Why the Definition of ‘Enrollment’ Matters Under ObamaCare


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Why the Definition of ‘Enrollment’ Matters Under ObamaCare

The definition the Obama administration has been using for enrolling in Obamacare can be a misnomer and will throw off many Americans into thinking they are all set for insurance when that is not the case. If the were lucky enough to get into the website and register for a plan, they have not really enrolled until they have paid…by the deadline of December 15. You miss that and you don’t have coverage on Jan. 1,2014.

They have to take it upon themselves to send in that check. Just one more glitch.

Just because a person has been able to enroll in a health-care plan on either a state or the federal health insurance exchange doesn’t mean they automatically have coverage.

The all-important payment process does not occur on an exchange site, the premium must be made directly from policyholder to insurance company in order for the policy to start. So the White House touted Dec.15 enrollment deadline to have coverage kick in on Jan. 1, may be misleading, says Yevgeniy Feyman, scholar at the Manhattan Institute.

Americans across the country have been struggling to enroll in health-care plans on the glitch-plagued Healthcare.gov federal insurance marketplace and state exchanges, making it more difficult to get to the step of paying for coverage.

“We do know that individuals who want to have coverage enacted by Jan. 1, 2014 have to have paid their premiums by Dec. 15,” Feyman says. “If you have not paid that premium [by that deadline], that means that starting Jan. 1, you don’t actually have coverage. You are not enrolled in an insurance plan until you have made your first premium payment or signed a contract with the insurance company.”

Why the Definition of ?Enrollment? Matters Under ObamaCare | Fox Business
What? You have to PAY for your insurance?!?!?!

Who did not know that? Raise your tard hand.
I smell desperation in the air.

The web site launch was a disaster. Much monkey dancing ensued.

The web site will be fixed. People who did not have insurance are getting insurance, and millions more will in the coming months.

Now the monkeys need to move the goalposts in a hurry.

I know! Let's parse the fuck out of the word "enrolled"!
Three months from now...

Oh, yeah? But how many have a hard copy of their policy? HUH?
Eleven months from now...

Oh yeah? But how many of them have actually USED that health insurance to find out if it really works? HUH?

Look, I found an anecdotal story of a cancer lady whose insurance didn't pay for their chemo! Death panels! Death panels!
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Three months from now...

Oh, yeah? But how many have a hard copy of their policy? HUH?

I don't believe you Obama fanatics are going to be too happy three, six, or twelve months from now, as the nightmare has only just begun. The web site issues are just a symptom. Oh, let's not forget, there have been no security tests on the site. That's gonna be a laugh riot when the hackers come along.
What? You have to PAY for your insurance?!?!?!

Who did not know that? Raise your tard hand.

Seeing as how he's not the one who's supporting waste, artificial cost increases, and the deprivation of liberties; I'd have to say you're the retard at the end of the day.
What? You have to PAY for your insurance?!?!?!

Who did not know that? Raise your tard hand.

Seeing as how he's not the one who's supporting waste, artificial cost increases, and the deprivation of liberties; I'd have to say you're the retard at the end of the day.

And where did you get the idea I support waste, etc., etc., etc.

Careful, I am about to embarass the shit out of you.
I think the subsidies are going to bankrupt the country, and they will be an eternal "get" in political horse trading, just like the annual fight over the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and Medicare reimbursement levels. Along with "doc fixes", we will be plagued with subsidy hikes by vote-seeking populists.

I also believe the government being the gatekeeper to the insurance exhanges is going to lead to all kinds of corruption. How much did you contribute to the Demcratic Party? How many blacks and women and Hispanics work for your company?

If a politician doesn't get a big enough campaign donation from an insurance company, he will hold hearings about how many old ladies they snuffed with their death panels, in an attempt to get the insurance company delisted from the exchanges.

This is going to be bad. Very bad.

If we were not in an economic crisis, we'd be seeing Obama's red tendencies in full bloom.

How do we know this? Because his first achievement upon being elected was to create an entirely new entitlement program that will bankrupt not only the federal government (which really didn't need any more help going bankrupt thank you very much), but every state government as well.

Thank God we had this financial crisis to stop him from going even further. It's the silver lining in an otherwise very bleak world right now.

Need more?

Don't ever make the mistake of believing I support ObamaCare.

My point is that the Right is taking an entirely wrong tack against ObamaCare. The Right is making gigantic tactical and strategic mistakes. As a result, they are forever going to play the role of a gnat on an elephant's ass, and trying to play catch-up. Whining and moaning and being the party of pessimists and tards.
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What? You have to PAY for your insurance?!?!?!

Who did not know that? Raise your tard hand.

LOL, The interesting part of this, the people may think they are already enrolled, and because of Christmas shopping, can pay in January. They aren't really enrolled unless they pay by Dec. 15th.
It is going to be difficult to be 'enrolled' in the Un-affordable Healthcare Act (UCA) since it appears that the back office (read: payment software) hasn't even been built yet.

But hey, you know what group thinks that the UCA is fantastic?

The International Brotherhood of Hackers!
Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.
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Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

Some are giving up to save their seats.
What? You have to PAY for your insurance?!?!?!

Who did not know that? Raise your tard hand.

Seeing as how he's not the one who's supporting waste, artificial cost increases, and the deprivation of liberties; I'd have to say you're the retard at the end of the day.

And where did you get the idea I support waste, etc., etc., etc.

Careful, I am about to embarass the shit out of you.

You are an embarrassment, who has no clue about the state of government or economics. The waste/deprivation of liberties is not a debate. It's reality.
Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

Some are giving up to save their seats.
Isn't it great to know that America is now breeding quitters?
Seeing as how he's not the one who's supporting waste, artificial cost increases, and the deprivation of liberties; I'd have to say you're the retard at the end of the day.

And where did you get the idea I support waste, etc., etc., etc.

Careful, I am about to embarass the shit out of you.

You are an embarrassment, who has no clue about the state of government or economics. The waste/deprivation of liberties is not a debate. It's reality.


Apparently you are too stupid to know when you have just been pwned. :lol:
I guess Gatsby needz moar evidense:

I did not hear one single shriek from the Left about tax cuts for labor unions adding to the deficit and costing all of us money. Not one. And I was paying REAL close attention all during the health reform process.

And now Obama is entrenching employer provided health care even deeper by making it MANDATORY for employers to provide.

So he is bending the cost curve UP.

I think a better plan is to deny a high school dropout any government handouts. No free healthcare, no welfare, no food stamps.

That will take care of one third of the uninsured problem.

Another third of the uninsured are immigrants.

40 percent of the uninsured are people who did not work in the past year. So the obvious solution to that problem is to create jobs. It also means that the people who are uninsured today are not the same people who were uninsured yesterday.

The ACA does not bend the cost curve down, and it does not address any of the root causes of the uninsured problem.

Simple facts.

Do tell.

What about the ACA is "marxist".

Include some proof as well..in the form of links.
Let's see...

1) To access an insurance company, many people now have to go through a government gatekeeper.

2) To be able to sell insurance to those people, the insurance provider cannot provide the customer with a wide range of options they can afford. They must provide what the government tells them to provide at a cost the goverment says they can charge.

3) If an insurance company makes more than the government feels they deserve to make, they have to return that money to their customers.

4) The government is forcing you to buy insurance or pay a fine.

Thanks in advance.
You're welcome.

Yeah, that G5000 guy looooooooooves him some ObamaCare!

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