Why So Many Sudden Sexual Harrassment Cases? It's The Law!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
The laws between the USA and other countries like Britain are diametrically opposite. Elsewhere, when you accuse someone of something, you have the burden of proof. In the USA, our media are protected and once accused, the burden is on you to prove them wrong (which the law makes difficult and expensive).

Why so many sexual harassment cases in US, not UK?
Here in the untied states you're guilty until you prove to be innocent. Not right....

Meaning someone can destroy you just because they hate you or you're standing in their way.
The laws between the USA and other countries like Britain are diametrically opposite. Elsewhere, when you accuse someone of something, you have the burden of proof. In the USA, our media are protected and once accused, the burden is on you to prove them wrong (which the law makes difficult and expensive).

Why so many sexual harassment cases in US, not UK?
Sorry to tell you but Since Weinstein there have been several high profile media personas accused in my country Belgium so no, it's not unique to the US. It seems to be a genuine case of woman feeling they can now more freely talk about instances of harassment. How r/belgium and the media are covering the Bart de Pauw events • r/belgium
I also want to point out that in most cases the satisfaction of bringing the story out is the only type of compensation the victims get. Do you prefer them to be quiet?
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Here in the untied states you're guilty until you prove to be innocent. Not right....

Meaning someone can destroy you just because they hate you or you're standing in their way.
It is the opposite in France, you are innocent until you are made guilty. Napoleon1 law .
We also have a lot of known person sexual abuse statement that dates back several years it's like a fashion.
Why wait so many years to say that there are being abused? not that it does not matter far from it.
But it's strange anyway!
Here in the untied states you're guilty until you prove to be innocent. Not right....

Meaning someone can destroy you just because they hate you or you're standing in their way.

OMG I just looked out the window because I agreed with you. And holy toledo there they are!!!!!!!!!!!


The laws between the USA and other countries like Britain are diametrically opposite. Elsewhere, when you accuse someone of something, you have the burden of proof. In the USA, our media are protected and once accused, the burden is on you to prove them wrong (which the law makes difficult and expensive).

Why so many sexual harassment cases in US, not UK?
Sorry to tell you but Since Weinstein there have been several high profile media personas accused in my country Belgium so no, it's not unique to the US. It seems to be a genuine case of woman feeling they can now more freely talk about instances of harassment. How r/belgium and the media are covering the Bart de Pauw events • r/belgium
I also want to point out that in most cases the satisfaction of bringing the story out is the only type of compensation the victims get. Do you prefer them to be quiet?

Accuse away. But those accusations must be investigated fully. And if the allegations are false, charge the accuser and put them in jail as they do in Britain.

Accusations can ruin lives as we just witnessed here in "A Rape on Campus". It was a total lie and Rolling Stone magazine and the writer are being seriously punished financially>

But the woman who made up everything is getting off scot free. She should have been prosecuted and jailed.
The laws between the USA and other countries like Britain are diametrically opposite. Elsewhere, when you accuse someone of something, you have the burden of proof. In the USA, our media are protected and once accused, the burden is on you to prove them wrong (which the law makes difficult and expensive).

Why so many sexual harassment cases in US, not UK?
Sorry to tell you but Since Weinstein there have been several high profile media personas accused in my country Belgium so no, it's not unique to the US. It seems to be a genuine case of woman feeling they can now more freely talk about instances of harassment. How r/belgium and the media are covering the Bart de Pauw events • r/belgium
I also want to point out that in most cases the satisfaction of bringing the story out is the only type of compensation the victims get. Do you prefer them to be quiet?

Accuse away. But those accusations must be investigated fully. And if the allegations are false, charge the accuser and put them in jail as they do in Britain.

Accusations can ruin lives as we just witnessed here in "A Rape on Campus". It was a total lie and Rolling Stone magazine and the writer are being seriously punished financially>

But the woman who made up everything is getting off scot free. She should have been prosecuted and jailed.
I think in the cases of public figures, accusations are investigated fully. And if those accused want to sue for libel they are free to do so. My point is that the poster of the OP seems too try to make a case for the media to only be allowed to cover sexual harassment stories in cases were guilt can be proven before a court of law. Beyond reasonable doubt is a standard that has a rightful place in a court of law but in my view shouldn't be used as the standard to allow the media to cover something, simply because that would disallow most stories. Cases of sexual harassment or even rape are a perfect example of this. In most cases it's word against word and the media quite often is the only way for the victims to get at least some sense of justice. Do you claim the media should disregard those victims because they can't prove the event beyond reasonable doubt?
I am for the defense of women first and foremost.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object. many girls end up in the hands of sex pretenders and end up raped or killed. a woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister.
But I think it's a very big media conspiracy too to bring down Trump in any way possible. they are the lousy ones first and foremost.
The path is heading towards him and accusations that have been made against him during the primaries and the grabbing pu *** story. video is a cloakroom language.
They will come to say that things have happened with him that is the goal of bringing down the others before him. The tree that hides the forest
I am for the defense of women first and foremost.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object. many girls end up in the hands of sex pretenders and end up raped or killed. a woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister.
But I think it's a very big media conspiracy too to bring down Trump in any way possible. they are the lousy ones first and foremost.
The path is heading towards him and accusations that have been made against him during the primaries and the grabbing pu *** story. video is a cloakroom language.
They will come to say that things have happened with him that is the goal of bringing down the others before him. The tree that hides the forest
The Billy Bush tape wasn't the only time Trump got caught on tape.

If you are for the defense of woman first and foremost how do you vote for Trump?
I don't have to rely on mere accusations I can simply listen to him and then hear woman confirm he actually did as he described. How do you mesh defending woman while protecting Trump?
I am for the defense of women first and foremost.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object. many girls end up in the hands of sex pretenders and end up raped or killed. a woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister.
But I think it's a very big media conspiracy too to bring down Trump in any way possible. they are the lousy ones first and foremost.
The path is heading towards him and accusations that have been made against him during the primaries and the grabbing pu *** story. video is a cloakroom language.
They will come to say that things have happened with him that is the goal of bringing down the others before him. The tree that hides the forest
The Billy Bush tape wasn't the only time Trump got caught on tape.

If you are for the defense of woman first and foremost how do you vote for Trump?
I don't have to rely on mere accusations I can simply listen to him and then hear woman confirm he actually did as he described. How do you mesh defending woman while protecting Trump?

I did not vote for Trump i live in France...I do not think it's a choir boy, I agree with you. I think he will also have problems like the others. but I am a Republican , I could never be an leftist impossible.
I am for the defense of women first and foremost.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object. many girls end up in the hands of sex pretenders and end up raped or killed. a woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister.
But I think it's a very big media conspiracy too to bring down Trump in any way possible. they are the lousy ones first and foremost.
The path is heading towards him and accusations that have been made against him during the primaries and the grabbing pu *** story. video is a cloakroom language.
They will come to say that things have happened with him that is the goal of bringing down the others before him. The tree that hides the forest
The Billy Bush tape wasn't the only time Trump got caught on tape.

If you are for the defense of woman first and foremost how do you vote for Trump?
I don't have to rely on mere accusations I can simply listen to him and then hear woman confirm he actually did as he described. How do you mesh defending woman while protecting Trump?

I did not vote for Trump i live in France...I do not think it's a choir boy, I agree with you. I think he will also have problems like the others. but I am a Republican , I could never be an leftist impossible.

Ok so when you say I'm for the defense of woman first and foremost you are actually meaning unless the opponent is a leftist in which case my political affiliation takes precedence? I'm Belgian myself just to put it out there, my wife is American though.
I am for the defense of women first and foremost.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object. many girls end up in the hands of sex pretenders and end up raped or killed. a woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister.
But I think it's a very big media conspiracy too to bring down Trump in any way possible. they are the lousy ones first and foremost.
The path is heading towards him and accusations that have been made against him during the primaries and the grabbing pu *** story. video is a cloakroom language.
They will come to say that things have happened with him that is the goal of bringing down the others before him. The tree that hides the forest
The Billy Bush tape wasn't the only time Trump got caught on tape.

If you are for the defense of woman first and foremost how do you vote for Trump?
I don't have to rely on mere accusations I can simply listen to him and then hear woman confirm he actually did as he described. How do you mesh defending woman while protecting Trump?

I did not vote for Trump i live in France...I do not think it's a choir boy, I agree with you. I think he will also have problems like the others. but I am a Republican , I could never be an leftist impossible.

Ok so when you say I'm for the defense of woman first and foremost you are actually meaning unless the opponent is a leftist in which case my political affiliation takes precedence? I'm Belgian myself just to put it out there, my wife is American though.

Not at all, when the primary to start usa I wanted Jeb Bush or another to wins but it is * trump who win and I learned to know his way of being, his franchise and his slogan America First I like. after what he did or not, I do not know. I am like you I think a man should appreciate a woman for what she is above all but not for her look. all this is superficial in my opinion.
I am for the defense of women first and foremost.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object. many girls end up in the hands of sex pretenders and end up raped or killed. a woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister.
But I think it's a very big media conspiracy too to bring down Trump in any way possible. they are the lousy ones first and foremost.
The path is heading towards him and accusations that have been made against him during the primaries and the grabbing pu *** story. video is a cloakroom language.
They will come to say that things have happened with him that is the goal of bringing down the others before him. The tree that hides the forest
The Billy Bush tape wasn't the only time Trump got caught on tape.

If you are for the defense of woman first and foremost how do you vote for Trump?
I don't have to rely on mere accusations I can simply listen to him and then hear woman confirm he actually did as he described. How do you mesh defending woman while protecting Trump?

I did not vote for Trump i live in France...I do not think it's a choir boy, I agree with you. I think he will also have problems like the others. but I am a Republican , I could never be an leftist impossible.

Ok so when you say I'm for the defense of woman first and foremost you are actually meaning unless the opponent is a leftist in which case my political affiliation takes precedence? I'm Belgian myself just to put it out there, my wife is American though.

Not at all, when the primary to start usa I wanted Jeb Bush or another wins but it is * trump who win and I learned to know his way of being, his franchise and his slogan America First I like. after what he did or not, I do not know. I am like you I think a man should appreciate a woman for what she is above all but not for her look. all this is superficial in my opinion.

Sure, I just wanted to point out that the media's coverage on his treatment of woman wasn't a conspiracy. Not claiming there wasn't any bias but Trump's questionable behavior towards woman is well documented. And the fact that you were claiming fake news while at the same time talking about defending woman first and foremost seemed to clash terribly with those facts. I don't think because you are Republican you are bad and I'm perfectly aware there's enough hypocrisy to go around. I've been talking about these harassment cases coming out of the woodwork with my wife and I've noticed that it's not even as straightforward as you might think between like minded people. But in the case of people trying to get elected for public office credible accusations as the ones towards Trump and Moore should immediately disqualify them for office and the fact that it doesn't appear to do so seriously makes me question the morals of people who vote for them, or in the case of this board protect or excuse them.
Here in the untied states you're guilty until you prove to be innocent. Not right....

Meaning someone can destroy you just because they hate you or you're standing in their way.
Only if they have enough to prove that someone else is truly a monster. If they don't, then at the end of the day, they may have only destroyed themselves.

God bless you always!!!

so no, it's not unique to the US.

Did I ever say it was unique to the USA? Did my article? No. The point of the article was that while occurring elsewhere, it is but a dribble compared to America's faucet, and why.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object.

And therein lies the problem; so many women ACT like sex objects and try to be seen that way! Lady Adult Film Stars, Striptease dancers, models, call girls and many others. What is first and foremost on most women's minds? Dressing up and putting on make-up, etc., staying slim, so when they go out, heads will turn. To attract men, control men, they promote sexuality. Just the other day I saw two stories where one LA Celebrity was torqued because someone hacked her cellphone and stole the nude pictures of herself on it and put them on the web! Another story was about Madonna as a young girl and pictures just released of a photo-shoot she did in a studio where she pranced around butt-naked and showed EVERYTHING.

So women have worked hard to be seen as sex objects and are not entirely innocent if a few guys can't handle it and TREAT them like sex objects. The other half is that sex sells and advertising has long took advantage of girls and sex for the sake of profit, and this includes the movie industry. LA and Hollywood have long been a sex shop where everyone knew that for a girl to make her way, sooner or later, someone would try to take advantage of her! And forget not advertising of a generation ago; have we forgotten how the industry use to blatantly see and treat women? Here are a few examples:






And these are not even the worst.

So how can anyone be surprised at the Harvey Weinsteins of the world? It was never unknown what he did, merely left unspoken. In many ways, society CREATED Weinstein and those like him, at least Hollywood did. Women were vulnerable, they were abused, they went into a situation many times in movies, etc., where they knew they might be taken advantage of, and went along with certain things as a "necessary evil" for getting a leg up (as it were) in the industry, and far too many in LA were more than happy to go along with it, exploit it for themselves or at least look the other way. No so anymore.

Hollywood and Lala Land have taken a huge upset literally overnight and they will never operate the same again.
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I am for the defense of women first and foremost.
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object. many girls end up in the hands of sex pretenders and end up raped or killed. a woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister.
But I think it's a very big media conspiracy too to bring down Trump in any way possible. they are the lousy ones first and foremost.
The path is heading towards him and accusations that have been made against him during the primaries and the grabbing pu *** story. video is a cloakroom language.
They will come to say that things have happened with him that is the goal of bringing down the others before him. The tree that hides the forest
The Billy Bush tape wasn't the only time Trump got caught on tape.

If you are for the defense of woman first and foremost how do you vote for Trump?
I don't have to rely on mere accusations I can simply listen to him and then hear woman confirm he actually did as he described. How do you mesh defending woman while protecting Trump?

I did not vote for Trump i live in France...I do not think it's a choir boy, I agree with you. I think he will also have problems like the others. but I am a Republican , I could never be an leftist impossible.

Ok so when you say I'm for the defense of woman first and foremost you are actually meaning unless the opponent is a leftist in which case my political affiliation takes precedence? I'm Belgian myself just to put it out there, my wife is American though.

Not at all, when the primary to start usa I wanted Jeb Bush or another wins but it is * trump who win and I learned to know his way of being, his franchise and his slogan America First I like. after what he did or not, I do not know. I am like you I think a man should appreciate a woman for what she is above all but not for her look. all this is superficial in my opinion.

Sure, I just wanted to point out that the media's coverage on his treatment of woman wasn't a conspiracy. Not claiming there wasn't any bias but Trump's questionable behavior towards woman is well documented. And the fact that you were claiming fake news while at the same time talking about defending woman first and foremost seemed to clash terribly with those facts. I don't think because you are Republican you are bad and I'm perfectly aware there's enough hypocrisy to go around. I've been talking about these harassment cases coming out of the woodwork with my wife and I've noticed that it's not even as straightforward as you might think between like minded people. But in the case of people trying to get elected for public office credible accusations as the ones towards Trump and Moore should immediately disqualify them for office and the fact that it doesn't appear to do so seriously makes me question the morals of people who vote for them, or in the case of this board protect or excuse them.

I'm not excusing anything, but I say that coincidentally during the CNN primaries had repeatedly shown Trump's record and that he had the stories of Hillary's e-mails but that they did not mention them .
Since the election of Trump it did not stop News against him. Why as magic all this women come to declare their abuse? they could have done during Obama's term?
Men should above all respect women and not see women as a sexual object.

And therein lies the problem; so many women ACT like sex objects and try to be seen that way! Lady Adult Film Stars, Striptease dancers, models, call girls and many others. What is first and foremost on most women's minds? Dressing up and putting on make-up, etc., staying slim, so when they go out, heads will turn. To attract men, control men, they promote sexuality. Just the other day I saw two stories where one LA Celebrity was torqued because someone hacked her cellphone and stole the nude pictures of herself on it and put them on the web! Another story was about Madonna as a young girl and pictures just released of a photo-shoot she did in a studio where she pranced around butt-naked and showed EVERYTHING.

So women have worked hard to be seen as sex objects and are not entirely innocent if a few guys can't handle it and TREAT them like sex objects. The other half is that sex sells and advertising has long took advantage of girls and sex for the sake of profit, and this includes the movie industry. LA and Hollywood have long been a sex shop where everyone knew that for a girl to make her way, sooner or later, someone would try to take advantage of her! And forget not advertising of a generation ago; have we forgotten how the industry use to blatantly see and treat women? Here are a few examples:

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And these are not even the worst.

So how can anyone be surprised at the Harvey Weinsteins of the world? It was never unknown what he did, merely left unspoken. In many ways, society CREATED Weinstein and those like him, at least Hollywood did. Women were vulnerable, they were abused, they went into a situation many times in movies, etc., where they knew they might be taken advantage of, and went along with certain things as a "necessary evil" for getting a leg up (as it were) in the industry, and far too many in LA were more than happy to go along with it, exploit it for themselves or at least look the other way. No so anymore.

Hollywood and Lala Land have taken a huge upset literally overnight and they will never operate the same again.
Hollywood seems to be libertine for several years at least it is a well-established reputation.
Your posters are surprising, I did not know about this really degrading mentality towards women.
It's rather disgusting also that black men like Bill Cosby get along well as well as OJ Simpson if we must punish all the vicious known especially the most violent and especially with the evidence to support well it must be done without hesitation.

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