Why stop at free college?

I think when teens get a drivers license, the government should buy them a new car, and provide car insurance at no charge for at least 5 years.

The fact that you "think" should make us all pause with amazement!!

I imagine you running into anyone that can think instead of parroting blogs is amazing
Parroting blogs????? baby soot, I'm an original...but thanks for compliments....and I want to say again again, who the fuck told you; you could think?
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

LOLOL....it was the damn federally funded GI Bill that lifted you white saps out of poverty back in the day, duh? So saying it was the only assistance you ever had, makes you sound stupid!!

Yes. The G.I. Bill was a fringe benefit granted me for serving in the Army. The Army did not contribute to a 401K like some companies do or offer stock options.

True, but the GI Bill put you in the right lanes to work for companies that afforded you these benefits. Listen, I'm a vet, although I missed out on the GI Bill era, my home today is attributed to my 10 years of service in the Navy. I'm just trying to let you know, all this shit you talking about all come from the benefits of the GI BIll, something most whites of that era who served our country are privy too. Understand, black folk who had benefits of this Bill....a democratic idea mind you......few saw opportunities open as did their white counterparts.

There are young men as we speak earning credit toward a college education by serving in the military. Both Black and white.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

View attachment 64084
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

View attachment 64085

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

Here is the rub on raising the Minimum wage.

1. The ones just above min wage won't see a dime in raises.

2. The Cost of living will raise to compensate for the raise in Min Wage. The 1% wins on that one. And everyone else loses. Unless we have an oversight to prevent this then min wage is just plain destructive.

I agree, there are certain fundamental things that all should recieve without cost of any kind.

1. A decent Job that pays the bills
2. Health Care
3. Education

If we meet those three reqirements then it's going to be a success. This may mean putting some of the 1%ers in prison. But it wouldn't be the first time that has happened. Not to worry, the 1%ers will turn over scapegoats to spend their time in prison.

I agree about the prison thing. I think the first 1 percenter to go should be Hillary.
Think Bernie would give me a new Ford F150?

If that GI Bill hasn't afforded you advancements in life, nothing will....in short, buy your own, welfare king!!

That's right. There are thousands of young men in the military right now for that sole purpose. These young men are earning their way toward a college education instead of sitting on their asses and whining and waiting on someone to give them a college education on someone else's dime. I do realize that you consider yourself far above them and consider yourself far too intelligent to invest anything in your own behalf.

First off, I'm a 10 year Navy Vet.....so don't do me. Second, how the hell did this shit morph into a anti soldier rant? You conservative shit for brains fucks always want to turn the tables when you're called out....put on your big boy panties, toots and adjust. You come here braggin about all the shit you've done with your life and I simply pointed out that it was a WELFARE BILL, that made that all possible, like get over it.
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

LOLOL....it was the damn federally funded GI Bill that lifted you white saps out of poverty back in the day, duh? So saying it was the only assistance you ever had, makes you sound stupid!!

Yes. The G.I. Bill was a fringe benefit granted me for serving in the Army. The Army did not contribute to a 401K like some companies do or offer stock options.

True, but the GI Bill put you in the right lanes to work for companies that afforded you these benefits. Listen, I'm a vet, although I missed out on the GI Bill era, my home today is attributed to my 10 years of service in the Navy. I'm just trying to let you know, all this shit you talking about all come from the benefits of the GI BIll, something most whites of that era who served our country are privy too. Understand, black folk who had benefits of this Bill....a democratic idea mind you......few saw opportunities open as did their white counterparts.

There are young men as we speak earning credit toward a college education by serving in the military. Both Black and white.

Listen up Old man, we're talking apple and oranges here...I'm talking your generation not todays generation....pay attention, PALEEEZZE!!
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

View attachment 64084
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

View attachment 64085

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

Wow, I'm a 1 percenter. Who would have thought??????
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

LOLOL....it was the damn federally funded GI Bill that lifted you white saps out of poverty back in the day, duh? So saying it was the only assistance you ever had, makes you sound stupid!!

Yes. The G.I. Bill was a fringe benefit granted me for serving in the Army. The Army did not contribute to a 401K like some companies do or offer stock options.

True, but the GI Bill put you in the right lanes to work for companies that afforded you these benefits. Listen, I'm a vet, although I missed out on the GI Bill era, my home today is attributed to my 10 years of service in the Navy. I'm just trying to let you know, all this shit you talking about all come from the benefits of the GI BIll, something most whites of that era who served our country are privy too. Understand, black folk who had benefits of this Bill....a democratic idea mind you......few saw opportunities open as did their white counterparts.

....a democratic idea mind you.....


"Harry W. Colmery, a former national commander of the American Legion and former Republican National Chairman, is credited for writing the first draft of the G.I. Bill.[10][11] He reportedly jotted down his ideas on stationery and a napkin at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.[11]"

G.I. Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What the Democrats wanted was to give veterans 'some' help, as long it didn't include allowing those veterans access to places like Yale, Princeton, and, god forbid, Harvard.
I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

LOLOL....it was the damn federally funded GI Bill that lifted you white saps out of poverty back in the day, duh? So saying it was the only assistance you ever had, makes you sound stupid!!

Yes. The G.I. Bill was a fringe benefit granted me for serving in the Army. The Army did not contribute to a 401K like some companies do or offer stock options.

True, but the GI Bill put you in the right lanes to work for companies that afforded you these benefits. Listen, I'm a vet, although I missed out on the GI Bill era, my home today is attributed to my 10 years of service in the Navy. I'm just trying to let you know, all this shit you talking about all come from the benefits of the GI BIll, something most whites of that era who served our country are privy too. Understand, black folk who had benefits of this Bill....a democratic idea mind you......few saw opportunities open as did their white counterparts.

There are young men as we speak earning credit toward a college education by serving in the military. Both Black and white.

Listen up Old man, we're talking apple and oranges here...I'm talking your generation not todays generation....pay attention, PALEEEZZE!!

What's the difference. Young soldiers are young soldiers. College is college. People are people.
I think when teens get a drivers license, the government should buy them a new car, and provide car insurance at no charge for at least 5 years.

The fact that you "think" should make us all pause with amazement!!

I imagine you running into anyone that can think instead of parroting blogs is amazing
Parroting blogs????? baby soot, I'm an original...but thanks for compliments....and I want to say again again, who the fuck told you; you could think?

Quite a few people.

How loud do you get laughed at when you tell people you can laugh?
I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

LOLOL....it was the damn federally funded GI Bill that lifted you white saps out of poverty back in the day, duh? So saying it was the only assistance you ever had, makes you sound stupid!!

Yes. The G.I. Bill was a fringe benefit granted me for serving in the Army. The Army did not contribute to a 401K like some companies do or offer stock options.

True, but the GI Bill put you in the right lanes to work for companies that afforded you these benefits. Listen, I'm a vet, although I missed out on the GI Bill era, my home today is attributed to my 10 years of service in the Navy. I'm just trying to let you know, all this shit you talking about all come from the benefits of the GI BIll, something most whites of that era who served our country are privy too. Understand, black folk who had benefits of this Bill....a democratic idea mind you......few saw opportunities open as did their white counterparts.

There are young men as we speak earning credit toward a college education by serving in the military. Both Black and white.

Listen up Old man, we're talking apple and oranges here...I'm talking your generation not todays generation....pay attention, PALEEEZZE!!

Everyone can see how stupid you are, racist. Stop trying so hard.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Why stop at moronic, hyperbolic thread topics such as this; this is so typical of most conservatives: pointless, childish ridicule and derision – nothing intelligent, worthwhile, or constructive from the idiotic right.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

View attachment 64084
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

View attachment 64085

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

Wow, I'm a 1 percenter. Who would have thought??????

While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Why stop at moronic, hyperbolic thread topics such as this; this is so typical of most conservatives: pointless, childish ridicule and derision – nothing intelligent, worthwhile, or constructive from the idiotic right.

Another irony impaired far left drone showing they have nothing in their arsenal except debunked far left religious dogma!
LOLOL....it was the damn federally funded GI Bill that lifted you white saps out of poverty back in the day, duh? So saying it was the only assistance you ever had, makes you sound stupid!!

Yes. The G.I. Bill was a fringe benefit granted me for serving in the Army. The Army did not contribute to a 401K like some companies do or offer stock options.

True, but the GI Bill put you in the right lanes to work for companies that afforded you these benefits. Listen, I'm a vet, although I missed out on the GI Bill era, my home today is attributed to my 10 years of service in the Navy. I'm just trying to let you know, all this shit you talking about all come from the benefits of the GI BIll, something most whites of that era who served our country are privy too. Understand, black folk who had benefits of this Bill....a democratic idea mind you......few saw opportunities open as did their white counterparts.

There are young men as we speak earning credit toward a college education by serving in the military. Both Black and white.

Listen up Old man, we're talking apple and oranges here...I'm talking your generation not todays generation....pay attention, PALEEEZZE!!

Everyone can see how stupid you are, racist. Stop trying so hard.

Being called a racist by a fellow racist......priceless!!:banana:
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

Yep, my tax dollars should pay for free college. Then when those kids graduate and I need a doctor or lawyer, they will charge me $300.00 for a half hour of their time.

College is an investment. An investment is when you use your own money to get more money in return.......hopefully.

If taxpayers are to fund investments, I want taxpayers to get me into commodities trading, or real estate, or fund opening up my own business.

Does that seem fair to you?
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Why stop at moronic, hyperbolic thread topics such as this; this is so typical of most conservatives: pointless, childish ridicule and derision – nothing intelligent, worthwhile, or constructive from the idiotic right.

Is it really my fault that I have nothing intelligent to say? Or is society's fault? We don't offer free college to everyone so it is clearly not my fault. I also happen to be a part of an oppressed minority so it is not my fault. I happen to be poor, I'm muslim, I'm black, I'm female, I'm also not a member of the 1%. It is clearly not my fault.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

The socialists/fascist/berner axis of evil want

1- to be fed
2- to be insured
3- to have their thirst quenched
4- to invade every country on the face of mother earth
5- to imprison every american, especially Libertarians
6- free college education
7- to be clothed


"Liberals believe that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
Think Bernie would give me a new Ford F150?

If that GI Bill hasn't afforded you advancements in life, nothing will....in short, buy your own, welfare king!!

That's right. There are thousands of young men in the military right now for that sole purpose. These young men are earning their way toward a college education instead of sitting on their asses and whining and waiting on someone to give them a college education on someone else's dime. I do realize that you consider yourself far above them and consider yourself far too intelligent to invest anything in your own behalf.

First off, I'm a 10 year Navy Vet.....so don't do me. Second, how the hell did this shit morph into a anti soldier rant? You conservative shit for brains fucks always want to turn the tables when you're called out....put on your big boy panties, toots and adjust. You come here braggin about all the shit you've done with your life and I simply pointed out that it was a WELFARE BILL, that made that all possible, like get over it.

I'm over it. You're the one who wants to make fun at soldiers past and present who earned or are currently earning their avenue toward a college education. It's not my fault you didn't get one. What you refuse to accept is that these guys earned or are earning a college education and that it is part of their fringe benefit package. It is a very effective recruiting tool.

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