Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily



Put me in jail.


Ok, I can see you just want to troll, as opposed to having an actual discussion and making your case. Sorry but I don't have time for silly games, so i'll leave you to troll with someone else. Blessings.
The whole idea of "mortal sin" is unbiblical. The bible says that even one sin means one is guilty and in need of salvation.

When a church adds on to the bible, the adding on parts become mere religion.

But more importantly, we are strongly and clearly commanded to not add on to the bible.

"Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you." - Deuteronomy 4:2

"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book." - Revelation 22:18-19

OMG, unbelievable. You bought the KoolAid! Hey, it was being given away free because it kills... but never mind..

I don't know where to begin. Didn't u say somewhere you are Catholic?

If you reject the teaching on mortal sin, you are not Catholic. And btw, the Bible DOES make a distinction btwn sins

there is a psg about how "there is a sin that is unto death" and then it goes on to say NOT to pray for those who are in that kind of sin... hard to believe, but I believe that is verbatim. I will find it

True story.

Check it out!

Here it is... the distinction made in the Bible (which protestants laughably claim as their own & not Catholics' at all! :auiqs.jpg:)

btwn "sin unto death" and sin that is not unto death

don't bother responding until you have read tht psg which btw is from a non-Catholic Bible (yet the Catholic one has the same psg)
OMG, unbelievable. You bought the KoolAid! Hey, it was being given away free because it kills... but never mind..

I don't know where to begin. Didn't u say somewhere you are Catholic?

If you reject the teaching on mortal sin, you are not Catholic. And btw, the Bible DOES make a distinction btwn sins

there is a psg about how "there is a sin that is unto death" and then it goes on to say NOT to pray for those who are in that kind of sin... hard to believe, but I believe that is verbatim. I will find it

True story.

That's when I cut them loose -- when they make it clear that they've been drinking the KoolAid.

:confused-84: What?

The point was that if you think something is false, then show why it is false. Is it so wrong for me to ask you to back yourself up scripturally?
If you disagree w/ the Church Christ founded, it is on YOU to prove that somehow falsity entered said Church. And no Catholic I know of ever said that evil never entered the Church. That would be absurd. It is also absurd for protestants to claim their multiplicity of "churches" have NO sinners in them! they don't SAY that but they most assuredly IMPLY it... every time they open their mouths to say something bad about the Catholic Church... very disgusting.
OMG, unbelievable. You bought the KoolAid! Hey, it was being given away free because it kills... but never mind..

I don't know where to begin. Didn't u say somewhere you are Catholic?

If you reject the teaching on mortal sin, you are not Catholic. And btw, the Bible DOES make a distinction btwn sins

there is a psg about how "there is a sin that is unto death" and then it goes on to say NOT to pray for those who are in that kind of sin... hard to believe, but I believe that is verbatim. I will find it

True story.

I bought the Kool Aid because I care about what is biblically true as opposed to religion? That makes loads of sense.

No, I am not Catholic. My mom was Catholic and took my sisters and I to Catholic church as a child and teen, so that's probably what you read.

And no, I didn't see the scriptures you posted, what's the post number?
I bought the Kool Aid because I care about what is biblically true as opposed to religion? That makes loads of sense.

No, I am not Catholic. My mom was Catholic and took my sisters and I to Catholic church as a child and teen, so that's probably what you read.

And no, I didn't see the scriptures you posted, what's the post number?

How could you have missed that one, just a few posts above?

Also, thanks for the implication that Catholics do not care what is true. . typical protestant accusation/lie

I also made a new thread on this topic.
If you disagree w/ the Church Christ founded, it is on YOU to prove that somehow falsity entered said Church. And no Catholic I know of ever said that evil never entered the Church. That would be absurd. It is also absurd for protestants to claim their multiplicity of "churches" have NO sinners in them! they don't SAY that but they most assuredly IMPLY it... every time they open their mouths to say something bad about the Catholic Church... very disgusting.

I have done that in other posts, on other threads. And Jesus did not found the Catholic church. :rolleyes: In fact, Jesus had the highest criticism for religious types who cared more about tradition and their own will rather than God's perfect will and what the scriptures actually say.
I have no problem with those who say the Rosary. I just personally see no real need to add doing so as a requirement.
who said it is a requirement?

Although, the way the world is now, it looks like it should be.

And to Mary, it was a requirement. She told the boy she appeared to in 1917 at Fatima that he would have to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven..


so let's see... Adults over the age of about 18 probably need to pray millions of rosaries.

Oh well... I love spending time with the Holy Family and meditating on the beautiful life and teachings of our Lord

How could you have missed that one, just a few posts above?

Also, thanks for the implication that Catholics do not care what is true. . typical protestant accusation/lie

I also made a new thread on this topic.

I had someone who called herself a Catholic tell me that I was listening to the devil if I went to TLM.

Where do they get these ideas?

I have done that in other posts, on other threads. And Jesus did not found the Catholic church. :rolleyes: In fact, Jesus had the highest criticism for religious types who cared more about tradition and their own will rather than God's perfect will and what the scriptures actually say.
too bad all you see when you look @ Christ's Church is "religious types" who only care about some traditions that you don't even bother to name, which totally figures.

Maybe you should ask those who are not on the outside looking in like you are (totally clueless) but those who are on the inside and KNOW what it means to be Catholic... ask THEM what Catholicism is about. .. whether THEY believe the CC was /is the True Church...

But I guess that would take some ...

OMG... 4 letter word here!


so much easier, isn't it... to hit the keyboard and throw out all kinds of dumbass, ignorant, uneducated BS about Catholicism when it is obvious you don't know diddly

How could you have missed that one, just a few posts above?

Also, thanks for the implication that Catholics do not care what is true. . typical protestant accusation/lie

I also made a new thread on this topic.

Post 44 was AFTER my post, not above. Maybe you got the post # wrong?
too bad all you see when you look @ Christ's Church is "religious types" who only care about some traditions that you don't even bother to name, which totally figures.

Maybe you should ask those who are not on the outside looking in like you are (totally clueless) but those who are on the inside and KNOW what it means to be Catholic... ask THEM what Catholicism is about. .. whether THEY believe the CC was /is the True Church...

But I guess that would take some ...

OMG... 4 letter word here!


so much easier, isn't it... to hit the keyboard and throw out all kinds of dumbass, ignorant, uneducated BS about Catholicism when it is obvious you don't know diddly

Did you not read where I said that I grew up going to Catholic church? I went through all of it, first communion, confirmation, etc etc.

And you also missed the part where I said I have gone over this stuff, on other threads.
Notice that some have to first change the rosary into something it is not in order to attack it.
For the op it turned into something that children can't get into Heaven without. Do you believe that too, Meriweather?
Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!
Then why did Christ wait until 1214 to give it to you? That's quite a screw up to wait that long to be able to save the children. Then Catholics believed the children have to go to Purgatory to finish working their way to Heaven. I believe they have since put that dogma to bed.

Here is what you need to get to Heaven. Believe on this and you are saved:

Hebrews 10:10 And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

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