Why the fight against Birth Control?

I don't see anybody fighting over your right to obtain birth control. Buy all you want. Buy truckloads and drive it all into Chicago, dispense in pez dispensers.

Nobody gives a shit if you use birth control or not, and truth be known, most wish fervently you would use it a lot.

Those trucks also need to stopover in some red states, honey.

You know, places where whites on welfare outnumber blacks.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Anybody that needs birth control 24 seven probably has a mental problem, and expecting anyone else to pay so someone else doesn't have a potential fuck up - pardon the pun - that is absolutely Frivolous to say the least...
see that's where the problem is, sure there's people that want the nanny state. Why the fuck do they expect for everyone else to pay for their stupidity?

We are not in this altogether, this country is best when it pursues the freedom of the individual and the individual is responsible for themselves. Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet…

If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact
I agree Rustic. Before Obama care the individual had a choice in the matter. So if they opted in, and that program included BC, so be it. If you didn't like it, you could drop the plan. I myself always opted to pay out of pocket, and in the long run saved a lot of money. But now with healthcare programs being mandatory I get a lot more opinionated when parasitic lefties, want to add frivolous expenses to us all. Especially in this case where there are countless free alternatives.

You guys are really on to something, I think most americans would rather be out there with no healthcare coverage, paying out of their own pockets on their own.

I'm hoping that what Trump and the Republican party have in mind for the american people.
By the way, healthcare coverage is not health care. Real health care is preventative care but Obama care wants nothing to do with preventative care.
Anybody that needs birth control 24 seven probably has a mental problem, and expecting anyone else to pay so someone else doesn't have a potential fuck up - pardon the pun - that is absolutely Frivolous to say the least...
see that's where the problem is, sure there's people that want the nanny state. Why the fuck do they expect for everyone else to pay for their stupidity?

We are not in this altogether, this country is best when it pursues the freedom of the individual and the individual is responsible for themselves. Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet…

If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact
I agree Rustic. Before Obama care the individual had a choice in the matter. So if they opted in, and that program included BC, so be it. If you didn't like it, you could drop the plan. I myself always opted to pay out of pocket, and in the long run saved a lot of money. But now with healthcare programs being mandatory I get a lot more opinionated when parasitic lefties, want to add frivolous expenses to us all. Especially in this case where there are countless free alternatives.

You guys are really on to something, I think most americans would rather be out there with no healthcare coverage, paying out of their own pockets on their own.

I'm hoping that what Trump and the Republican party have in mind for the american people.
By the way, healthcare coverage is not health care. Real health care is preventative care but Obama care wants nothing to do with preventative care.

The problem with american healthcare is not Obama, it is the american healthcare system. It is the most costly system on the planet with relatively shitty outcomes. But folks with power are making money, so we're stuck.
Anybody that needs birth control 24 seven probably has a mental problem, and expecting anyone else to pay so someone else doesn't have a potential fuck up - pardon the pun - that is absolutely Frivolous to say the least...
see that's where the problem is, sure there's people that want the nanny state. Why the fuck do they expect for everyone else to pay for their stupidity?

We are not in this altogether, this country is best when it pursues the freedom of the individual and the individual is responsible for themselves. Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet…

If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have not Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Being an enlisted man for eight years in the army, far from good pay.:lmao:
Another thing, I did not go to sick call even once, now days people are going to the hospital for the slightest sniffle just as Obamacare wants.
Obamacare is all about control… fact
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who says they can't have it? I couldn't care less, just don't ask me to pay for their sex.
If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact
I agree Rustic. Before Obama care the individual had a choice in the matter. So if they opted in, and that program included BC, so be it. If you didn't like it, you could drop the plan. I myself always opted to pay out of pocket, and in the long run saved a lot of money. But now with healthcare programs being mandatory I get a lot more opinionated when parasitic lefties, want to add frivolous expenses to us all. Especially in this case where there are countless free alternatives.

You guys are really on to something, I think most americans would rather be out there with no healthcare coverage, paying out of their own pockets on their own.

I'm hoping that what Trump and the Republican party have in mind for the american people.
By the way, healthcare coverage is not health care. Real health care is preventative care but Obama care wants nothing to do with preventative care.

The problem with american healthcare is not Obama, it is the american healthcare system. It is the most costly system on the planet with relatively shitty outcomes. But folks with power are making money, so we're stuck.
No one should be paying into a pool because that just gives an excuse for ultra high costs because and no one is responsible for the ultra high costs in a pool. Insurance/single payer makes waste, fraud and abuse rampant because no one cares about the cost. There again it's all about control the federal government controls the people through the healthcare system, just one of many ways of control. Fact
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Not the same. Education benefits everyone. Birth Control for pleasure sack benefits only the selfish.
I seriously doubt there is anyone in the US (apart from the homeless) who truly couldn't afford a packet of condoms if they just got their priorities in order.

Tilly I guess we're going to get in a fight and I love you as a poster And as a person..

Again I am old but not that old I still remember my old girl friend using a tooth brush to do her eye brows when I was 18 she was 16

I said fuck that and took her to Walgreens and bought her the real stuff.. And another funny thing she lived in park ridge Illinois.. A rich suburb of Chicago.. Where Harrison Ford and Hillary Clinton grew up.

I don't know exactly what she was doing to her eyebrows, but you can get contraceptives for 'free' without forcing others to pay for it - maybe not eyebrow brushes though :rolleyes:

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime..

Personal responsibility is key, IMHO.

Some people can disagree amicably. And we are two such people, dear Bear :smiliehug:

I love that quote Tilly.. I guess you are going to fight me

I have a daughter.. And I still remember what it was to be 18 ..kids love sex.
No way around it...

Again Tilly what's better a little pill or them destroying their lives.. By abortion? I am not a girl but I have heard so many regrets by women who did that.

I think encouraging "kids" to have sex has a lot more potential for destroying a life than teaching them "just say no". Kids love alcohol as well...that is no reason to wink and say hey I wish you wouldn't but I know how much fun it is sooooo....

My daughter is 14. She has a cousin who is a doctor and who I am very close to; doc has said that if she has daughters , she intends to put them on birth control as soon as they are physically capable of having children. NOT because *kids love sex* but because she has worked for years as an ER doctor and has had girls come through who are the victims of rape, and she has been moved by their concern over possible pregnancies. She would never dream of telling *kids* that sex is natural and fun at their age, but she is cognizant of the fact that rape happens, a lot, and birth control can be one way to provide a measure of comfort to girls who are assaulted.

What girl?

I love you as a person and your posts too

To say that sex is unnatural to the kids is so wrong..

Kids love Sex

So we have to help them..
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who says they can't have it? I couldn't care less, just don't ask me to pay for their sex.

Why not? A little pill is a benefit to us all
I seriously doubt there is anyone in the US (apart from the homeless) who truly couldn't afford a packet of condoms if they just got their priorities in order.

Tilly I guess we're going to get in a fight and I love you as a poster And as a person..

Again I am old but not that old I still remember my old girl friend using a tooth brush to do her eye brows when I was 18 she was 16

I said fuck that and took her to Walgreens and bought her the real stuff.. And another funny thing she lived in park ridge Illinois.. A rich suburb of Chicago.. Where Harrison Ford and Hillary Clinton grew up.

I don't know exactly what she was doing to her eyebrows, but you can get contraceptives for 'free' without forcing others to pay for it - maybe not eyebrow brushes though :rolleyes:

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime..

Personal responsibility is key, IMHO.

Some people can disagree amicably. And we are two such people, dear Bear :smiliehug:

I love that quote Tilly.. I guess you are going to fight me

I have a daughter.. And I still remember what it was to be 18 ..kids love sex.
No way around it...

Again Tilly what's better a little pill or them destroying their lives.. By abortion? I am not a girl but I have heard so many regrets by women who did that.

I think encouraging "kids" to have sex has a lot more potential for destroying a life than teaching them "just say no". Kids love alcohol as well...that is no reason to wink and say hey I wish you wouldn't but I know how much fun it is sooooo....

My daughter is 14. She has a cousin who is a doctor and who I am very close to; doc has said that if she has daughters , she intends to put them on birth control as soon as they are physically capable of having children. NOT because *kids love sex* but because she has worked for years as an ER doctor and has had girls come through who are the victims of rape, and she has been moved by their concern over possible pregnancies. She would never dream of telling *kids* that sex is natural and fun at their age, but she is cognizant of the fact that rape happens, a lot, and birth control can be one way to provide a measure of comfort to girls who are assaulted.

What girl?

I love you as a person and your posts too

To say that sex is unnatural to the kids is so wrong..

Kids love Sex

So we have to help them..
Umm. What!?
Anybody that needs birth control 24 seven probably has a mental problem, and expecting anyone else to pay so someone else doesn't have a potential fuck up - pardon the pun - that is absolutely Frivolous to say the least...
see that's where the problem is, sure there's people that want the nanny state. Why the fuck do they expect for everyone else to pay for their stupidity?

We are not in this altogether, this country is best when it pursues the freedom of the individual and the individual is responsible for themselves. Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet…

If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Wait serving in the MILITARY, risking life and limb for your lazy ass is sucking off the the American Tax payer? THAT is why you retards lose.
If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Wait serving in the MILITARY, risking life and limb for your lazy ass is sucking off the the American Tax payer? THAT is why you retards lose.

If you cannot follow through the thread and absorb the trail of thought in the ongoing exchange I'm not going to reach back and pull you along son. That was not the context and if you need it explained to you, you can just invent whatever you like.
Yes but isn't demanding free stuff from us your way of controlling us?

Who wants free stuff from you hon? Where do you people come by this perceptual reality.

Who, precisely, do you think ultimately pays for the stuff you get from the government, Chuckles? Unless you're paying for that birth control with cash out of your own pocket, from your paycheck, where do you think that money's coming from? That's right: other people. Cash out of your paycheck, 100%, is the only possible way to get birth control without using other people's money.

So who has a reality problem here?

So it's basically like any insurance then isn't it. You're in a group and you all pay for the thing together, meaning you're also paying for someone else's birth control and someone else at times is paying for your shit.

Yes, and that's exactly my point. BECAUSE it is a group, and BECAUSE other people's money is going into it, I recognize that those other people get - and SHOULD get - a say in what they do and do not want that money to pay for. If I happened to work for a devout Catholic employer, I would not be at all surprised that they did not wish to pay into that coverage, and that we would need to come to some reasonable compromise as mature adults do.

As I said in another post, I'm quite a fan of HSAs, which allow my employer to simply give me money and I decide what and when to spend it, similar to the way my actual paycheck works.

And yet we do this through employer/work healthcare plans all the time and not so much as a peep from anyone.

And you get no say while you say nothing.

"Not so much as a peep"? Clearly, you live in a leftist ivory tower, Marie Antoinette, where you're insulated from the "peeping" of the riffraff who dare to disagree with your belief in the golden, shining rightness of your worldview. Let me disabuse you of your fantasies.

Editorials - Chicago Tribune

Hobby Lobby Ruling Cuts Into Contraceptive Mandate

Supreme Court halts contraception mandate for nuns' group

Clearly, Your Majesty, the rabble are "peeping", and "Let them eat cake!" simply isn't cutting it.

Welcome to reality.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Wait serving in the MILITARY, risking life and limb for your lazy ass is sucking off the the American Tax payer? THAT is why you retards lose.

If you cannot follow through the thread and absorb the trail of thought in the ongoing exchange I'm not going to reach back and pull you along son. That was not the context and if you need it explained to you, you can just invent whatever you like.
You clearly are attacking his choice to serve in the military and claiming because he did his health care during that 8 years was sucking off the American taxpayer. RETARD.
If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have not Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Being an enlisted man for eight years in the army, far from good pay.:lmao:
Another thing, I did not go to sick call even once, now days people are going to the hospital for the slightest sniffle just as Obamacare wants.
Obamacare is all about control… fact

You sought out and participated in the plan, that’s the point and you know it, after saying you’d never had any tpe of insurance ever, you said that was WHY you went looking for it there. AND you went looking for a govt plan. Sorry, I just don’t buy into your assertion that everyone goes in for a sniffle and I’m not sure how one even comes by that belief, sounds planted. And since you’ve never, if we are to believe you, had any employer co-provided plan, you’re totally unaware of the control involved in those plans and how they’ve become shitter, more expensive, and more controlling over time.

Sorry, there’s no sloganesque answer to this societal problem and no one is dealing with it in any substantive manner.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Wait serving in the MILITARY, risking life and limb for your lazy ass is sucking off the the American Tax payer? THAT is why you retards lose.

If you cannot follow through the thread and absorb the trail of thought in the ongoing exchange I'm not going to reach back and pull you along son. That was not the context and if you need it explained to you, you can just invent whatever you like.
You clearly are attacking his choice to serve in the military and claiming because he did his health care during that 8 years was sucking off the American taxpayer. RETARD.

Actually no, I did not, that's just the argument you're all teed up for.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have not Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Being an enlisted man for eight years in the army, far from good pay.:lmao:
Another thing, I did not go to sick call even once, now days people are going to the hospital for the slightest sniffle just as Obamacare wants.
Obamacare is all about control… fact

You sought out and participated in the plan, that’s the point and you know it, after saying you’d never had any tpe of insurance ever, you said that was WHY you went looking for it there. AND you went looking for a govt plan. Sorry, I just don’t buy into your assertion that everyone goes in for a sniffle and I’m not sure how one even comes by that belief, sounds planted. And since you’ve never, if we are to believe you, had any employer co-provided plan, you’re totally unaware of the control involved in those plans and how they’ve become shitter, more expensive, and more controlling over time.

Sorry, there’s no sloganesque answer to this societal problem and no one is dealing with it in any substantive manner.
I went into the military to get away from a 100% socialist program that is the American Indian reservation... most people die before the age of 60 there.
I just don't buy into the view that collectivism works, it never has in the history of the planet. Fact

And the fact remains, it's always better if people pay for their own shit, that way you give the federal government No Avenue of control over the American citizen. Generally
The federal government is not the answer to what ails this country…
Was a simple question, do you support birth control being available to all. YES. lets cut the teen pregnant rate, and abortions
Birth control is available to all. The OP title suggests people are 'fighting against birth control'. They aren't. Some people are saying they don't see why they should pay for other people's birth control, and that adults should be more responsible for themselves.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.
The mandate is illegal as well....
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you've spent your entire life just walking in and paying sticker price out of your own pocket for a family.
seriously, my whole adolescence was on the Indian reservation living in 100% socialist environment so did not have to pay any insurance. Then Went into the military for eight years to not have to pay for any insurance and after the military I made a conscious decision not to pay insurance. Easy to do With debt free living, I have not Owed a cent to anyone in twenty plus years....

So you voluntarily ran into a govt healthcare plan and for 8 years sucked off the american taxpayer.

Being an enlisted man for eight years in the army, far from good pay.:lmao:
Another thing, I did not go to sick call even once, now days people are going to the hospital for the slightest sniffle just as Obamacare wants.
Obamacare is all about control… fact

You sought out and participated in the plan, that’s the point and you know it, after saying you’d never had any tpe of insurance ever, you said that was WHY you went looking for it there. AND you went looking for a govt plan. Sorry, I just don’t buy into your assertion that everyone goes in for a sniffle and I’m not sure how one even comes by that belief, sounds planted. And since you’ve never, if we are to believe you, had any employer co-provided plan, you’re totally unaware of the control involved in those plans and how they’ve become shitter, more expensive, and more controlling over time.

Sorry, there’s no sloganesque answer to this societal problem and no one is dealing with it in any substantive manner.
I went into the military to get away from a 100% socialist program that is the American Indian reservation... most people die before the age of 60 there.
I just don't buy into the view that collectivism works, it never has in the history of the planet. Fact

And the fact remains, it's always better if people pay for their own shit, that way you give the federal government No Avenue of control over the American citizen. Generally
The federal government is not the answer to what ails this country…

You call that program "Socialist" as if they chose that. Most die before 60 because of a socialist healthcare program? Jesus son, the only place in the western hemisphere with worse mortality rates is Haiti. How did you escape collectivism by moving into collectivist govt healthcare through the military? How's that different? Clearly it's collectivism aimed at supporting a group of people versus colonizing them and decimating the polulation.
Was a simple question, do you support birth control being available to all. YES. lets cut the teen pregnant rate, and abortions
Birth control is available to all. The OP title suggests people are 'fighting against birth control'. They aren't. Some people are saying they don't see why they should pay for other people's birth control, and that adults should be more responsible for themselves.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.
The mandate is illegal as well....

Should have never allowed the lobbyists and insurance corps in on "tweeking" it to the benefit of the usual suspects preying upon society.

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