Why the hatred.

The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?


Republican politicians always threaten and talk shit about Democratic voters, the people. At least Democrats are respectful to Republicans voters and don’t single them out. Instead democrat politicians only focus on other Republican politicians.

Gosh, republicans are a bunch of inbreed morons destroying this country with their hatred. I just wish they acted like human beings and were able to have a civil conversation
It's difficult to reason with mentally ill people like many Democrats.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Spot on.

It's projection.

They really hate themselves, but manifest it by showing hatred to others.

No, it's you we hate. You're violent fascists who threaten and intimidate and commit violence then don't understand why we don't like you
The country has been polarized for a long time. Too many people have embraced the “US against Them” mindset. If the opposition is viewed as the enemy, tribalism wins.

Those who eschew tribes tend to be castigated as fence sitters...

I hate to break it to you, but if the opposition ISN'T viewed as the enemy when they actually are the enemy, they win and you become a slave.

For a historical reference on people who want to view themselves as moderate more than they want to be correct, see Neville Chamberlain.

Maybe you should consider the possibility that the country has been polarized for a long time because there isn't any middle ground to be occupied.
The individuals of January 6th at the Capitol however were there for the stated purpose of INTERFERING with government business with the stated objective of preventing Joe Biden from being certified as president of the United States. That's why they're referred to as insurrectionists and not protestors, two entirely different things, least of which is protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment and insurrection is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison
See? This is what I am talking about? The paradigm you are weaving is exactly what I have spelled out in my first post in this thread, dishonest reporting, and double standards.

This is due to your consumption of certain media that TELL you this is so. . . and? You believe this. Of course, this is not the truth, far from it.

Very few of those Trump protestors actually went there to interfere with the government business. Just as very few BLM protestors took part in looting and rioting.

Both of these scenarios is identical, IDENTICAL.
They're not identical by any stretch of the imagination. I heard there were maybe 10,000 people who showed up for Trump's rally/speech and of those people about 1,000 traveled on to the Capitol. That's not "very few" and right now I believe around 500 of them have been identified and have had charges filed against them.

I haven't been TOLD anything in regards to how to view this incident, I saw for myself what they did and said, including those who believed it was their duty to "stop the steal". Shouts of 'Hang Mike Pence' and calls out of 'Nancy where are you? We're looking for you' while unlawfully being in restricted areas, vandalizing offices of the Capitol, stealing government property, etc. doesn't meet the definition of peaceable assembly, particularly when you add in the following

Threatening government officials of the United States is a felony under federal law. Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under 18 U.S.C. § 871, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is investigated by the United States Secret Service.[1] Threatening other officials is a Class D or C felony, usually carrying maximum penalties of 5 or 10 years under 18 U.S.C. § 875, 18 U.S.C. § 876 and other statutes, that is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When national boundaries are transcended by such a threat, it is considered a terrorist threat.[2]

Our vice president and congressional members were fleeing, in fear for their lives.

Marching in the streets to create a presence in order to draw attention to injustices being carried out each day comes no where close to storming the Capitol where our representatives, including the vice president of the United States were in attendance in order to certify the next president of the United States. They said they were there to "stop the steal" and they did indeed stop it momentarily but they couldn't prevent it.
But? Because of folks IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP identification. . . they are too close to it to see it. If I told you any other research or narrative that explains in common sense with facts, than the one you are being fed, you would object. Twain said, it is harder to undo a falsehood that it is to weave one in the first place.

I'm telling you, these two instances are identical. If you don't see it, it is because your Out-Group is affecting your view of ethics.
I am a trained analyst among other things. I do my own research, and I use various sources but one of things I never do, is attribute certain behaviors to people based on their political affiliation. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen and I somehow feel that it's just the latest "slur" used to demean others since people can get in trouble if they use the one they really want to say, JMHO

I'd say my ethics are in better shape than half this board.
Not all of them had the intent when they went there to storm the capitol. It is your POV and the media you are consuming that have you beliveing this.

Only a few dozen wanted to do this. When the Capitol Police were given orders to stand down, and they just stood aside. . . these folks just walked right in.
The individuals of January 6th at the Capitol however were there for the stated purpose of INTERFERING with government business with the stated objective of preventing Joe Biden from being certified as president of the United States. That's why they're referred to as insurrectionists and not protestors, two entirely different things, least of which is protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment and insurrection is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison
See? This is what I am talking about? The paradigm you are weaving is exactly what I have spelled out in my first post in this thread, dishonest reporting, and double standards.

This is due to your consumption of certain media that TELL you this is so. . . and? You believe this. Of course, this is not the truth, far from it.

Very few of those Trump protestors actually went there to interfere with the government business. Just as very few BLM protestors took part in looting and rioting.

Both of these scenarios is identical, IDENTICAL.
They're not identical by any stretch of the imagination. I heard there were maybe 10,000 people who showed up for Trump's rally/speech and of those people about 1,000 traveled on to the Capitol. That's not "very few" and right now I believe around 500 of them have been identified and have had charges filed against them.

I haven't been TOLD anything in regards to how to view this incident, I saw for myself what they did and said, including those who believed it was their duty to "stop the steal". Shouts of 'Hang Mike Pence' and calls out of 'Nancy where are you? We're looking for you' while unlawfully being in restricted areas, vandalizing offices of the Capitol, stealing government property, etc. doesn't meet the definition of peaceable assembly, particularly when you add in the following

Threatening government officials of the United States is a felony under federal law. Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under 18 U.S.C. § 871, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is investigated by the United States Secret Service.[1] Threatening other officials is a Class D or C felony, usually carrying maximum penalties of 5 or 10 years under 18 U.S.C. § 875, 18 U.S.C. § 876 and other statutes, that is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When national boundaries are transcended by such a threat, it is considered a terrorist threat.[2]

Our vice president and congressional members were fleeing, in fear for their lives.

Marching in the streets to create a presence in order to draw attention to injustices being carried out each day comes no where close to storming the Capitol where our representatives, including the vice president of the United States were in attendance in order to certify the next president of the United States. They said they were there to "stop the steal" and they did indeed stop it momentarily but they couldn't prevent it.
But? Because of folks IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP identification. . . they are too close to it to see it. If I told you any other research or narrative that explains in common sense with facts, than the one you are being fed, you would object. Twain said, it is harder to undo a falsehood that it is to weave one in the first place.

I'm telling you, these two instances are identical. If you don't see it, it is because your Out-Group is affecting your view of ethics.
I am a trained analyst among other things. I do my own research, and I use various sources but one of things I never do, is attribute certain behaviors to people based on their political affiliation. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen and I somehow feel that it's just the latest "slur" used to demean others since people can get in trouble if they use the one they really want to say, JMHO

I'd say my ethics are in better shape than half this board.
Just as you object to folks treating BLM protesters the same as the folks that rioted and looted, I object to you painting with a broad brush everyone who was upset with the way the election was conducted. Your whole rant shows you do not give a shit and have been biased looking into this.

You don't care, and your pretending to say you do is garbage.

Just like the riots after BLM protests, the Capitol Hill riot after the election protest pulled in folks that would have never otherwise did what they had done. And? The Deep State was in on it for political purposes.

This is a typical story of the thousands that were there;

But? That is not the story you want told. You want to see all the folks at the Capitol as insurrectionists, just like the right wants to see all BLM folks as rioters and looters. . . and so? We will continue to have the hate.

Congratulations. YOU, like THEM, are the problem.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
While I do agree with you. . . . the rhetoric IS getting out of hand, I can tell you what is going on.

The establishment power players, especially corporations, both in the establishment media, and silicon valley, have not been treating the two partisan POV the same, in regards to public access to public engagement, and how they report on issues. This has caused a great deal of anger and resentment.

To give one example;

Over and over, conservatives have to hear about "BLM protests," which? Ostensibly, yes, they were "protests." Yet, it cannot be denied that in very, very many cases these devolved into riots, if not all out civil disobedience to local authorities.

And yet? The corporate and government media never, ever described them as such. All this looting, burning, murder and destruction by the left was never honestly described by the government or media for what it was. It was complete chaos and societal breakdown.

. . . and then, when several dozen extremists provoked the protesters at the Capitol to enter the Capitol, after the security there was not only lax, but compliant and willingly letting folks just walk right in. . . what was clearly, at first just a protest, which later only devolved into just a mild riot.. . . was blown out of all proportion to become in the public mind, "an insurrection."

It is this type of unfair treatment in the minds of the public that aggravate the situation.

Your extremism is noted.
If telling the truth is extremism? Whatever.

The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Conservative talk radio and tv have twisted their minds.
To a point, that is true.

But the folks that are really in control? It is almost like they are sitting down with the folks that run MSNBC, CNN, and all other lefty stations, so they can plan for maximum impact, cause the folks on those media outlets are twisting the minds of their viewers with just as much hate, like a laser beam reflecting mirror, right back at those who listen to those conservative outlets, aren't they?

Not really, no.
No, really, they are, it is documented.

Here is the chart, of organizations and people. If you don't believe in the facts? You are just in denial.



oh please ... she was an idiot for doing that. she apologised, AND had the secret service visit her.... just like when dirty ted nugent made some silly remarks about obama's winning the election. & she wasn't the first to do something stupid like that re: a sitting prez.

there were several instances of 'obama' hanging from a tree. hmmmm.... does the thought of that send a tickle thru you? i bet it does.
yes, just as much proof as the OP has!!!
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

Cut the shit on the patriotism. I hate the Democratic Party because they are the most two faced group of people that I have seen. They are obnoxious. They are neoliberals. They talk about how war is bad. mmmkay as long as someone else is in the White House. Democrat in the White House? It's all justified. I am disgusted with the lies and the bullshit.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Conservative talk radio and tv have twisted their minds.
To a point, that is true.

But the folks that are really in control? It is almost like they are sitting down with the folks that run MSNBC, CNN, and all other lefty stations, so they can plan for maximum impact, cause the folks on those media outlets are twisting the minds of their viewers with just as much hate, like a laser beam reflecting mirror, right back at those who listen to those conservative outlets, aren't they?

Not really, no.
No, really, they are, it is documented.

Here is the chart, of organizations and people. If you don't believe in the facts? You are just in denial.


Really? They told you to say things like this:

Can we execute the children who are here illegally? I think we should. Kill those fucking filthy little shits.

Because I doubt that.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Conservative talk radio and tv have twisted their minds.
To a point, that is true.

But the folks that are really in control? It is almost like they are sitting down with the folks that run MSNBC, CNN, and all other lefty stations, so they can plan for maximum impact, cause the folks on those media outlets are twisting the minds of their viewers with just as much hate, like a laser beam reflecting mirror, right back at those who listen to those conservative outlets, aren't they?

Not really, no.
No, really, they are, it is documented.

Here is the chart, of organizations and people. If you don't believe in the facts? You are just in denial.


Really? They told you to say things like this:

Can we execute the children who are here illegally? I think we should. Kill those fucking filthy little shits.

Because I doubt that.

You talkin' to me? Because if you are. . . you just stopped making sense.

oh please ... she was an idiot for doing that. she apologised, AND had the secret service visit her.... just like when dirty ted nugent made some silly remarks about obama's winning the election. & she wasn't the first to do something stupid like that re: a sitting prez.

there were several instances of 'obama' hanging from a tree. hmmmm.... does the thought of that send a tickle thru you? i bet it does.
yes, just as much proof as the OP has!!!

your own posts - of which i have read many - is proof enough.

you are are walking, talking, duck.

ha ha

ha ha

The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
60 million babies aborted. Democrats did that.

Open borders. Democrats did that.

Men in your daughter's bathroom. Democrats did that.

Stolen election. Democrats dis that.
The individuals of January 6th at the Capitol however were there for the stated purpose of INTERFERING with government business with the stated objective of preventing Joe Biden from being certified as president of the United States. That's why they're referred to as insurrectionists and not protestors, two entirely different things, least of which is protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment and insurrection is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison
See? This is what I am talking about? The paradigm you are weaving is exactly what I have spelled out in my first post in this thread, dishonest reporting, and double standards.

This is due to your consumption of certain media that TELL you this is so. . . and? You believe this. Of course, this is not the truth, far from it.

Very few of those Trump protestors actually went there to interfere with the government business. Just as very few BLM protestors took part in looting and rioting.

Both of these scenarios is identical, IDENTICAL.
They're not identical by any stretch of the imagination. I heard there were maybe 10,000 people who showed up for Trump's rally/speech and of those people about 1,000 traveled on to the Capitol. That's not "very few" and right now I believe around 500 of them have been identified and have had charges filed against them.

I haven't been TOLD anything in regards to how to view this incident, I saw for myself what they did and said, including those who believed it was their duty to "stop the steal". Shouts of 'Hang Mike Pence' and calls out of 'Nancy where are you? We're looking for you' while unlawfully being in restricted areas, vandalizing offices of the Capitol, stealing government property, etc. doesn't meet the definition of peaceable assembly, particularly when you add in the following

Threatening government officials of the United States is a felony under federal law. Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under 18 U.S.C. § 871, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is investigated by the United States Secret Service.[1] Threatening other officials is a Class D or C felony, usually carrying maximum penalties of 5 or 10 years under 18 U.S.C. § 875, 18 U.S.C. § 876 and other statutes, that is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When national boundaries are transcended by such a threat, it is considered a terrorist threat.[2]

Our vice president and congressional members were fleeing, in fear for their lives.

Marching in the streets to create a presence in order to draw attention to injustices being carried out each day comes no where close to storming the Capitol where our representatives, including the vice president of the United States were in attendance in order to certify the next president of the United States. They said they were there to "stop the steal" and they did indeed stop it momentarily but they couldn't prevent it.
But? Because of folks IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP identification. . . they are too close to it to see it. If I told you any other research or narrative that explains in common sense with facts, than the one you are being fed, you would object. Twain said, it is harder to undo a falsehood that it is to weave one in the first place.

I'm telling you, these two instances are identical. If you don't see it, it is because your Out-Group is affecting your view of ethics.
I am a trained analyst among other things. I do my own research, and I use various sources but one of things I never do, is attribute certain behaviors to people based on their political affiliation. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen and I somehow feel that it's just the latest "slur" used to demean others since people can get in trouble if they use the one they really want to say, JMHO

I'd say my ethics are in better shape than half this board.
Well said my dear.
Thank you.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Funny that what you complain about, you yourself are guilty of. Congratulations!
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

Well, it's due to all the lies, cheating and BS from Democrats. Ya think.
The individuals of January 6th at the Capitol however were there for the stated purpose of INTERFERING with government business with the stated objective of preventing Joe Biden from being certified as president of the United States. That's why they're referred to as insurrectionists and not protestors, two entirely different things, least of which is protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment and insurrection is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison
See? This is what I am talking about? The paradigm you are weaving is exactly what I have spelled out in my first post in this thread, dishonest reporting, and double standards.

This is due to your consumption of certain media that TELL you this is so. . . and? You believe this. Of course, this is not the truth, far from it.

Very few of those Trump protestors actually went there to interfere with the government business. Just as very few BLM protestors took part in looting and rioting.

Both of these scenarios is identical, IDENTICAL.
They're not identical by any stretch of the imagination. I heard there were maybe 10,000 people who showed up for Trump's rally/speech and of those people about 1,000 traveled on to the Capitol. That's not "very few" and right now I believe around 500 of them have been identified and have had charges filed against them.

I haven't been TOLD anything in regards to how to view this incident, I saw for myself what they did and said, including those who believed it was their duty to "stop the steal". Shouts of 'Hang Mike Pence' and calls out of 'Nancy where are you? We're looking for you' while unlawfully being in restricted areas, vandalizing offices of the Capitol, stealing government property, etc. doesn't meet the definition of peaceable assembly, particularly when you add in the following

Threatening government officials of the United States is a felony under federal law. Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under 18 U.S.C. § 871, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is investigated by the United States Secret Service.[1] Threatening other officials is a Class D or C felony, usually carrying maximum penalties of 5 or 10 years under 18 U.S.C. § 875, 18 U.S.C. § 876 and other statutes, that is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When national boundaries are transcended by such a threat, it is considered a terrorist threat.[2]

Our vice president and congressional members were fleeing, in fear for their lives.

Marching in the streets to create a presence in order to draw attention to injustices being carried out each day comes no where close to storming the Capitol where our representatives, including the vice president of the United States were in attendance in order to certify the next president of the United States. They said they were there to "stop the steal" and they did indeed stop it momentarily but they couldn't prevent it.
But? Because of folks IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP identification. . . they are too close to it to see it. If I told you any other research or narrative that explains in common sense with facts, than the one you are being fed, you would object. Twain said, it is harder to undo a falsehood that it is to weave one in the first place.

I'm telling you, these two instances are identical. If you don't see it, it is because your Out-Group is affecting your view of ethics.
I am a trained analyst among other things. I do my own research, and I use various sources but one of things I never do, is attribute certain behaviors to people based on their political affiliation. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen and I somehow feel that it's just the latest "slur" used to demean others since people can get in trouble if they use the one they really want to say, JMHO

I'd say my ethics are in better shape than half this board.
Not all of them had the intent when they went there to storm the capitol. It is your POV and the media you are consuming that have you beliveing this.

Only a few dozen wanted to do this. When the Capitol Police were given orders to stand down, and they just stood aside. . . these folks just walked right in.

Yeah, they were invited in.

The individuals of January 6th at the Capitol however were there for the stated purpose of INTERFERING with government business with the stated objective of preventing Joe Biden from being certified as president of the United States. That's why they're referred to as insurrectionists and not protestors, two entirely different things, least of which is protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment and insurrection is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison
See? This is what I am talking about? The paradigm you are weaving is exactly what I have spelled out in my first post in this thread, dishonest reporting, and double standards.

This is due to your consumption of certain media that TELL you this is so. . . and? You believe this. Of course, this is not the truth, far from it.

Very few of those Trump protestors actually went there to interfere with the government business. Just as very few BLM protestors took part in looting and rioting.

Both of these scenarios is identical, IDENTICAL.
They're not identical by any stretch of the imagination. I heard there were maybe 10,000 people who showed up for Trump's rally/speech and of those people about 1,000 traveled on to the Capitol. That's not "very few" and right now I believe around 500 of them have been identified and have had charges filed against them.

I haven't been TOLD anything in regards to how to view this incident, I saw for myself what they did and said, including those who believed it was their duty to "stop the steal". Shouts of 'Hang Mike Pence' and calls out of 'Nancy where are you? We're looking for you' while unlawfully being in restricted areas, vandalizing offices of the Capitol, stealing government property, etc. doesn't meet the definition of peaceable assembly, particularly when you add in the following

Threatening government officials of the United States is a felony under federal law. Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under 18 U.S.C. § 871, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is investigated by the United States Secret Service.[1] Threatening other officials is a Class D or C felony, usually carrying maximum penalties of 5 or 10 years under 18 U.S.C. § 875, 18 U.S.C. § 876 and other statutes, that is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When national boundaries are transcended by such a threat, it is considered a terrorist threat.[2]

Our vice president and congressional members were fleeing, in fear for their lives.

Marching in the streets to create a presence in order to draw attention to injustices being carried out each day comes no where close to storming the Capitol where our representatives, including the vice president of the United States were in attendance in order to certify the next president of the United States. They said they were there to "stop the steal" and they did indeed stop it momentarily but they couldn't prevent it.
But? Because of folks IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP identification. . . they are too close to it to see it. If I told you any other research or narrative that explains in common sense with facts, than the one you are being fed, you would object. Twain said, it is harder to undo a falsehood that it is to weave one in the first place.

I'm telling you, these two instances are identical. If you don't see it, it is because your Out-Group is affecting your view of ethics.
I am a trained analyst among other things. I do my own research, and I use various sources but one of things I never do, is attribute certain behaviors to people based on their political affiliation. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen and I somehow feel that it's just the latest "slur" used to demean others since people can get in trouble if they use the one they really want to say, JMHO

I'd say my ethics are in better shape than half this board.
Not all of them had the intent when they went there to storm the capitol. It is your POV and the media you are consuming that have you believing this.

Only a few dozen wanted to do this. When the Capitol Police were given orders to stand down, and they just stood aside. . . these folks just walked right in.

Yeah, they were invited in.

They might as well have been.

The establishment knew what was coming and did nothing to prevent it. That is the same as an invitation. And when they came, they did nothing to prevent them from coming right on in, they just opened the gates.

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