Why the Israelites should repent and give the land of Palestine back!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Because Church Morris thinks so:

The war against the Jews, today as in the Nazi era, is a war against Judaism itself. Judaism represents a spirit of independence, of a people who value family, education, individual identity and the right to create a successful life based upon achievement, skill and hard work. Judaism represents a belief in a God who is the source of rights that exist outside of human manipulation.

This was why Judaism was viewed by Karl Marx as the main obstacle standing in the way of his collectivist fantasy, an opposition he expressed in his pamphlet “On the Jewish Question.”

The Torah teaches belief in an immutable God who is the law-giver and a belief in the value of family, property, commerce and national sovereignty – all ideas that posed as enemies to Marx’s socialist view of the world.

And this was why the National Socialist Germans found common cause with the liberal democracies in their agenda to, as Marx said, make Judaism impossible. Statism and conforming nanny-state hyper-nationalism was the order of the day in the Nazi era, and individualistic Judaism stood in opposition.

The Jewish faith and the Jewish spirit threatened to wake up the populace to their individual identity and potential.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/why-hitler-and-marx-hated-the-jews/#QrIGy4Ci8mme2qT2.99

By chuck Morris


(sŏv′ər-ĭn-tē, sŏv′rĭn-)

n. pl. sov·er·eign·ties

1. Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state.

2. Royal rank, authority, or power.

3. Complete independence and self-government.

4. A territory existing as an independent state.

And yet he has a problem with Haj Amin al-Husseini and Hitler trying to protect themselves from

Jewish infiltration and control.

Look at the US, Your lobby and PM is now trying to force us to battle with Iran.

Chuch Morris, whoever he is , is an idiot.

Jews in America are liberals, and push for socialism. But its different for Palestine, taken over by the Israelites now called Israel, you want a Jewish State and are above international law and yet

You jews think you have a right to interfere in everyone's else country.

Oh Marx was a jew by birth.

He also said the Torah stated:
The Torah teaches belief in an immutable God who is the law-giver and a belief in the value of family, property, commerce and national sovereignty
Judaism represents a belief in a God who is the source of rights that exist outside of human manipulation.

So tell me why does Israel have nuclear weapons, and why did they mistake Britian for God?
Why do they want a Jewish state? (Racist) and yet condemn others for wanting to keep their own countries?

Why are the Palestinians not families who deserve their own property and why are the Israelites stealing their land?

Why is Israel half secular and most see Judaism itself as a tradition. Why are the PM's of Israel mainly secular?
Because Church Morris thinks so:

The war against the Jews, today as in the Nazi era, is a war against Judaism itself. Judaism represents a spirit of independence, of a people who value family, education, individual identity and the right to create a successful life based upon achievement, skill and hard work. Judaism represents a belief in a God who is the source of rights that exist outside of human manipulation.

This was why Judaism was viewed by Karl Marx as the main obstacle standing in the way of his collectivist fantasy, an opposition he expressed in his pamphlet “On the Jewish Question.”

The Torah teaches belief in an immutable God who is the law-giver and a belief in the value of family, property, commerce and national sovereignty – all ideas that posed as enemies to Marx’s socialist view of the world.

And this was why the National Socialist Germans found common cause with the liberal democracies in their agenda to, as Marx said, make Judaism impossible. Statism and conforming nanny-state hyper-nationalism was the order of the day in the Nazi era, and individualistic Judaism stood in opposition.

The Jewish faith and the Jewish spirit threatened to wake up the populace to their individual identity and potential.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/why-hitler-and-marx-hated-the-jews/#QrIGy4Ci8mme2qT2.99

By chuck Morris


(sŏv′ər-ĭn-tē, sŏv′rĭn-)

n. pl. sov·er·eign·ties

1. Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state.

2. Royal rank, authority, or power.

3. Complete independence and self-government.

4. A territory existing as an independent state.

And yet he has a problem with Haj Amin al-Husseini and Hitler trying to protect themselves from

Jewish infiltration and control.

Look at the US, Your lobby and PM is now trying to force us to battle with Iran.

Chuch Morris, whoever he is , is an idiot.

Jews in America are liberals, and push for socialism. But its different for Palestine, taken over by the Israelites now called Israel, you want a Jewish State and are above international law and yet

You jews think you have a right to interfere in everyone's else country.

Oh Marx was a jew by birth.

He also said the Torah stated:
The Torah teaches belief in an immutable God who is the law-giver and a belief in the value of family, property, commerce and national sovereignty
Judaism represents a belief in a God who is the source of rights that exist outside of human manipulation.

So tell me why does Israel have nuclear weapons, and why did they mistake Britian for God?
Why do they want a Jewish state? (Racist) and yet condemn others for wanting to keep their own countries?

Why are the Palestinians not families who deserve their own property and why are the Israelites stealing their land?

Why is Israel half secular and most see Judaism itself as a tradition. Why are the PM's of Israel mainly secular?

Do they have nuclear weapons, or is it just the Samson option

They did not mistake Britain for God they opposed Britain when they saw their true JEW HATRED colours

Then it is racist to have an Islamic state, or don't you see it like that.

Who do they condemn for wanting to keep their own countries ?

Ask the Palestinians that as that power is in their grasp

What land have they stolen then

Because it is, because they are
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!

I think I showed Zionist true intentions. Hate and double standard. We are the elites , above everyone else, including God himself, WE ARE GOD.

That must be what he believes.

I believe I hit a Zionist nerve.
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!

Keep it up Penelope, MJ reveals his brazen misogyny when you get to him. Actually, I thought outright misogynistic postings were not permitted. Oh, he is an Israel Firster they are allowed to say anything they want, racist, genocidal, misogynistic, islamophobic, homophobic, etc.
I didn't even bother to read the while post. Why should I? Penelope and you too Monte are already well known to be full of shit.

I never said anything about being God, and I never said the Israelis think they're god, but that is your tried and true tactics you fuckers. Put words in the mouths of those who speak truths.
Why would Jews give up their historical, ancestral, and religious homeland? Because some crazy antisemites on the internet said so?
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!

I think I showed Zionist true intentions. Hate and double standard. We are the elites , above everyone else, including God himself, WE ARE GOD.

That must be what he believes.

I believe I hit a Zionist nerve.

Strange then that this is the mantra of the muslims chanted at every oppourtunity they can
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!

Keep it up Penelope, MJ reveals his brazen misogyny when you get to him. Actually, I thought outright misogynistic postings were not permitted. Oh, he is an Israel Firster they are allowed to say anything they want, racist, genocidal, misogynistic, islamophobic, homophobic, etc.

SPAMMING and TROLLING are not allowed, and flaming only in context to the thread.
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!
And Peace in Palestine is not what the banal Israelis want either.....that is WHY ISRAEL and the US...CREATED HAMAS......My Male Bitch
What an anti-semitic rant - "Jewish infiltration". The Führer couldn't have said it better. You make me sick.
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!
And Peace in Palestine is not what the banal Israelis want either.....that is WHY ISRAEL and the US...CREATED HAMAS......My Male Bitch

So says Islamic sources because they don't want the truth to be spread around too much. Remember the arab muslims were offered 99% of their demands and they turned them down. So now Israel is starting at their lowest offer.
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!
And Peace in Palestine is not what the banal Israelis want either.....that is WHY ISRAEL and the US...CREATED HAMAS......My Male Bitch

So says Islamic sources because they don't want the truth to be spread around too much. Remember the arab muslims were offered 99% of their demands and they turned them down. So now Israel is starting at their lowest offer.

If true, and it is not, why should even 1% of the land be taken away from the Christian and Muslim Palestinians to be given to European colonists? Just because some European leader decides to give land (not his) to other Europeans? What kind of logic is that. It's like when the Pope gave the Americas to Spain and Portugal, what justification did that have?
Ah, no.

The Palestinians can go to live in Madagascar. That's the same place they wanted to send us in. They're too generous, it's all theirs.
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!
And Peace in Palestine is not what the banal Israelis want either.....that is WHY ISRAEL and the US...CREATED HAMAS......My Male Bitch

So says Islamic sources because they don't want the truth to be spread around too much. Remember the arab muslims were offered 99% of their demands and they turned them down. So now Israel is starting at their lowest offer.

If true, and it is not, why should even 1% of the land be taken away from the Christian and Muslim Palestinians to be given to European colonists? Just because some European leader decides to give land (not his) to other Europeans? What kind of logic is that. It's like when the Pope gave the Americas to Spain and Portugal, what justification did that have?

It certainly wasn't arab muslim land was it, and the Ottomans gave it to the LoN as war booty in 1917. So the LoN could do with the land as they saw fit, so gave 22% of Palestine to the Jews for their national home. Your lot being very greedy wanted it all and resorted to violence to achieve their aims
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!
And Peace in Palestine is not what the banal Israelis want either.....that is WHY ISRAEL and the US...CREATED HAMAS......My Male Bitch

So says Islamic sources because they don't want the truth to be spread around too much. Remember the arab muslims were offered 99% of their demands and they turned them down. So now Israel is starting at their lowest offer.

If true, and it is not, why should even 1% of the land be taken away from the Christian and Muslim Palestinians to be given to European colonists? Just because some European leader decides to give land (not his) to other Europeans? What kind of logic is that. It's like when the Pope gave the Americas to Spain and Portugal, what justification did that have?

It certainly wasn't arab muslim land was it, and the Ottomans gave it to the LoN as war booty in 1917. So the LoN could do with the land as they saw fit, so gave 22% of Palestine to the Jews for their national home. Your lot being very greedy wanted it all and resorted to violence to achieve their aims

Of course it was the land of the Christians and Muslims. They owned 85% of it in 1946. How can people living in a place, owning 85% of the land be considered greedy because they did not want the Europeans to steal it from them?
Thank you Penelope for exposing your true intentions. And peace in Israel is not a part of them. Bitch!

Keep it up Penelope, MJ reveals his brazen misogyny when you get to him. Actually, I thought outright misogynistic postings were not permitted. Oh, he is an Israel Firster they are allowed to say anything they want, racist, genocidal, misogynistic, islamophobic, homophobic, etc.

So you're supporting Penelope who openly supports what the Nazis did. I always knew you were just as bad as her.

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