CDZ Why so little about the REAL CORE of the immigration problem?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?
Who cheers those leaders on? Our leaders? Our media? I read or here very few positive things about any leaders south of the border.
Yes, they are corrupt. However all leaders are corrupt. Yes, they all represent the interests of an oligarchical power elite. However, all leaders do. Their countries are failures because their populations are primarily <90IQ mestizos and Indians who lack the agency to function at a first world level.
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
Because it's not politically correct to be a bleeding heart
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
those leaders are merely cartel puppets
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
becuse we really don't care
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
I'm sorry to say, but you're somewhat confused about the American persona Mac

While America and Americans might like to think we present ourselves as the gleaming becon of freedom and civility on this rock, the truth is we are no more than capitalists cloaked in that guise.

So while the Sally Struther contingent crys for the children via our media, the real movers and shakers are all looking for thier piece of the pie. Otherwise, you'd think 800 military bases and a military budget 2nd to none would have had stellar results in terms of followers. It doesn't because American exceptionalism being seen as extortionary ,far from the altruism we preach.

Our religion is greed, not God , materialism not the milk of human kindness, we are conquerors no less than those of past history, our generals hail to wall street board rooms ,our foreign policies salvo's , our troops mammons minions.

There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?
There is no doubt that many nations south of the border, offer their citizens a life of poverty. Most of those nations have terrible income inequity which leads to two classes, rich and poor. The poor seek a better life by coming to the USA. Who can blame them?

It is not just the leaders of those countries promoting illegal immigration to the US. There are many organizations in the US, that make money off illegal immigration.

The American people do want to make things better for all, but the problem is the American ruling class only wants to make things better for themselves...and they run the show.
There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?
There is no doubt that many nations south of the border, offer their citizens a life of poverty. Most of those nations have terrible income inequity which leads to two classes, rich and poor. The poor seek a better life by coming to the USA. Who can blame them?

It is not just the leaders of those countries promoting illegal immigration to the US. There are many organizations in the US, that make money off illegal immigration.

The American people do want to make things better for all, but the problem is the American ruling class only wants to make things better for themselves...and they run the show.
So there are too many people who are fine with the status quo.

That's probably a good a theory as I've seen.
There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?

We don't have a really good record of going into someone else's country and making things better. In case you haven't been paying attention- Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Lebanon, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Cambodia.

the thing is, the things we do to "help" often make things worse. Case in point, NAFTA. It brought a lot of industrial jobs to Mexico, but it destroyed a lot of agricultural jobs when cheap, subsidized American yellow corn undercut the market for traditional Mexican white corn. So thousands of those industrial workers moved to the US, not because a mean old cartel was chasing them, but because the only place that had use for their skill sets were NORTH of the border.

See, now I was very polite to Mac, but he'll ignore this post because it refutes his core premises.
Spanish and to a lesser extent Portuguese speaking countries are basket cases worldwide regardless of race. This is not a fixable problem. If you have read Roman Histories you know that this is a problem that goes back at least two thousand years.
There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?

We don't have a really good record of going into someone else's country and making things better. In case you haven't been paying attention- Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Lebanon, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Cambodia.

the thing is, the things we do to "help" often make things worse. Case in point, NAFTA. It brought a lot of industrial jobs to Mexico, but it destroyed a lot of agricultural jobs when cheap, subsidized American yellow corn undercut the market for traditional Mexican white corn. So thousands of those industrial workers moved to the US, not because a mean old cartel was chasing them, but because the only place that had use for their skill sets were NORTH of the border.

See, now I was very polite to Mac, but he'll ignore this post because it refutes his core premises.
Agree with a lot of that Joey, but how does it refute Mac's core premise?
There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?

We don't have a really good record of going into someone else's country and making things better. In case you haven't been paying attention- Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Lebanon, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Cambodia.

the thing is, the things we do to "help" often make things worse. Case in point, NAFTA. It brought a lot of industrial jobs to Mexico, but it destroyed a lot of agricultural jobs when cheap, subsidized American yellow corn undercut the market for traditional Mexican white corn. So thousands of those industrial workers moved to the US, not because a mean old cartel was chasing them, but because the only place that had use for their skill sets were NORTH of the border.

See, now I was very polite to Mac, but he'll ignore this post because it refutes his core premises.
Agree with a lot of that Joey, but how does it refute Mac's core premise?

3rd that

add to it, i wasn't surprised to see Mexico loose out to China after the globalists had their way with them ~S~
There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?
IMF, the World Bank and US foreign policy could change. Stop implementation of the free market policies.
I can recall Perot's 'giant sucking sound' creating the rust belt i live in now

Many of my friends were actually told they had a choice , laid off OR severance if they trained their mexican replacements.

Meanwhile any construction site worthy of 6 figures endured the proliferation of H1B workers . Ask yourself how one can hire dozens of mexican H1B holders, transport, house and feed them cheaper than hiring non union locals & the entire immigration fascade becomes a tad clearer

There is a screamingly obvious issue that exists before any Mexicans or South Americans even make it to our southern border: Those countries are so corrupt, so horrible, that their people are literally desperate to escape.

Worse, and this is what absolutely amazes me, is how proud the "leaders" (ha) of those countries are to HELP those people get the hell out. And then people here cheer those "leaders" on.

Let's see if we can stay on topic, and discuss this without deflection and/or name-calling, shall we? A few questions:
  • Why do we hear nothing on this from our politicians? No political advantage to be had?
  • Are those "leaders" so corrupt and paid-off that all they care about are the cartels? Literally?
  • If we "care" so much about these people and their children, why aren't we demanding better for them?
  • Why don't the Americas do the obvious thing and work together to make conditions better for their people? Isn't that in everyone's best interest?
Thoughts? What can be done to address the core problem here? Any out-of-the-box ideas?
As with everything else, the left wants to focus only on the symptoms, not the cause of the problem.
And why is that?
Because their ideology is one of the causes of the problem.
Stop implementation of the free market policies.


there's NO WAY to compete

Their countries might suck but we also give them free shit. We give them incentive.

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