Why the Right Hates O? "80% because he's black...."

The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
The same hatred will be automatically transferred to Hillary

There is no middle ground with republicans

If you had an once of intellectual honesty, OR any desire to NOT tear this nation apart, you would realize AND ADMIT, that that means the opposition to Obama was partisan and ideological, and not racist.

But, as a liberal, you won't, because you don't.
RW hate on Hillary is based on 25 years of bs hate propaganda. You can see the racism on this board every day.I'm guessing 50%+ of the GOP think blacks are inferior. I'm surrounded with them out here. Guess what.
Profile much?
More killed under Obama than under Bush...
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
An excellent summation. As Depotoo already alluded, the Left hated Bush because he was a conservative Republican.

Does anyone here really think the right is going to love Hillary more because she's white?

God how quickly the right forgets about 45,000 wounded, 4000 killed and the mortgage crisis w Wall Street run amok.

9000 killed under Bush
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama
When will you ever learn to check before you splutter?

5588 coalition forces were killed from 2001-2008 in Afghanistan and Iraq

8340 coalition forces killed since 2009
iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan

More killed under Obama than under Bush...
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
An excellent summation. As Depotoo already alluded, the Left hated Bush because he was a conservative Republican.

Does anyone here really think the right is going to love Hillary more because she's white?

God how quickly the right forgets about 45,000 wounded, 4000 killed and the mortgage crisis w Wall Street run amok.

9000 killed under Bush
Oh, the Dems are not guilty at all, now are they?
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama
When will you ever learn to check before you splutter?

5588 coalition forces were killed from 2001-2008 in Afghanistan and Iraq

8340 coalition forces killed since 2009
iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan

More killed under Obama than under Bush...
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
An excellent summation. As Depotoo already alluded, the Left hated Bush because he was a conservative Republican.

Does anyone here really think the right is going to love Hillary more because she's white?

God how quickly the right forgets about 45,000 wounded, 4000 killed and the mortgage crisis w Wall Street run amok.

9000 killed under Bush

3000 killed on 9-11
6000 killed in Afghanistan and Iraq

Over 100,000 civilians killed

Bush's legacy
Leftofleft made a valid point.

Your response was to personally insult Palin and Leftofleft.

Palin IS an idiot.....Anyone who thinks otherwise is also an idiot......I would not care if Palin was a bra-burning, left wing socialist...she would STILL be an idiot.

If Palin traveled to all 57 states, that would make her smarter in your eyes. Further, the architect of the Affordable Healthcare Act is on record said that its success depended on the stupidity of the American voter which means, if you supported it, you are stupid in the eyes of those who created it. Palin was against it. Therefore, in their eyes, she's intelligent.
So, you wipe all blame from Clinton?
And all the deaths here under Obama by Islamic extremists? And civilian deaths directly by Obama's drones? So, shall we add all the deaths from Syria, Pakistan, Libya, in Yemen and Somalia? By Obama's rebels, etc., etc, etc?
You are one sick puppy.

When will you ever learn to check before you splutter?

5588 coalition forces were killed from 2001-2008 in Afghanistan and Iraq

8340 coalition forces killed since 2009
iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan

More killed under Obama than under Bush...
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
An excellent summation. As Depotoo already alluded, the Left hated Bush because he was a conservative Republican.

Does anyone here really think the right is going to love Hillary more because she's white?

God how quickly the right forgets about 45,000 wounded, 4000 killed and the mortgage crisis w Wall Street run amok.

9000 killed under Bush
RW hate on Hillary is based on 25 years of bs hate propaganda. You can see the racism on this board every day.I'm guessing 50%+ of the GOP think blacks are inferior. I'm surrounded with them out here. Guess what.
Conversely, LW hate is based on 25 years of bullshit hate propaganda which blew into office January 1993 with lies, corruption and a profound hatred of the military not seen since Vietnam. Small wonder since the new President was a draft-dodger.

Yes, you can see the racism on this forum every day, but only a fucking moron thinks it's one-sided. Only a fucking racist believes they can hate or demean another race, but claim it isn't racism if they don't claim one race is superior to another.
RW hate on Hillary is based on 25 years of bs hate propaganda. You can see the racism on this board every day.I'm guessing 50%+ of the GOP think blacks are inferior. I'm surrounded with them out here. Guess what.
Conversely, LW hate is based on 25 years of bullshit hate propaganda which blew into office January 1993 with lies, corruption and a profound hatred of the military not seen since Vietnam. Small wonder since the new President was a draft-dodger.

Yes, you can see the racism on this forum every day, but only a fucking moron thinks it's one-sided. Only a fucking racist believes they can hate or demean another race, but claim it isn't racism if they don't claim one race is superior to another.
Libs don't have a propaganda machine, dupe. They have this thing called journalism- cowardly corporate as it is...
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
The same hatred will be automatically transferred to Hillary

There is no middle ground with republicans

If you had an once of intellectual honesty, OR any desire to NOT tear this nation apart, you would realize AND ADMIT, that that means the opposition to Obama was partisan and ideological, and not racist.

But, as a liberal, you won't, because you don't.
RW hate on Hillary is based on 25 years of bs hate propaganda. You can see the racism on this board every day.I'm guessing 50%+ of the GOP think blacks are inferior. I'm surrounded with them out here. Guess what.

YOu see racism, because you want to see it.
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama

So, you state that we have treated Obama just like we have and will treat white democratic presidents.

And yet, you believe that we treat him like we do because he is black.

WTF is wrong with you?
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama

So, you state that we have treated Obama just like we have and will treat white democratic presidents.

And yet, you believe that we treat him like we do because he is black.

WTF is wrong with you?

I am already saying Obama would get the "treatment" from Republicans whether he was black or white

Republicans were able to get the racists into their camp though with things like......Damn negro can't speak without a TelePrompTer
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama

So, you state that we have treated Obama just like we have and will treat white democratic presidents.

And yet, you believe that we treat him like we do because he is black.

WTF is wrong with you?

I am already saying Obama would get the "treatment" from Republicans whether he was black or white

Which means that the "treatment" is NOT racist.

Can you say that explicitly, or would your hands fall off if you tried to type it?

Republicans were able to get the racists into their camp though with things like......Damn negro can't speak without a TelePrompTer

Calling your partisan enemy stupid is hardly grounds for accusations of racism.

YOu guys called GWBush stupid, Dan Quayle stupid. Ronald Reagan stupid.

And we call Obama stupid and suddenly it's racism?

Why are you so afraid to admit that there is a deep and valid ideological divide between the parties?

You hold on to this myth of racism like a baby with a comfort object
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama

So, you state that we have treated Obama just like we have and will treat white democratic presidents.

And yet, you believe that we treat him like we do because he is black.

WTF is wrong with you?

I am already saying Obama would get the "treatment" from Republicans whether he was black or white

Which means that the "treatment" is NOT racist.

Can you say that explicitly, or would your hands fall off if you tried to type it?

Republicans were able to get the racists into their camp though with things like......Damn negro can't speak without a TelePrompTer

Calling your partisan enemy stupid is hardly grounds for accusations of racism.

YOu guys called GWBush stupid, Dan Quayle stupid. Ronald Reagan stupid.

And we call Obama stupid and suddenly it's racism?

Why are you so afraid to admit that there is a deep and valid ideological divide between the parties?

You hold on to this myth of racism like a baby with a comfort object
Republicans responded to the characterization that Obama was a great orator with claims the negro can only read what others write for him

Racists loved it......that's why Republicans keep repeating it
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama

So, you state that we have treated Obama just like we have and will treat white democratic presidents.

And yet, you believe that we treat him like we do because he is black.

WTF is wrong with you?

I am already saying Obama would get the "treatment" from Republicans whether he was black or white

Which means that the "treatment" is NOT racist.

Can you say that explicitly, or would your hands fall off if you tried to type it?

Republicans were able to get the racists into their camp though with things like......Damn negro can't speak without a TelePrompTer

Calling your partisan enemy stupid is hardly grounds for accusations of racism.

YOu guys called GWBush stupid, Dan Quayle stupid. Ronald Reagan stupid.

And we call Obama stupid and suddenly it's racism?

Why are you so afraid to admit that there is a deep and valid ideological divide between the parties?

You hold on to this myth of racism like a baby with a comfort object
Republicans responded to the characterization that Obama was a great orator with claims the negro can only read what others write for him

Racists loved it......that's why Republicans keep repeating it

What republican made that statement? Some random guy on the internet?

I note that you did NOT explicitly state that the treatment is not racist.

Even though you have implicitly admitted it.

Are you under some type of magic geas?

Or are they holding hostages?
What republican made that statement? Some random guy on the internet?

I note that you did NOT explicitly state that the treatment is not racist.

Even though you have implicitly admitted it.

Are you under some type of magic geas?

Or are they holding hostages?
You're talking to a chronic liar who masquerades as a "right winger" then lied about the origin of his user name. I don't trust anything he says.

What republican made that statement? Some random guy on the internet?

I note that you did NOT explicitly state that the treatment is not racist.

Even though you have implicitly admitted it.

Are you under some type of magic geas?

Or are they holding hostages?
You're talking to a chronic liar who masquerades as a "right winger" then lied about the origin of his user name. I don't trust anything he says.


I was named after my maternal grandfather.......Rightwinger McGee

God bless his soul
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
The same hatred will be automatically transferred to Hillary

There is no middle ground with republicans

If you had an once of intellectual honesty, OR any desire to NOT tear this nation apart, you would realize AND ADMIT, that that means the opposition to Obama was partisan and ideological, and not racist.

But, as a liberal, you won't, because you don't.
RW hate on Hillary is based on 25 years of bs hate propaganda. You can see the racism on this board every day.I'm guessing 50%+ of the GOP think blacks are inferior. I'm surrounded with them out here. Guess what.

YOu see racism, because you want to see it.
And so do all the surveys and polls and the victims of racism, oblivious brainwashed twit. Change the channel and see the world.

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