Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?

There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

If he were Muslim Obama would have cut him loose.
U.S. Marine capture of Veracruz in 1914 should be a useful lesson here. U.S. Marines and sailors were being harassed and arrested in Tampico so President Wilson, (who unlike our current President actually had testicles) sent in the Marines to teach Mexico a lesson. I would be in favor of a larger incursion like the one led be General Pershing in 1911. We need to seal the border completely. Only thing US gets from Mexico are illegals, drugs, and diarrhea.
He doesn't have to force Mexico to do anything. He can simply negotiate with them. But he doesnt even bother doing that.
A bad thought just entered my mind but I wouldn't put it past the idiots in office or hoping to get elected, please convince me that they are not going wait until it is closer to the November elections and all of a

sudden the democrats miraculously secure his freedom to make them look like the hero they think they are, it is just strange to me that a lot of crisis seem to get resolved shortly before the elections

I hope this is not the case but I wouldn't put it past them
You cross a border and certain things happen

If you are carrying illegal guns or drugs you will get arrested. It happens in all parts of the world. Ignorance of the law or the fact that you were crossing into another country might be your defense. But it is seldom a good defense
Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

in other words, you are in favor of this Marine being treated like a POW ? tortured, beaten, starved.., ?? you and all your "thank you" traitors should be treated like he is being treated.

Marine sergeant jailed in Mexico on gun charges speaks exclusively 'On The Record' | Fox News

Jailed Marine's friend claims he was beaten, chained to bed in Mexican custody
Jailed Marine's friend claims he was beaten, chained to bed in Mexican custody | Fox News
go here:

U.S. Marine Jailed in Mexico | Live Coverage

this Hitleresque regime should stop ALL $$$$$$$$ aid, shut ALL the legal entry posts down and shoot any illegal border crossers, those who are caught alive, subject them to POW status. :up:

i know it won't happen, but if we had a prez (OR ME !!) with brass balls, the fucking mexican gvmt. would be trembling in their jackboots. :lmao:
Obama should have taken care of this. The man should have been home over a month ago! Period!

The man has been tortured and beaten like a POW. Our CIC should be the one in prison!
Are you shitting me? This guy isn't even active duty? Oh, the right wing has lost it's mind. ODS has reached epidemic levels.

because that makes a difference?

just leave the veteran behind?

i'm sensing a theme with you left-wing nutjobs

Sorry, but I don't buy the story that anyone could "accidentally" cross the mexican border.

until we know the whole story, we are all guessing based on our political affiliations.

Sorry, but I don't buy the story that anyone could "accidentally" cross the mexican border.
have you ever been there ????????

i have.., and believe me it can happen, i had 5 guns and a "few" hundred rnds. of ammo in my car when i was following my son with two car loads of guys, all over 18 y.o., who wanted to go to Tijuana for some "fun", i was in the wrong lane by following my son, fuck.., i did not know until i saw the sign "RETURN TO USA TWO RIGHT LANES", i had to force my way over, got cussed at, but i made it back. :up:
Are you shitting me? This guy isn't even active duty? Oh, the right wing has lost it's mind. ODS has reached epidemic levels.

because that makes a difference?

just leave the veteran behind?

i'm sensing a theme with you left-wing nutjobs

Yeah, it makes a difference. You want the President of the United States to intervene in another countries enforcement of laws over a private citizen who broke the law of that country. Ya'll have lost your minds.

and your kind are lower than NYC's trash/garbage scows. :up: ... :lmao:
He broke the law while on foreign soil and that tends to get you thrown behind bars. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
You cross a border and certain things happen

If you are carrying illegal guns or drugs you will get arrested. It happens in all parts of the world. Ignorance of the law or the fact that you were crossing into another country might be your defense. But it is seldom a good defense

Unless it is the United States Border, then we throw open the cash register and pay for everything for you.
You cross a border and certain things happen

If you are carrying illegal guns or drugs you will get arrested. It happens in all parts of the world. Ignorance of the law or the fact that you were crossing into another country might be your defense. But it is seldom a good defense

Unless it is the United States Border, then we throw open the cash register and pay for everything for you.

Bullshit diversion
You cross a border and certain things happen

If you are carrying illegal guns or drugs you will get arrested. It happens in all parts of the world. Ignorance of the law or the fact that you were crossing into another country might be your defense. But it is seldom a good defense

Unless it is the United States Border, then we throw open the cash register and pay for everything for you.

Bullshit diversion

not bullshit or a diversion; spot on truth
Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

in other words, you are in favor of this Marine being treated like a POW ? tortured, beaten, starved.., ?? you and all your "thank you" traitors should be treated like he is being treated.

Marine sergeant jailed in Mexico on gun charges speaks exclusively 'On The Record' | Fox News

Jailed Marine's friend claims he was beaten, chained to bed in Mexican custody
Jailed Marine's friend claims he was beaten, chained to bed in Mexican custody | Fox News

Merely "Enhanced interrogation," baby!
He broke the law while on foreign soil and that tends to get you thrown behind bars. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

I think what it comes down to, is most Americans simply don't trust that this American will be treated fairly.
It is Mexico after all, a country with a history of corruption all through it's justice system.
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?

Because it interferes with his political agenda.
He has always been about the political ideology rather that what is good for the country or for the people.
It's much more important to push and finish President Wilson's progressive agenda of complete government control over everything.

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