Why Should Republicans Save obama's Butt?

The best way to fix ACA is to burn it to the ground, chase down the architects, pour tar on them, dump feathers on top, strap them to a rail, march them out of town, then keel hull them.

What kind of health insurance do you have? Obviously an affordable policy in which you have not had problems with the carrier, no catastrophic illness or perhaps you are on Medicare.

I pose the same challenge to you as I did EdgeBlow: Write up a health care plan that will work for Americans of all socioeconomic levels. And if you can't, then please just shut the fuck up. You are all hat and no cattle.

The country would have been better off without any Rs or Ds writing up their insurance laws. Now, its a total disaster.

Ah so you liked the plan before?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-usmvYOPfco]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]
dimocraps are more than "In big trouble"

We're talking the possible collapse of the entire party. And I am NOT joking.

People, remember Scott Walker? From the bluest blue State in the Country? They don't call it "The People's Republic of Massachusetts" for nothing.

He got elected to try to stop obamacare, but dimocrap scum pulled a fast one in Congress and got it by.

Then, the scumbag-in-chief went around the Country lying about it.

And this is BIG, people. Big-big.

He allayed people's fears but he did it by lying.

Now, not ONLY did the scumbag-in-chief lie, but every fucking dimocrap on the Hill lied, every talking head in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM lied (some still are, like the New Yawk Slimes).....

And the electorate isn't going to forget.

I'm talking the complete and utter collapse of the entire dimocrap party. It is more than possible.... At this point, it looks likely.

Unless Republicans bail them -- Again.

God, what a wonderful place this would be without dimocrap scum :eusa_pray:

You guys are delusional. While Dems may have a temporary setback due to the website problems, the long term trends all show the Republican Party being in all kinds of trouble. That will not change over the ACA. Once the website is working, which it already is for the most part, people will start signing up. Many have been waiting just figuring out what plan works best for them. Yes, some people are getting hit with much higher premiums, but many are also going to be paying less with the subsidies. Some will hate it and some will love it. For the vast majority of the self-insured, they will come out better with the ACA.

The website not working is the least of democrats problems. What ARE YOU GOING TO DO about the millions of voters who are now being forced to pay more for HI and were told they could keep their plan and doctor?

You guys are WAY too wrapped up in your ideologically, party stamp approved cucoon. Democrats who were promoting ACA to their constituents are in BIG fuckin' trouble. You really think people are going to forget that they were lied too and that it DIRECTLY impacted them and their wallets?

Holy shit. You guys are in worse shape mentally than the republicans that thought Romney was going to win the GE in 2012.


The democrap bet was that those millions of voters about to get screwed are most likely republicans. What they forgot is that the media are actually upper class income folks who vote democrap because they bought into the lies that socialism was good for them too. Now they will be feeling the pain of the cost of socialsim in the form of tens of thousands of new taxes and higher premiums. So while the democrat base will probably grow, they just might loose half or more of their loyal media.

Didn't some Russian predict all this would happen? Gee, I wonder what might follow from the division of the country into two fundamentally opposed economic factions.
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Obama's done, but the question for the gop is whether a party on NYET can win a national election. I don't think it can.

I don't think so, in just one month he has 400k more people on medicaid... Obama has us right where he wants us. If you can't afford these changes, it's because you are trying to hard, cut back from 40hrs to 30hrs, relax and get on the dole.
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Be the hero here, EdgeBlow. Provide a health care plan that will work. Lots of white space here. Go for it. I'll be anxiously awaiting your brilliant pragmatic health care system for Americans where everyone can receive care and not file for bankruptcy in the event of catastrophic illness. Go ahead. Enough of the bitching. Write up a plan.

But if you insist on mulling the current situation and how it occurred, go to votesmart.org and follow the money, as in donations to political candidates. See who the big donors are, the ones who pull the strings inside the Beltway. That's how we got into this mess.


I know it's hard to wrap your head around that. But that is the solution to the problems.
Obama's done, but the question for the gop is whether a party on NYET can win a national election. I don't think it can.

Done in what way, exactly?

If 2014 goes his way..government gridlock should abate, a bit.

Kind of like what happened in Clinton's second term.
I guess you dont want to take that bet afterall Shallow. I'm not surprised.


Which bet are you talking about?

You've never accepted any of them.


Apparently you cant read. OK, then.
Be the hero here, EdgeBlow. Provide a health care plan that will work. Lots of white space here. Go for it. I'll be anxiously awaiting your brilliant pragmatic health care system for Americans where everyone can receive care and not file for bankruptcy in the event of catastrophic illness. Go ahead. Enough of the bitching. Write up a plan.

But if you insist on mulling the current situation and how it occurred, go to votesmart.org and follow the money, as in donations to political candidates. See who the big donors are, the ones who pull the strings inside the Beltway. That's how we got into this mess.


I know it's hard to wrap your head around that. But that is the solution to the problems.

Not in this case, and really?

The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

A good example of this was when Arizona Governor Jan Brewer callously cut government funding for previously approved medical procedures for several Americans. One of these American's relative donated an organ for his use...which was given to someone else.

All those Americans died.

Funny..Issa didn't call for any investigations, either.

Be the hero here, EdgeBlow. Provide a health care plan that will work. Lots of white space here. Go for it. I'll be anxiously awaiting your brilliant pragmatic health care system for Americans where everyone can receive care and not file for bankruptcy in the event of catastrophic illness. Go ahead. Enough of the bitching. Write up a plan.

But if you insist on mulling the current situation and how it occurred, go to votesmart.org and follow the money, as in donations to political candidates. See who the big donors are, the ones who pull the strings inside the Beltway. That's how we got into this mess.


I know it's hard to wrap your head around that. But that is the solution to the problems.

The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

ROFL dumbest post of the decade. Gratz shallow!
The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.
What kind of health insurance do you have? Obviously an affordable policy in which you have not had problems with the carrier, no catastrophic illness or perhaps you are on Medicare.

I pose the same challenge to you as I did EdgeBlow: Write up a health care plan that will work for Americans of all socioeconomic levels. And if you can't, then please just shut the fuck up. You are all hat and no cattle.

The country would have been better off without any Rs or Ds writing up their insurance laws. Now, its a total disaster.

Ah so you liked the plan before?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-usmvYOPfco]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

That's simply not even true. Millions who have lost their healthcare due to obamacare would have wanted to keep their own plan. Of course you know that but your defense of this atrocity is pitiful! Lol.
Republicans offered the president an extension over the shutdown. Which would have given the administration more time to "fix" their hunk of shit. Republicans were ultimately blamed for shutting down the government due to these offerings.

The republicans shoud do absolutely nothing about Obama Tax and instead, simply tell constituents "look, we tried to get extensions. We tried to repeal the law and we were met with being called terrorists. We're not going to move in a direction that attempts to undermine, or remove the presidentws signature, historical domestic law again. If the President and senate would like ot negotiate a way to fix the problems, we'll work with them. But as of now, our attempts to save, or mitigate the damage of the law are exhausted."

And walk away from it.

Democrats are in BIG trouble for 2014. Whether or not they fix the website. Too many people are losing their plans or forced into higher cost plans and they were lied to over it.

It's doubtful you'll see this in the MSM and all the hair on fire supporters of the liar-in-chief will dismiss the source.....even though it offers direct quotes that are easily verifiable. During the 2014 election cycle, these quotes will be hung around the necks of the Democrats. It won't be pretty. They screwed the pooch.

10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare
Obama's done, but the question for the gop is whether a party on NYET can win a national election. I don't think it can.

I don't think so, in just one month he has 400k more people on medicaid... Obama has us right where he wants us. If you can't afford these changes, it's because you are trying to hard, cut back from 40hrs to 30hrs, relax and get on the dole.

Obama's done politically, like W after Katrina. Nobody buys whatever he's advocating because he's proven incompetent. There are things the dems can do, such as introduce legislation to alter the minimum level of coverage so as to not kill off lower plans. Or, remove the mandate. Any of those would make the dollar figures of how much federal money is needed for what is left of obamacare much higher.

Obama could probably tell the IRS to just not penalize people who refuse to enroll. That might bring on the grand theatre of the useless TPM idiots in the House impeaching him for doing what 60% of us would like him to do.

The dems could coalesce around something like Coburn's plan for covering high risk people and/or offering tax credits to those who can't afford insurance now, and in exchange propose repealing Obamacare.
Republicans offered the president an extension over the shutdown. Which would have given the administration more time to "fix" their hunk of shit. Republicans were ultimately blamed for shutting down the government due to these offerings.

The republicans shoud do absolutely nothing about Obama Tax and instead, simply tell constituents "look, we tried to get extensions. We tried to repeal the law and we were met with being called terrorists. We're not going to move in a direction that attempts to undermine, or remove the presidentws signature, historical domestic law again. If the President and senate would like ot negotiate a way to fix the problems, we'll work with them. But as of now, our attempts to save, or mitigate the damage of the law are exhausted."

And walk away from it.

Democrats are in BIG trouble for 2014. Whether or not they fix the website. Too many people are losing their plans or forced into higher cost plans and they were lied to over it.

It's doubtful you'll see this in the MSM and all the hair on fire supporters of the liar-in-chief will dismiss the source.....even though it offers direct quotes that are easily verifiable. During the 2014 election cycle, these quotes will be hung around the necks of the Democrats. It won't be pretty. They screwed the pooch.

10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare

All republicans have to do is pick up six of these seats and maintain the ones they currently hold adn it is all over for this adminiistration but the crying. And there will be lots of crying, recalls, cheater acusations, etc...
Republicans offered the president an extension over the shutdown. Which would have given the administration more time to "fix" their hunk of shit. Republicans were ultimately blamed for shutting down the government due to these offerings.

The republicans shoud do absolutely nothing about Obama Tax and instead, simply tell constituents "look, we tried to get extensions. We tried to repeal the law and we were met with being called terrorists. We're not going to move in a direction that attempts to undermine, or remove the presidentws signature, historical domestic law again. If the President and senate would like ot negotiate a way to fix the problems, we'll work with them. But as of now, our attempts to save, or mitigate the damage of the law are exhausted."

And walk away from it.

Democrats are in BIG trouble for 2014. Whether or not they fix the website. Too many people are losing their plans or forced into higher cost plans and they were lied to over it.

It's doubtful you'll see this in the MSM and all the hair on fire supporters of the liar-in-chief will dismiss the source.....even though it offers direct quotes that are easily verifiable. During the 2014 election cycle, these quotes will be hung around the necks of the Democrats. It won't be pretty. They screwed the pooch.

10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare

All republicans have to do is pick up six of these seats and maintain the ones they currently hold adn it is all over for this adminiistration but the crying. And there will be lots of crying, recalls, cheater acusations, etc...

They will still have the veto. And Hillary will trounce Christie.
It's doubtful you'll see this in the MSM and all the hair on fire supporters of the liar-in-chief will dismiss the source.....even though it offers direct quotes that are easily verifiable. During the 2014 election cycle, these quotes will be hung around the necks of the Democrats. It won't be pretty. They screwed the pooch.

10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare

All republicans have to do is pick up six of these seats and maintain the ones they currently hold adn it is all over for this adminiistration but the crying. And there will be lots of crying, recalls, cheater acusations, etc...

They will still have the veto. And Hillary will trounce Christie.

baseless assumption

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