Why the Progressives are lying about Global Warming and how drilling for Oil, keeps the country clean.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
I have pictures of Fresno Californication, while i was at the Airport, waiting for my flight to Dallas.
This picture is of the fire and rescue units heading with their cargo of precious fire retardant material to put out the fire.

After we boarded the aircraft, i decided to take pictures of the farmland of central Californication, because of how green it is.


Then at cruising altitude i took again the picture of the fires burning in the North East of Fresno.


As you can see, there isnt much you can see except the smoke that permeates that state, off in the distance you can just barely make out a mountain.

When you cross the Rockies, here is what it looks like.

Then as we were getting close to Dallas, here are some pictures of that petroleum wasteland, with water vapor all over and in some areas, rain.


Then upon landing i noticed this desert.


So here is the moral of the story.
Californication, has 30% of its energy from solar and wind and by 2040 is supposed to be 60% and as you can see, a wasteland of pollution.
Texas has oil and is drilling for it and as can be seen, is green with trees and grass and "clean air".
If a regressive is communicating in any manner, internet posts, TXT messages, verbally, or sign language, they're lying. PERIOD. All they do is lie or repeat lies they're parroting from MSLSD.

When a bed wetter gives you the finger in traffic because of your Trump bumper sticker it's not because they hate you...

Well they probably are programmed to hate you and you should be alert for some sort of attack...

Their reaction is most likely envy because they would like to have the shit you do rather than a beat up piece of shit hybrid and an APT they can't afford with her dyke lover and her 5 interracial kids on disability.

I digress of course. MMGW is a religion to them. It doesn't matter that all of their "Profits" like Algore have made billions telling us stories about how we should all be dead 30 years ago. At some point when enough people start asking why we're not all dead, why it is snowing in September and why the water level hasn't moved they will claim it's because they stopped it through their regulations IN SPITE of the fact their regulations were either never adopted at all or even rolled back by Trump.

I'm actually surprised Trump extended the off shore drilling ban, but I suspect it has more to do with REAL environmental policy to keep the scenery looking good than some asinine theory about fucking up the climate cycle.

If a regressive is communicating in any manner, internet posts, TXT messages, verbally, or sign language, they're lying. PERIOD. All they do is lie or repeat lies they're parroting from MSLSD.

When a bed wetter gives you the finger in traffic because of your Trump bumper sticker it's not because they hate you...

Well they probably are programmed to hate you and you should be alert for some sort of attack...

Their reaction is most likely envy because they would like to have the shit you do rather than a beat up piece of shit hybrid and an APT they can't afford with her dyke lover and her 5 interracial kids on disability.

I digress of course. MMGW is a religion to them. It doesn't matter that all of their "Profits" like Algore have made billions telling us stories about how we should all be dead 30 years ago. At some point when enough people start asking why we're not all dead, why it is snowing in September and why the water level hasn't moved they will claim it's because they stopped it through their regulations IN SPITE of the fact their regulations were either never adopted at all or even rolled back by Trump.

I'm actually surprised Trump extended the off shore drilling ban, but I suspect it has more to do with REAL environmental policy to keep the scenery looking good than some asinine theory about fucking up the climate cycle.

I was in Germany when the Soviet Union was around. I was 10 miles from the Berlin wall, and occasionally we got to see some of what Progs/Socialists do to their country, which they dont give a shit what they do to the planet or people, just what it takes to keep their power. Then on the "free" side of Germany the land was green and the people prosperous. Those Progs on this board dont realize this, and it would be too late if Bernie Bro, Joe the groper Biden gets in. Just the United States would look like Californication.

Why were East Germans trying to escape into West Germany, facing vicious dogs and machine guns nest, while climbing over concrete walls covered by barb wire? Think about this Progs.....
The propaganda isn't lost on Hollywood hypocrites. A current mildly entertaining zombie movie "The Dead Don't Die" starring Bill Murray has a plot that centers around oil fracking causing the earth to tilt off it's axis and causing ...well you know. One of the characters played by Steve Busemi wears a "MAGA" hat but wait, the hat says "make America white again". Get it? Anyway the earth did tilt off it's axis a few degrees during the Fukishima earthquake but the weather experts didn't seem to take notice or deal with it. It's easier to blame my 8 cyl F150 truck.
California. It is all about making people rich and keeping people poor.

Those who buy in, get price breaks, subsidies.

Those who cant buy in become dependent on government for welfare.

The government gives rich contracts to family and friends.

The politicians, they do become millionaires.

Most states will have to spend trillions to go green.
Californication, has 30% of its energy from solar and wind and by 2040 is supposed to be 60% and as you can see, a wasteland of pollution.

Do you denier paste-eaters understand that you're not making any sense at all? Probably not. If someone has any common sense, they don't get sucked into the denier cult.

Anways, good luck with your "DERPDERPDERP wildfires prove fossil fuel is awesome!" thing. Yeah, you should run with that. That will totally convince the normal people that you're not morons. Really it will.

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