 30. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Cork.
I predict the hater dupes will continue to be clueless about what's actually going on the world...

2010 was the last time people believed the Pubs' ''Jobs, jobs, jobs'' BS...their disfunction may yet give us a true 2nd Pub Great Depression, with their phony crises...a disgrace.
Yessirreeeee....... Bob boys, that is surely the way to make go. Make sure that you are seen simply as obstructionists, with zero ideas of your own. People whose only goal is to be a road block, and who are happy only when fellow Americans are suffering for the implementation of their idiotic ideologies.

The ACA is fixable, and the website will fixed as well. And you people will still be out in right field.

The best way to fix ACA is to burn it to the ground, chase down the architects, pour tar on them, dump feathers on top, strap them to a rail, march them out of town, then keel hull them.

What kind of health insurance do you have? Obviously an affordable policy in which you have not had problems with the carrier, no catastrophic illness or perhaps you are on Medicare.

I pose the same challenge to you as I did EdgeBlow: Write up a health care plan that will work for Americans of all socioeconomic levels. And if you can't, then please just shut the fuck up. You are all hat and no cattle.

On the personal attack, eat shit and die.

To the questions. I was on a low premium cost high deductible HSA plan. My plan has been cancelled. I now have only high premium cost low deductible plans to choose from and the HSA plans are being penalized. Clearly the democrats do not want people to use their own trusts to fund their own health care. Clearly the democrats want the young and healthy to subsidize health care for the older and less healthy that actually use health care. IOW the democrat plan is to turn yet another group of Americans into moochers. My costs for health care are being doubled, and that's before factoring in the new taxes that are "also" being used to fund the new moocher class. Double my health care costs this year, and double down again in coming years through new taxes. Boy isn't this fun.

The plan to make health care work as a free market is really easy. Expand HSA accounts, take away the penalties. Move from insurance based trusts to a system where each individual has his own health care account, and buys the health care he wants to buy from the people he wants to buy it from. We already have medicaid for the poor and folks that end up with catastrophic issues. But I could see folks like me wanting to have a gap insurance plan to cover catastrophic events. Any questions? Or was that to simple for ya?
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Here's what I'm talking about...

Review & Outlook: Escape From ObamaCare - WSJ.com

The Affordable Care Act appears to be misfiring in every imaginable way, and Democrats are having second thoughts about serving as human shields for White House ineptitude. If they really want to make amends, they'll join Republicans in trying to repair some of the damage they caused.

The first act of penance is modest legislation the House will vote on Friday that would try to honor President Obama's promise that people who liked their insurance could keep it. The one-page bill would allow insurers to continue offering for sale in 2014 the policies that ObamaCare terminated, exempting them from federal regulatory edicts.

The Keep Your Plan Act is poorly titled. Nearly all 2013 plans cannot be renewed next year even in the absence of federal obstacles. Insurers obeyed the law, and unlike the feds they prepared competently for years for ObamaCare's debut.

They thus shut down the plans they were told to shut down and set new rates in expectation of the new rules and mandates—a complex process that takes months to plan, negotiate with doctors and hospitals and earn state approval. Reinstating plans, to the extent possible, would be difficult to price amid the insurance market convulsions ObamaCare is causing.

In my opinion, this would be a HUGE mistake on the part of Republicans.

dimocraps got the Country into this mess, all by themselves. Not ONE Republican voted for the ACA.

And what are dimocraps doing about it? What's the chief scumbag doing about it?


It is beyond stupid for us to jump in and open ourselves up and paint a big target on our foreheads.


I understand that Republicans want to help The People and that dimocraps just simply don't give a fuck about the American People. But we have to resist the urge to help and think about the politics of this.

Good intentions are of little value when dealing with dimocraps

Agree completely. They should wash out their hands - NOW. Let the dimocraps clean the mess which they got us entirely by themselves.

But you have to be not a RINO to understand that there is time to step back.
Those higher premiums are in red states where Pubs are not cooperating, along with their cronies in Big Insurance, and only in comparison to crappe insurance...Maybe you should follow the law and the Constitution instead of mindless obstruction. When the site works all the Pub bs will be revealed to all...

Is that so, Corky? Did NY turn red? Because my GF insurance premium is going up, along with out of pocket copay.

This will happen to me next year when i have to have prenatal care on my plan as a single male over 30. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Cork.

Everyone is covered for everything, dingbat, and now your insurance is up to snuff when you really need it. Why not complain about gouging insurers- this is their last chance to cancel policies and screw their customers....with help from their Pub cronies...a disgrace...
Yessirreeeee....... Bob boys, that is surely the way to make go. Make sure that you are seen simply as obstructionists, with zero ideas of your own. People whose only goal is to be a road block, and who are happy only when fellow Americans are suffering for the implementation of their idiotic ideologies.

The ACA is fixable, and the website will fixed as well. And you people will still be out in right field.

The best way to fix ACA is to burn it to the ground, chase down the architects, pour tar on them, dump feathers on top, strap them to a rail, march them out of town, then keel hull them.

What kind of health insurance do you have? Obviously an affordable policy in which you have not had problems with the carrier, no catastrophic illness or perhaps you are on Medicare.

I pose the same challenge to you as I did EdgeBlow: Write up a health care plan that will work for Americans of all socioeconomic levels. And if you can't, then please just shut the fuck up. You are all hat and no cattle.

The country would have been better off without any Rs or Ds writing up their insurance laws. Now, its a total disaster.
Republicans offered the president an extension over the shutdown. Which would have given the administration more time to "fix" their hunk of shit. Republicans were ultimately blamed for shutting down the government due to these offerings.

The republicans shoud do absolutely nothing about Obama Tax and instead, simply tell constituents "look, we tried to get extensions. We tried to repeal the law and we were met with being called terrorists. We're not going to move in a direction that attempts to undermine, or remove the presidentws signature, historical domestic law again. If the President and senate would like ot negotiate a way to fix the problems, we'll work with them. But as of now, our attempts to save, or mitigate the damage of the law are exhausted."

And walk away from it.

Democrats are in BIG trouble for 2014. Whether or not they fix the website. Too many people are losing their plans or forced into higher cost plans and they were lied to over it.

dimocraps are more than "In big trouble"

We're talking the possible collapse of the entire party. And I am NOT joking.

People, remember Scott Walker? From the bluest blue State in the Country? They don't call it "The People's Republic of Massachusetts" for nothing.

He got elected to try to stop obamacare, but dimocrap scum pulled a fast one in Congress and got it by.

Then, the scumbag-in-chief went around the Country lying about it.

And this is BIG, people. Big-big.

He allayed people's fears but he did it by lying.

Now, not ONLY did the scumbag-in-chief lie, but every fucking dimocrap on the Hill lied, every talking head in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM lied (some still are, like the New Yawk Slimes).....

And the electorate isn't going to forget.

I'm talking the complete and utter collapse of the entire dimocrap party. It is more than possible.... At this point, it looks likely.

Unless Republicans bail them -- Again.

God, what a wonderful place this would be without dimocrap scum :eusa_pray:

You guys are delusional. While Dems may have a temporary setback due to the website problems, the long term trends all show the Republican Party being in all kinds of trouble. That will not change over the ACA. Once the website is working, which it already is for the most part, people will start signing up. Many have been waiting just figuring out what plan works best for them. Yes, some people are getting hit with much higher premiums, but many are also going to be paying less with the subsidies. Some will hate it and some will love it. For the vast majority of the self-insured, they will come out better with the ACA.

The website not working is the least of democrats problems. What ARE YOU GOING TO DO about the millions of voters who are now being forced to pay more for HI and were told they could keep their plan and doctor?

You guys are WAY too wrapped up in your ideologically, party stamp approved cucoon. Democrats who were promoting ACA to their constituents are in BIG fuckin' trouble. You really think people are going to forget that they were lied too and that it DIRECTLY impacted them and their wallets?

Holy shit. You guys are in worse shape mentally than the republicans that thought Romney was going to win the GE in 2012.

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Those higher premiums are in red states where Pubs are not cooperating, along with their cronies in Big Insurance, and only in comparison to crappe insurance...Maybe you should follow the law and the Constitution instead of mindless obstruction. When the site works all the Pub bs will be revealed to all...

Is that so, Corky? Did NY turn red? Because my GF insurance premium is going up, along with out of pocket copay.

This will happen to me next year when i have to have prenatal care on my plan as a single male over 30. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Cork.

And what?

That wasn't happening before?

You must be unique.

Because during my 13.5 years at the NYSE and before ObamaCare my insure got changed 5 times.

We went from Oxford to United Health and then the United Health plan was changed twice, then we went to Blue Cross/Blue Shield which also got changed.

Each time, coverage got worse, premiums went up and deductibles went up.

So..what was your secret?
Those higher premiums are in red states where Pubs are not cooperating, along with their cronies in Big Insurance, and only in comparison to crappe insurance...Maybe you should follow the law and the Constitution instead of mindless obstruction. When the site works all the Pub bs will be revealed to all...

Is that so, Corky? Did NY turn red? Because my GF insurance premium is going up, along with out of pocket copay.

This will happen to me next year when i have to have prenatal care on my plan as a single male over 30. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Cork.

Everyone is covered for everything, dingbat, and now your insurance is up to snuff when you really need it. Why not complain about gouging insurers- this is their last chance to cancel policies and screw their customers....with help from their Pub cronies...a disgrace...

So basically, even though i was told otherwise, tough shit is your answer. Make sure you call you congressional reps and tell them the new talking point, to those who were lied to and now have to shell out more money for their insurance, is TOUGH SHIT. We know what is best for you.

Fuckin' wanker, moron.

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