Why the fight against Birth Control?

No, the POINT is that BECAUSE it's shared coverage, you don't get to simply demand that those others give you what you want and sit down and shut up if they don't agree with you.

That's exactly the power we turn over to corporate power, we just have a different reaction when it's more closely linked to a "govt" plan. You have no say over any of that in an employer based plan.

Yes, actually, I do.

If I do not like the plan/s offered by my employer, I have the option of purchasing insurance privately. I also have the option of finding an employer who offers benefits more to my liking. But where do I go to get away from the federal government? More to the point, where does my employer go to get away from a federal government mandating that they will participate in things they don't want to?

Any and all compensation arrangements between an employer and employee are private and voluntary (or should be). The government, on the other hand, is a monolith everyone is stuck with which pays increasingly less and less attention to what individuals want. So yes, we react very differently to the government than to businesses, because government and business are two very different entities.

How many jobs you have you left because the employer plan offered birth control? How many times have you rejected an employer plan to go it alone because birth control was on the plan? How many employer plans have you switched over to beacuse those plans refused birth control inclusion again? Haven't we just elected a president who will rip out "Obama"care?


And there is no difference between tour federal govt and concentrated corporate wealth and power.

What part of "I have no personal problem with birth control" are you not understanding when I keep saying it?

I have never left an employer over birth control, because . . . let me type this slowly for you . . . I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH BIRTH CONTROL. I have left a few employers because I did not agree with their policies, which extended to and included their insurance coverage and benefits.

Then your last post was pretty much about nothing wasn't it, the bit about folk being able to just wander off and find their coverage their way. Never been that way in at least half a century. And you sure did have a reaction to the birth control biz. Backpedalling duly noted.

I haven't backpedaled anything. Your inability to understand English does not signify any change in what I've said.

Try to stay with me here, Short Bus. I make my decisions based on MY beliefs and priorities. Other people have different priorities, and I support their ability to make THEIR decisions based on THEIR beliefs, even when I don't share them.
That's exactly the power we turn over to corporate power, we just have a different reaction when it's more closely linked to a "govt" plan. You have no say over any of that in an employer based plan.

Yes, actually, I do.

If I do not like the plan/s offered by my employer, I have the option of purchasing insurance privately. I also have the option of finding an employer who offers benefits more to my liking. But where do I go to get away from the federal government? More to the point, where does my employer go to get away from a federal government mandating that they will participate in things they don't want to?

Any and all compensation arrangements between an employer and employee are private and voluntary (or should be). The government, on the other hand, is a monolith everyone is stuck with which pays increasingly less and less attention to what individuals want. So yes, we react very differently to the government than to businesses, because government and business are two very different entities.

How many jobs you have you left because the employer plan offered birth control? How many times have you rejected an employer plan to go it alone because birth control was on the plan? How many employer plans have you switched over to beacuse those plans refused birth control inclusion again? Haven't we just elected a president who will rip out "Obama"care?


And there is no difference between tour federal govt and concentrated corporate wealth and power.

What part of "I have no personal problem with birth control" are you not understanding when I keep saying it?

I have never left an employer over birth control, because . . . let me type this slowly for you . . . I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH BIRTH CONTROL. I have left a few employers because I did not agree with their policies, which extended to and included their insurance coverage and benefits.

Then your last post was pretty much about nothing wasn't it, the bit about folk being able to just wander off and find their coverage their way. Never been that way in at least half a century. And you sure did have a reaction to the birth control biz. Backpedalling duly noted.

I haven't backpedaled anything. Your inability to understand English does not signify any change in what I've said.

Try to stay with me here, Short Bus. I make my decisions based on MY beliefs and priorities. Other people have different priorities, and I support their ability to make THEIR decisions based on THEIR beliefs, even when I don't share them.

Swell. Well, some folks chose "Obama"care.
Of course you don't understand that no one is obligated to object to things simply because you think they should, or draw the same equivalencies you do. And certainly the idea of people being allowed to make individual choices that disagree with you simply because they believe differently than you do is TOTALLY beyond your comprehension.

Try this on for size, Sparky: Hobby Lobby's owners do not have to justify their beliefs to you, nor earn your permission to act on their beliefs. And you're damned right they went to the Supreme Court to defend their right not to be mandated by the government to do something contrary to their beliefs, which - as previously mentioned - they do not have to justify to you.

And that is exactly the position others are taking to you, that's all, please do try that on as well.

No, Chuckles, the position others are taking is, "We believe this, and we're right, so do what we say and shut up!"

And I won't be "trying that on" any time soon. I'm not a leftist, and I feel no need to rob people or subjugate them.

You all sound alike to me.

Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

We are not your kindergarten teachers, and we are not going to applaud you for your brilliance and specialness for having figured out how to breathe in and out, Snowflake. If you're incapable of wrapping your brain around differing opinions without glowing affirmation, then you are in the wrong sandbox, and should leave immediately. You'll be nothing but distressed and ignorant around here.

Butch up, buttercup.
Yes, actually, I do.

If I do not like the plan/s offered by my employer, I have the option of purchasing insurance privately. I also have the option of finding an employer who offers benefits more to my liking. But where do I go to get away from the federal government? More to the point, where does my employer go to get away from a federal government mandating that they will participate in things they don't want to?

Any and all compensation arrangements between an employer and employee are private and voluntary (or should be). The government, on the other hand, is a monolith everyone is stuck with which pays increasingly less and less attention to what individuals want. So yes, we react very differently to the government than to businesses, because government and business are two very different entities.

How many jobs you have you left because the employer plan offered birth control? How many times have you rejected an employer plan to go it alone because birth control was on the plan? How many employer plans have you switched over to beacuse those plans refused birth control inclusion again? Haven't we just elected a president who will rip out "Obama"care?


And there is no difference between tour federal govt and concentrated corporate wealth and power.

What part of "I have no personal problem with birth control" are you not understanding when I keep saying it?

I have never left an employer over birth control, because . . . let me type this slowly for you . . . I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH BIRTH CONTROL. I have left a few employers because I did not agree with their policies, which extended to and included their insurance coverage and benefits.

Then your last post was pretty much about nothing wasn't it, the bit about folk being able to just wander off and find their coverage their way. Never been that way in at least half a century. And you sure did have a reaction to the birth control biz. Backpedalling duly noted.

I haven't backpedaled anything. Your inability to understand English does not signify any change in what I've said.

Try to stay with me here, Short Bus. I make my decisions based on MY beliefs and priorities. Other people have different priorities, and I support their ability to make THEIR decisions based on THEIR beliefs, even when I don't share them.

Swell. Well, some folks chose "Obama"care.

Nobody CHOSE Obamacare, hon. That's sort of the point.
And that is exactly the position others are taking to you, that's all, please do try that on as well.

No, Chuckles, the position others are taking is, "We believe this, and we're right, so do what we say and shut up!"

And I won't be "trying that on" any time soon. I'm not a leftist, and I feel no need to rob people or subjugate them.

You all sound alike to me.

Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

We are not your kindergarten teachers, and we are not going to applaud you for your brilliance and specialness for having figured out how to breathe in and out, Snowflake. If you're incapable of wrapping your brain around differing opinions without glowing affirmation, then you are in the wrong sandbox, and should leave immediately. You'll be nothing but distressed and ignorant around here.

Butch up, buttercup.

All you partisanshitheads sound alike to me hon, then you all get anxious when you can't force everyone into one of your two assigned boxes.
How many jobs you have you left because the employer plan offered birth control? How many times have you rejected an employer plan to go it alone because birth control was on the plan? How many employer plans have you switched over to beacuse those plans refused birth control inclusion again? Haven't we just elected a president who will rip out "Obama"care?


And there is no difference between tour federal govt and concentrated corporate wealth and power.

What part of "I have no personal problem with birth control" are you not understanding when I keep saying it?

I have never left an employer over birth control, because . . . let me type this slowly for you . . . I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH BIRTH CONTROL. I have left a few employers because I did not agree with their policies, which extended to and included their insurance coverage and benefits.

Then your last post was pretty much about nothing wasn't it, the bit about folk being able to just wander off and find their coverage their way. Never been that way in at least half a century. And you sure did have a reaction to the birth control biz. Backpedalling duly noted.

I haven't backpedaled anything. Your inability to understand English does not signify any change in what I've said.

Try to stay with me here, Short Bus. I make my decisions based on MY beliefs and priorities. Other people have different priorities, and I support their ability to make THEIR decisions based on THEIR beliefs, even when I don't share them.

Swell. Well, some folks chose "Obama"care.

Nobody CHOSE Obamacare, hon. That's sort of the point.

Just like most of us don't choose our corporate plans either, you're attempting to put your ass in the middle of the business of others, something you yourself soil yourself over the notion of when you feel it's pointed your way. You don't have it, you're bitching that others have access That's the point. Even you know your so called "choice" is not a real choice. We have a president elect that has promised to kill it, relax, no worries. I say we allow him to do all he wants, and everyone he wants around him, let's all get behind our new president and give him what he wants.

If you want to deal with the way things are, ok, but, I've seen very little to suggest any capacity for that at the moment. Now if you want to pontificate on a tiredass oppressive ideology based upon what's best for a few in society then by all means, carry on, but own it outright.
Of course you don't understand that no one is obligated to object to things simply because you think they should, or draw the same equivalencies you do. And certainly the idea of people being allowed to make individual choices that disagree with you simply because they believe differently than you do is TOTALLY beyond your comprehension.

Try this on for size, Sparky: Hobby Lobby's owners do not have to justify their beliefs to you, nor earn your permission to act on their beliefs. And you're damned right they went to the Supreme Court to defend their right not to be mandated by the government to do something contrary to their beliefs, which - as previously mentioned - they do not have to justify to you.

And that is exactly the position others are taking to you, that's all, please do try that on as well.

No, Chuckles, the position others are taking is, "We believe this, and we're right, so do what we say and shut up!"

And I won't be "trying that on" any time soon. I'm not a leftist, and I feel no need to rob people or subjugate them.

You all sound alike to me.

Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

Epithets....you mean like Partisanshitheads?
And that is exactly the position others are taking to you, that's all, please do try that on as well.

No, Chuckles, the position others are taking is, "We believe this, and we're right, so do what we say and shut up!"

And I won't be "trying that on" any time soon. I'm not a leftist, and I feel no need to rob people or subjugate them.

You all sound alike to me.

Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

Epithets....you mean like Partisanshitheads?

You're right, I'm inclusive, you people are exclusive.
No, Chuckles, the position others are taking is, "We believe this, and we're right, so do what we say and shut up!"

And I won't be "trying that on" any time soon. I'm not a leftist, and I feel no need to rob people or subjugate them.

You all sound alike to me.

Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

Epithets....you mean like Partisanshitheads?

You're right, I'm inclusive, you people are exclusive.

If by exclusive you mean not wanting anything to do with neghead pathetic shitheads you're right.
You all sound alike to me.

Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

Epithets....you mean like Partisanshitheads?

You're right, I'm inclusive, you people are exclusive.

If by exclusive you mean not wanting anything to do with neghead pathetic shitheads you're right.

If I have to explain it to you then you can just make something else up as usual.
Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

Epithets....you mean like Partisanshitheads?

You're right, I'm inclusive, you people are exclusive.

If by exclusive you mean not wanting anything to do with neghead pathetic shitheads you're right.

If I have to explain it to you then you can just make something else up as usual.

Sorry, that was me explaining it to you....you are quite out of your league here boy.
Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

Epithets....you mean like Partisanshitheads?

You're right, I'm inclusive, you people are exclusive.

If by exclusive you mean not wanting anything to do with neghead pathetic shitheads you're right.

If I have to explain it to you then you can just make something else up as usual.

Sorry, that was me explaining it to you....you are quite out of your league here boy.

Ah yes of course, that must be it, you come in like a 5 year old and you're to be coddled.
Epithets....you mean like Partisanshitheads?

You're right, I'm inclusive, you people are exclusive.

If by exclusive you mean not wanting anything to do with neghead pathetic shitheads you're right.

If I have to explain it to you then you can just make something else up as usual.

Sorry, that was me explaining it to you....you are quite out of your league here boy.

Ah yes of course, that must be it, you come in like a 5 year old and you're to be coddled.

Well of course, you are a legend in your own mind.
You're right, I'm inclusive, you people are exclusive.

If by exclusive you mean not wanting anything to do with neghead pathetic shitheads you're right.

If I have to explain it to you then you can just make something else up as usual.

Sorry, that was me explaining it to you....you are quite out of your league here boy.

Ah yes of course, that must be it, you come in like a 5 year old and you're to be coddled.

Well of course, you are a legend in your own mind.

Gotta run pard, ran into an adult on here, see ya.
If by exclusive you mean not wanting anything to do with neghead pathetic shitheads you're right.

If I have to explain it to you then you can just make something else up as usual.

Sorry, that was me explaining it to you....you are quite out of your league here boy.

Ah yes of course, that must be it, you come in like a 5 year old and you're to be coddled.

Well of course, you are a legend in your own mind.

Gotta run pard, ran into an adult on here, see ya.

Have fun at romper room.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who says they can't have it? I couldn't care less, just don't ask me to pay for their sex.

Why not? A little pill is a benefit to us all

Oh sure, same with water. Buy your own water.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who says they can't have it? I couldn't care less, just don't ask me to pay for their sex.

Why not? A little pill is a benefit to us all

Oh sure, same with water. Buy your own water.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Who says they can't have it? I couldn't care less, just don't ask me to pay for their sex.

Why not? A little pill is a benefit to us all

Oh sure, same with water. Buy your own water.

Wait a second were dealing with sexually active kids here.. Let's face it they are horny as heck and want sex With each other..

Just say no is stupid

Just give the girls the pill out of sight out of mind..
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Then you have no problem with abortion?

Pull all the dead bodies out of your vagina that you can stand for all I care. Pay for it your damn self or go fuck a hanger in the back of a dark alley.

Crude. But, thanks for your blunt honesty - at least I won't waste time trying to get an actual discussion out of you.

Brutal honesty is what I do. You ask questions, be prepared to hear an answer. I did the right thing and had all my kids with the same woman AFTER we got married.

Fuck you, fuck your kids, fuck their kids, and fuck their parents. I got my own to take care of. Fuck everyone else. :beer:

Feel sorry for your kids and wife. They have probably become just as much an asshole as you are by association.


homo hat.jpg
No, Chuckles, the position others are taking is, "We believe this, and we're right, so do what we say and shut up!"

And I won't be "trying that on" any time soon. I'm not a leftist, and I feel no need to rob people or subjugate them.

You all sound alike to me.

Possibly you should consider taking off the headphones blasting Obama speeches into your ears, then, so that you can hear us more clearly.

Might help to take your brain out of the shrink-wrap and plug it in, as well. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, once you partisanshitheads start slinging epithets, and your respective buzz words and name droping, it becomes all too evident that you're invested in the chaos, dysfunctionalism, and solutions avoidance imprinted behaviors that keeps the status quo afloat.

We are not your kindergarten teachers, and we are not going to applaud you for your brilliance and specialness for having figured out how to breathe in and out, Snowflake. If you're incapable of wrapping your brain around differing opinions without glowing affirmation, then you are in the wrong sandbox, and should leave immediately. You'll be nothing but distressed and ignorant around here.

Butch up, buttercup.

All you partisanshitheads sound alike to me hon, then you all get anxious when you can't force everyone into one of your two assigned boxes.

All you hate-filled bigots sound alike to me, and your excuses are no more meaningful when you give them than when the Klan does.

Carry on with your sad, brief journey through USMB, lugging your leftist echo chamber along with you.
What part of "I have no personal problem with birth control" are you not understanding when I keep saying it?

I have never left an employer over birth control, because . . . let me type this slowly for you . . . I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH BIRTH CONTROL. I have left a few employers because I did not agree with their policies, which extended to and included their insurance coverage and benefits.

Then your last post was pretty much about nothing wasn't it, the bit about folk being able to just wander off and find their coverage their way. Never been that way in at least half a century. And you sure did have a reaction to the birth control biz. Backpedalling duly noted.

I haven't backpedaled anything. Your inability to understand English does not signify any change in what I've said.

Try to stay with me here, Short Bus. I make my decisions based on MY beliefs and priorities. Other people have different priorities, and I support their ability to make THEIR decisions based on THEIR beliefs, even when I don't share them.

Swell. Well, some folks chose "Obama"care.

Nobody CHOSE Obamacare, hon. That's sort of the point.

Just like most of us don't choose our corporate plans either, you're attempting to put your ass in the middle of the business of others, something you yourself soil yourself over the notion of when you feel it's pointed your way. You don't have it, you're bitching that others have access That's the point. Even you know your so called "choice" is not a real choice. We have a president elect that has promised to kill it, relax, no worries. I say we allow him to do all he wants, and everyone he wants around him, let's all get behind our new president and give him what he wants.

If you want to deal with the way things are, ok, but, I've seen very little to suggest any capacity for that at the moment. Now if you want to pontificate on a tiredass oppressive ideology based upon what's best for a few in society then by all means, carry on, but own it outright.

Oh, I'm sorry, are you still talking?

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