Why the Current Liberal Dominated Political System is About to Crash


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. Federal government is running out of willing tax payers.
...The current political patronage system began with Tamany Hall and was folded into the Jacksonian Democratic Party, in alliance with agricultural interests. Tamany Hall would fleece citizens for their votes and taxes, and in return took care of them in a patronage network, the spoils of elections wins going to the leaders of the patronage.
Under FDR this was grafted into the federal system of government and LBJ put it on steroids with the Great Society programs, then Nixon stepped the pay off system into even higher gears.
...Well, the end of the line is coming and the people are already taxed to their willing limits. Now the government will become increasingly coersive as money continues to flee the US or go into mattresses. When the patronage system cannot feed BOTH parties, one will be scuttled and the US will see a one party regime for a few decades till it finally gets replaced by unruly voters. Liberalism is totally represented by the Democratic Party, the most likely of the two to form the new One party system, and die when it dies.

2. Technology advances allow people to fix things better than the government in a growing number of cases.
...Technology, when new, is very difficult, expensive and takes a long time to implement, but over time as the technology matures, it gets easier and less costly. What once only central governments could produce, eventually even small towns can replicate.
...Take gun powder for example. In the 13th century only the monarchs could afford it and it was used to power large canon that had to be built on the spot to reduce the nobles castles and Western governments entered a long period of centralized power. But by the time of the American revolution, the ability to make gun powder weapons of all kinds was within the capability of the local black smith. The French Revolution followed not long thereafter. These technological cycles get shorter as the technology causes a feedback loop ever hastening communications, broadening the spectrum of participants and exponentially increasing the number of evaluations and enhancements in technology. We are reaching a point where private markets can improve technology beyond the speed with which the central governments implement it, except for 'black box, blank check' programs which are not nearly broad enough to bolster the central government as the proverbial 'Nanny State Knows Best' savior while the public's perception of liberalism as a good thing increasingly vanishes.
...In our time, the federal governments computer systems, encryption/decryption methods, military force and currency monopolies have all been challenged with better and more efficient local versions. The home PC, PGP, IEDs and privately owned guns, and Bitcoin and other e-currencies are capable of doing what the feds now do, but only better.
...Liberalism is melded at the hip to the concept of central state power doing things better due to economy of scale and having superior technology at its disposal, and will crash with it as people find the government too unwieldly and corrupt to handle important facets of their lives.

3. A new Synthesis is forming between the old 19th century Christian monarchical Western World view and the most recent 20th century Liberal world view.
...The old world view of the 19th century was complex but the key hall marks were in most European countries Divinely Appointed Monarchies supported by state owned churches, free market oriented, Nationalistic, ethnocentric and/or racist, and militantly Theistic. In Western historical long view, this is 'conservatism'.
...The 20th century was dominated by people whose system of values were leftwing in 19th century terms, democratic instead of monarchical, antigovernment religious speech/support, socialistic instead of free market, self-focused instead of ethnic or nationally focused and racism was the summation of evil, and militantly atheistic/agnostic instead of theistic. This is the root of today's 'liberal' paradigm of government or civic axioms.
...The emerging new synthesis of the tow is unnamed as of yet, and not fully formed, but it is taking shape far faster than any previous world civic paradigm. It prefers limited government democracy or democratic Republic civics, religious free speech even for government employees and officials but no direct government support for fear of what that support would do to the independence of the religion, it balances self interests with family/career/government obligations, ethno-tolerant even of one's own ethnicity but not as superior to any other, and Theistic though less subordinated to any religious institution's dogma on the subject. This unnamed system is going to displace the current reigning liberalism, but probably only after the Anglo-elite has demographically destroyed itself.

4. The current Federal elites have become insulated from real citizens. Polls have replaced the handshake, and pollsters have replaced the meeting hall citizens.
...When my step father came home from WW2, he casually stopped in DC and made unscheduled stops to speak with his federal Representative and two Senators, shook hands with all three, had pictures taken, etc. Try that these days. Corporate lobbyists hire professional line standers to hold their places in line for them and so they keep the vast majority of US citizens from speaking to their Congressmen. Even 'town hall' meetings are increasingly rare. Instead of talking to Joe Sixpack directly, these political elites hire pollsters to tell them what the public wants. This introduces false polling as a means to manipulate our public servants (right, who do I think I am kidding?)

5. Corporations have displaced the citizenry's power and influence, and this prevents the federal government from forming policy that keeps the broad based citizenry happy, but pleases the corporations instead.
...A close look at how our public policies and tax deductions have been slowly o modified to benefit banks and corporations instead of the common man makes it plain who the government serves now, and it aint me and you unless you head a corporation that donates ten figures to the DNC and/or RNC.
...The simple fact that $85 BILLION is given away each month to Wall Street banks from the Federal Reserve system and its member banks have still never been fully audited, nor its gold holdings says it quite plain; WE WORK FOR THEM. The liberals think this is better for everyone, but there is a growing realization that it only serves the top of the economy and the CEO earnings to employee average wage ratio in the US is ten times higher than the vast majority of First World nations.
...When all this starts to roll out, it will be a dangerous time and it is slowly unfolding before our eyes already, again , Obamacare being a top example.

So buckle up, my fellow Americans and hold tight to your commodities!
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Sounds reasonable to me, Jim. The GOP continues its leftward slide in its mad race to become the Dem Part Lite.

When we have two indistinguishable parties, we will have one party rule, and there will no pretense of listening to the people.
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Sounds reasonable to me, Jim. The GOP continues its leftward slide in its mad race to become the Dem Part Lite.

When we have two indistinguishable parties, we will have one party rule, and there will no pretense of listening to the people.

If this happens, it will be because the right is just so ridiculous that no one will listen to them. The Republican Party is in a leftward slide for a reason.
Sounds reasonable to me, Jim. The GOP continues its leftward slide in its mad race to become the Dem Part Lite.

When we have two indistinguishable parties, we will have one party rule, and there will no pretense of listening to the people.

If this happens, it will be because the right is just so ridiculous that no one will listen to them. The Republican Party is in a leftward slide for a reason.
Yes, because Republicans are increasingly like Democrats -- they don't care what the people want.
The problem is that your description of reality issued as a part of Republican propaganda, doesn't describe the real world, but what you wish was true.

The real America is that 20% of the people have an astonishing 85% of the wealth and are desperate to vacuum up what they don't have.

That business followers are keeping the great wealth creating middle class poor by adopting zero growth business strategies in order to pay less and take away benefits and get longer hours. The fact that that is destroying the American family and the American Dream is to them, acceptable collateral damage.

That the only thing standing between the aristocrats and the complete destruction of the American democracy is President Obama and daily there is a new stream of Republican propaganda keeping people like you you barefoot and pregnant and in service of the aristocrats.
Sounds reasonable to me, Jim. The GOP continues its leftward slide in its mad race to become the Dem Part Lite.

When we have two indistinguishable parties, we will have one party rule, and there will no pretense of listening to the people.

If this happens, it will be because the right is just so ridiculous that no one will listen to them. The Republican Party is in a leftward slide for a reason.

The GOP is sliding toward the left because the RINOs are addicted to pork as much as any Dimbocraps.
What do you mean by "crash?"

I mean the patronage system is going to either cease to exist or will be forced to evolve into a more working class friendly system that reflects the values based on the synthesis I described above.

The collapse could be as gentle as the Reagan revolution or as violent as Kosovo; it all depends on how stubborn the reigning elite are in clinging to power.
The problem is that your description of reality issued as a part of Republican propaganda, doesn't describe the real world, but what you wish was true.

The real America is that 20% of the people have an astonishing 85% of the wealth and are desperate to vacuum up what they don't have.

That business followers are keeping the great wealth creating middle class poor by adopting zero growth business strategies in order to pay less and take away benefits and get longer hours. The fact that that is destroying the American family and the American Dream is to them, acceptable collateral damage.

That the only thing standing between the aristocrats and the complete destruction of the American democracy is President Obama and daily there is a new stream of Republican propaganda keeping people like you you barefoot and pregnant and in service of the aristocrats.

Lol, Obama is the biggest Creature owned by Wall Street and anti-American international corporations that we have ever had in the Oval Office.
Sounds reasonable to me, Jim. The GOP continues its leftward slide in its mad race to become the Dem Part Lite.

When we have two indistinguishable parties, we will have one party rule, and there will no pretense of listening to the people.

If this happens, it will be because the right is just so ridiculous that no one will listen to them. The Republican Party is in a leftward slide for a reason.

The GOP is sliding toward the left because the RINOs are addicted to pork as much as any Dimbocraps.

Everyone on earth is to the left of you.
The problem is that your description of reality issued as a part of Republican propaganda, doesn't describe the real world, but what you wish was true.

The real America is that 20% of the people have an astonishing 85% of the wealth and are desperate to vacuum up what they don't have.

That business followers are keeping the great wealth creating middle class poor by adopting zero growth business strategies in order to pay less and take away benefits and get longer hours. The fact that that is destroying the American family and the American Dream is to them, acceptable collateral damage.

That the only thing standing between the aristocrats and the complete destruction of the American democracy is President Obama and daily there is a new stream of Republican propaganda keeping people like you you barefoot and pregnant and in service of the aristocrats.

Lol, Obama is the biggest Creature owned by Wall Street and anti-American international corporations that we have ever had in the Oval Office.

Who owns you?
The problem is that your description of reality issued as a part of Republican propaganda, doesn't describe the real world, but what you wish was true.

The real America is that 20% of the people have an astonishing 85% of the wealth and are desperate to vacuum up what they don't have.

That business followers are keeping the great wealth creating middle class poor by adopting zero growth business strategies in order to pay less and take away benefits and get longer hours. The fact that that is destroying the American family and the American Dream is to them, acceptable collateral damage.

That the only thing standing between the aristocrats and the complete destruction of the American democracy is President Obama and daily there is a new stream of Republican propaganda keeping people like you you barefoot and pregnant and in service of the aristocrats.
Stop listening to what Obama says. Pay attention to what he does.

New Obama Adviser Brings Corporate Ties

5 Obama Appointees with Wall Street Ties | Care2 Causes
The problem is that your description of reality issued as a part of Republican propaganda, doesn't describe the real world, but what you wish was true.

The real America is that 20% of the people have an astonishing 85% of the wealth and are desperate to vacuum up what they don't have.

That business followers are keeping the great wealth creating middle class poor by adopting zero growth business strategies in order to pay less and take away benefits and get longer hours. The fact that that is destroying the American family and the American Dream is to them, acceptable collateral damage.

That the only thing standing between the aristocrats and the complete destruction of the American democracy is President Obama and daily there is a new stream of Republican propaganda keeping people like you you barefoot and pregnant and in service of the aristocrats.
Stop listening to what Obama says. Pay attention to what he does.

New Obama Adviser Brings Corporate Ties

5 Obama Appointees with Wall Street Ties | Care2 Causes

I see what addiction to conservative propaganda has done to you. We've all seen what conservative governance did to the country. We see today the burned out husk of the GOP lurching around the House accomplishing absolutely nothing. The least respected body politic ever in our history.

Yet you say, carry on.

You must think that the country is nuts.
Well, it seems that there is a split in the GOP. The old guard conservatives versus the Tea Party/far right. Who will prevail is the question. The sector that prevails will the the sector that appeals to the larger base.
Recent election demographics points to an increased move towards the center by those who voted according to the exit polls.
The question will be answered by state primaries.
The problem is that your description of reality issued as a part of Republican propaganda, doesn't describe the real world, but what you wish was true.

The real America is that 20% of the people have an astonishing 85% of the wealth and are desperate to vacuum up what they don't have.

That business followers are keeping the great wealth creating middle class poor by adopting zero growth business strategies in order to pay less and take away benefits and get longer hours. The fact that that is destroying the American family and the American Dream is to them, acceptable collateral damage.

That the only thing standing between the aristocrats and the complete destruction of the American democracy is President Obama and daily there is a new stream of Republican propaganda keeping people like you you barefoot and pregnant and in service of the aristocrats.
Stop listening to what Obama says. Pay attention to what he does.

New Obama Adviser Brings Corporate Ties

5 Obama Appointees with Wall Street Ties | Care2 Causes

I see what addiction to conservative propaganda has done to you. We've all seen what conservative governance did to the country. We see today the burned out husk of the GOP lurching around the House accomplishing absolutely nothing. The least respected body politic ever in our history.

Yet you say, carry on.

You must think that the country is nuts.

The New York Times is conservative propaganda?

Yeah. You run with that.
Well, it seems that there is a split in the GOP. The old guard conservatives versus the Tea Party/far right. Who will prevail is the question. The sector that prevails will the the sector that appeals to the larger base.
Recent election demographics points to an increased move towards the center by those who voted according to the exit polls.
The question will be answered by state primaries.

There are many centrist Republicans. They're the base of the old capable party. They've been afraid that they couldn't get elected without an alliance with conservatives, now they're afraid that they'll never get elected with them.

I see what addiction to conservative propaganda has done to you. We've all seen what conservative governance did to the country. We see today the burned out husk of the GOP lurching around the House accomplishing absolutely nothing. The least respected body politic ever in our history.

Yet you say, carry on.

You must think that the country is nuts.

The New York Times is conservative propaganda?

Yeah. You run with that.

What I get a kick out of is conservative flexibility. A while ago their indictment of Obama was lack of business experience. Now it's that his administration is too connected to business.

I think that the real source of their theatrics is that he's not a Republican.

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