CDZ Why should you care what other people do?

I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.'re wrong. We do get to make our own decisions on this.
Oh, and 98 percent of those who get this virus will survive.

If I gave you 100 Skittles and told you that two of them would kill you instantly, would you still eat the Skittles? Would you eat them all?

I hate Skittles, but I take your point.

The difference is there are only 2 percent of the people for whom eating Skittles will pose any danger at all. A healthy person could eat all 100 Skittles and not get sick at all. This is why the nursing homes should have isolated all their old folks. Then the percentage would be even lower.

If you quarantine the elderly and vulnerable, then instead of 2% dying from the infection, only 0.02% die.

So it is the lock down that is actually killing people by mixing all the people together to get food, and then making is last months longer than it had to.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

I don't care what other people do. They probably more care that I refuse to wear a mask. If any stores in my area start requiring it, it will be the last time I shop there. The irony of course is that I have access to more disposable 1-use masks than I could use up in a year. I just think they are pointless.

It keeps you from spreading your nasty virus to other people. They are not pointless.

I don't have a nasty virus so yes they are pointless. Even if I had a nasty virus, you would have to be in close proximity to me for several minutes for me cause you to get the thing and I gather no moss when in public. If you want to wear a mask, feel free.

You don't know if you have it or not, but you can still spread the virus.

That is true, but very unlikely.
You have to touch something right after an infected person deposited spores on it, and they touch someone else.
Spores die quickly in the sun, heat, etc., and it is those who actually are infected who do most of the spreading.
Its in their saliva and they spit when they talk.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.'re wrong. We do get to make our own decisions on this.
Oh, and 98 percent of those who get this virus will survive.

If I gave you 100 Skittles and told you that two of them would kill you instantly, would you still eat the Skittles? Would you eat them all?

I hate Skittles, but I take your point.

The difference is there are only 2 percent of the people for whom eating Skittles will pose any danger at all. A healthy person could eat all 100 Skittles and not get sick at all. This is why the nursing homes should have isolated all their old folks. Then the percentage would be even lower.
Yeah, tell that to the 41-year old Navy Chief who died from COVID-19 on the USS Theodore Roosevelt! Oh, wait! He's dead!

There are still 500,000 a year who die from smoking in the US.
About 400,000 die a year in the US from obesity.
Over 100,000 a year in the US dies from medical malpractice.

You have to keep this in perspective.
So people die each year on ships from accidents.
When I go out in public, I wear a mask and if I'm going into a store, I wear disposable nitrile gloves. At work, I wear a mask when I leave my office. I run into all types (masked/unmasked, gloved/non-gloved). Never gave 2 thoughts about their wisdom either way. Government guidelines and ordinances are there for the safety of all. The sinister motives some here (blob supporters mainly) attach to these guidelines and ordinances are structures created to fulfill the latent paranoia and confirm the almost clinical level of ignorance they share.

There are way more than 2 schools of thought on this. One should do whatever they deem necessary to remain safe and healthy. If others do not want to take precautions; that is their prerogative outside of ordinances that may or may not be enforced.
The US itself has never been through a war like we have in Europe. Im a bit young to remember personally but my grandparents told me their stories.
You basically have to pull together and help each other out. Your life becomes full of inconveniences from rationing, sleeping in a shelter, lights out and travel restrictions. Your golf course gets dug up to plant veg and all sport is canceled.
But you put up with it for the greater good. For your family and your neighbours. But you have never been asked to do so and that is why so many of you are so f@**ing selfish.
I swear that some of you would whine if the second coming made you late for work.
The US itself has never been through a war like we have in Europe. Im a bit young to remember personally but my grandparents told me their stories.
You basically have to pull together and help each other out. Your life becomes full of inconveniences from rationing, sleeping in a shelter, lights out and travel restrictions. Your golf course gets dug up to plant veg and all sport is canceled.
But you put up with it for the greater good. For your family and your neighbours. But you have never been asked to do so and that is why so many of you are so f@**ing selfish.
I swear that some of you would whine if the second coming made you late for work.
Read some history; the American frontier was savage af.
The US itself has never been through a war like we have in Europe. Im a bit young to remember personally but my grandparents told me their stories.
You basically have to pull together and help each other out. Your life becomes full of inconveniences from rationing, sleeping in a shelter, lights out and travel restrictions. Your golf course gets dug up to plant veg and all sport is canceled.
But you put up with it for the greater good. For your family and your neighbours. But you have never been asked to do so and that is why so many of you are so f@**ing selfish.
I swear that some of you would whine if the second coming made you late for work.
Read some history; the American frontier was savage af.
I cant see the comparison. It was obviously traumatising for the population that was being ethnically cleansed but, for the country as a whole, it was no big deal. Certainly not comparable to the London of the Blitz.
The US itself has never been through a war like we have in Europe. Im a bit young to remember personally but my grandparents told me their stories.
You basically have to pull together and help each other out. Your life becomes full of inconveniences from rationing, sleeping in a shelter, lights out and travel restrictions. Your golf course gets dug up to plant veg and all sport is canceled.
But you put up with it for the greater good. For your family and your neighbours. But you have never been asked to do so and that is why so many of you are so f@**ing selfish.
I swear that some of you would whine if the second coming made you late for work.
Read some history; the American frontier was savage af.
I cant see the comparison. It was obviously traumatising for the population that was being ethnically cleansed but, for the country as a whole, it was no big deal. Certainly not comparable to the London of the Blitz.
Read Empire of The Summer Moon...... I'm about halfway through it and I'm from that area and even I didn't realize how bad it was.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.'re wrong. We do get to make our own decisions on this.
Oh, and 98 percent of those who get this virus will survive.

If I gave you 100 Skittles and told you that two of them would kill you instantly, would you still eat the Skittles? Would you eat them all?

I hate Skittles, but I take your point.

The difference is there are only 2 percent of the people for whom eating Skittles will pose any danger at all. A healthy person could eat all 100 Skittles and not get sick at all. This is why the nursing homes should have isolated all their old folks. Then the percentage would be even lower.
Yeah, tell that to the 41-year old Navy Chief who died from COVID-19 on the USS Theodore Roosevelt! Oh, wait! He's dead!

There are still 500,000 a year who die from smoking in the US.
About 400,000 die a year in the US from obesity.
Over 100,000 a year in the US dies from medical malpractice.

You have to keep this in perspective.
So people die each year on ships from accidents.
Getting the COVID-19 and dying is NOT an accident.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.
If you see someone not wearing a mask then all you have to do is stay away from them.

I for one will wear a mask in a store if the store requires it but I don't wear one in my car or walking through the parking lot or if I am outside at all
THE POINT IS that people who feel they are especially vulnerable to this virus should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate to protect themselves: Quarantine, masks, isolation, distancing, etc.

Why should the rest of us have to cater to them? To make them feel better by destroying the economy?
THE POINT IS that people who feel they are especially vulnerable to this virus should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate to protect themselves: Quarantine, masks, isolation, distancing, etc.

Why should the rest of us have to cater to them? To make them feel better by destroying the economy?

Because those who believe they are not especially vulnerable can become carriers, and even if they do not feel sick or have an symptoms they can infect others and so the pandemic continues.
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Please remember that this is the CDZ when posting.
Here's the thing about mother nature... she's a stone-cold, b*tch.

If we build levies to stop floods, the levies will break. If we build fire-proof buildings, they get blown down by hurricanes. If we cure one disease, another will come along even stronger.

We can't prevent the effects of every natural disaster.

The idea that governments can provide solutions to all our problems if we just give up enough liberty is more dangerous than any natural disaster.

No government or no government will prevent every natural disaster. But good government plans ahead, not leads from behind. And some disasters are man-made: Love Canal, Damns which fail and bridges which fall and SMOG.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

Is it because this, like most things, falls along Political Party Ideology?
Here's the thing about mother nature... she's a stone-cold, b*tch.

If we build levies to stop floods, the levies will break. If we build fire-proof buildings, they get blown down by hurricanes. If we cure one disease, another will come along even stronger.

We can't prevent the effects of every natural disaster.

The idea that governments can provide solutions to all our problems if we just give up enough liberty is more dangerous than any natural disaster.

No government or no government will prevent every natural disaster. But good government plans ahead, not leads from behind. And some disasters are man-made: Love Canal, Damns which fail and bridges which fall and SMOG.
The word is "dam".
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

Is it because this, like most things, falls along Political Party Ideology?
I have found most who claim they always refuse to wear masks are mostly so-called conservatives. They are really just jerks!

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