Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Pentagon slammed Russia's military on Thursday for what it called "deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior" that injured multiple US military personnel following a collision between American and Russian armored vehicles in eastern Syria. "Russian forces breached our deconfliction arrangement in Syria and injured U.S. service members with their deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior," Chief Pentagon Spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement, the Defense Department's first public comments about Tuesday's incident."

One of the few good things Trump had the potential to do was get us out of the Middle East, full stop...He was the one who would make the Neo-cons in the republican party keep their mouth shut while he got us out of the middle east -- and he was also the one who could make Democrats look like neo-cons for insisting we keep troops in the Middle East.....

So why are we still in Syria? Isn't ISIS defeated or as what was said at the RNC, "ISIS is wiped off the face of the Earth" -- if this is true, why are we still there??

Why are we continuing to send US troops to protect Saudi oil fields while giving the Saudis billions in weapons -- why don't they protect their own fields? and what happened to the pressure on Trump to get us out of the middle east??

"The Pentagon slammed Russia's military on Thursday for what it called "deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior" that injured multiple US military personnel following a collision between American and Russian armored vehicles in eastern Syria. "Russian forces breached our deconfliction arrangement in Syria and injured U.S. service members with their deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior," Chief Pentagon Spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement, the Defense Department's first public comments about Tuesday's incident."

One of the few good things Trump had the potential to do was get us out of the Middle East, full stop...He was the one who would make the Neo-cons in the republican party keep their mouth shut while he got us out of the middle east -- and he was also the one who could make Democrats look like neo-cons for insisting we keep troops in the Middle East.....

So why are we still in Syria? Isn't ISIS defeated or as what was said at the RNC, "ISIS is wiped off the face of the Earth" -- if this is true, why are we still there??

Why are we continuing to send US troops to protect Saudi oil fields while giving the Saudis billions in weapons -- why don't they protect their own fields? and what happened to the pressure on Trump to get us out of the middle east??
I have no idea but these crazed clowns will blame Trump. A better question is why did a president go behind the Mexican government's back and send over 2,000 weapons to the worst bunch of murderers in the Americas without any trace that to date have murdered over 600 people and why holder was never tried for his crimes?
Trump left troops in Syria for protecting oil interest. He will surrender and backdown from Russia soon. Putin is planning on invading Belarus and needs to put America in a submissive place and keep Trump in line before he does.

"The Pentagon slammed Russia's military on Thursday for what it called "deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior" that injured multiple US military personnel following a collision between American and Russian armored vehicles in eastern Syria. "Russian forces breached our deconfliction arrangement in Syria and injured U.S. service members with their deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior," Chief Pentagon Spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement, the Defense Department's first public comments about Tuesday's incident."

One of the few good things Trump had the potential to do was get us out of the Middle East, full stop...He was the one who would make the Neo-cons in the republican party keep their mouth shut while he got us out of the middle east -- and he was also the one who could make Democrats look like neo-cons for insisting we keep troops in the Middle East.....

So why are we still in Syria? Isn't ISIS defeated or as what was said at the RNC, "ISIS is wiped off the face of the Earth" -- if this is true, why are we still there??

Why are we continuing to send US troops to protect Saudi oil fields while giving the Saudis billions in weapons -- why don't they protect their own fields? and what happened to the pressure on Trump to get us out of the middle east??
I have no idea but these crazed clowns will blame Trump. A better question is why did a president go behind the Mexican government's back and send over 2,000 weapons to the worst bunch of murderers in the Americas without any trace that to date have murdered over 600 people and why holder was never tried for his crimes?
Nice deflection...

But next time you deflect, you should try a deflection that wasn't investigated by a republican congress and came up with zilch, zero, nada...

Oh yea, don't deflect to Benghazi either.....they tried that 9 times and still came up with zilch, zero, nada.....
The U.S. is illegally in Syria, not there at the invitation of the Syrian government, and they have been specifically asked to leave the region where the conflict occurred. The Russians are legally in Syria, invited there by the Syrian government. The U.S. is not only “keeping the oil” in the desert regions of Eastern Syria, as Trump publically indicated he would, but also blocking the main road to Iraq as part of its “sanctions” program of “endless war” against Assad.

The people of Syria, devastated by the long civil war encouraged by the U.S. and taken over by ISIS and ISIS-like CIA-backed Sunni militias, continue to suffer horribly.
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
So Trump got neoconned by who??

Or maybe Trump and Obama got neoconned into it

Or do you give Obama more credit for being able to make his own decisions? And Trump is just a helpless figurehead following orders?
Trump left troops in Syria for protecting oil interest. He will surrender and backdown from Russia soon. Putin is planning on invading Belarus and needs to put America in a submissive place and keep Trump in line before he does.

At the time we went into Syria I argued against it and have maintained it was a mistake since. Russia has one Naval Port in the Mediterranean Sea. That one Naval Port is in Syria. We would never allow anything to threaten any of our Naval Bases. See Cuba if you wish to challenge my assertion.

Russia was going to fight to defend their interests. That was a given. Anyone who thought otherwise was a fool. If it was not even considered than the people in charge were heirs to the throne of the kingdom of fools.

As for Belarus. I doubt Putin will send anyone in. He has his own problems in the Far East of Siberia. Those problems along with political dissent at home will probably keep his hand free of intervention, as well as the risk of additional condemnation from the world.
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
So Trump got neoconned by who??

Or maybe Trump and Obama got neoconned into it

Or do you give Obama more credit for being able to make his own decisions? And Trump is just a helpless figurehead following orders?
Obama did it because he is a progressive warmonger....International military meddling is what they do.

Trump got chumped into attacking Syria, twice, after announcing that he was withdrawing troops....The swamp tried it again with Bolton and he didn't fall for it.....I've said from day one that he has infiltrators and monkey-wrenchers throughout is gaggle of advisors.
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
So Trump got neoconned by who??

Or maybe Trump and Obama got neoconned into it

Or do you give Obama more credit for being able to make his own decisions? And Trump is just a helpless figurehead following orders?
Obama did it because he is a progressive warmonger....International military meddling is what they do.

Trump got chumped into attacking Syria, twice, after announcing that he was withdrawing troops....The swamp tried it again with Bolton and he didn't fall for it.....I've said from day one that he has infiltrators and monkey-wrenchers throughout is gaggle of advisors.
Bawaahhahahahahahahahaha @ Obama is a progressive...

I swear you Trumpers just say shit just to be saying it......
There are only a few hundred troops there and they are there to keep all the players in check....and its been working...
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
So Trump got neoconned by who??

Or maybe Trump and Obama got neoconned into it

Or do you give Obama more credit for being able to make his own decisions? And Trump is just a helpless figurehead following orders?
Obama did it because he is a progressive warmonger....International military meddling is what they do.

Trump got chumped into attacking Syria, twice, after announcing that he was withdrawing troops....The swamp tried it again with Bolton and he didn't fall for it.....I've said from day one that he has infiltrators and monkey-wrenchers throughout is gaggle of advisors.
Bawaahhahahahahahahahaha @ Obama is a progressive...

I swear you Trumpers just say shit just to be saying it......
I'm not a Trumper, and Oboingo is a classic internationalist Wilsonian warmonger progressive.

Deal with it.
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
So Trump got neoconned by who??

Or maybe Trump and Obama got neoconned into it

Or do you give Obama more credit for being able to make his own decisions? And Trump is just a helpless figurehead following orders?
Obama did it because he is a progressive warmonger....International military meddling is what they do.

Trump got chumped into attacking Syria, twice, after announcing that he was withdrawing troops....The swamp tried it again with Bolton and he didn't fall for it.....I've said from day one that he has infiltrators and monkey-wrenchers throughout is gaggle of advisors.
Bawaahhahahahahahahahaha @ Obama is a progressive...

I swear you Trumpers just say shit just to be saying it......
I'm not a Trumper, and Oboingo is a classic internationalist Wilsonian warmonger progressive.

Deal with it.
Yea you are a trumper -- not my problem that you are too fragile of a cuck to admit it...but cucks are usually passive aggressive about lots of shit...
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
So Trump got neoconned by who??

Or maybe Trump and Obama got neoconned into it

Or do you give Obama more credit for being able to make his own decisions? And Trump is just a helpless figurehead following orders?
Obama did it because he is a progressive warmonger....International military meddling is what they do.

Trump got chumped into attacking Syria, twice, after announcing that he was withdrawing troops....The swamp tried it again with Bolton and he didn't fall for it.....I've said from day one that he has infiltrators and monkey-wrenchers throughout is gaggle of advisors.
Bawaahhahahahahahahahaha @ Obama is a progressive...

I swear you Trumpers just say shit just to be saying it......
I'm not a Trumper, and Oboingo is a classic internationalist Wilsonian warmonger progressive.

Deal with it.
Yea you are a trumper -- not my problem that you are too fragile of a cuck to admit it...but cucks are usually passive aggressive about lots of shit...
Oh go fuck yourself....Merely understanding the man and not shitting all over oneself when he does something foolish doesn't make anybody one of his fanboys.
Let us not forget that our presence in Syria, while today (in my opinion) totally counterproductive from the point of view of both our national interests and the interests of the long-suffering people of Syria, is linked to our larger policies toward Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

I wrote a bit recently on this larger question, raising Trump’s failure and virtual inability to reverse the powerful bipartisan military consensus on the Middle East:

The Trump Administration has failed completely in bringing U.S. soldiers back to our own shores. As I wrote, despite popular illusions, there are today more troops and more secret U.S. military personnel abroad than there were when Trump won election in 2016 — and both the DNC and MIC seem to like that fact...

“Criminal Neocons” ripped by leftwing journalist on Tucker Carlson show

It is, however, certainly possible that — as an “October Surprise” — we will see a token or even significant draw down of troop levels in Afghanistan. This would not in itself significantly change American policy in the Middle East. Trump’s “strong military” policy makes that almost inconceivable. Even ending sanctions against devastated Syria seems off the table at present.
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By Patrick Cockburn:

Poverty and deprivation have worsened dramatically since the US introduced all-embracing sanctions on Syria on 17 June under the ... Syria Civilian Protection Act, which Donald Trump signed into law late last year....

The Trump administration is stoking a humanitarian catastrophe in a bid to deny a victory to Russia and Iran, the two main supporters of Assad during the conflict. Confirming this aim, the US special representative for Syria James Jeffrey says that US policy is to turn Syria into “a quagmire” for Russia, like the one the US faced in Vietnam, and to give the US a degree of control over Syria similar to what it had in Japan at the end of the Second World War.

Such aims are dangerously unrealistic as Assad, Russia and Iran have already won the war militarily, but US wishful thinking does have the potential to further devastate the lives of millions of Syrians ... plunging ordinary Syrians into a deep and lethal quagmire.

Syria Faces Calamity as Trump’s New Sanctions Combine With Surging Coronavirus - CounterPunch.org
Why The Hell Are We Still In Syria??

Because Barry the Boiking foolishly sent them there, and Trump got neoconned into leaving them there.

I'm here to help.
So Trump got neoconned by who??

Or maybe Trump and Obama got neoconned into it

Or do you give Obama more credit for being able to make his own decisions? And Trump is just a helpless figurehead following orders?
Obama did it because he is a progressive warmonger....International military meddling is what they do.

Trump got chumped into attacking Syria, twice, after announcing that he was withdrawing troops....The swamp tried it again with Bolton and he didn't fall for it.....I've said from day one that he has infiltrators and monkey-wrenchers throughout is gaggle of advisors.
Bawaahhahahahahahahahaha @ Obama is a progressive...

I swear you Trumpers just say shit just to be saying it......
I'm not a Trumper, and Oboingo is a classic internationalist Wilsonian warmonger progressive.

Deal with it.
Yea you are a trumper -- not my problem that you are too fragile of a cuck to admit it...but cucks are usually passive aggressive about lots of shit...
Oh go fuck yourself....Merely understanding the man and not shitting all over oneself when he does something foolish doesn't make anybody one of his fanboys.
How did he so something foolish when you said he didnt' do anything?? He was just tricked, remember...

One of those "innocent little Trump got taken advantage of" things yall cucks always do to excuse this moron....

Who tricked him into hiring John Bolton and Mike Flynn (both neo-cons) in the first place??

"The Pentagon slammed Russia's military on Thursday for what it called "deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior" that injured multiple US military personnel following a collision between American and Russian armored vehicles in eastern Syria. "Russian forces breached our deconfliction arrangement in Syria and injured U.S. service members with their deliberately provocative and aggressive behavior," Chief Pentagon Spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement, the Defense Department's first public comments about Tuesday's incident."

One of the few good things Trump had the potential to do was get us out of the Middle East, full stop...He was the one who would make the Neo-cons in the republican party keep their mouth shut while he got us out of the middle east -- and he was also the one who could make Democrats look like neo-cons for insisting we keep troops in the Middle East.....

So why are we still in Syria? Isn't ISIS defeated or as what was said at the RNC, "ISIS is wiped off the face of the Earth" -- if this is true, why are we still there??

Why are we continuing to send US troops to protect Saudi oil fields while giving the Saudis billions in weapons -- why don't they protect their own fields? and what happened to the pressure on Trump to get us out of the middle east??
We’re in Syria thanks to the Hussein. President Trump has mopped up ISIS and is drawing down troops now. About all we have left are some protecting oil fields with Kurds.

The left screamed about “abandoning our allies” as if they would all get slaughtered. That of course did not happen.

The only thing of value in the Middle East is oil, and unlike Bush and Obama, President Trump isn’t going to just hand them over to assholes like Iran and China without sucking those tits dry.

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