Why stop at free college?

Think Bernie would give me a new Ford F150?

If that GI Bill hasn't afforded you advancements in life, nothing will....in short, buy your own, welfare king!!

That's right. There are thousands of young men in the military right now for that sole purpose. These young men are earning their way toward a college education instead of sitting on their asses and whining and waiting on someone to give them a college education on someone else's dime. I do realize that you consider yourself far above them and consider yourself far too intelligent to invest anything in your own behalf.

First off, I'm a 10 year Navy Vet.....so don't do me. Second, how the hell did this shit morph into a anti soldier rant? You conservative shit for brains fucks always want to turn the tables when you're called out....put on your big boy panties, toots and adjust. You come here braggin about all the shit you've done with your life and I simply pointed out that it was a WELFARE BILL, that made that all possible, like get over it.

You called him a welfare parasite because he received the G.I. Bill. You turned it into an anti solider rant.
I like Bernie Sanders, but college is expensive as hell NOW, just like health care. Perhaps we should find out WHY and nip that in the bud, first. Not just say we are , and click our ruby slippers together and magically make those costs just go away. Obama's health care plan is the same way, it didn't fix anything. It's a shell game.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Gee, I could do it without spending a single day in a university classroom.

We now have the most educated generation in the history of this country and all they can do is demand free stuff?

What a bunch of wimps.
As with the GI Bill the student must produce the grades or bingo it's dropout time. If the colleges held on to their standards those students that cut it and continued cutting it might well end up with a degree. At one time it was held that college required a student with an IQ of 120 or better. But to get the free college money colleges would begin to drop their standards, sort of like the truck driving school during the GI bill period that had no trucks. Lots of room for chicanery. Maybe another system of giving our best kids a college education might be worked out based on our experiences with the GI Bill.
Better than that, however, might be that all students get the same opportunity for a quality high school education, and that alone would require lots of work and lots of changes.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

Now for a reality check. The countries with the highest standard of living have free college....

No, they don't.
As with the GI Bill the student must produce the grades or bingo it's dropout time. If the colleges held on to their standards those students that cut it and continued cutting it might well end up with a degree. At one time it was held that college required a student with an IQ of 120 or better. But to get the free college money colleges would begin to drop their standards, sort of like the truck driving school during the GI bill period that had no trucks. Lots of room for chicanery. Maybe another system of giving our best kids a college education might be worked out based on our experiences with the GI Bill.
Better than that, however, might be that all students get the same opportunity for a quality high school education, and that alone would require lots of work and lots of changes.

Public schools are run by local governments for the most part. If you want better schools, raise more money via taxes.

I don't buy into this notion that the schools are at fault in these lower income areas. I would bet my dime to your dollar that if you took each and every one of those teachers in those supposed areas with bad schools--placed those teachers in middle-class or upper-middle-class areas, nothing would change in regards to student performance.

It's not the teachers, it's not the schools, it's not the age of the schools, it's the families that are responsible. You can lead a horse to water..........
As with the GI Bill the student must produce the grades or bingo it's dropout time. If the colleges held on to their standards those students that cut it and continued cutting it might well end up with a degree. At one time it was held that college required a student with an IQ of 120 or better. But to get the free college money colleges would begin to drop their standards, sort of like the truck driving school during the GI bill period that had no trucks. Lots of room for chicanery. Maybe another system of giving our best kids a college education might be worked out based on our experiences with the GI Bill.
Better than that, however, might be that all students get the same opportunity for a quality high school education, and that alone would require lots of work and lots of changes.

Public schools are run by local governments for the most part. If you want better schools, raise more money via taxes.

I don't buy into this notion that the schools are at fault in these lower income areas. I would bet my dime to your dollar that if you took each and every one of those teachers in those supposed areas with bad schools--placed those teachers in middle-class or upper-middle-class areas, nothing would change in regards to student performance.

It's not the teachers, it's not the schools, it's not the age of the schools, it's the families that are responsible. You can lead a horse to water..........
Yes school districts in poverty areas that have little or no money should raise their school taxes to equal rich school district taxes-good idea, and simple. Easier than that is kids should select rich people for parents. I think you're on to something.
As with the GI Bill the student must produce the grades or bingo it's dropout time. If the colleges held on to their standards those students that cut it and continued cutting it might well end up with a degree. At one time it was held that college required a student with an IQ of 120 or better. But to get the free college money colleges would begin to drop their standards, sort of like the truck driving school during the GI bill period that had no trucks. Lots of room for chicanery. Maybe another system of giving our best kids a college education might be worked out based on our experiences with the GI Bill.
Better than that, however, might be that all students get the same opportunity for a quality high school education, and that alone would require lots of work and lots of changes.

Public schools are run by local governments for the most part. If you want better schools, raise more money via taxes.

I don't buy into this notion that the schools are at fault in these lower income areas. I would bet my dime to your dollar that if you took each and every one of those teachers in those supposed areas with bad schools--placed those teachers in middle-class or upper-middle-class areas, nothing would change in regards to student performance.

It's not the teachers, it's not the schools, it's not the age of the schools, it's the families that are responsible. You can lead a horse to water..........
Yes school districts in poverty areas that have little or no money should raise their school taxes to equal rich school district taxes-good idea, and simple. Easier than that is kids should select rich people for parents. I think you're on to something.

The question I pose is, does money equal results?

I tend to think no, and here's why:

The US spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, yet we have mediocre results to show for it.

Home schooling is not only becoming more and more popular, but has similar results to those that attended public school with all those over-educated college teachers. True, parents do use the internet programs to teach their own children, but they've done quite well.

My sister sent both her kids to private Catholic schools. It cost her and her husband a ton of money. When my niece started failing in her grades and was threatened by the school for expulsion, my sister went to work. She stayed up night after night making sure my niece got all her school work done and done properly. When my niece tried to pull off that sickness routine, my sister told her staying home from school would mean staying in the house and not even being allowed in the backyard.

Today my niece is a college graduate and is now relocating to Florida to find work in her field. The question is, do parents (especially in lower income areas) who have kids in public school go through the interactions that my sister did? I say the answer is no.
Many poor young people in the US have a problem with education and some attempts are made to remedy the problems but so far the attempts have not solved the problems.
Walk through Beverly Hills high school in LA and some high schools in Chicago and one can see the huge difference. Yet both are American high schools. Something is wrong with American education.
What is going to happen when you offer free college but kids can't pass test. SOmeone is going to say graduation is guaranteed because it isn't fair that only smart people can have good jobs. Everyone is a genius in America because everyone gots a diploma that requires very little talent to actually get. Go America!
What is going to happen when you offer free college but kids can't pass test. SOmeone is going to say graduation is guaranteed because it isn't fair that only smart people can have good jobs. Everyone is a genius in America because everyone gots a diploma that requires very little talent to actually get. Go America!
Is that the way community or state colleges work? If the schools hold to their standards the students drop out just as they drop out of many free high schools today.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

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And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

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Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

The Vietnamese guy short changes me when it is a few cents at the local station and I never say a word and do you know why?

Simple, he does it because he tosses it in the change dish knowing that is what I would do, so stop with the stupid assumption, and the guy has a degree in business and own the station...
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

Unfortunately, no.

Had your elected leaders been putting your interests first for the last 40 years, you'd have paid pennies on the dollar to put your kids through college and your investment portfolio would be much larger by now.

Don't concern yourself with any of that, though. Your kids get to pay through the nose as well to afford schooling for the grandkids. It's awesome. A bonus.....if they can pull it off, they'll be among fewer and fewer highly paid Americans. Chances are, they'll live in a gated community and won't have to see all the losers very often. It's all good.
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I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

I know what you mean there. I paid for my three children's college. Why should we pay for someone else's kid's college?

Another one!! They are all incredible!

If I answer that question for you.....AGAIN....will you pay attention?
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

I know what you mean there. I paid for my three children's college. Why should we pay for someone else's kid's college?

When you make my taxes that go to our bloated military and useless foreign wars voluntary, I'll make your taxes that go to education voluntary.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

Whether she would agree to higher taxes or not, she would still be paying taxes unlike the poor that pay nothing into our income tax system, and reap the benefits of social programs at the same time.

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