Why the United States needs to remove President Biden and Kamala Harris from Office Immediately

Yes! The founders wanted that way. Why don't you respect our founders and their original intent?
So...let's look at a few other things that the Founders "didn't want".

women voting

slavery gone

the U.S. Air Force

Federal Interstate highways

Federal safety laws

Federal health laws

Social Security


You want all those gone too, right?
'Scuse me, but you missed the dead people's votes, assistance issues in getting confused people in nursing facilities votes counted as 100% Democrat results, boxes and boxes and more boxes of xeroxed votes submitted to the polls at 3 am the next morning being counted and again, 100% Democrat votes, whereas everybody else had more conservative percentages than liberals in non-swing states. Funny how so many of the boxed votes had no way of in-person validation of anything whatsoever. The stupid, braindead sheep become bright people again after they cheat their butts off at 3 am in every precinct controlled by the DNC that placed millions of manufactured votes nationwide that favored the same old precinct chairmen from coast to coast who think adding liberal votes and deleting conservative votes was necessary to win using compromised polls as "proof." Their problem is that someone honest saw what they were doing and complained, and after making their disgust known, wound up in DNC-controlled courts in which they became enemies of the republic and were thrown in jail needlessly for using their freedom of speech to show others the anomalies of voter fraud cheating other Americans who could and did prove their voter privileges with actual ids with accurate facial recognition presented.
Why do you always, always leave out Repubs that commit voter fraud?
'Scuse me, but you missed the dead people's votes, assistance issues in getting confused people in nursing facilities votes counted as 100% Democrat results, boxes and boxes and more boxes of xeroxed votes submitted to the polls at 3 am the next morning being counted and again, 100% Democrat votes, whereas everybody else had more conservative percentages than liberals in non-swing states. Funny how so many of the boxed votes had no way of in-person validation of anything whatsoever. The stupid, braindead sheep become bright people again after they cheat their butts off at 3 am in every precinct controlled by the DNC that placed millions of manufactured votes nationwide that favored the same old precinct chairmen from coast to coast who think adding liberal votes and deleting conservative votes was necessary to win using compromised polls as "proof." Their problem is that someone honest saw what they were doing and complained, and after making their disgust known, wound up in DNC-controlled courts in which they became enemies of the republic and were thrown in jail needlessly for using their freedom of speech to show others the anomalies of voter fraud cheating other Americans who could and did prove their voter privileges with actual ids with accurate facial recognition presented.
"the dead people's votes"..... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

So...let's look at a few other things that the Founders "didn't want".

women voting

slavery gone

the U.S. Air Force

Federal Interstate highways

Federal safety laws

Federal health laws

Social Security


You want all those gone too, right?
They did want marijuana left alone.
"the dead people's votes"..... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

The Repubs had two of their own vote fer dead people, one guy killed his wife and cast her vote and another had a wife pass away and voted for her, they were all mail-in ballots.
So...let's look at a few other things that the Founders "didn't want".

women voting

slavery gone

the U.S. Air Force

Federal Interstate highways

Federal safety laws

Federal health laws

Social Security


You want all those gone too, right?
I'm only focused on the president and Vice President. Kamala is not qualified per constitution.
So...let's look at a few other things that the Founders "didn't want".

women voting

slavery gone

the U.S. Air Force

Federal Interstate highways

Federal safety laws

Federal health laws

Social Security


You want all those gone too, right?
Many founders were frustrated by states whose livelihood and comfort depended on having slaves at their disposal whose only benefits were a roof over their heads and too small portion of the crops that fed and clothed them. Freedom from starvation is not the only asset free people have. So what the antislavery founders settled on was delay of freeing slaves in the south to have enough men in the colonial army to defeat the redcoats. It took them so long to organize a new government that many of the founders died off before emancipation could come about. That took three quarters of a century and a civil war to change.
So, by now, the entire planet must realize the election was stolen. No way this stammering fuckwit with a 1000-yard drooling stare got 81 million votes. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

biden entire planet.jpg
So...let's look at a few other things that the Founders "didn't want".

women voting

slavery gone

the U.S. Air Force

Federal Interstate highways

Federal safety laws

Federal health laws

Social Security


You want all those gone too, right?
Most of that yes
For all of that( nonsense) you made zero case for removing VP Harris.

One might think you were just politically motivated
She's a disaster. No way is she qualified to be the President of the United States.
Her Dear Leader should thank her for her devotional servitude. But he won't. He doesn't care about the "little people". He just uses them.
Yup. But he does want their money. Hope she is sending him lots and lots of cash.
Is that the same fantasy where JFK jr comes down from heaven to anoint the orange one?
Really, is that the best you can do? The Saudis played Fuckwad Biden for a fool and laughed about it and this is the best you can do.

Really, is that the best you can do? The Saudis played Fuckwad Biden for a fool and laughed about it and this is the best you can do.


Does that mean JFK Jr is not coming down to anoint the orange douche bag anytime soon?

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