Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?

There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

When a Mexican commits a crime in America, should the President of Mexico demand that he be freed?
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

Taking a firm stance with Mex may drive away the illegal voter base they have been working on each election cycle.

and the poor bastard is white, so he's fucked
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

When a Mexican commits a crime in America, should the President of Mexico demand that he be freed?

we send their criminals home everyday


you were about to say obama is a pussy b/c he can't get one Marine back?
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

When a Mexican commits a crime in America, should the President of Mexico demand that he be freed?

we send their criminals home everyday


you were about to say obama is a pussy b/c he can't get one Marine back?
after doing time in a Mexican prison I doubt he will want to return. Same sex marriage is legal in Mexico.
Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

The soldier must abide by Mexican law. Whenever you are on foreign soil, you have to abide by their laws. That he accidently strayed onto Mexican soil is his story; it isn’t truth just because he says so. I imagine there are other Americans in Mexican jails that the US is also not trying to free because the Mexican authorities are within their rights to hold them. Why make a case for this one particular American?

It does seem to be the case that the right wingers are trying to make an issue out of something that isn't an issue in the hopes it will reflect badly on Obama.

Mexico has the largest American prisoner population outside of the United States. In 2001, there were over 600 Americans serving time in Mexican prisons, including 48 in Nuevo Laredo.
This is according to National Geographic. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/lockdown/articles/inside-a-mexican-prison-facts/

With so many Americans in Mexican prisons, why is the right wing focusing so heavily on this one guy?
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There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

The missed ramp is a lie.
In fact, he went through bloody great big gates, clearly marked, "Mexico".
He's just one more gun runner, making cash out of mass murder.
I am waiting for the rest of the story to come out. It appears that this young man had told several lies over the past couple of months if yesterday's reports are to be believed.

Molon Labe
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

When a Mexican commits a crime in America, should the President of Mexico demand that he be freed?

we send their criminals home everyday


you were about to say obama is a pussy b/c he can't get one Marine back?

I thought he was an ex Marine.
Screw Mexico. We should make that place our 'southern Nevada'.

What a cancer of a nation at our border. We should pull a Ukraine on them

I have crossed the mexican border many times, I find it hard to believe that anyone could "accidentally" cross the border without knowing it.

There is more to this than the media is reporting.
I see this all the time with Mexicans

They "accidentally" crossed the border into the US
I see this all the time with Mexicans

They "accidentally" crossed the border into the US

yes, and instead of putting them in jail we put them on welfare, give them free medical care, food stamps, free education, and ignore the fact that they broke our immigration laws.

You, and liberals like you, are destroying this country. Please leave NOW.
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

So the whole Captain Phillips, Euna Lee, Laura Ling, Shane Bauer, Evin Fattal, Sarah Shroud, Jon Hammar being freed thing didn't even get on your radar..did it?

:lol: You're a lost cause
I see this all the time with Mexicans

They "accidentally" crossed the border into the US

yes by the millions leftard

but we let them go

Happens all the time..

Some Mexican, probably an ex-soldier, is taking his marijuana for a walk in the desert and "accidentally" wanders across the border

Try that at the Iranian, Russian, North Korean, or Isreali border. We are idiots to allow our borders to be as open as they are.
Our government allows, no, encourages hundreds of people to illegally cross our southern border every day.

Most are people just wanting work. But I guarantee some are Middle Easterners who dress like immigrants who are coming here for other reasons. (gee, I wonder what?)

But an American citizen? I truly believe he is the only person Obama won't allow to cross the border.
Kind of goes against the creed in the military, that you'll never be left behind.

Let's just hope this get's resolved as quickly as possible, and this Marine can get on with his life.

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