Why the Right Hates O? "80% because he's black...."

Really have you seen Detroit ? Blocks and blocks of deserted homes, business, and government buildings. Its in the top 5 of the most dangerous cities in the US. Chicago isn't that far behind. None of that's opinion its fact.

Nitwit.....to blame the 3rd world environment solely on democrats (and blacks is moronic and somewhat racist) Go ask the rich autocrats that run our government where the jobs went..... leaving behind unemployment and squalor.
Really have you seen Detroit ? Blocks and blocks of deserted homes, business, and government buildings. Its in the top 5 of the most dangerous cities in the US. Chicago isn't that far behind. None of that's opinion its fact.

Nitwit.....to blame the 3rd world environment solely on democrats (and blacks is moronic and somewhat racist) Go ask the rich autocrats that run our government where the jobs went..... leaving behind unemployment and squalor.
Detroit ran itself into the ground because of decades of Democratic rule. No one else caused the city to spend itself into bankruptcy.

So where did I blame anything on black people ? I never blame a race. I blame the people who lied, made promises and that deceit lies solely at the feet of the Democratic party.
Hating white racists doesn't make anyone a racist. DUH.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

No matter what your IQ is.
N++++r lover ring a bell? Many ARE just hater dupes being hater dupes, granted.

No, it doesn't.

My point stands.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

You lefties are the ones making this about race. What could have been a step forward, First black president, has become a huge step backwards, because you letfies have convinced half the fucking country that the other half of the country opposed Obama because they are racist assholes.

Good job.

If you are purposefully trying to tear this nation apart.
Nah, only a quarter or so are racists- Almost all GOP. And Trumpers
Really have you seen Detroit ? Blocks and blocks of deserted homes, business, and government buildings. Its in the top 5 of the most dangerous cities in the US. Chicago isn't that far behind. None of that's opinion its fact.

Nitwit.....to blame the 3rd world environment solely on democrats (and blacks is moronic and somewhat racist) Go ask the rich autocrats that run our government where the jobs went..... leaving behind unemployment and squalor.
Detroit ran itself into the ground because of decades of Democratic rule. No one else caused the city to spend itself into bankruptcy.

So where did I blame anything on black people ? I never blame a race. I blame the people who lied, made promises and that deceit lies solely at the feet of the Democratic party.
So what if all the industry left lol...and the whites went to suburbia. Coincidence? Nope.
Hating white racists doesn't make anyone a racist. DUH.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

No matter what your IQ is.
N++++r lover ring a bell? Many ARE just hater dupes being hater dupes, granted.

No, it doesn't.

My point stands.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

You lefties are the ones making this about race. What could have been a step forward, First black president, has become a huge step backwards, because you letfies have convinced half the fucking country that the other half of the country opposed Obama because they are racist assholes.

Good job.

If you are purposefully trying to tear this nation apart.
That's because, instead of taking a cue from Jackie Robinson and making the first black president about being the best at his job, they focused on petty revenge for all manner of slights, real and imagined. Had Obama truly governed as a great president, he would go down in history as more than just a name with an * beside it.

All he had to do to have a positive legacy was NOT play the Race Card and be the President for ALL Americans.

If, when his partisans started the bullshit of opposing him being racist, he had denounced that, and said it was normally partisan politics, he would have helped this nation made a great step forward.
WAYYY more than normally partisan. Thanks to brainwashed and racist hater dupes and bought off NRAGOP Pols..."The no-compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
Obama is the biggest racial bigot and antagonist this country has ever observed. These type of threads are by Obama supporters, because screaming "racism" is about all they can do. They can't talk about adding $8 trillion added to the national debt. They can't talk about doing a good job with the Middle East, because everyone can see what a mess they made. Racism racism - vote Hillary because of racism - or something like that...
The ndupes haven't heard of all his attempts at compromise. Even ACA is a GOP style bill. NO attempts from the GOP, just sabotage, obstruction, fear mongering and hate. Did avert a depression, only cost 8 trillion. 80 straight months of growth. Wrong how? Just your GOP bs...sorry your racism got too obvious in MANY cases.
I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.
You are too stupid. O is a LIBERAL. We are CONSERVATIVES.

The teacher will be passing out snacks shortly so role out your nap mat and calm down Billy
I thought the racial nonsense was terrible Obama's first few years and distracted from the debate of real issues to disagree with him on. My personal belief is that we on the right win on issues but lose in strategy.
I thought the racial nonsense was terrible Obama's first few years and distracted from the debate of real issues to disagree with him on. My personal belief is that we on the right win on issues but lose in strategy.
You only have one issue, dupe- Cut taxes on the rich. The race thing is a rw media obsession. Dems wanted reform and to help the nonrich and the country duh. So what is the GOP motivation for blocking any and all laws and policies, even their OWN?!? LOL
Racial tensions are HIGHER today then when Obama took office.

Race relations are WORSE.

.....and you and your ilk should be real "proud" that you've contributed to that racial divide

We have opposed our partisan and ideological opponent as has been the norm for decades.

It is you lefties that has mis-characterized that as Racist, thus increasing racial tensions.

This is on you.

You are tearing this nation apart.
Sooo, does that mean the left hated Bush because he was white?
I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.

No. People hated Bush, because we read 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' and realized that Orwell was only 18 years off.
I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.

You're a fucking moron
Sooo, does that mean the left hated Bush because he was white?
I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.

I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.
So your friend is the right? I think your grasping as always. The fact is Dr. Ben Carson was and is highly regarded by most on the right.


Oh, and I guess we dislike Hillary because she's a woman.
I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.
So your friend is the right? I think your grasping as always. The fact is Dr. Ben Carson was and is highly regarded by most on the right.


Oh, and I guess we dislike Hillary because she's a woman.

I think his "friend" is Jake Starkey
No. People hated Bush, because we read 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' and realized that Orwell was only 18 years off.
The Patriot Act was a bipartisan act. Both sides need to own up to it. Do you really think a President Gore wouldn't have signed it? Even if he didn't, Congress would have overturned the veto since they had the numbers:

History of the Patriot Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Senate Vote Roll Call on U.S. Patriot Act 2001 & 2006
These are the 98 U.S. senators for voted in favor of the US Patriot Act of 2001 (Senator Landrieu (D-LA) did not vote) Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin was the only senator who voted against the Patriot Act on October 24, of 2001.

The Voter's Self Defense System
Roll Number: 398
Yea: 357 Nay: 66
Bill Passed (House)

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