Why the hysteria over only 4-5% of the population?

false steaming pile..
one question, with your obvious homophobia why did you pick a profession (musician) that is so densely populated with gay people?
Show me what is not empirical.
I have no irrational fear of homos. Homophobia is a misnomer term used by pro-homo bigots.
bullshit your intense dislike of gays is irrational hate come from fear.
you have not answered this: one question, with your obvious homophobia why did you pick a profession (musician) that is so densely populated with gay people?
Densely populated...
what term would you have used ?
the entertainment bizz has always had a large number of gays and other assorted so called non normal people.
I was just being a smart-ass. Ass and densely populated being the operative terms.
That's just how my deviant mind works. :thup:
I liked it! that's how my deviant mind works!
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You know college buds could do that before gays could get married, right?
College buds of the same gender? Since when?
No, when gays could not be married only hetero college buds could get married. The point being that being a student in college is irrlevant. Unless of course you were trying to evoke some level of emotion over gay marriage at college? You know like arguing against 2nd amendment rights of college students to "protect" the kids.

"College buds could say they are homo's get married"

RKM, the only way that what you said makes any sense in the context of the discussion is to admit.........

false pop! and you know it .
if you are barred from marrying who you love in any way that's an exclusion..
religious nonsense and homophobia are not solid or fair reasons to keep people from marrying.
all anti gay laws, ordinances etc. are based on those two things.

Or the realization that the groups are far different. That being said I see no reason that an accommodation that includes the legal and financial benefits to a group that desires and deserves same.

Other wise I see no reason to exclude same sex siblings
every body the marries deserves them.
in some cases they should get combat pay!
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]” [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]” [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].

More specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual.

Who is hysterical over marriage equality?

U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian

Those with lower incomes, the less educated, women, and young people give the highest estimates

Even if the "less educated" were right, marriage equality does not impact their lives, so why do they care? Why do they want Big Government to control the lives of these people?

What about politicians? Surely they know their monstrous bills making discrimination legal would affect only 5% of the population, so why do they harp on it?

My own opinion is that RW politicians pander to the fundie nutters because they figure they'll only lose that 5% of the vote.

What about posters here? Why do they get so hysterical over 5% of the population? Why do they want to deny them the same rights the rest of us enjoy?

Its the left that get hysterical about queers. The rest of us could care less. They already have the same rights as everyone else, they just want special rights and they want to force everyone to accept their disgusting behavior as 'normal'.

Faggots aren't normal and no one has to accept them as normal. That's our right.
who's hysterical again?
"College buds could say they are homo's get married"

RKM, the only way that what you said makes any sense in the context of the discussion is to admit.........

false pop! and you know it .
if you are barred from marrying who you love in any way that's an exclusion..
religious nonsense and homophobia are not solid or fair reasons to keep people from marrying.
all anti gay laws, ordinances etc. are based on those two things.

Or the realization that the groups are far different. That being said I see no reason that an accommodation that includes the legal and financial benefits to a group that desires and deserves same.

Other wise I see no reason to exclude same sex siblings
It's the same reason as before. Gay marriage has nothing to do with incest.

Not in the traditional way maybe.
Since when is incest traditional?
the question is when was it not. traditions are not always for the greater good.
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]” [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]” [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].

More specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual.

Who is hysterical over marriage equality?

U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian

Those with lower incomes, the less educated, women, and young people give the highest estimates

Even if the "less educated" were right, marriage equality does not impact their lives, so why do they care? Why do they want Big Government to control the lives of these people?

What about politicians? Surely they know their monstrous bills making discrimination legal would affect only 5% of the population, so why do they harp on it?

My own opinion is that RW politicians pander to the fundie nutters because they figure they'll only lose that 5% of the vote.

What about posters here? Why do they get so hysterical over 5% of the population? Why do they want to deny them the same rights the rest of us enjoy?
Because God says being gay is wrong. Gay men kissing makes them feel icky. And their side (the GOP) is against it.
truth is relative, fact is not, you have no facts to back YOUR racist and homophobic bullshit .
Fact is before welfare blacks families were close.
your point? that did not make them any less disadvantaged
What are you talking about? You take a once strong family unit and destroy it. You don't call that a disadvantage?
dodge a strong family has fuck all to do with it.
they have and still do get the shitty end of the stick.
having a so called strong family doesn't change that.
as always you're spewing pseudo religious garbage.....
Lol, so all the baby momma's isn't a problem In your world? Okay got it.
it's not in your world either, it's just the cause celeb for bigot conservatives.
the what about the children ploy has been done to death.
I've never been banned and I'm new to this forum. Sorry, but I'm just me.

Good luck

Honestly, I don't even care. I'm bored with the LGBT activists pulling their brownshirt tactics and I could care less about coddling their insecurities. I'm pro gay marriage but this constant whining and manufactured victimhood crap (ala cake/bakery, etc.) they pull is tiring and has turned me from a supporter to finding I loathe even hearing about their BS anymore.
Who were you before you got banned?
really? your whining is awfully familiar .
I look at how the professional activists have taken what was a reasonably good cause and warped it into being the actual bigots themselves. If you won't comply or agree to like them, you'll be destroyed. As far as I'm concerned as long as they keep pimping their cause with Brownshirt like tactics I'm not going to support them for anything.

I don't even care if they get married or not, I just tire of the whining.

Honestly, I don't even care. I'm bored with the LGBT activists pulling their brownshirt tactics and I could care less about coddling their insecurities. I'm pro gay marriage but this constant whining and manufactured victimhood crap (ala cake/bakery, etc.) they pull is tiring and has turned me from a supporter to finding I loathe even hearing about their BS anymore.

I think that's what the problem is with most people. I also don't care what they do, I'm just tired of hearing them cry about about their victimhood. Liberals have always said they were for equal rights, except when it comes to Christians or any conservatives. We're supposed to give in to whatever they want.
There are activists on both sides of this argument. Why are you listening to the activists if you don't want to hear them?

Those activists make SURE you hear them, has nothing to do with wanting to listen to them.
excuse me, but that's their job righty activists do exactly the same thing. btw .
wanting has fuck all to do with it.
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]” [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]” [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].

More specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual.

Who is hysterical over marriage equality?

U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian

Those with lower incomes, the less educated, women, and young people give the highest estimates

Even if the "less educated" were right, marriage equality does not impact their lives, so why do they care? Why do they want Big Government to control the lives of these people?

What about politicians? Surely they know their monstrous bills making discrimination legal would affect only 5% of the population, so why do they harp on it?

My own opinion is that RW politicians pander to the fundie nutters because they figure they'll only lose that 5% of the vote.

What about posters here? Why do they get so hysterical over 5% of the population? Why do they want to deny them the same rights the rest of us enjoy?
Because God says being gay is wrong. Gay men kissing makes them feel icky. And their side (the GOP) is against it.
only in public..
Gay Republicans
I've never been banned and I'm new to this forum. Sorry, but I'm just me.

Good luck

Honestly, I don't even care. I'm bored with the LGBT activists pulling their brownshirt tactics and I could care less about coddling their insecurities. I'm pro gay marriage but this constant whining and manufactured victimhood crap (ala cake/bakery, etc.) they pull is tiring and has turned me from a supporter to finding I loathe even hearing about their BS anymore.
Who were you before you got banned?
really? your whining is awfully familiar .

Your open insecurity doesn't seem familiar at all...well wait a sec, it does, seems most Libs have an acute case of it! You have a nice night!
false pop! and you know it .
if you are barred from marrying who you love in any way that's an exclusion..
religious nonsense and homophobia are not solid or fair reasons to keep people from marrying.
all anti gay laws, ordinances etc. are based on those two things.

Or the realization that the groups are far different. That being said I see no reason that an accommodation that includes the legal and financial benefits to a group that desires and deserves same.

Other wise I see no reason to exclude same sex siblings
It's the same reason as before. Gay marriage has nothing to do with incest.

Not in the traditional way maybe.
Since when is incest traditional?
the question is when was it not. traditions are not always for the greater good.
Or the one.
Fact is before welfare blacks families were close.
your point? that did not make them any less disadvantaged
What are you talking about? You take a once strong family unit and destroy it. You don't call that a disadvantage?
dodge a strong family has fuck all to do with it.
they have and still do get the shitty end of the stick.
having a so called strong family doesn't change that.
as always you're spewing pseudo religious garbage.....
Lol, so all the baby momma's isn't a problem In your world? Okay got it.
it's not in your world either, it's just the cause celeb for bigot conservatives.
the what about the children ploy has been done to death.
Baby's daddy multiple, because of liberal policies. That's a positive thing?
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]” [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]” [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].

More specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual.

Who is hysterical over marriage equality?

U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian

Those with lower incomes, the less educated, women, and young people give the highest estimates

Even if the "less educated" were right, marriage equality does not impact their lives, so why do they care? Why do they want Big Government to control the lives of these people?

What about politicians? Surely they know their monstrous bills making discrimination legal would affect only 5% of the population, so why do they harp on it?

My own opinion is that RW politicians pander to the fundie nutters because they figure they'll only lose that 5% of the vote.

What about posters here? Why do they get so hysterical over 5% of the population? Why do they want to deny them the same rights the rest of us enjoy?

Its the left that get hysterical about queers. The rest of us could care less. They already have the same rights as everyone else, they just want special rights and they want to force everyone to accept their disgusting behavior as 'normal'.

Faggots aren't normal and no one has to accept them as normal. That's our right.
who's hysterical again?
Who is retarded again? Oh, that would be you, retarded idiot.
I've never been banned and I'm new to this forum. Sorry, but I'm just me.

Good luck

Honestly, I don't even care. I'm bored with the LGBT activists pulling their brownshirt tactics and I could care less about coddling their insecurities. I'm pro gay marriage but this constant whining and manufactured victimhood crap (ala cake/bakery, etc.) they pull is tiring and has turned me from a supporter to finding I loathe even hearing about their BS anymore.
Who were you before you got banned?
really? your whining is awfully familiar .

Your open insecurity doesn't seem familiar at all...well wait a sec, it does, seems most Libs have an acute case of it! You have a nice night!
the epidemic of false assumption and accusations, sheer ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, make any flaws the lib's have into nothing.
your point? that did not make them any less disadvantaged
What are you talking about? You take a once strong family unit and destroy it. You don't call that a disadvantage?
dodge a strong family has fuck all to do with it.
they have and still do get the shitty end of the stick.
having a so called strong family doesn't change that.
as always you're spewing pseudo religious garbage.....
Lol, so all the baby momma's isn't a problem In your world? Okay got it.
it's not in your world either, it's just the cause celeb for bigot conservatives.
the what about the children ploy has been done to death.
Baby's daddy multiple, because of liberal policies. That's a positive thing?
wrong again that will happen no matter who's policies are in force.
you're bullishitting yourself if you believe conservatives have done or will do a "better job".
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]” [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]” [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].

More specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual.

Who is hysterical over marriage equality?

U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian

Those with lower incomes, the less educated, women, and young people give the highest estimates

Even if the "less educated" were right, marriage equality does not impact their lives, so why do they care? Why do they want Big Government to control the lives of these people?

What about politicians? Surely they know their monstrous bills making discrimination legal would affect only 5% of the population, so why do they harp on it?

My own opinion is that RW politicians pander to the fundie nutters because they figure they'll only lose that 5% of the vote.

What about posters here? Why do they get so hysterical over 5% of the population? Why do they want to deny them the same rights the rest of us enjoy?

Its the left that get hysterical about queers. The rest of us could care less. They already have the same rights as everyone else, they just want special rights and they want to force everyone to accept their disgusting behavior as 'normal'.

Faggots aren't normal and no one has to accept them as normal. That's our right.
who's hysterical again?
Who is retarded again? Oh, that would be you, retarded idiot.
nope still all you...
I've never been banned and I'm new to this forum. Sorry, but I'm just me.

Good luck

Honestly, I don't even care. I'm bored with the LGBT activists pulling their brownshirt tactics and I could care less about coddling their insecurities. I'm pro gay marriage but this constant whining and manufactured victimhood crap (ala cake/bakery, etc.) they pull is tiring and has turned me from a supporter to finding I loathe even hearing about their BS anymore.
Who were you before you got banned?
really? your whining is awfully familiar .

Your open insecurity doesn't seem familiar at all...well wait a sec, it does, seems most Libs have an acute case of it! You have a nice night!
the epidemic of false assumption and accusations, sheer ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, make any flaws the lib's have into nothing.

Really? Like you did when you accused me of being someone else?
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]” [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]” [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].

More specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual.

Who is hysterical over marriage equality?

U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian

Those with lower incomes, the less educated, women, and young people give the highest estimates

Even if the "less educated" were right, marriage equality does not impact their lives, so why do they care? Why do they want Big Government to control the lives of these people?

What about politicians? Surely they know their monstrous bills making discrimination legal would affect only 5% of the population, so why do they harp on it?

My own opinion is that RW politicians pander to the fundie nutters because they figure they'll only lose that 5% of the vote.

What about posters here? Why do they get so hysterical over 5% of the population? Why do they want to deny them the same rights the rest of us enjoy?

Its the left that get hysterical about queers. The rest of us could care less. They already have the same rights as everyone else, they just want special rights and they want to force everyone to accept their disgusting behavior as 'normal'.

Faggots aren't normal and no one has to accept them as normal. That's our right.
who's hysterical again?
Who is retarded again? Oh, that would be you, retarded idiot.
nope still all you...
Nope, retard, you are the stupid libtard. Idiot.
Its the left that get hysterical about queers. The rest of us could care less. They already have the same rights as everyone else, they just want special rights and they want to force everyone to accept their disgusting behavior as 'normal'.

Faggots aren't normal and no one has to accept them as normal. That's our right.
who's hysterical again?
Who is retarded again? Oh, that would be you, retarded idiot.
nope still all you...
Nope, retard, you are the stupid libtard. Idiot.
Nope, you're the dumb ass.

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