Why The House Committee may well have Constitutional authority to question Bragg

Trump is not being singled out. Just because you say it does not make it true. You have not provided one bit of proof.
Trump is obviously singled out. Fuckin’ Bragg campaigned on prosecuting him.

And he has no case.

Your denial is meaningless.
Campaigned on prosecuting criminals
Bullshit. Bragg campaigned on prosecuting Trump. He also prosecuted n the social Justice warrior platform which basically means he didn’t want to actually go after many criminals.
The prosecution has been in the works for years

Trump made it political by declaring for President in December long before any other candidate.

So what’s the deal?
We can’t prosecute Trump while he is President and can’t prosecute him if he is running for President

The "deal" is that obviously it can never be illegal to pay extortion, so it is illegal to try to prosecute Trump on the Stormy Daniels payments.
It does not matter if the money came from campaign funds, corporate tax write offs, etc.
No matter how it was done, it is legal.
It is up to the payee to decide how they want to do it.
The person who should be prosecuted is Stormy Daniels, since extortion is illegal, even if it is over a legal event, such as paid sex.
Campaigned on prosecuting criminals

Criminals are people who harm others by violating their rights.
Trump violated the rights of no one and harmed no one.
It is obviously Stormy Daniels who is guilty of extortion and trying to illegally influence an election.
Criminals are people who harm others by violating their rights.
Trump violated the rights of no one and harmed no one.
It is obviously Stormy Daniels who is guilty of extortion and trying to illegally influence an election.
Then Trump should have immediately reported the extortion attempt to authorities. Not paid the asked amount and then try to falsify business records to cover it up.
As with other past politicians, it's never the actual crime, but the cover up that gets them.

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