Why Should Republicans Save obama's Butt?

It's doubtful you'll see this in the MSM and all the hair on fire supporters of the liar-in-chief will dismiss the source.....even though it offers direct quotes that are easily verifiable. During the 2014 election cycle, these quotes will be hung around the necks of the Democrats. It won't be pretty. They screwed the pooch.

10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare

All republicans have to do is pick up six of these seats and maintain the ones they currently hold adn it is all over for this adminiistration but the crying. And there will be lots of crying, recalls, cheater acusations, etc...

They will still have the veto. And Hillary will trounce Christie.

That isn't the point. And there is no saying what will happen ina GE thats still 3+ years away.

The point right now, is that if i can get Shallow to agre to the bet deal laid out in the thread for the 2014 election, we can be rid of him for good. republicans have an opportunity right now over the next year to slam democrats in the senate and the house. Putting this adminstration completely out of commision for the remainder of its tenure. Another win.
The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.

Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?

All republicans have to do is pick up six of these seats and maintain the ones they currently hold adn it is all over for this adminiistration but the crying. And there will be lots of crying, recalls, cheater acusations, etc...

They will still have the veto. And Hillary will trounce Christie.

That isn't the point. And there is no saying what will happen ina GE thats still 3+ years away.

The point right now, is that if i can get Shallow to agre to the bet deal laid out in the thread for the 2014 election, we can be rid of him for good. republicans have an opportunity right now over the next year to slam democrats in the senate and the house. Putting this adminstration completely out of commision for the remainder of its tenure. Another win.

The democrats already have what they wanted. They have the executive branch, the massive base increase in spending across the board that they gave themselves in year one of this administration and a shinny new socialist system for health care to burn the country's insurance and health care industry to the ground. They have the illegals here by executive decree churning out new democrats to fill the ranks to replace the ones they are aborting. Welfare rolls are increasing not decreasing, regardless of the fact that we are somewhat in recovery.

What you see as a victory for the republicans, I see as a massive victory for the dems. One step forward two steps back for the pubs. 5million (mostly republicans) lost their insurance.. What was missed in this was that 500k more people signed up to be on the dole, in one month alone. 4.5million upper middle class Americans screwed, 500k democrats get a bonus check. I don't think the democrats give a shit about the top 25% of this country. So why not screw them over? Wasn't that the plan from the start? Move the pain from the middle class to the upper middle class?
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The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.

Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?


Are you going to take the bet?

I'd love to watch you vanish from here.

A free market, dullard, is a mass of people engaging in human action. Markets are nothing more than humans conducting human action. You dont even know what you're talking about. As usual.

You turds are so delusional it's actually comical. Yeah, Im sure all those people out there are gonna jump to the liar's Corner again. :lmao:

Good grief, Shallow.

Willing to bet.


Or am I still "delusional".

My prediction? Dems retain the Senate, get a small majority in the house.

Republicans only need to pick up 6 seats (senate) to get a majority out of 33, and more than half are vulnerable.

I'll take that bet. If you're correct, i'll leave this board forever. If you aren't correct and democrats do not gain a majority in the house or lose the 6 seats in the senate, you leave. Never to be seen again.



Because a. I have to much enjoyment trouncing your stupid posts. b. You guys welch like crazy or do "clever" things like changing your handles.

I'll bet sigs.

Nothing obscene.
Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.

Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?


Are you going to take the bet?

I'd love to watch you vanish from here.

A free market, dullard, is a mass of people engaging in human action. Markets are nothing more than humans conducting human action. You dont even know what you're talking about. As usual.

A free people is different from a free market.

Look it up.

Oh and corporations aren't people.

The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.

Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?


Yeah that's right Shallow you can't have free market health care without abandoning national defense. :lol: :cuckoo:
Willing to bet.


Or am I still "delusional".

My prediction? Dems retain the Senate, get a small majority in the house.

Republicans only need to pick up 6 seats (senate) to get a majority out of 33, and more than half are vulnerable.

I'll take that bet. If you're correct, i'll leave this board forever. If you aren't correct and democrats do not gain a majority in the house or lose the 6 seats in the senate, you leave. Never to be seen again.



Because a. I have to much enjoyment trouncing your stupid posts. b. You guys welch like crazy or do "clever" things like changing your handles.

I'll bet sigs.

Nothing obscene.

Sissy. But we knew that already. I dont usually make bets. But with you I'd make the exception to rid the place of your stupid. In the end, you're too chicken shit to take that bet.

I understand.

Bah Kaw~!
Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?


Are you going to take the bet?

I'd love to watch you vanish from here.

A free market, dullard, is a mass of people engaging in human action. Markets are nothing more than humans conducting human action. You dont even know what you're talking about. As usual.

A free people is different from a free market.

Look it up.

Oh and corporations aren't people.


No, it isn't, you retard. A market is a complex network of individuals or groups making exchanges. A free market is a complex network of individuals or groups making exchanges without Nanny moron authoritarian Statists telling them how to make those exchanges and which ones are forbidden...or which ones are mandatory.

My gawd you're dumber than cement blocks.
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The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.

Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?


You just don't get the constitution do you?
Willing to bet.


Or am I still "delusional".

My prediction? Dems retain the Senate, get a small majority in the house.

Republicans only need to pick up 6 seats (senate) to get a majority out of 33, and more than half are vulnerable.

I'll take that bet. If you're correct, i'll leave this board forever. If you aren't correct and democrats do not gain a majority in the house or lose the 6 seats in the senate, you leave. Never to be seen again.



Because a. I have to much enjoyment trouncing your stupid posts. b. You guys welch like crazy or do "clever" things like changing your handles.

I'll bet sigs.

Nothing obscene.

I think you meant to say making yourself look like a total ass without even realizing it.
The ACA is a disaster. In every imaginable way, it is a disaster.

In 2010, Republicans gave democrats the worst butt-kicking in decades over the ACA, so in the run-up to the 2012 General Election, obama just simply lied about it.

He went around the Country lying to people how, "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it. Period."

Those who don't think he lied can just depart the thread now. He did. Everybody knows it.

So now, millions of people are getting cancellation notices and -- Now what?

The website isn't working, for many of those people, the costs are doubling -- Which many can't afford to pay -- And there's nowhere for them to go.

People are pissed. Beyond pissed. Even his own party is turning against him.

And now Fred Upton and John Boehner are thinking about a bill that will force Insurance Companies to extend their coverage past the cancellation date (which they can't do anyway)......


Where's the democrats plans? Where's obama's plan? He and the democrats got us into this mess, why should we jump in and paint a target on ourselves by trying to bail them out?

You know what will happen...... The House will send a bill to the Senate and the Senate will COMPLETELY re-word and re-work it and send it back.

And then if the House refuses to approve it, the Senate will start in with the baby-killer bullshit. As usual.

Remember Harry Reid -- ?

Listen. Watch. Understand...

Harry Reid: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer? - YouTube

I agree with you--Not one single Republican voted for Obamacare--they were even blocked from committee meetings when it was being set up.

Republicans have always had a plan: 1. By allowing insurance companies to cross state lines to sell their products--which would reduce everyone's premiums--because it would bring in competition. 2. Let small business's in this country group together so they can get the same rates as large corporations, therefore making it affordable for small business owners to cover their employees.

And if they can't get that--then they need to get the HELL out of the way and let this train wreck happen. Otherwise they will most certainly be blamed for any FIXES to Obamacare.

Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.

Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?


Yeah that's right Shallow you can't have free market health care without abandoning national defense. :lol: :cuckoo:

Seems you folks don't like the Pepsi challenge.

Free Market for this, not for that?

We've never really had a free market here anyway. It's always been one gamed by the rich, for the rich.

A totally free market would let a disgruntled worker walk into his boss' office and blow his brains out.
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Republicans offered the president an extension over the shutdown. Which would have given the administration more time to "fix" their hunk of shit. Republicans were ultimately blamed for shutting down the government due to these offerings.

The republicans shoud do absolutely nothing about Obama Tax and instead, simply tell constituents "look, we tried to get extensions. We tried to repeal the law and we were met with being called terrorists. We're not going to move in a direction that attempts to undermine, or remove the presidentws signature, historical domestic law again. If the President and senate would like ot negotiate a way to fix the problems, we'll work with them. But as of now, our attempts to save, or mitigate the damage of the law are exhausted."

And walk away from it.

Democrats are in BIG trouble for 2014. Whether or not they fix the website. Too many people are losing their plans or forced into higher cost plans and they were lied to over it.

Yeah, f**k em.
Republicans only need to pick up 6 seats (senate) to get a majority out of 33, and more than half are vulnerable.

I'll take that bet. If you're correct, i'll leave this board forever. If you aren't correct and democrats do not gain a majority in the house or lose the 6 seats in the senate, you leave. Never to be seen again.



Because a. I have to much enjoyment trouncing your stupid posts. b. You guys welch like crazy or do "clever" things like changing your handles.

I'll bet sigs.

Nothing obscene.

I think you meant to say making yourself look like a total ass without even realizing it.


Saw hello to Dorothy, Toto, the Tinman, The Cowardly Lion and the Wizard, Strawman.

Let me know how the weather is in Oz..


If ya only had a brain!
The ACA is a disaster. In every imaginable way, it is a disaster.

In 2010, Republicans gave democrats the worst butt-kicking in decades over the ACA, so in the run-up to the 2012 General Election, obama just simply lied about it.

He went around the Country lying to people how, "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it. Period."

Those who don't think he lied can just depart the thread now. He did. Everybody knows it.

So now, millions of people are getting cancellation notices and -- Now what?

The website isn't working, for many of those people, the costs are doubling -- Which many can't afford to pay -- And there's nowhere for them to go.

People are pissed. Beyond pissed. Even his own party is turning against him.

And now Fred Upton and John Boehner are thinking about a bill that will force Insurance Companies to extend their coverage past the cancellation date (which they can't do anyway)......


Where's the democrats plans? Where's obama's plan? He and the democrats got us into this mess, why should we jump in and paint a target on ourselves by trying to bail them out?

You know what will happen...... The House will send a bill to the Senate and the Senate will COMPLETELY re-word and re-work it and send it back.

And then if the House refuses to approve it, the Senate will start in with the baby-killer bullshit. As usual.

Remember Harry Reid -- ?

Listen. Watch. Understand...

Harry Reid: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer? - YouTube
This is something you dumb-dumbs will never understand: THIS IS NOT ABOUT SAVING OR NOT SAVING OBAMA <period> This is about what is best for America and Americans! Your hate is so extreme you would turn this country into a wasteland and bring hardship and death on American citizens if you thought it would hurt Obama. Here is something else you don't understand: IF A PRESIDENT FAILS, THE COUNTRY FAILS. So keep working to make Obama fail (and by extension, for America to fail) Haven't you shitheads learned anything from the bush presidency?
The Free Market should never be the solution where people's lives are concerned.

Oh for crying out loud. :lmao:

Free people shouldn't be in charge of their own lives? You're either a true authoritarian Statist or a complete moron. Both are generally regarded as the same thing.

Free people and Free market are different.



So you are ready to have a military free of government involvement?

Make it free market?

Or better yet..completely voluntary and unfunded by taxes?


Why don't we take away their guns too. They won't be needing those and won't be able to afford them.

BTW, what in the Hell do you think the federal government's primary responsibility is?

It isn't providing health insurance.
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The ACA is a disaster. In every imaginable way, it is a disaster.

In 2010, Republicans gave democrats the worst butt-kicking in decades over the ACA, so in the run-up to the 2012 General Election, obama just simply lied about it.

He went around the Country lying to people how, "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it. Period."

Those who don't think he lied can just depart the thread now. He did. Everybody knows it.

So now, millions of people are getting cancellation notices and -- Now what?

The website isn't working, for many of those people, the costs are doubling -- Which many can't afford to pay -- And there's nowhere for them to go.

People are pissed. Beyond pissed. Even his own party is turning against him.

And now Fred Upton and John Boehner are thinking about a bill that will force Insurance Companies to extend their coverage past the cancellation date (which they can't do anyway)......


Where's the democrats plans? Where's obama's plan? He and the democrats got us into this mess, why should we jump in and paint a target on ourselves by trying to bail them out?

You know what will happen...... The House will send a bill to the Senate and the Senate will COMPLETELY re-word and re-work it and send it back.

And then if the House refuses to approve it, the Senate will start in with the baby-killer bullshit. As usual.

Remember Harry Reid -- ?

Listen. Watch. Understand...

Harry Reid: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer? - YouTube
This is something you dumb-dumbs will never understand: THIS IS NOT ABOUT SAVING OR NOT SAVING OBAMA <period> This is about what is best for America and Americans! Your hate is so extreme you would turn this country into a wasteland and bring hardship and death on American citizens if you thought it would hurt Obama. Here is something else you don't understand: IF A PRESIDENT FAILS, THE COUNTRY FAILS. So keep working to make Obama fail (and by extension, for America to fail) Haven't you shitheads learned anything from the bush presidency?

F that--you and your Messiah crammed this down everyone's throat in 2009. Not one single Republican voted for it--they were even blocked from committee meetings.

You ignored all warnings of impending disaster. You watched 100's of thousands of Tea Party members march on the Washington Mall to tell you about this impending disaster-and you made fun of them while doing so. You ignored every single warning--and now you want us to fix your shit.

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