Why the fight against Birth Control?

Being an enlisted man for eight years in the army, far from good pay.:lmao:
Another thing, I did not go to sick call even once, now days people are going to the hospital for the slightest sniffle just as Obamacare wants.
Obamacare is all about control… fact

You sought out and participated in the plan, that’s the point and you know it, after saying you’d never had any tpe of insurance ever, you said that was WHY you went looking for it there. AND you went looking for a govt plan. Sorry, I just don’t buy into your assertion that everyone goes in for a sniffle and I’m not sure how one even comes by that belief, sounds planted. And since you’ve never, if we are to believe you, had any employer co-provided plan, you’re totally unaware of the control involved in those plans and how they’ve become shitter, more expensive, and more controlling over time.

Sorry, there’s no sloganesque answer to this societal problem and no one is dealing with it in any substantive manner.
I went into the military to get away from a 100% socialist program that is the American Indian reservation... most people die before the age of 60 there.
I just don't buy into the view that collectivism works, it never has in the history of the planet. Fact

And the fact remains, it's always better if people pay for their own shit, that way you give the federal government No Avenue of control over the American citizen. Generally
The federal government is not the answer to what ails this country…

You call that program "Socialist" as if they chose that. Most die before 60 because of a socialist healthcare program? Jesus son, the only place in the western hemisphere with worse mortality rates is Haiti. How did you escape collectivism by moving into collectivist govt healthcare through the military? How's that different? Clearly it's collectivism aimed at supporting a group of people versus colonizing them and decimating the polulation.
I learned early where I did not want to be, I've been self-employed for over 20 years without any help from the federal government, in fact - in spite of the federal government. I did not use the healthcare system in the military, I certainly did not want to it's a pretty shitty system…
America is best if the government is not seen, nor heard… Fact

Collectivism has never worked for the good in the history of the planet…

Oh I know what you're pushing pard, corporate state propaganda, from anonymous chat board ID's and stories that cannot be proven or verified. Of course this is all rubbish since you've always operated under and enjoyed a blended economy. There has always been plenty of collectivism in american society. It's merely demonized when it reaches out to include the unsubstantial people. Your prescription is do not get sick, do not age, or be wealthy enough to pay over the counter list price for care, nothing is wrong with the most expensive healthcare, and 3rd rate system on the planet. Quite a departure from the reality of the average citizen. Fuck society comes after fuck govt, they are connected.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster Class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That is the nature of what you're attempting to defend.

Aren't you just a good little Marxist!!!!!!
I disagree, it's not a lifestyle issue. For example birth control is used by married people. Reproduction and sex are pretty hardwired in our species. In terms of cost/benefit - it makes sense to provide free birth control and it certainly seems to correlate with lower rates of teen pregnancies and abortion.
Who BC is used by is irrelevant. The point is who pays for it. That should be the consumer. After all society didn't pay for your marriage either.

If you have any health insurance at all you are constantly paying for other people's shit just as they do yours. That is in fact the point, shared cost across the group.

No, the POINT is that BECAUSE it's shared coverage, you don't get to simply demand that those others give you what you want and sit down and shut up if they don't agree with you.

That's exactly the power we turn over to corporate power, we just have a different reaction when it's more closely linked to a "govt" plan. You have no say over any of that in an employer based plan.

Yes, actually, I do.

If I do not like the plan/s offered by my employer, I have the option of purchasing insurance privately. I also have the option of finding an employer who offers benefits more to my liking. But where do I go to get away from the federal government? More to the point, where does my employer go to get away from a federal government mandating that they will participate in things they don't want to?

Any and all compensation arrangements between an employer and employee are private and voluntary (or should be). The government, on the other hand, is a monolith everyone is stuck with which pays increasingly less and less attention to what individuals want. So yes, we react very differently to the government than to businesses, because government and business are two very different entities.

How many jobs you have you left because the employer plan offered birth control? How many times have you rejected an employer plan to go it alone because birth control was on the plan? How many employer plans have you switched over to beacuse those plans refused birth control inclusion again? Haven't we just elected a president who will rip out "Obama"care?


And there is no difference between tour federal govt and concentrated corporate wealth and power.
Anybody that needs birth control 24 seven probably has a mental problem, and expecting anyone else to pay so someone else doesn't have a potential fuck up - pardon the pun - that is absolutely Frivolous to say the least...
see that's where the problem is, sure there's people that want the nanny state. Why the fuck do they expect for everyone else to pay for their stupidity?

We are not in this altogether, this country is best when it pursues the freedom of the individual and the individual is responsible for themselves. Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet…

If you've ever had healthcare insurance you've done this without so much as a peep.
I have never bought insurance in my life, because I don't need it neither does my family. Any type of mandatory insurance is legalized extortion... fact
I agree Rustic. Before Obama care the individual had a choice in the matter. So if they opted in, and that program included BC, so be it. If you didn't like it, you could drop the plan. I myself always opted to pay out of pocket, and in the long run saved a lot of money. But now with healthcare programs being mandatory I get a lot more opinionated when parasitic lefties, want to add frivolous expenses to us all. Especially in this case where there are countless free alternatives.

You guys are really on to something, I think most americans would rather be out there with no healthcare coverage, paying out of their own pockets on their own.

I'm hoping that's what Trump and the Republican party have in mind for the american people.

Yes, those are the only choices: have absolutely no insurance coverage, or submit to the federal government micromanaging your healthcare. There is no in-between.

Grow up, please.

I suppose they could come up with a plan, but they never do, do they.
You sought out and participated in the plan, that’s the point and you know it, after saying you’d never had any tpe of insurance ever, you said that was WHY you went looking for it there. AND you went looking for a govt plan. Sorry, I just don’t buy into your assertion that everyone goes in for a sniffle and I’m not sure how one even comes by that belief, sounds planted. And since you’ve never, if we are to believe you, had any employer co-provided plan, you’re totally unaware of the control involved in those plans and how they’ve become shitter, more expensive, and more controlling over time.

Sorry, there’s no sloganesque answer to this societal problem and no one is dealing with it in any substantive manner.
I went into the military to get away from a 100% socialist program that is the American Indian reservation... most people die before the age of 60 there.
I just don't buy into the view that collectivism works, it never has in the history of the planet. Fact

And the fact remains, it's always better if people pay for their own shit, that way you give the federal government No Avenue of control over the American citizen. Generally
The federal government is not the answer to what ails this country…

You call that program "Socialist" as if they chose that. Most die before 60 because of a socialist healthcare program? Jesus son, the only place in the western hemisphere with worse mortality rates is Haiti. How did you escape collectivism by moving into collectivist govt healthcare through the military? How's that different? Clearly it's collectivism aimed at supporting a group of people versus colonizing them and decimating the polulation.
I learned early where I did not want to be, I've been self-employed for over 20 years without any help from the federal government, in fact - in spite of the federal government. I did not use the healthcare system in the military, I certainly did not want to it's a pretty shitty system…
America is best if the government is not seen, nor heard… Fact

Collectivism has never worked for the good in the history of the planet…

Oh I know what you're pushing pard, corporate state propaganda, from anonymous chat board ID's and stories that cannot be proven or verified. Of course this is all rubbish since you've always operated under and enjoyed a blended economy. There has always been plenty of collectivism in american society. It's merely demonized when it reaches out to include the unsubstantial people. Your prescription is do not get sick, do not age, or be wealthy enough to pay over the counter list price for care, nothing is wrong with the most expensive healthcare, and 3rd rate system on the planet. Quite a departure from the reality of the average citizen. Fuck society comes after fuck govt, they are connected.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster Class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That is the nature of what you're attempting to defend.

Aren't you just a good little Marxist!!!!!!

Wise of you not to attempt to deal with the concepts.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.

Of course you don't understand that no one is obligated to object to things simply because you think they should, or draw the same equivalencies you do. And certainly the idea of people being allowed to make individual choices that disagree with you simply because they believe differently than you do is TOTALLY beyond your comprehension.

Try this on for size, Sparky: Hobby Lobby's owners do not have to justify their beliefs to you, nor earn your permission to act on their beliefs. And you're damned right they went to the Supreme Court to defend their right not to be mandated by the government to do something contrary to their beliefs, which - as previously mentioned - they do not have to justify to you.
I went into the military to get away from a 100% socialist program that is the American Indian reservation... most people die before the age of 60 there.
I just don't buy into the view that collectivism works, it never has in the history of the planet. Fact

And the fact remains, it's always better if people pay for their own shit, that way you give the federal government No Avenue of control over the American citizen. Generally
The federal government is not the answer to what ails this country…

You call that program "Socialist" as if they chose that. Most die before 60 because of a socialist healthcare program? Jesus son, the only place in the western hemisphere with worse mortality rates is Haiti. How did you escape collectivism by moving into collectivist govt healthcare through the military? How's that different? Clearly it's collectivism aimed at supporting a group of people versus colonizing them and decimating the polulation.
I learned early where I did not want to be, I've been self-employed for over 20 years without any help from the federal government, in fact - in spite of the federal government. I did not use the healthcare system in the military, I certainly did not want to it's a pretty shitty system…
America is best if the government is not seen, nor heard… Fact

Collectivism has never worked for the good in the history of the planet…

Oh I know what you're pushing pard, corporate state propaganda, from anonymous chat board ID's and stories that cannot be proven or verified. Of course this is all rubbish since you've always operated under and enjoyed a blended economy. There has always been plenty of collectivism in american society. It's merely demonized when it reaches out to include the unsubstantial people. Your prescription is do not get sick, do not age, or be wealthy enough to pay over the counter list price for care, nothing is wrong with the most expensive healthcare, and 3rd rate system on the planet. Quite a departure from the reality of the average citizen. Fuck society comes after fuck govt, they are connected.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster Class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That is the nature of what you're attempting to defend.

Aren't you just a good little Marxist!!!!!!

Wise of you not to attempt to deal with the concepts.

Well golly, you know.....you being the legend your mind tells you are...well....I am just terrified of you.
(rolling eyes)
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
It's much more fun to shove a knife into the back of a baby's head, than to take a pill or use a rubber.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

What's wrong with men taking it?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.

Of course you don't understand that no one is obligated to object to things simply because you think they should, or draw the same equivalencies you do. And certainly the idea of people being allowed to make individual choices that disagree with you simply because they believe differently than you do is TOTALLY beyond your comprehension.

Try this on for size, Sparky: Hobby Lobby's owners do not have to justify their beliefs to you, nor earn your permission to act on their beliefs. And you're damned right they went to the Supreme Court to defend their right not to be mandated by the government to do something contrary to their beliefs, which - as previously mentioned - they do not have to justify to you.

And that is exactly the position others are taking to you, that's all, please do try that on as well.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
It's much more fun to shove a knife into the back of a baby's head, than to take a pill or use a rubber.

Can't figure out why you're not winning this argument with the american public.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.

Well....except the ACA does not pay for those things....oooooooo fail.
You call that program "Socialist" as if they chose that. Most die before 60 because of a socialist healthcare program? Jesus son, the only place in the western hemisphere with worse mortality rates is Haiti. How did you escape collectivism by moving into collectivist govt healthcare through the military? How's that different? Clearly it's collectivism aimed at supporting a group of people versus colonizing them and decimating the polulation.
I learned early where I did not want to be, I've been self-employed for over 20 years without any help from the federal government, in fact - in spite of the federal government. I did not use the healthcare system in the military, I certainly did not want to it's a pretty shitty system…
America is best if the government is not seen, nor heard… Fact

Collectivism has never worked for the good in the history of the planet…

Oh I know what you're pushing pard, corporate state propaganda, from anonymous chat board ID's and stories that cannot be proven or verified. Of course this is all rubbish since you've always operated under and enjoyed a blended economy. There has always been plenty of collectivism in american society. It's merely demonized when it reaches out to include the unsubstantial people. Your prescription is do not get sick, do not age, or be wealthy enough to pay over the counter list price for care, nothing is wrong with the most expensive healthcare, and 3rd rate system on the planet. Quite a departure from the reality of the average citizen. Fuck society comes after fuck govt, they are connected.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster Class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That is the nature of what you're attempting to defend.

Aren't you just a good little Marxist!!!!!!

Wise of you not to attempt to deal with the concepts.

Well golly, you know.....you being the legend your mind tells you are...well....I am just terrified of you.
(rolling eyes)

Great, any other thought processes you'd care to share?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.

Well....except the ACA does not pay for those things....oooooooo fail.

Still, avoiding the lobsters is still on the menu as an option.
I learned early where I did not want to be, I've been self-employed for over 20 years without any help from the federal government, in fact - in spite of the federal government. I did not use the healthcare system in the military, I certainly did not want to it's a pretty shitty system…
America is best if the government is not seen, nor heard… Fact

Collectivism has never worked for the good in the history of the planet…

Oh I know what you're pushing pard, corporate state propaganda, from anonymous chat board ID's and stories that cannot be proven or verified. Of course this is all rubbish since you've always operated under and enjoyed a blended economy. There has always been plenty of collectivism in american society. It's merely demonized when it reaches out to include the unsubstantial people. Your prescription is do not get sick, do not age, or be wealthy enough to pay over the counter list price for care, nothing is wrong with the most expensive healthcare, and 3rd rate system on the planet. Quite a departure from the reality of the average citizen. Fuck society comes after fuck govt, they are connected.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster Class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That is the nature of what you're attempting to defend.

Aren't you just a good little Marxist!!!!!!

Wise of you not to attempt to deal with the concepts.

Well golly, you know.....you being the legend your mind tells you are...well....I am just terrified of you.
(rolling eyes)

Great, any other thought processes you'd care to share?

Why don't you show us your Democratic Socialist membership card?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.

Well....except the ACA does not pay for those things....oooooooo fail.

Did the original version that came out of the Heritage Foundation? I doubt it, but curious. How did they deal with this in Romney's MA version, I don't recall.
Oh I know what you're pushing pard, corporate state propaganda, from anonymous chat board ID's and stories that cannot be proven or verified. Of course this is all rubbish since you've always operated under and enjoyed a blended economy. There has always been plenty of collectivism in american society. It's merely demonized when it reaches out to include the unsubstantial people. Your prescription is do not get sick, do not age, or be wealthy enough to pay over the counter list price for care, nothing is wrong with the most expensive healthcare, and 3rd rate system on the planet. Quite a departure from the reality of the average citizen. Fuck society comes after fuck govt, they are connected.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster Class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That is the nature of what you're attempting to defend.

Aren't you just a good little Marxist!!!!!!

Wise of you not to attempt to deal with the concepts.

Well golly, you know.....you being the legend your mind tells you are...well....I am just terrified of you.
(rolling eyes)

Great, any other thought processes you'd care to share?

Why don't you show us your Democratic Socialist membership card?

Still no ideas to kick the tires on then?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who, exactly, is fighting against birth control?

It was Hobby Lobby that took it all the way to the Supreme Court about 4 years ago while the Reich wing cheered them on. Religious exemption--over a Prescription drug that is mandated to be paid for by insurers. Yet they rail against abortion at the same time. It's so hypocritical it's funny. Of course they had no problems paying for Viagra or other male enhancement drugs.

Well....except the ACA does not pay for those things....oooooooo fail.

Did the original version that came out of the Heritage Foundation? I doubt it, but curious. How did they deal with this in Romney's MA version, I don't recall.

Not really the point is it?
It doesn't cover them. You'll be ok.
Why do all Lefty's demand free shit?

Some things should be free.. I know you're going to call me a Lefty..

Public schooling should be free.. Birth control should be free.. Higher education should be free..

I agree with the Lefty's on that I am old but not that old.

And I don't mind paying in taxes for that because it's the right thing to do.


(sigh) NOTHING is free, it's just cost shifted.
I especially find the Birth Control demand to be hypocritical, you kids DO realize that ED drugs are not aid for by insurance?

Depends on the insurance, and the reason for taking it.
Aren't you just a good little Marxist!!!!!!

Wise of you not to attempt to deal with the concepts.

Well golly, you know.....you being the legend your mind tells you are...well....I am just terrified of you.
(rolling eyes)

Great, any other thought processes you'd care to share?

Why don't you show us your Democratic Socialist membership card?

Still no ideas to kick the tires on then?

Son you don't want to talk about the ACA with me, it's what I do.
I've been right about it from the beginning ;)
Why do all Lefty's demand free shit?

Some things should be free.. I know you're going to call me a Lefty..

Public schooling should be free.. Birth control should be free.. Higher education should be free..

I agree with the Lefty's on that I am old but not that old.

And I don't mind paying in taxes for that because it's the right thing to do.


(sigh) NOTHING is free, it's just cost shifted.
I especially find the Birth Control demand to be hypocritical, you kids DO realize that ED drugs are not aid for by insurance?

Depends on the insurance, and the reason for taking it.

Not so much, the ACA plans are all the same.
A Platinum is a Platinum.
A Gold is a Gold.
A Silver is a Silver and a Bronze is a Bronze.
I had read that they "might" if it was prescribed it for weak urine flow....but that turned out to be wrong too.

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