Why the hysteria over only 4-5% of the population?

I've never been banned and I'm new to this forum. Sorry, but I'm just me.

Good luck

Who were you before you got banned?
really? your whining is awfully familiar .

Your open insecurity doesn't seem familiar at all...well wait a sec, it does, seems most Libs have an acute case of it! You have a nice night!
the epidemic of false assumption and accusations, sheer ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, make any flaws the lib's have into nothing.

Really? Like you did when you accused me of being someone else?
you've just proven this statement true:" the epidemic of false assumption and accusations, sheer ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, make any flaws the lib's have into nothing"-daws
I made no accusation about who you are , you falsely assumed I did ..
when I said: you're "whining is awfully familiar" ...it was a shot at all the faux outrage that all you conservatives yammer about.
making this part of my statement "sheer ignorance and stupidity of conservatives" a proven fact.
wanna try for the trifecta?
who's hysterical again?
Who is retarded again? Oh, that would be you, retarded idiot.
nope still all you...
Nope, retard, you are the stupid libtard. Idiot.
Nope, you're the dumb ass.
Another retard opens mouth and farts, dumbass.
America's worst is not a real retard but an incredible simulation...
Who is retarded again? Oh, that would be you, retarded idiot.
nope still all you...
Nope, retard, you are the stupid libtard. Idiot.
Nope, you're the dumb ass.
Another retard opens mouth and farts, dumbass.
America's worst is not a real retard but an incredible simulation...
Double dumbass on you. DUMBASS RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still trying to find the 3% of women that are nymphomaniacs.....
I dated one, not near as fun in real life as they are in fantasy...
Clearly it wasn't the "right" one.
if you like insane jealousy, paranoia and Schizophrenia she'd be perfect.
Oh you mean Italian?
No,,,shit............but she could squeeze dat puzzy so tight it would take the skin of your penis.........
I am still trying to find the 3% of women that are nymphomaniacs.....
I dated one, not near as fun in real life as they are in fantasy...
Clearly it wasn't the "right" one.
if you like insane jealousy, paranoia and Schizophrenia she'd be perfect.
Well it is puzzy........Depends how well the suck also...
if I said chrome off a trailer hitch, would you understand?
I am still trying to find the 3% of women that are nymphomaniacs.....
I dated one, not near as fun in real life as they are in fantasy...
Clearly it wasn't the "right" one.
if you like insane jealousy, paranoia and Schizophrenia she'd be perfect.
Oh you mean Italian?
my wife is Italian! ..this girl was Irish and from bama..
She'sa gotta no fighta inna her?
I am still trying to find the 3% of women that are nymphomaniacs.....
I dated one, not near as fun in real life as they are in fantasy...
Clearly it wasn't the "right" one.
if you like insane jealousy, paranoia and Schizophrenia she'd be perfect.
Well it is puzzy........Depends how well the suck also...
if I said chrome off a trailer hitch, would you understand?
That would be Korean women........

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