Why stop at free college?

Free college isn't free, nothing is. Bernie lives in la la land where unicorns crap money...sadly low infos buy into it.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

Free College? Who is going to pay Elizabeth Warren's $300K salary for teaching one class?
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

Free College

- Select Majors only to fill market demand
- Recipients subject to random drug tests since they are using taxpayer money.
- Colleges offering free colleges will have to welcome conceal and carry students and employees

Our troops don't get a free education, they have to pay into it

With Sanders plan they would go for free

Just love Liberal Logic

Actually, it was a Liberal FDR who created the GI Bill of Rights paying for education of veterans

He signed the legislation, he did not 'create' it.

"G.I. Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

The socialists/fascist/berner axis of evil want

1- to be fed
2- to be insured
3- to have their thirst quenched
4- to invade every country on the face of mother earth
5- to imprison every american, especially Libertarians
6- free college education
7- to be clothed


8- Hookers.
We're 19 trillion in the hole now and can't pay it off and Fruitcake Sanders wants to spend another 18 trillion? You people are clueless.

We're 19 trillion in the hole now and can't pay it off and Fruitcake Sanders wants to spend another 18 trillion? You people are clueless.


He's one of those that want 11 million illegals to stay, driving down the wages of those trying to pay their education bills while giving free education and artificially raising minimum wage?

This guys stupidity is monumental.
1/3 of folks entering college drop out of college before graduating and that number is on the rise. That means at minimum, 1/3 of the money will be wasted. That figure would probably climb drastically with so many enrolled with no skin in the game.
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We're 19 trillion in the hole now and can't pay it off and Fruitcake Sanders wants to spend another 18 trillion? You people are clueless.


He's one of those that want 11 million illegals to stay, driving down the wages of those trying to pay their education bills while giving free education and artificially raising minimum wage?

This guys stupidity is monumental.

So is anyone that buys into his pie in the sky delusions
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

I know what you mean there. I paid for my three children's college. Why should we pay for someone else's kid's college?
While we are wasting time on this thread, I can't emphasize how much I hate squirrels, the tree rats from hell that ravage and pillage and...
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

LOLOL....it was the damn federally funded GI Bill that lifted you white saps out of poverty back in the day, duh? So saying it was the only assistance you ever had, makes you sound stupid!!

Yes. The G.I. Bill was a fringe benefit granted me for serving in the Army. The Army did not contribute to a 401K like some companies do or offer stock options.

True, but the GI Bill put you in the right lanes to work for companies that afforded you these benefits. Listen, I'm a vet, although I missed out on the GI Bill era, my home today is attributed to my 10 years of service in the Navy. I'm just trying to let you know, all this shit you talking about all come from the benefits of the GI BIll, something most whites of that era who served our country are privy too. Understand, black folk who had benefits of this Bill....a democratic idea mind you......few saw opportunities open as did their white counterparts.

He earned the G.I. bill by enlisting. That's part of his compensation. You believe people who work for the government should be paid, don't you?

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