Why Ted Cruz Will NOT Win A Contested Convention

Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
And then use it to throw darts at when it doesn't come true.

You forgot all about John Kasich's growing momentum...growing larger the more people see the birth certificate in the OP here..
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
And then use it to throw darts at when it doesn't come true.

You forgot all about John Kasich's growing momentum...growing larger the more people see the birth certificate in the OP here..

Growing momentum? Please stop using drugs
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
And then use it to throw darts at when it doesn't come true.

You forgot all about John Kasich's growing momentum...growing larger the more people see the birth certificate in the OP here..
I haven't forgotten Kasichs growing momentum.........down the toilet :)

Our plan is coming to fruition!

Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:

I thought you'd have come to your senses by now. I guess I was wrong again. You are gonna have a rough summer.
Even if there is a contested convention, there is still a good chance that Trump will win it.

Cruz is probably most likely, then Kasich is the long shot.

The requirement of a person running for President of the United States is that s/he be a natural born citizen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is a natural born citizen of Alberta, Canada.

And if you think a Cruz nomination will not be challenged at the 11th hour by the left and their pocket liberal-majority on the USSC, eager to see one of their own take the empty Seat there for life to get a lock on their liberal majority for the next generation, you need to have your head examined.

http://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-canadian-citizen-415430 A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president...An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him.... English common law was "unequivocal" on the subject, McManamon says: "Natural-born subjects had to be born in English territory."

Ultimately the USSC *sudden Decision* probably late this Summer or in September will be that what matters is the INTENT of the original law. The intent of course is to insure that because of the potential for foreign influence, the Office of POTUS must be completely scrubbed of potential for contamination. Other things that will be pondered as to this intent is also the requirement that a person reside continually within the US for a number of years just prior to running, in addition to being natural born.

For you see, the 14th Amendment means that even though it's "nice little ole' Canada" today, "born to a mommy born in the US"...tomorrow it can also legally be a Russian boy born to a Russian mother by a US-born serviceman on shore leave. And you cannot discriminate based on gender or country of origin, don't forget.

So, for the GOP to nominate (or to continue the charade further) with Ted Cruz would be political suicide. It's true that one of the two remaining "not Trump" candidates should leave the race so the other can legitimately finish off Trump. So let it be the one who isn't eligible to run anyway...

Ultimately, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The USSC isn't going to take this case up. No court wants to rule on this issue.

Your record of predicting legal outcomes is one of inexplicable failure. Despite the law of averages and the efficacy of *guessing*, you've literally never been right.

Now, Cruz probably won't get the nomination. But its not because of where he was born.
"the North American Law Center"

looking at their website it appears they have two causes- both of which the American people are ignoring
- the impeachment of Barack Obama- because they don't like him and
- Cruz's eligibility- because they don't like him.

They are non-partisan and non-rational.

The requirement of a person running for President of the United States is that s/he be a natural born citizen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is a natural born citizen of Alberta, Canada.

And if you think a Cruz nomination will not be challenged at the 11th hour by the left and their pocket liberal-majority on the USSC, eager to see one of their own take the empty Seat there for life to get a lock on their liberal majority for the next generation, you need to have your head examined.

http://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-canadian-citizen-415430 A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president...An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him.... English common law was "unequivocal" on the subject, McManamon says: "Natural-born subjects had to be born in English territory."

Ultimately the USSC *sudden Decision* probably late this Summer or in September will be that what matters is the INTENT of the original law. The intent of course is to insure that because of the potential for foreign influence, the Office of POTUS must be completely scrubbed of potential for contamination. Other things that will be pondered as to this intent is also the requirement that a person reside continually within the US for a number of years just prior to running, in addition to being natural born.

For you see, the 14th Amendment means that even though it's "nice little ole' Canada" today, "born to a mommy born in the US"...tomorrow it can also legally be a Russian boy born to a Russian mother by a US-born serviceman on shore leave. And you cannot discriminate based on gender or country of origin, don't forget.

So, for the GOP to nominate (or to continue the charade further) with Ted Cruz would be political suicide. It's true that one of the two remaining "not Trump" candidates should leave the race so the other can legitimately finish off Trump. So let it be the one who isn't eligible to run anyway...
I think your dreaming. The case would have to go through lower federal courts before the Supreme Court would considered hearing the case. I think the problem would be getting the lawsuit into federal court. The plaintiff would have be able to show how he would be personally harmed by a Cruz presidency.

The basic problem is no one has the responsibility of determining presidential eligibility.
The only way Cruz will lose the nomination in a contested convention is if he does not take advantage of the rules concerning delagates!

I suspect Cruz know the rules like the back of his hand and having an actual coalition that supports him in the party gives him an incredible advantage over Trump!!

Either Trump wins on the first round, or Cruz most likely wins on the next round of votes.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
I would be too sure of that. Although Trump will most likely carry his home state New York, he will still have to win two tossup states, California and Indiana.

More desperate wind pissing. Cruz is eligible to be President. Get over it. Or don't. Either way, you're irrelevant.
Nonetheless, Cruz will not win a contested convention. Cruz is a stalking horse for some other as of yet undisclosed GOP Establishment figure; maybe Ryan, maybe Romney maybe Gingrich, who knows?

But Cruz has zero chance of winning the nomination on the first ballot and he knows this. He is just blowing smoke up everyones watoozee.
The only way Cruz will lose the nomination in a contested convention is if he does not take advantage of the rules concerning delagates!

I suspect Cruz know the rules like the back of his hand and having an actual coalition that supports him in the party gives him an incredible advantage over Trump!!

Either Trump wins on the first round, or Cruz most likely wins on the next round of votes.

But Cruz and Trump are not willing to work with each other in any way shape or form is what I am hearing/reading. IF they can cooperate and coordinate on keeping the Romney Rule 40B intact then the Establishment gets their pick after they are done with their shenanigans.

I hope that Trump and Cruz do coopoerate to keep the rules intact, but these rules committee meetings that are done without notice on an irregular schedule can pull the rug out from under folks.

read up ion the history of the Alaska GOP purging from its ranks the Ron Paul supporters; a real disgrace.
I think your dreaming. The case would have to go through lower federal courts before the Supreme Court would considered hearing the case. I think the problem would be getting the lawsuit into federal court. The plaintiff would have be able to show how he would be personally harmed by a Cruz presidency.

The basic problem is no one has the responsibility of determining presidential eligibility.

The Law Center gave Cruz a 2 week ultimatum: Withdraw the candidacy or face the music. Cruz was a Canadian citizen clear up until 2014; a couple years past when he ran for senator. Which makes him ineligible to be a senator also.
I think your dreaming. The case would have to go through lower federal courts before the Supreme Court would considered hearing the case. I think the problem would be getting the lawsuit into federal court. The plaintiff would have be able to show how he would be personally harmed by a Cruz presidency.

The basic problem is no one has the responsibility of determining presidential eligibility.

The Law Center gave Cruz a 2 week ultimatum: Withdraw the candidacy or face the music. Cruz was a Canadian citizen clear up until 2014; a couple years past when he ran for senator. Which makes him ineligible to be a senator also.

Which means they are totally full of crap. If you have evidence that destroys someone's candidacy you don't bluff them into withdrawing
Which means they are totally full of crap. If you have evidence that destroys someone's candidacy you don't bluff them into withdrawing

This exists:


This also exists: (note the date of execution as 2014, near bottom)


Now: digest reality.

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