Why "States Rights" would be a disaster for education in Red States

And the left always tells us they don't want to dictate what we do..

They want to poke their noses into states they don't even live in..

scratch a liberal find a fascist.
And the left always tells us they don't want to dictate what we do..

They want to poke their noses into states they don't even live in..

scratch a liberal find a fascist.
They are ONE in the same.

Thier days of projecting themselves unto Conservatives are at an end.

They have unmasked themselves.

Type rdean, don't just link.
Georgia is still a Dem state deany!

Your link is a hack! Georgia is not suing, a private citizen is.

The case is styled Carl Swensson v. Barack Obama, and the Office of State Administrative Hearings’ Docket Number is OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-1216218-60-MALIHI.

People are laughing at you.

You wish!
The quickest disaster would be the Republicans war on minorities. Take a look at Georgia. Possibly a billions dollars in crops lost because of draconian right wing laws (cut...off...nose...to...spite...face). Then there are the complaints companies can't find workers from bus boys to janitors to dishwashers.

But the long term disaster would be what Republicans would do to education. We already know what they think about education. They would slash and burn and what's left over would be "magical creation" and "revised history". They would create a generation of Americans who haven't been this uneducated for at least the last two hundred years.

Red States are already supported by Blue States. How long would Blue States want their money to continue to support people who think "yall" is a real word? And talk about lazy. Why can't those in Georgia find workers? Because white people won't do those jobs.



The Georgia Agribusiness Council estimates the total loss stemming from spoiled and unpicked produce to be close to $1 billion.

And that doesn’t include other crops such as pecans and cotton that will be harvested next.

Farmers have had to leave crops in the field due to a labor shortage they say stems from the state’s new immigration crackdown. Council president Bryan Tolar even if crops get picked, there may not be enough workers to process them.

Crop Losses Could Top $1B

"States Rights" would be a terrible disaster for Republicans and Red States. Imagine the mess they would create if left on their own.
just admit that you are a liberal partisan hack.
The fact is too many businesses have gotten used to breaking the law, hiring illegals at cheap labor rates. They will now have to hire Americans. And they will or they will go out of business.
‘States’ Rights’ would be a disaster for the people of all the states, adversely effecting not only education.

Type rdean, don't just link.
Georgia is still a Dem state deany!

Your link is a hack! Georgia is not suing, a private citizen is.

The case is styled Carl Swensson v. Barack Obama, and the Office of State Administrative Hearings’ Docket Number is OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-1216218-60-MALIHI.

Speaking as someone who lived for a while in Georgia, I can safely say they are NOT a Dem state.

Thank you, I have already figured that out. :D
I got a super-duper secret memo from the GOP the other day (don't know why as I haven't been a member since '04) telling about how they wanted to totally kick minorities out of public schools. The plan was called "Operation Orval Faubus."

True story.
You know, another huge premise flaw to this thread is the idea that funding somehow equates to education results.
LOL, blue states support red states..

another Rdean fail..:cuckoo:

You didn't know that? Hilarious. Do some research.

What keeps you from learning facts?

just like texas is a blue state?

There is always an "outlier". Just like one or two Blue States. Just like 6% of scientists being Republican. Rarely is anything 100%. But 94% is very close. It's difficult for Republicans to understand that since they believe so wholeheartedly in absolutes.
While it is obvious that the RED STATES get more FEDERAL MONEY than the BLUE STATES do?

States's rights really have little to do with that.
‘States’ Rights’ would be a disaster for the people of all the states, adversely effecting not only education.


For one, Republicans love to discriminate. They are constantly at war with a half dozen minorities. But you knew that.

And, take away the educated and you have a few rich controlling the ignorant poor masses, because that's all that would be left. It's what Republicans are trying to do now. We can all see that. Kinda hard to deny.
States Rights is a product of the 10th amendment to the constitution not something the rebublicans are making up.
The problems in georgia stem from the relucktance and lack of enforcement of the existing immigration laws. This then fell to the states to accomplish in light of the feds abdication. The resulting shortage of workers is really a poor showing on the part of the unemployed (not the republicans) The would appear to be too lazy or too proud to accept such work - why should they? heck the state and federal government (democrats) will pay them more to stay at home and watch the boob tube and drink beer.

Your concept of defining or attributing a failure in States Rights to the republicans just shows how shallow and myoptic a thinker one is.:mad:

Oh please. Spare me. Republicans want "states rights" to discriminate. It's just the way it is.

What you believe is not what is fact. You know that, right?
‘States’ Rights’ would be a disaster for the people of all the states, adversely effecting not only education.


For one, Republicans love to discriminate. They are constantly at war with a half dozen minorities. But you knew that.

And, take away the educated and you have a few rich controlling the ignorant poor masses, because that's all that would be left. It's what Republicans are trying to do now. We can all see that. Kinda hard to deny.

You are the male (?) equivalent of TruthMocker. You present bullshit as fact and blindly ignore anything that does not fit your racist agenda.
people who think "yall" is a real word
It's y'all a contraction of you all, the plural of you. Up naweth (in many "blue" states) some say "youse guys" - rag them why doncha
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States Rights is a product of the 10th amendment to the constitution not something the rebublicans are making up.
The problems in georgia stem from the relucktance and lack of enforcement of the existing immigration laws. This then fell to the states to accomplish in light of the feds abdication. The resulting shortage of workers is really a poor showing on the part of the unemployed (not the republicans) The would appear to be too lazy or too proud to accept such work - why should they? heck the state and federal government (democrats) will pay them more to stay at home and watch the boob tube and drink beer.

Your concept of defining or attributing a failure in States Rights to the republicans just shows how shallow and myoptic a thinker one is.:mad:

Oh please. Spare me. Republicans want "states rights" to discriminate. It's just the way it is.

No, you lying manipulative asshole... that is the way you WISH it were because then and only then would your points be even somewhat valid
And the left always tells us they don't want to dictate what we do..

They want to poke their noses into states they don't even live in..

scratch a liberal find a fascist.
Its MUCH LESS intrusive to make sure states maintain minimum standards or as you term it "poke our nose into" than the Repubs/conservatives wanting to poke their noses into people's bedrooms :lol: :eusa_boohoo:

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