Why the Right Hates O? "80% because he's black...."

I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.

Only an asshole believe that.

And if she is in MENSA, then she is a smart asshole.
Get em drunk and most will admit it, is my experience lol...
Some? Definitely. That goes both ways though. Most? No. If that were true, then why didn't the right reject Powell, Rice and the dozens of other Republicans who happen to be black?

We hated Booosh because he was a disastrous, lying, thieving conservative...
And you're not even drunk!

This is the real story here. The Left is projecting their demonization and hate of the Right onto the Right by cherry-picking a few incidents of racists.

Unfortunately, the US has far too many racists, but they are in the minority and neither party has a monopoly on them. See an example below of LW racism.

One problem President Obama has done is bring accusations of racism on himself for repeatedly interjecting the WH into local matters simply based on race. Zimmerman-Martin, Ferguson and the "beer summit" are among the most famous examples. If Bush had interjected himself on behalf of white people in similar circumstances, wouldn't he have deserved to be called a racist?

Example: Problems, Black Panthers surface at Pa. polling places

Black Panther Boss Who Got Off For Voter Intimidation Arrested - Judicial Watch

Those are blacks who hate whites. Racists believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Tha's bs hate propaganda from the New BS GOP.
Those are blacks who hate whites. Racists believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Tha's bs hate propaganda from the New BS GOP.
The fact you sincerely believe that narrow view shows how racist the Left has become. :)

Definition of RACISM
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2: racial prejudice or discrimination

Your headline screams 80% of Republicans hate Republicans because he's black. I doubt you watched the speech Mia Love gave to the RNC but there was absolutely no hate there. When Sen, Lindsey Graham suggested to a crowd at a campaign event in SC that Condoleesa Rice should run for President it was met with a roar of approval.

No the problem isn't skin color its a fundamental difference in political ideals. You Democrats had to play the race card with Obama because he brought nothing else to the table. Now you have Hillary coming up so it will be the female angle so that you can hammer home the supposed hate the Republican party has for women. I refer you to my first paragraph.

You refuse to answer my question. I don't care about Mia Love. She is the token negro for the right.

I just realized that the scenario in your OP is complete and utter bullshit. You say your friend of 35 years is a Female and Republican and heres where I call you out . A person that calls Mia Love a "token negro" would never associate with a female republican. A person like you would think she's a traitor and beneath you.
Only RWers hate like that. We pity your brainwashed foolishness. See sig, last line.
Those are blacks who hate whites. Racists believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Tha's bs hate propaganda from the New BS GOP.
The fact you sincerely believe that narrow view shows how racist the Left has become. :)

Definition of RACISM
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2: racial prejudice or discrimination

Exactly what I said. Hilarious.
Your headline screams 80% of Republicans hate Republicans because he's black. I doubt you watched the speech Mia Love gave to the RNC but there was absolutely no hate there. When Sen, Lindsey Graham suggested to a crowd at a campaign event in SC that Condoleesa Rice should run for President it was met with a roar of approval.

No the problem isn't skin color its a fundamental difference in political ideals. You Democrats had to play the race card with Obama because he brought nothing else to the table. Now you have Hillary coming up so it will be the female angle so that you can hammer home the supposed hate the Republican party has for women. I refer you to my first paragraph.

You refuse to answer my question. I don't care about Mia Love. She is the token negro for the right.

I just realized that the scenario in your OP is complete and utter bullshit. You say your friend of 35 years is a Female and Republican and heres where I call you out . A person that calls Mia Love a "token negro" would never associate with a female republican. A person like you would think she's a traitor and beneath you.
Only RWers hate like that. We pity your brainwashed foolishness. See sig, last line.
If a minority doesn't toe the Democratic party line they are hounded by the left. So why do people like the OP call Love a token negro ? What do you call black republicans? Your obviously a Liberal so I know you have a derogatory name for them.
iCasualties: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties

Oh selective are we? Because Afghanistan's figures under Obama destroy your argument, don't they?

The Death Toll Does Not Lie -- Afghanistan Is Obama's War
US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy
More killed under Obama than under Bush...
God how quickly the right forgets about 45,000 wounded, 4000 killed and the mortgage crisis w Wall Street run amok.

Link? Facts only please.

That is Afghanistan. My Numbers are clearly quoted for Iraq.

You can cherry pick if that helps you to avoid the facts about Bush and Iraq, which I was addressing, obviously.
God how quickly the right forgets about 45,000 wounded, 4000 killed and the mortgage crisis w Wall Street run amok.

Its called "selective dementia" of right wingers...Actually, my BIGGEST problem with Obama is that he did not kick republicans' asses hard enough after 8 years of incompetent Bush, having brought our country to its knees financially and bred hatred toward us by most of this world.

Now that is an answer! I too wish he had pushed back harder. But the gun and Jesus clingers were "skeered" when he took office, so he had to pedal lightly.
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
An excellent summation. As Depotoo already alluded, the Left hated Bush because he was a conservative Republican.

Does anyone here really think the right is going to love Hillary more because she's white?
That is the correct motorcycle. If Obama were a conservative Republican, Republicans would have cheerfully voted for and supported him. The whole "racist" myth is just that, a tired, worn out, useless, stupid, regurgitation of ancient talking points that no longer apply.
"Why the Right Hates O? "80% because he's black...."

Oh goody, the 'Friday Morning Race card' has been pulled ... right on time to try to distract from Obama's failure again, proving once again he is on the wrong side of History.
Hating white racists doesn't make anyone a racist. DUH.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

No matter what your IQ is.
N++++r lover ring a bell? Many ARE just hater dupes being hater dupes, granted.

No, it doesn't.

My point stands.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

You lefties are the ones making this about race. What could have been a step forward, First black president, has become a huge step backwards, because you letfies have convinced half the fucking country that the other half of the country opposed Obama because they are racist assholes.

Good job.

If you are purposefully trying to tear this nation apart.
Hating white racists doesn't make anyone a racist. DUH.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

No matter what your IQ is.
N++++r lover ring a bell? Many ARE just hater dupes being hater dupes, granted.

No, it doesn't.

My point stands.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

You lefties are the ones making this about race. What could have been a step forward, First black president, has become a huge step backwards, because you letfies have convinced half the fucking country that the other half of the country opposed Obama because they are racist assholes.

Good job.

If you are purposefully trying to tear this nation apart.
That's because, instead of taking a cue from Jackie Robinson and making the first black president about being the best at his job, they focused on petty revenge for all manner of slights, real and imagined. Had Obama truly governed as a great president, he would go down in history as more than just a name with an * beside it.
No, it doesn't.

My point stands.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

You lefties are the ones making this about race. What could have been a step forward, First black president, has become a huge step backwards, because you letfies have convinced half the fucking country that the other half of the country opposed Obama because they are racist assholes.

Good job.

If you are purposefully trying to tear this nation apart.

As Freud once quipped, "sometime a cigar is just that.....a cigar".........And calling many right wingers (not all, mind you) tacit racists, may just be that.....an inconvenient truth.
As Freud once quipped, "sometime a cigar is just that.....a cigar".........And calling many right wingers (not all, mind you) tacit racists, may just be that.....an inconvenient truth.

A cigar shoved up the private part of a woman is NOT 'just a cigar', and Liberals calling Conservatives (ALL, mind you) is just the Libs doing what they do - 'Pulling the Race card to distract from anything negative reported about Barry and an attempt to silence his critics'.
Hating white racists doesn't make anyone a racist. DUH.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

No matter what your IQ is.
N++++r lover ring a bell? Many ARE just hater dupes being hater dupes, granted.

No, it doesn't.

My point stands.

Accusing conservatives who hated Bill Clinton of being racist because they hate Obama, is being an asshole and a fool.

You lefties are the ones making this about race. What could have been a step forward, First black president, has become a huge step backwards, because you letfies have convinced half the fucking country that the other half of the country opposed Obama because they are racist assholes.

Good job.

If you are purposefully trying to tear this nation apart.
That's because, instead of taking a cue from Jackie Robinson and making the first black president about being the best at his job, they focused on petty revenge for all manner of slights, real and imagined. Had Obama truly governed as a great president, he would go down in history as more than just a name with an * beside it.

All he had to do to have a positive legacy was NOT play the Race Card and be the President for ALL Americans.

If, when his partisans started the bullshit of opposing him being racist, he had denounced that, and said it was normally partisan politics, he would have helped this nation made a great step forward.

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