Why There is No Peace in America

Why do people that don't believe in the collective whine about shared goals?
Shared goals and collective ownership are two entirely different things.

We can have a shared goal of adequate sleep, but we don't have to share a bed.

Collective rights or ownership means NO ownership but a very few in power, with the excuse for not allowing the masses to partake pointing back to collective ownership.


Q: Who owns this food?

A: The people.

Q: I am one of the people. Can I eat some?

A: No. It belongs to the people.

Q: Who gets to eat it?

A: The people.

Q: But no person?

A: Now you get it.

Not talking about collective ownership.
Why do people that don't believe in the collective whine about shared goals?
Culture, common history and language (and religion) is what makes us a common People. A balkanized ghetto is the only alternative.

The idea of a homogenous "common people" is bullshit. The more diverse the culture, the more ideas and concepts can come bubbling through. I've lived in multicultural areas, and I've live among white people. I'll take the energy, enthusiasm, and wonderful mix of ideas and culture in diversity. It's what I miss most about living in the city.
We need a much more homogenized culture ...

Riiiight...... because there is no middle ground.

So, who gets to decide which individuals get to express themselves?
Freedom of expression is not the focus of the inquiry here, nor is it a problem. Common cause is.

What, precisely, is our 'common cause'?

Just curious.
According to the OP we have none. That is why you can't argue with a leftist.

If you ask me our common cause was alluded to in the preamble of our constitution.

Here’s the start of the constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Righties would call that “socialism “.
Not talking about collective ownership.
Collective interests? Collective rights?

What are you talking about?


The right to own property is a collective right. Everyone in society has the right to buy and to own property. Freedom of religion is a collective right. Collective interests are things like: clean water, clean air. Things which everyone in society benefits from.
I see the problem as right wingers that can't get it through their heads that America is not theirs to define.
I see that as being the problem of LEFT wingers, who not only define in deranged ways, but then expect everybody to go along.
The idea of a homogenous "common people" is bullshit. The more diverse the culture, the more ideas and concepts can come bubbling through. I've lived in multicultural areas, and I've live among white people. I'll take the energy, enthusiasm, and wonderful mix of ideas and culture in diversity. It's what I miss most about living in the city.
Multiculturalism is an abomination. People walking around unable to talk to each other, unable to socialize with one another, and just a tangle of squabbling nationalities (As Theodore Roosevelt put it)

A NATION is a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.

A multicultural community is NOT A NATION. It has no distinctive language or cuture. It's a disorganized, unefficient MISH-MASH. It's a MESS.
Give an example .
They define illegal immigration as good. It's harmful to America.

They accept Islam as a harmless religion. It is neither of these things.

They support Affirmative Action, which is highly racist, and then hypocritically condemn racism.

They get dozens of people killed in mass shootings while calling for gun-free zones, which are causing the killings.

They support lunacy in LGBT life sex perverts, and expect everyone else to accet it too. :cuckoo:
I see the problem as right wingers that can't get it through their heads that America is not theirs to define.
I see that as being the problem of LEFT wingers, who not only define in deranged ways, but then expect everybody to go along.

This is the way I thought it worked: if you don't go along with the right then you're simply un-American who lacks common sense. If you don't go along with the left then you must be an uneducated racist and a homophobic besides.

Middle roaders like myself exhibit tendencies of both. :confused:
I see the problem as right wingers that can't get it through their heads that America is not theirs to define.

I see the problem as right wingers that can't get it through their heads that America is not theirs to define.
I see that as being the problem of LEFT wingers, who not only define in deranged ways, but then expect everybody to go along.

This is the way I thought it worked: if you don't go along with the right then you're simply un-American who lacks common sense. If you don't go along with the left then you must be an uneducated racist and a homophobic besides.

Middle roaders like myself exhibit tendencies of both. :confused:

You couldn’t be more wrong...see, America has been well defined for more than two centuries....“Righties” aim to preserve those very definitions, the definitions which made America the greatest nation on earth, while Lefties seek to “progress” and change all that made America....AMERICA.
Why do people that don't believe in the collective whine about shared goals?
Culture, common history and language (and religion) is what makes us a common People. A balkanized ghetto is the only alternative.

The idea of a homogenous "common people" is bullshit. The more diverse the culture, the more ideas and concepts can come bubbling through. I've lived in multicultural areas, and I've live among white people. I'll take the energy, enthusiasm, and wonderful mix of ideas and culture in diversity. It's what I miss most about living in the city.

Yes, white people are bland, boring, and bad, blah blah blah ... we've heard it all before.

And you don't move back to the city, because ... why, exactly?
Individualism is that which destroys the common cause and creates our balkanized ghetto.

Your belief is in-line with fascist ideology.
That doesn't make me a fascist. Nor does it invalidate the point.

Individual rights is what set American citizens apart from the rest of the world. It probably helped the U.S. to achieve the spectacular successes that it has achieved and has given American citizens a very good standard of living. Why would you want to change it?

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