Why stop at free college?

I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

I'm not miserable, you left loons are the miserable ones, you've failed at life and now want the government to make up for that. Nobody owes you anything, your life is what you make it. Stop whining and bitching and get on with it.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

I'd bet my husband and I pay far more taxes than you do. I have no problem paying taxes for defense of this nation, infrastructure etc, however I do have a problem paying taxes for broke jokes that can't seem to get it done w/o Uncle Sam footing the bill. Again, nobody is owed anything
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

Whether she would agree to higher taxes or not, she would still be paying taxes unlike the poor that pay nothing into our income tax system, and reap the benefits of social programs at the same time.

The hilarious thing is the loser thinks paying back student loans is a "success story", that gives you an idea how helpless they are.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

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And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

View attachment 64085

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I have a few ideas.

There is this lie that goes around saying Republicans want everybody to starve. What Republicans believe in is only using social programs as a last resort--not for vote buying.

Democrats on the other hand understand that the more government dependents we have, the more likely Democrat voters. So when possible, they put people on these welfare rolls to increase their voting base.

People think Commie Care was a brilliant idea to see that everybody has healthcare coverage. Well...... it's been a few years now and millions still don't. However the White House brags how they conned 14 million Americans to sign up to the program, and that means 14 million more government dependents--the real goal of Commie Care. Trust me, politicians could care less if you are covered or not.

What we need to do is trim our social programs so that only the needy have access to them. In Maine for example, they cut their food stamp program to almost nothing. How did they do it? They made requirements that you must have a part-time job, or work 24 hours a month as a volunteer somewhere, or be enrolled in vocational school to get trained for a job. These requirement only applied to people without children that are physically capable of working.

Turns out those people were not that hungry after all.......at least not hungry enough to put some effort into getting those benefits.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

I'm not miserable, you left loons are the miserable ones, you've failed at life and now want the government to make up for that. Nobody owes you anything, your life is what you make it. Stop whining and bitching and get on with it.

You are clearly miserable. You are constantly bitching. Every day....you bitch and whine. I mean that. Every fucking day.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

Whether she would agree to higher taxes or not, she would still be paying taxes unlike the poor that pay nothing into our income tax system, and reap the benefits of social programs at the same time.

The poor don't have the money to pay you idiot.

btw, Sassysass takes deductions for 6 kids. I pay for that.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

I'd bet my husband and I pay far more taxes than you do. I have no problem paying taxes for defense of this nation, infrastructure etc, however I do have a problem paying taxes for broke jokes that can't seem to get it done w/o Uncle Sam footing the bill. Again, nobody is owed anything

If no one is owed anything, why do you take deductions for your kids?
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

I'm not miserable, you left loons are the miserable ones, you've failed at life and now want the government to make up for that. Nobody owes you anything, your life is what you make it. Stop whining and bitching and get on with it.

You are clearly miserable. You are constantly bitching. Every day....you bitch and whine. I mean that. Every fucking day.

Awwww is the little clown upset? Failed in life, reduced to being a wannabe Internet warrior LMAO I'm not miserable, God blessed me...on the other hand you're constantly whining, in fact you whine more than our five year old LOL Now go get a job and pay your fair share ya feckin loser
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

I'm not miserable, you left loons are the miserable ones, you've failed at life and now want the government to make up for that. Nobody owes you anything, your life is what you make it. Stop whining and bitching and get on with it.

You are clearly miserable. You are constantly bitching. Every day....you bitch and whine. I mean that. Every fucking day.

Awwww is the little clown upset? Failed in life, reduced to being a wannabe Internet warrior LMAO I'm not miserable, God blessed me...on the other hand you're constantly whining, in fact you whine more than our five year old LOL Now go get a job and pay your fair share ya feckin loser

God blessed you? Why is that?

Internet warrior?

Get a job?
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

Whether she would agree to higher taxes or not, she would still be paying taxes unlike the poor that pay nothing into our income tax system, and reap the benefits of social programs at the same time.

The poor don't have the money to pay you idiot.

btw, Sassysass takes deductions for 6 kids. I pay for that.

I pay more in capital gains than you make Dumb Deer
My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

I'm not miserable, you left loons are the miserable ones, you've failed at life and now want the government to make up for that. Nobody owes you anything, your life is what you make it. Stop whining and bitching and get on with it.

You are clearly miserable. You are constantly bitching. Every day....you bitch and whine. I mean that. Every fucking day.

Awwww is the little clown upset? Failed in life, reduced to being a wannabe Internet warrior LMAO I'm not miserable, God blessed me...on the other hand you're constantly whining, in fact you whine more than our five year old LOL Now go get a job and pay your fair share ya feckin loser

God blessed you? Why is that?

Internet warrior?

Get a job?

Awww the clown is desperate so she is going to go Internet warrior and show me LMAO
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

I'd bet my husband and I pay far more taxes than you do. I have no problem paying taxes for defense of this nation, infrastructure etc, however I do have a problem paying taxes for broke jokes that can't seem to get it done w/o Uncle Sam footing the bill. Again, nobody is owed anything

If no one is owed anything, why do you take deductions for your kids?

You'r grasping, we take standard deductions. You don't see me bawling for free college, free phones, free healthcare, etc...but i see you losers bawling for it. You can't win this one Dumb Deer. Run along now, Sparky
Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?
My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

Whether she would agree to higher taxes or not, she would still be paying taxes unlike the poor that pay nothing into our income tax system, and reap the benefits of social programs at the same time.

The poor don't have the money to pay you idiot.

btw, Sassysass takes deductions for 6 kids. I pay for that.

I pay more in capital gains than you make Dumb Deer

I suspect YOU don't pay it.
Honestly, I don't think a high school diploma is absolutely necessary for life. There are plenty of people who are able to provide for themselves without one.

Yeah, they're called thieves and drug dealers.

You're a joke. You're actually advocating that the country would be better off if we became a less educated people. This kind of nonsense highlights the rotting slime that displaced your brain.
Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

Whether she would agree to higher taxes or not, she would still be paying taxes unlike the poor that pay nothing into our income tax system, and reap the benefits of social programs at the same time.

The poor don't have the money to pay you idiot.

btw, Sassysass takes deductions for 6 kids. I pay for that.

I pay more in capital gains than you make Dumb Deer

I suspect YOU don't pay it.

You can suspect all day long, Dumb Deer. Now unless you can prove your BS I suggest you just sit there like a good little progtard...maybe you will learn something, loser

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