Why the GOP lost in 2020--

And a whole lot of them were turned off by Hillary's 'basket of deplorables' analogy, her hurtful statements like 'we're going tp put a lot of coal mines and coal miners out of business', her callous and uncaring comments about the terrible deaths of the ambassador and staff in Lybia: "At this point in time, what difference does that make?" (I'm quite sure the family and friends of those people know exactly what difference that made.), her pandering to various groups which never seemed genuine, her many made up stories and flat out lies: "(we) left the White House dead broke and in debt" after she and Bill made hundreds of millions in speaking fees and income. (Sometime later she apologized for that one.)

Maybe that's why Hillary lost that election? Also the election eight years before? Take Los Angeles County out of the equation and Trump wins the popular vote too.

P.S. Hillary has never conceded that she lost that election and continues to say it was stolen from her. Youtube has restricted or hidden all videos of her making such statements for fear the GOP will use them against Democrats.

All this is to say that Trump was riding high with high approval ratings in the 2020 election. And millions of Americans believe, with reason, that the election was stolen from him. I am one who says I have no proof, but there is so much evidence of deliberate mishandling of ballots and so much opportunity to cheat--my husband and I received five ballots in the mail in 2020 though we did not request a mail in ballot--I see ample justification for questioning the results.
How many of those deplorables in that basket do you think were going to vote for Hillary, before her remark?
absolutely wrong.

trump lost because of ballot stuffing, and most people,even independents, being brainwashed by globalist stupidity who cannot understand the singular importance of border enforcement and tariffs.
No, Independent and Swing voters were voting against Trump, not stuffing ballot boxes, you fool.
Foxfyre wrong states "so much evidence of deliberate mishandling of ballots and so much opportunity to chea". Simply no evidence of any systemic cheating of such massive proportions exists.

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