Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

Am so looking forward to the Elohim making you aware of them.
Then brains will be exploding by the second as Gullibles give up the Holy Ghost and become Goly Whosts .

My problem will be not dissolving into hysterics watching them trying to prevent their brains from screaming .

We could do a Crowd funder to get them brain restorative surgery .
For the op it turned into something that children can't get into Heaven without. Do you believe that too, Meriweather?

Then why did Christ wait until 1214 to give it to you? That's quite a screw up to wait that long to be able to save the children. Then Catholics believed the children have to go to Purgatory to finish working their way to Heaven. I believe they have since put that dogma to bed.

Here is what you need to get to Heaven. Believe on this and you are saved:

Hebrews 10:10 And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
protestants think in overly-simplistic terms. For one thing, the Church back in the 13th century was NOTHING like the so called "church" of today, meaning the Vatican. True, there were bad popes, but nothing like the heresy we see now coming from theVatican, which heresy/falsehoods began to be taught in earnest after 1958 when Pius XII died. Thank you, VAtican II. :mad:

Despite the fact there have always been sinners in the Church Christ founded (OMG! Who knew???!!)

the Church --again, it was very different back then. That's just for starters.

But wait... not just for starters. I could go on all day about that alone. It used to be people had their children baptized, for example. Today, no one thinks that's necessary... well, a few do but most people have ditched ALL Christianity, not just the CC
so let's see... Adults over the age of about 18 probably need to pray millions of rosaries
So that is the Catholic prerequisite for entering Heaven. Your own works.
And here is the truth:

John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Beads won't get you there. Rote prayer won't get you there, works won't get you there...
Did you not read where I said that I grew up going to Catholic church? I went through all of it, first communion, confirmation, etc etc.

And you also missed the part where I said I have gone over this stuff, on other threads.
I've seen this BS so many times:

"I used to be Catholic. Then I matured" (or whatever word you choose to use)

I used to be Catholic but then I got enlightened


I guess that means, 9 times out of 10 it means some protestant got hold of you and you had never studied your faith so you had no answers so you got creamed by them (who appeared to have ALL the answers!)

So that is the Catholic prerequisite for entering Heaven. Your own works.
And here is the truth:

John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Beads won't get you there. Rote prayer won't get you there, works won't get you there...
It is a big lie from Hell that you don't have to DO anything to get to Heaven... just sit on your hands.


and that scripture does not at all prove your I -don't-have-to-do-anything point, can't figure out why you even brought it up
Am so looking forward to the Elohim making you aware of them.
Then brains will be exploding by the second as Gullibles give up the Holy Ghost and become Goly Whosts .

My problem will be not dissolving into hysterics watching them trying to prevent their brains from screaming .

We could do a Crowd funder to get them brain restorative surgery .
makes NO sense
I've seen this BS so many times:

"I used to be Catholic. Then I matured" (or whatever word you choose to use)

I used to be Catholic but then I got enlightened


I guess that means, 9 times out of 10 it means some protestant got hold of you and you had never studied your faith so you had no answers so you got creamed by them (who appeared to have ALL the answers!)

Will Christ be setting up shop in the Vatican when He returns?
the baptists are the oldest "church"???


These people know NOTHING about history!

Unbelievable how IGNORANT people are! No wonder our country is in the damn sewer...
John the Baptist, the founder of the Baptist faith was Jesus Christ pastor and baptised him in the River Jordan.

It's currently occupied.

The battle to take it should be interesting.



this is your most interesting comment to date IMO --LOL

All Catholics have been thinking pretty much the same thing, just didn't get around to putting it into words.

"interesting" doesn't begin to say it vis a vis this battle to re-take the Vatican!!!!!!!!
I've seen this BS so many times:

"I used to be Catholic. Then I matured" (or whatever word you choose to use)

I used to be Catholic but then I got enlightened


I guess that means, 9 times out of 10 it means some protestant got hold of you and you had never studied your faith so you had no answers so you got creamed by them (who appeared to have ALL the answers!)


Nope, that's not the way it happened for me, at all. You have a lot of assumptions about "protestants" (I don't even consider myself a "protestant", just a Christian.)

I had a life-changing experience that didn't involve anyone else, without getting into detail, it was a total God thing. But it still took 2 years from that point until I became a born-again Christian.
John the Baptist, the founder of the Baptist faith was Jesus Christ pastor and baptised him in the River Jordan.
You and virtually all protestants are IGNORANT of Church history.

Short version: God chose his people, the Jews

they blew it

He sent His only Son to shepherd them, to pay the price for their sins

they blew it

there was ONE Church

There still is

But Luther and other humans blew it

They thought they could make a better Church than the ONE Christ founded

and so today... well, we know how things have "progressed," don't we?

Nope, that's not the way it happened for me, at all. You have a lot of assumptions about "protestants" (I don't even consider myself a "protestant", just a Christian.)

I had a life-changing experience that didn't involve anyone else, without getting into detail, it was a total God thing. But it still took 2 years from that point until I became a born-again Christian.
well, that's nice and I'm happy for you

But Christ established a CHURCH, a visible City on a Hill that cannot be hidden.

You can call the Catholic Church whatever you want, but you cannot say it is hidden...

Try saying THAT :auiqs.jpg:

this is your most interesting comment to date IMO --LOL

All Catholics have been thinking pretty much the same thing, just didn't get around to putting it into words.

"interesting" doesn't begin to say it vis a vis this battle to re-take the Vatican!!!!!!!!

I don't think "all" Catholics think the same way. I think very many Catholics are unable to think hard enough to realize how wrong they are, like the person I mentioned earlier. They've gotten lazy.

It's going to be interesting watching them when they realize what's coming down the road towards them. I'm sure lots of them have good intentions but you know what they say about good intentions.

John the Baptist, the founder of the Baptist faith was Jesus Christ pastor and baptised him in the River Jordan.
St John did NOT found the Baptist church

The baptist church was an off shoot (not that IS a church... but anyhow).. an off shoot of one of the Luther off shoots...

Luther broke from the Church (not that you can really do that, but in appearances, he broke w/ it)

then people broke with Luther and one of those was the founder of the .. used to be called Anabaptists, then it got shorted to Baptist

I don't think "all" Catholics think the same way. I think very many Catholics are unable to think hard enough to realize how wrong they are, like the person I mentioned earlier. They've gotten lazy.

It's going to be interesting watching them when they realize what's coming down the road towards them. I'm sure lots of them have good intentions but you know what they say about good intentions.

well, I never fully understood that thing about how the road to hell is paved w/ good intentions. I mean, we do have to develop good intentions, and from those, we end up doing good things. but I guess the saying means that if that is all you ever have is good intentions and you never act on them... you'll end up in hell. Right?

Anyway, you are correct to mention that a lot of Catholics don't seem to have much interest in our WEIRD modern history, which is... here's that word again... said history is the most INTERESTING time of all IMO, yet not many know what is going on
well, that's nice and I'm happy for you

But Christ established a CHURCH, a visible City on a Hill that cannot be hidden.

You can call the Catholic Church whatever you want, but you cannot say it is hidden...

Try saying THAT :auiqs.jpg:

The "city on a hill" in Matthew 5:14 is not a physical church or a denomination. Right before that, Jesus said "you are the light of the world." He was talking about all genuine believers, who are supposed to be a light in this dark world. The words "A city on a hill cannot be hidden" is just an illustration of what He was saying.

And I really don't want to argue.... so we'll have to agree to disagree about the Catholic church.

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