Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?

Sorry, but I don't buy the story that anyone could "accidentally" cross the mexican border.

until we know the whole story, we are all guessing based on our political affiliations.

Evidently you have missed the numerous reports showing that the road in that area was under construction and the only sign showing that he was entering Mexico was lying on the ground on the opposite of the road and only measured a couple of feet square.

It has since been replaced with a much larger sign.

Explain it to the judge
Nah, they want Rambo to go break him out. Fuck the law, the party of Law and Order says.
The President should, at the least, INQUIRE.

Any US citizen arrested abroad has access to our consulate. I'm sure they are aware of the situation

But you break the law in another country and you are subject to their justice system
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

When a Mexican commits a crime in America, should the President of Mexico demand that he be freed?

They've even filed lawsuits to free their citizens.
Do you mean like when they were denied access to their consulate?
Evidently you have missed the numerous reports showing that the road in that area was under construction and the only sign showing that he was entering Mexico was lying on the ground on the opposite of the road and only measured a couple of feet square.

It has since been replaced with a much larger sign.

Explain it to the judge
Nah, they want Rambo to go break him out. Fuck the law, the party of Law and Order says.

Naaaa, but we do say fuck you.

Those of who served might well break the "No Man Left Behind" rule for you.

I'd leave your ass lying there and watch them take you.
Explain it to the judge
Nah, they want Rambo to go break him out. Fuck the law, the party of Law and Order says.

Naaaa, but we do say fuck you.

Those of who served might well break the "No Man Left Behind" rule for you.

I'd leave your ass lying there and watch them take you.

Been there, several times, and I obeyed the law. It's his ass they have and guess what, they have it legally because he was a moron.
Nah, they want Rambo to go break him out. Fuck the law, the party of Law and Order says.

Naaaa, but we do say fuck you.

Those of who served might well break the "No Man Left Behind" rule for you.

I'd leave your ass lying there and watch them take you.

Been there, several times, and I obeyed the law. It's his ass they have and guess what, they have it legally because he was a moron.

We both know there are millions who served who would leave your ass on the field.
Naaaa, but we do say fuck you.

Those of who served might well break the "No Man Left Behind" rule for you.

I'd leave your ass lying there and watch them take you.

Been there, several times, and I obeyed the law. It's his ass they have and guess what, they have it legally because he was a moron.

We both know there are millions who served who would leave your ass on the field.

Sure, use my weapons but forget my birthday? So be it...
So through his silence, Obama is making a statement on gun control? It's starting to make sense.

My theory is, this Marine's weapons can be traced to Fast and Furious. And we can't let THAT happen now can we? :eusa_whistle:


There are no guns traced to fast and furious.

You know why?

Because the government introduced..no guns.

It was all private sales.

By the way..the sales still go on.

Most drug cartels have the finest US made guns that drug money can buy!

Swallow you are a dumb ****.

A gun from the failed U.S. operation known as "Fast and Furious" turned up at the scene of a shootout between Mexican authorities and alleged cartel gunmen last month, according to CNN.

U.S. officials told CNN at least one AK-47-style gun that could be traced back to the failed gun-walking scheme was found at the scene.

The shootout on Dec. 18 left five alleged cartel members dead in Puerto Peñasco, a popular tourist site in Mexico.

Read more: Report: 'Fast and Furious' gun turns up at Mexico shootout scene | TheHill
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Report: 'Fast and Furious' gun turns up at Mexico shootout scene | TheHill

Actually you're the stupid one, you cocksucking cum gargler.

The government introduced no guns.


They watched sales.

That's it.

"Gunwalking", or "letting guns walk", was a tactic of the Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which ran a series of sting operations[2][3] between 2006[4] and 2011[2][5] in the Tucson and Phoenix area where the ATF "purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders and arrest them."[6] These operations were done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United States.[7] The Chambers case[who?] began in October 2009, and eventually became known in February 2010 as "Operation Fast and Furious" after agents discovered some of the suspects under investigation belonged to a car club.[1]
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those guns belong to the private gun seller.

NOT the government.
because that makes a difference?

just leave the veteran behind?

i'm sensing a theme with you left-wing nutjobs

Yeah, it makes a difference. You want the President of the United States to intervene in another countries enforcement of laws over a private citizen who broke the law of that country. Ya'll have lost your minds.

You mean like Mexico has intervene in our enforcement of laws over the past couple of decades over their citizens who have broke many of our laws, including immigration?

When was that?


There is something that DID happen that may be making this a bit stickier then it ought to be.

The Mexican government has tried to halt other executions of its citizens in the state, arguing Texas has not met international obligations concerning the treatment of foreign nationals taken into custody. It had appealed to Texas to halt the execution of Hernandez.

Texas has usually proceeded with the executions despite the diplomatic protests and the Mexican Foreign Affairs Ministry had said it had exhausted all remedies to stop the execution.
Texas executes Mexican national for murder and rape | Reuters

There's this little known concept, by conservatives who seldom know anything, called Reciprocity.

That essentially means that if you expect people to something in another country..you should practice it in this one.

We take the Marines into hostile places, and they put their asses on the line for this country all the time.......................That is why this is an issue to me...............I expect this country and the Commander N Chief to look into this and take action to get a Marine Home...........

These guys don't even leave their dead behind on the battlefield. It wouldn't hurt Obama and this country to put some pressure on Mexico to get this man home.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaI-mzeqVuI]United States Marine Corps (USMC) - Heart of Courage - Two Steps From Hell - YouTube[/ame]
One marine goes south and is jailed. 60000 children come north and go free...how many terrorists came with them?

Given this:

No Korea
Negative GDP
Children penetrating our border
Marine held in Mexican prison

I expect a whole bunch. Obabble is a disaster.
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Surprise! The administration has been doing something, he fired his attorneys Wednesday, the date of his hearing. Has PTSD allegedly, new hearing in a "few weeks". Sec. Kerry is speaking out, so everybody email Congress critters to keep the pressure on.
Well, here's my idea of how to stop the entire thing --

Get about 50 vigilantees to block the freeway just north of the border. Go around slashing the tires of all cars with Mexican plates to jam the thing up for days.

It'll hurt the pocketbooks of those in TJ and they'll scream to let him go. :evil:
Well, here's my idea of how to stop the entire thing --

Get about 50 vigilantees to block the freeway just north of the border. Go around slashing the tires of all cars with Mexican plates to jam the thing up for days.

It'll hurt the pocketbooks of those in TJ and they'll scream to let him go. :evil:

Good idea. The american people know how to protect this country even if the stupid president and his left wing cronies don't.
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

Why does this post give me a bad case of deja vu?
Oh, yeah. Now I remember!

Everyone call the White House

Two years ago, a dipshit Marine brings a shotgun with him as he drives through Mexico to go surfing in Costa Rica.

Does he bother to spend the ten minutes it takes to find out what the various laws are about trucking a shotgun through the 5 countries he has to go through to get to Costa Rica?

Does he discover that Mexico, for instance, requires an advance permit? Does he discover other countries require all manner of permits and doctor-certified psych evals and advanced approval to bring a weapon into their respective countries?
What special kind of idiot brings FIREARMS into another country without observing their laws?

What special kind of idiot brings FIREARMS into another country without observing their laws?


Depends on whether you believe the story about how confusing the entry point is. I find it hard to believe that you would not realize that you were crossing the border. Maybe it is that confusing, but I really doubt it.

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