Why the whining about men voting to overturn Roe v. Wade?

If the rumors about the voting lineup in the Supreme Court is to be believed a 5-4 majority is set to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Apparently this voting bloc consists of Barrett and three white male justices and Clarence Thomas. I've heard lots of complaints about a "group of men" voting to overturn Roe v. Wade.
It's a lazy attack because at the end of the day they can't attack the central argument at hand.
If the rumors about the voting lineup in the Supreme Court is to be believed a 5-4 majority is set to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Apparently this voting bloc consists of Barrett and three white male justices and Clarence Thomas. I've heard lots of complaints about a "group of men" voting to overturn Roe v. Wade.


It was a group of men (7) who voted in favor of Roe v. Wade in the first place. So aren't complaints about the group intending to vote against Roe today a bit hypocritical?
The three justices appointed by trump ( the biggest liar on the planet) all lied, they said that Roe versus Wade was settled precedent, which is defined as such; " in a legal context, this means that Court should abide by precedent and not disturb settled matters. " It's stood all kinds of attacks for almost 50 years, and now all of a sudden it's unconstitutional. I don't think so the only thing that has changed is the court it is now prejudiced and biased against abortion. That is something a court in a free Nation cannot be. I am not asking, I am demanding these three step down. Liars cannot be supreme Court justices, maybe in Russia but not in the United States.
If the rumors about the voting lineup in the Supreme Court is to be believed a 5-4 majority is set to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Apparently this voting bloc consists of Barrett and three white male justices and Clarence Thomas. I've heard lots of complaints about a "group of men" voting to overturn Roe v. Wade.


It was a group of men (7) who voted in favor of Roe v. Wade in the first place. So aren't complaints about the group intending to vote against Roe today a bit hypocritical?
The three justices appointed by trump ( the biggest liar on the planet) all lied, they said that Roe versus Wade was settled precedent, which is defined as such; " in a legal context, this means that Court should abide by precedent and not disturb settled matters. " It's stood all kinds of attacks for almost 50 years, and now all of a sudden it's unconstitutional. I don't think so the only thing that has changed is the court it is now prejudiced and biased against abortion. That is something a court in a free Nation cannot be. I am not asking, I am demanding these three step down. Liars cannot be supreme Court justices, maybe in Russia but not in the United States.
And we should reopen the sexual assault case against Brett kavanaugh. It was pushed through by Trump and wasn't thoroughly investigated. The rich little fat boy and his frat buddies most likely use the date rape drug which was very popular among unscrupulous young men in the college crowd at that time. The main victim and another victim described exactly what a person who is given the date rape drug feels. In the case of the main woman, the guys jumped on her too early, the drug hadn't taken full effect and she was aware of what they were trying to do. Her foggy memories of things after that point further point to the use of the date rape drug. I'm certain he would be found guilty if he was just given a lie detector test.
Big deal. They changed their minds about precedent.
It's something they're not supposed to do in the first place, if they intended to do it all along that is grounds for dismissal.
Big deal. They changed their minds about precedent.
They were under oath at the time. If you lie under oath you commit perjury. No supreme Court Justice can be kept on the bench if they commit perjury.
They were under oath at the time. If you lie under oath you commit perjury. No supreme Court Justice can be kept on the bench if they commit perjury.

And that is in the constitution where??
And that is in the constitution where??
Perjury is a class 3 felony. I don't think they allow felons on the supreme Court, at least they shouldn't. If they do, we're in big trouble.
Perjury is a class 3 felony. I don't think they allow felons on the supreme Court, at least they shouldn't. If they do, we're in big trouble.

Actually they do as there is NONE, that is NADA, NO, NONE, qualifications for the U.S. Supreme Court. No law degree. Not even have to be a citizen of the United States.
Actually they do as there is NONE, that is NADA, NO, NONE, qualifications for the U.S. Supreme Court. No law degree. Not even have to be a citizen of the United States.
Why did you ask the fucking question then. You keep on here are all fucked. Having criminals on the supreme Court isn't a good idea. A judge is the one person you should be able to trust with the truth. Right now our supreme Court means nothing. I actually believe people have gone insane in the far right. When you do unhanded wrongful things to achieve your goal what you think is right which is actually debatable then you've given up everything. And not to be trusted.
Actually they do as there is NONE, that is NADA, NO, NONE, qualifications for the U.S. Supreme Court. No law degree. Not even have to be a citizen of the United States.
I couldn't believe that was true. And it isn't. Although there are no formal qualifications to be appointed a supreme Court judge. The confirmation hearings are based on informal qualifications and above all honesty that's why they take it both to tell the truth. Other than being truthful they have to have a knowledge of the legal system and otherwise be qualified to fill the post. So in essence if a supreme Court judge commits perjury he can't be trusted about telling the truth so he should be dismissed.
I couldn't believe that was true. And it isn't. Although there are no formal qualifications to be appointed a supreme Court judge. The confirmation hearings are based on informal qualifications and above all honesty that's why they take it both to tell the truth. Other than being truthful they have to have a knowledge of the legal system and otherwise be qualified to fill the post. So in essence if a supreme Court judge commits perjury he can't be trusted about telling the truth so he should be dismissed.
Or is it impeached, I think I read somewhere that they get impeached.
I couldn't believe that was true. And it isn't. Although there are no formal qualifications to be appointed a supreme Court judge. The confirmation hearings are based on informal qualifications and above all honesty that's why they take it both to tell the truth. Other than being truthful they have to have a knowledge of the legal system and otherwise be qualified to fill the post. So in essence if a supreme Court judge commits perjury he can't be trusted about telling the truth so he should be dismissed.
Yeah, a SCOTUS justice should be able to determine the difference between a man and a woman or be dismissed as unqualified. BTW, a democrat controlled congress confirmed those three justices.
Yeah, a SCOTUS justice should be able to determine the difference between a man and a woman or be dismissed as unqualified. BTW, a democrat controlled congress confirmed those three justices.
At least they weren't liars and they're trying to keep up with modern society.

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