Why the Right Hates O? "80% because he's black...."

Iraq war vote passed by 77% of the Senate of which there was an almost even split, Dems51 to Reps50.
Passed in the House by 69%
R222 Dem208

Sooooooo, argue with your fellow imbecile who claims that congress had a dem. majority when voting on the war ON Iraq.
You can't be serious?!?
We all know Bush was president dumbshit. We also know that a democratic congress approved and voted for the the invasion.

It is idiots like you who help give right wingers the label of morons.....Congress had a strong republican majority in both chambers when Bush declared war ON Iraq in 2003.......(you're welcome...LOL)
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.
I agree with all of the above with one minor adjustment the right does not hate Obama they hate the above polices of Obama. As hard as it is for some to believe you can dislike a Presidents policies without hating the person.

You are exactly right.

However, I for one DO hate him.
You might want to argue with yourself about that super majority first...
Iraq war vote passed by 77% of the Senate of which there was an almost even split, Dems51 to Reps50.
Passed in the House by 69%
R222 Dem208

Sooooooo, argue with your fellow imbecile who claims that congress had a dem. majority when voting on the war ON Iraq.
You can't be serious?!?
We all know Bush was president dumbshit. We also know that a democratic congress approved and voted for the the invasion.

It is idiots like you who help give right wingers the label of morons.....Congress had a strong republican majority in both chambers when Bush declared war ON Iraq in 2003.......(you're welcome...LOL)

Well, your "friend" Smokealib stated that.....not I......Take it up with him.
How old are you?

CNN - U.S. missiles pound targets in Afghanistan, Sudan - August 21, 1998
American cruise missiles pounded sites in Afghanistan and Sudan Thursday in retaliation for the deadly bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7.

"Let our actions today send this message loud and clear -- there are no expendable American targets," U.S. President Clinton said in a televised address to the American people Thursday evening. "There will be no sanctuary for terrorists. We will defend our people, our interests and our values."

U.S. officials say the six sites attacked in Afghanistan were part of a network of terrorist compounds near the Pakistani border that housed supporters of millionaire Osama bin Laden......

.....Clinton said that information gathered by American intelligence showed that a network of terrorists affiliated with bin Laden was responsible for the bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, which killed 257 people, including 12 Americans.

"Our mission was clear -- to strike at the network of radical groups affiliated with, and funded by, Osama bin Laden, the pre-eminent organizer and financier of international terrorism in the world today," Clinton said.

National Security Adviser Sandy Berger said that American intelligence had also turned up "very specific" information that the bin Laden network was planning additional attacks, which Thursday's missile launches were designed to prevent.

If your other half of your brain were functional, you'd know that you're arguing AGAINST your original claim....So, Clinton DID try to take out OBL......Yes or No? So why did you first claim that he didn't?

(here's what you wrote: "If he kept his pants zipped more, maybe he would have taken out bin Laden long before 9/11")..........Moron !!!.
Clinton liked to bomb aspirin factories.
Clinton liked to bomb aspirin factories.

Well, if you were OBL you'd hide there too instead of some tent in the desert......(well, probably OBL was smarter than you...doesn't take all that much to be that.)
Are you now bashing Bush.......???? You mean like on 9-11-2001
Bill Clinton was the one more interested in sticking a cigar in Monica's cooch than defending our nation. He was a shitty CiC and is directly responsible for failing to negate the problem when he had the chance. He even admitted it before 9/11. What he doesn't mention is that cruise missiles aren't the only option. Which is why the Draft-Dodger-in-Chief was both a shitty CiC and responsible for what happened on 9/11.

Bill Clinton: "I could have killed" Osama bin Laden - CBS News
The day before the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told a group of businessmen in Australia that he "could have killed" the man behind those attacks, Osama bin Laden, in 1998, but he decided against launching a strike out of concern for civilian casualties.

It's a startling and tragic bit of irony that remained hidden until Wednesday, when Michael Kroger, the former head of the Liberal Party in Australia, released the audio during an interview on Sky News. Mr. Clinton knew he was being recorded, but the audio was never released because Kroger said he'd forgotten about it until last week.

Clinton was speaking to Kroger and about 30 other businessmen in Melbourne for a paid gig on September 10, 2001, when he was asked about international terrorism.

"I'm just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden - he's a very smart guy, I've spent a lot of time thinking about him - and I nearly got him once," said Clinton, who'd departed the White House earlier that year. "I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn't do it."
How old are you?

CNN - U.S. missiles pound targets in Afghanistan, Sudan - August 21, 1998
American cruise missiles pounded sites in Afghanistan and Sudan Thursday in retaliation for the deadly bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7.

"Let our actions today send this message loud and clear -- there are no expendable American targets," U.S. President Clinton said in a televised address to the American people Thursday evening. "There will be no sanctuary for terrorists. We will defend our people, our interests and our values."

U.S. officials say the six sites attacked in Afghanistan were part of a network of terrorist compounds near the Pakistani border that housed supporters of millionaire Osama bin Laden......

.....Clinton said that information gathered by American intelligence showed that a network of terrorists affiliated with bin Laden was responsible for the bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, which killed 257 people, including 12 Americans.

"Our mission was clear -- to strike at the network of radical groups affiliated with, and funded by, Osama bin Laden, the pre-eminent organizer and financier of international terrorism in the world today," Clinton said.

National Security Adviser Sandy Berger said that American intelligence had also turned up "very specific" information that the bin Laden network was planning additional attacks, which Thursday's missile launches were designed to prevent.

If your other half of your brain were functional, you'd know that you're arguing AGAINST your original claim....So, Clinton DID try to take out OBL......Yes or No? So why did you first claim that he didn't?

(here's what you wrote: "If he kept his pants zipped more, maybe he would have taken out bin Laden long before 9/11")..........Moron !!!.
Clinton liked to bomb aspirin factories.
Which is why Democrats make shitty war Presidents. They're too cowardly to do what needs to be done. Even the Democrat Senators flip-flopped being "for the war" before they were against it. As a group, they lack the guts and the experience to do the job.
Which is why Democrats make shitty war Presidents. They're too cowardly to do what needs to be done. Even the Democrat Senators flip-flopped being "for the war" before they were against it. As a group, they lack the guts and the experience to do the job.

Perhaps.......If you then WANT war......by all means elect republicans. LOL
No apology needed. Uhhh,mthis is your erroneous post-
  • nat4900 said:
"It is idiots like you who help give right wingers the label of morons.....Congress had a strong republican majority in both chambers when Bush declared war ON Iraq in 2003.......(you're welcome...LOL)"

You can't be serious?!?
We all know Bush was president dumbshit. We also know that a democratic congress approved and voted for the the invasion.

It is idiots like you who help give right wingers the label of morons.....Congress had a strong republican majority in both chambers when Bush declared war ON Iraq in 2003.......(you're welcome...LOL)

Well, your "friend" Smokealib stated that.....not I......Take it up with him.
You might want to argue with yourself about that super majority first...

I'll accept that as a half assed apology from you. Thanks anyway.
"Black", I must admit, has something to do with my negative feelings toward Obama. I think it's just terrible that He, a halfsie, has ensured that no legitimate Black can be elected to the presidency for, most likely, minimum 150 years. "Articulate" and "cleans up nice" should not have been enough for a nomination let alone election. But time has demonstrated the result. Unfortunate, there have been several actual Black figures rise in the last few years but they were doomed by the incompetence of another.
Perhaps.......If you then WANT war......by all means elect republicans. LOL
Thank you for making my point. Democrats would rather wait until about 3000 Americans are murdered before acting to fix the problem.

Clinton's failure as CiC led to the deaths of thousands of people, not just Americans either. He excelled in adultery but failed our nation as Commander in Chief. I expect his wife will do likewise for the same reasons as you expressed: Democrats think a proactive defense of our nation means going to war and murdering innocent women and children.

They think this for two simple reasons: It's part of the Liberal meme dating back to the 1960s and, being traditionally anti-military, they lack any sort of military expertise to make these difficult decisions.

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