Why so many LGBTQ people?


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:
The number is a single digit percentage between 5-7%. You dont seem to fret divorced sinners which have grown to 50% of marriages. You dont seem to fret the married adulterers which is 25-40%. You dont seem to fret the 80% of men using internet porn. You seem focused on are real small number of marginalized people that are "sinning" according to some Christians. It is because of people like you, who see a speck in another's eye while they have a plank in their own. Why arent you focusing your outrage there? Show me a thread where you addressed these issues and not picked on a marginalized group.
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:
DNA reaction to fluoride.
Same reason I grow my hair out long and swear like a sailor ... to offend my parents ... my own children became mercenaries, crude oil polluters and the baby is bragging about how good he's getting at selling out the American economy to them Commie Chinese ... you know ... everything I hate ...

They'd be gay if I hated gays ... I don't, so they're straight ... but that middle boy, laughing in my face burning as much fossil fuel as he can as fast as he can ... including paraffin .. that brat ...
The number is a single digit percentage between 5-7%. You dont seem to fret divorced sinners which have grown to 50% of marriages. You dont seem to fret the married adulterers which is 25-40%. You dont seem to fret the 80% of men using internet porn. You seem focused on are real small number of marginalized people that are "sinning" according to some Christians. It is because of people like you, who see a speck in another's eye while they have a plank in their own. Why arent you focusing your outrage there? Show me a thread where you addressed these issues and not picked on a marginalized group.
Yeah, divorce, another manifestation of the Marxists/Democrats who destroy the nuclear family, by making it easy to leave the one you promised to be with till death due you part. Life was never meant to be easy, and having a man and a woman work together, is really the cats meow, because both people think so differently. But when things do work out, then the joy of God's gifts, children, but then Marxists/Democrats love to abort them before they even get a chance to prove themselves. EVIL, thy name is Democrat/Marxist.
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:

Maybe they have always been here oogling your junk in the shower and you just weren't as aware of them until now that they are no longer forced to be in the closet.
The number is a single digit percentage between 5-7%. You dont seem to fret divorced sinners which have grown to 50% of marriages. You dont seem to fret the married adulterers which is 25-40%. You dont seem to fret the 80% of men using internet porn. You seem focused on are real small number of marginalized people that are "sinning" according to some Christians. It is because of people like you, who see a speck in another's eye while they have a plank in their own. Why arent you focusing your outrage there? Show me a thread where you addressed these issues and not picked on a marginalized group.
At the current rate, 5-7% is already scary. Rapists are a marginalized group also,. Do you love them so much and hope to see more of them?
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:

A fad, that will pass.

In a few generations, natural selection will clean up the mess.
The number is a single digit percentage between 5-7%. You dont seem to fret divorced sinners which have grown to 50% of marriages. You dont seem to fret the married adulterers which is 25-40%. You dont seem to fret the 80% of men using internet porn. You seem focused on are real small number of marginalized people that are "sinning" according to some Christians. It is because of people like you, who see a speck in another's eye while they have a plank in their own. Why arent you focusing your outrage there? Show me a thread where you addressed these issues and not picked on a marginalized group.

The number of homos has been increasing exponentially in America and some other countries.

The question isn't about porn or adultery or any other societal ill.

Can't you focus on this single issue of men busting each other's cheeks?

BTW, no one is glorifying Adultery as a great societal good, like they do with sodomy. I haven't see any Adulterers Pride Parades lately, or Adultery History Month. There are no classes in school teaching the kids about the positivity of walking out on one's old lady or how to do it.
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:
I'm very concerned about the general state of mental health in this country, especially young people. There just seems to be so much anxiety and unhappiness at an age when you should be loving life. Constant communication and video bombardment via cellphone and computer hours every day has to be a contributing factor to poor mental health. You want to see a young person go absoultely crazy? Take away his/her cell phone. That is not normal. I'm not saying all LGBTQ people are mentally ill, but a percentage of that group is searching for a solution to their general unhappiness.
Same reason I grow my hair out long and swear like a sailor ... to offend my parents ... my own children became mercenaries, crude oil polluters and the baby is bragging about how good he's getting at selling out the American economy to them Commie Chinese ... you know ... everything I hate ...

They'd be gay if I hated gays ... I don't, so they're straight ... but that middle boy, laughing in my face burning as much fossil fuel as he can as fast as he can ... including paraffin .. that brat ...
You are right, of course ---- they HAVE to rebel so a parent who is too tolerant presents teens with a problem. I would guess they don't go full-scale weirdo unless the parent is mean and hurtful, however. Yours haven't, after all. But I know a woman who was in my dorm at school who really is kind of a Queen B**** and her daughter became her son --- and WAAAAAAAAY, years, before all this stuff today. She, the daughter, rejected being anything like her mother, who was from the South, so very feminine.
I'm very concerned about the general state of mental health in this country, especially young people. There just seems to be so much anxiety and unhappiness at an age when you should be loving life. Constant communication and video bombardment via cellphone and computer hours every day has to be a contributing factor to poor mental health. You want to see a young person go absoultely crazy? Take away his/her cell phone. That is not normal. I'm not saying all LGBTQ people are mentally ill, but a percentage of that group is searching for a solution to their general unhappiness.
The Wall Street Journal says just what you are saying in an op-ed today; they blame serious stresses on the country, the end of old values like hard work and competence for "diversity identity" and bad stresses on the nation such as 9/11, the Great Recession, and of course Covid, which must be one of the worst things. Oh, and Trump and the serious, angry split in the country: they also ran an article showing that difference in political beliefs are a major reason young women especially won't date someone.
Well, its been waved in front of curious children's noses by MSM and public schools for a number of decades now. They are being deliberately created out of our youth because those that enable it know that it will result in our society becoming completely dysfunctional. The sickos are sitting back and enjoying seeing the fruits of their labor dress in drag for them.
Yeah, divorce, another manifestation of the Marxists/Democrats who destroy the nuclear family, by making it easy to leave the one you promised to be with till death due you part. Life was never meant to be easy, and having a man and a woman work together, is really the cats meow, because both people think so differently. But when things do work out, then the joy of God's gifts, children, but then Marxists/Democrats love to abort them before they even get a chance to prove themselves. EVIL, thy name is Democrat/Marxist.
You have real problems if you see divorce as s political issue. Real problems.
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The number of homos has been increasing exponentially in America and some other countries.

The question isn't about porn or adultery or any other societal ill.

Can't you focus on this single issue of men busting each other's cheeks?

BTW, no one is glorifying Adultery as a great societal good, like they do with sodomy. I haven't see any Adulterers Pride Parades lately, or Adultery History Month. There are no classes in school teaching the kids about the positivity of walking out on one's old lady or how to do it.
The Christian right elected and revered an unrepentant adulterer. He was glorified and threw parades. Its not just him. The party is replete with adulterous GOP leaders. Way more than gay "sinners". Why not focus on that? Why pick on a marginalized group but let those in power slide? Because its about bullying and power... not God.

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